gen.usability.matrix <- function(dsa, survey.str){ #define special values to detect #order of this values is important: # in case of conflicts @ chk.t types of questions the order sets the priporty of which values to keep special.v <- c(-1, -3, -5, -96, -97, -98, -99, -4, -2) #define which variables belong to checkbox-like* questions #(* i.e.: check for special values @ ANY variable per question/item ID) # 2: normal checkbox # 16: multicheckbox # 17: ranking chkbox.t <- c(2, 16, 17) ##all other variables belong to normal** questions #(** i.e.: check for special values @ each variable per question/item ID) #if there are no normal questions, create 0 matrix, otherwise... if(nrow(survey.str[!(tip %in% chkbox.t),])==0){ m.n <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(dsa), ncol=length(special.v)+1) }else{ #create list of all normal questions c.n <- colnames(dsa)[which(colnames(dsa) %in% survey.str[!(tip %in% chkbox.t), variable])] #...count all non-special values for each variable #... + count each special value for each variable m.n <- cbind(rowSums(sapply(dsa[, c.n, with=FALSE], function(x){!(x %in% special.v)})), sapply(special.v, function(x){as.integer(rowSums(dsa[, c.n, with=FALSE]==x, na.rm=TRUE))})) } ##procedure for tip:2 #only run if there is an at least one tip:2 variable if(survey.str[, any(tip==2)]){ #get list of all unique tip:2 question ids q.2 <- unique(survey.str[tip==2,]) #get list of all corresponding variables for each q.2 id c.2 <- lapply(q.2, function(x){colnames(dsa)[which(colnames(dsa) %in% survey.str[ & tip==2, variable])]}) #(do this for each instance in c.2): #for each set of variables: # check if any variable contains at least one non-special value # + (for each special value) check if any variable contains at least special value m.2 <- lapply(c.2, function(x){ cbind(apply(dsa[, x, with=FALSE], 1, function(q){any(!(q %in% special.v))}), sapply(special.v, function(y){ apply(dsa[, x, with=FALSE], 1, function(q){any(q==y)}) }) ) }) # (do this for each instance in c.2) # if multiple special values per respondent exist, keep only the first one m.2 <- lapply(m.2, function(x){ if(any(rowSums(x)>1)){ p <- x[rowSums(x)>1,] for(i in 1:nrow(p)){ a <- p[i,] f <- TRUE for(j in 1:length(a)){ print(j) if(a[j] & f){ f <- FALSE }else if(a[j] & !f){ a[j] <- FALSE } } p[i,] <- a } x[rowSums(x)>1,] <- p }else{x} }) #add to m.n m.n <- m.n + Reduce('+', m.2) } ##procedure for tip:16 #only run if there is an at least one tip:16 variable if(survey.str[, any(tip==16)]){ #get list of all unique tip:16 item ids q.16 <- unique(survey.str[tip==16,]) #get list of all corresponding variables for each q.16 id c.16 <- lapply(q.16, function(x){colnames(dsa)[which(colnames(dsa) %in% survey.str[ & tip==16, variable])]}) #(do this for each special value): #for each set of variables, check if any variable contains at least one special value # m.16 <- sapply(special.v, function(x){ # rowSums(sapply(c.16, function(y){ # apply(dsa[, y, with=FALSE], 1, function(q){any(q==x)}) # })) # }) #(do this for each instance in c.16): #for each set of variables: # check if any variable contains at least one non-special value # + (for each special value) check if any variable contains at least special value m.16 <- lapply(c.16, function(x){ cbind(apply(dsa[, x, with=FALSE], 1, function(q){any(!(q %in% special.v))}), sapply(special.v, function(y){ apply(dsa[, x, with=FALSE], 1, function(q){any(q==y)}) }) ) }) # (do this for each instance in c.16) # if multiple special values per respondent exist, keep only the first one m.16 <- lapply(m.16, function(x){ if(any(rowSums(x)>1)){ p <- x[rowSums(x)>1,] for(i in 1:nrow(p)){ a <- p[i,] f <- TRUE for(j in 1:length(a)){ print(j) if(a[j] & f){ f <- FALSE }else if(a[j] & !f){ a[j] <- FALSE } } p[i,] <- a } x[rowSums(x)>1,] <- p }else{x} }) m.n <- m.n + Reduce('+', m.16) } ##procedure for tip:17 #only run if there is an at least one tip:17 variable if(survey.str[, any(tip==17)]){ #get list of all unique tip:17 question ids q.17 <- unique(survey.str[tip==17,]) #get list of all corresponding variables for each q.17 id c.17 <- lapply(q.17, function(x){colnames(dsa)[which(colnames(dsa) %in% survey.str[ & tip==17, variable])]}) #similiar procedure as for tip:2 and tip:16.... m.17 <- lapply(c.17, function(x){ cbind(apply(dsa[, x, with=FALSE], 1, function(q){any(!(q %in% special.v))}), sapply(special.v, function(y){ apply(dsa[, x, with=FALSE], 1, function(q){any(q==y)}) }) ) }) #... the only difference is that we are checking for all rowsums > 0, not > 1 m.17 <- lapply(m.17, function(x){ if(any(rowSums(x)>1)){ p <- x[rowSums(x)>0,] for(i in 1:nrow(p)){ a <- p[i,] f <- TRUE for(j in 1:length(a)){ if(a[j] & f){ f <- FALSE }else if(a[j] & !f){ a[j] <- FALSE } } p[i,] <- a } x[rowSums(x)>0,] <- p }else{x} }) m.n <- m.n + Reduce('+', m.17) } m.n <- cbind(m.n, rowSums(m.n)) if(all(m.n[, ncol(m.n)][1]==m.n[, ncol(m.n)])){ m.n <- m.n[, recnum:=dsa$recnum] setnames(m.n, colnames(m.n)[-length(colnames(m.n))], c("va", "v1", "v3", "v5", "v96", "v97", "v98", "v99", "v4", "v2", "allqs")) setcolorder(m.n, c("recnum", colnames(m.n)[-length(colnames(m.n))])) return(m.n) }else{ print("not all rowsums equal!") } }