eduroamLogin(); } if ($admin_type > -1) { $this->ZePrijavljen = true; $this->LoggingIn = false; $sql = sisplet_query ("SELECT name, surname, lang FROM users WHERE email='" .base64_decode ($_COOKIE['uid']) ."'"); if ($r = mysqli_fetch_row ($sql)) { $this->ime = $r[0]; $this->priimek = $r[1]; if (is_numeric ($r[2]) && $r[2] != "0" && $r[2]!=$lang['id']) { unset ($lang); include ($site_path .'lang/' .$r[2] .'.php'); } $this->ime = CleanXSS ($this->ime); $this->priimek = CleanXSS ($this->priimek); } else { mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS['connect_db'],"meta"); $sql = sisplet_query ("SELECT ime, priimek FROM administratorji WHERE email='" .base64_decode ($_COOKIE['uid']) ."'"); $r = mysqli_fetch_row ($sql); $this->ime = $r[0]; $this->priimek = $r[0]; mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS['connect_db'],$mysql_database_name); } } else { if (isset ($_POST['mail'])) $this->email = strtolower ($_POST['mail']); if (isset ($_GET['mail'])) $this->email = strtolower ($_GET['mail']); if (isset ($_POST['pass'])) $this->pass = $_POST['pass']; $this->email = CleanXSS ($this->email); $this->pass = CleanXSS ($this->pass); $this->LoggingIn = true; } } function eduroamAnotherServerLogin() { global $pass_salt; global $cookie_domain; global $originating_domain; global $keep_domain; // Popravimo string iz geta, ker ima nekje + namesto space $repaired_string = str_replace(' ', '+', $_GET['s']); // malo manj varno, ampak bo OK. $klobasa = base64_decode($repaired_string); // Dobimo array parametrov iz get-a $data = explode ("|", $klobasa); // Pridobimo maile - mozno da jih je vec, potem vzamemo prvega $mails = explode(";", $data[0]); sort($mails); $mail = $mails[0]; $ime = $data[1]; $priimek = $data[2]; $njegova = $data[3]; $moja = $data[4]; // Preverimo ce ima veljaven token (najprej pobrisemo stare) sisplet_query ("DELETE FROM aai_prenosi WHERE timestamp < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 600);"); $res = sisplet_query ("SELECT * FROM aai_prenosi WHERE moja='" .$moja ."' AND njegova='" .$njegova ."'"); if (mysqli_num_rows ($res) > 0) { $pass = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', "e5zhbWRTEGW&u375ejsznrtztjhdtz%WZ&" .$pass_salt))); // Preverimo ce obstaja user v bazi $result = sisplet_query ("SELECT pass, id FROM users WHERE email='" .$mail ."'"); if (mysqli_num_rows ($result) == 0) { // dodaj ga v bazo $pass = base64_encode(hash('SHA256', "e5zhbWRTEGW&u375ejsznrtztjhdtz%WZ&" .$pass_salt)); sisplet_query ("INSERT INTO users (email, name, surname, type, pass, eduroam, when_reg) VALUES ('$mail', '$ime', '$priimek', '3', '" .$pass ."', '1', NOW())"); // Pridobimo id dodanega userja $user_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } else { // potegni geslo in mu daj kuki $r = mysqli_fetch_row ($result); $pass = $r[0]; $user_id = $r[1]; } $result = sisplet_query ("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what='CookieLife'"); $row = mysqli_fetch_row ($result); $LifeTime = $row[0]; // Zlogiramo login sisplet_query ("UPDATE users SET last_login=NOW() WHERE id='".$user_id."'"); // določi še, od kje se je prijavil $hostname=""; $headers = apache_request_headers(); if (array_key_exists('X-Forwarded-For', $headers)){ $hostname=$headers['X-Forwarded-For']; } else { $hostname=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } sisplet_query ("INSERT INTO user_login_tracker (uid, IP, kdaj) VALUES ('".$user_id."', '" .$hostname ."', NOW())"); setcookie ("uid", base64_encode($mail), time()+$LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain); setcookie ("secret", $pass, time()+$LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain); // moram vedeti, da je AAI! setcookie ("aai", '1', '/', $cookie_domain); $this->ZePrijavljen = true; // Preveri ce moramo po registraciji vrec na kak URL $rt = sisplet_query ("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what='AfterReg'"); $rxx = mysqli_fetch_row ($rt); if (strlen ($rxx[0]) > 3){ $rxx[0] = str_replace ($originating_domain, $keep_domain, $rxx[0]); header ('location: ' .$rxx[0] .'?&l=1'); } else header ('location: /index.php'); } else header ('location: /index.php'); } function eduroamLogin() { global $pass_salt; global $cookie_domain; global $originating_domain; global $keep_domain; $mail = $_SERVER['mail']; $ime = $_SERVER['givenName']; $priimek = $_SERVER['sn']; $pass = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', "e5zhbWRTEGW&u375ejsznrtztjhdtz%WZ&" .$pass_salt))); $result = sisplet_query ("SELECT pass, id FROM users WHERE email='" .$mail ."'"); if (mysqli_num_rows ($result) == 0) { // dodaj ga v bazo $pass = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', "e5zhbWRTEGW&u375ejsznrtztjhdtz%WZ&" .$pass_salt))); sisplet_query ("INSERT INTO users (email, name, surname, type, pass, eduroam) VALUES ('$mail', '$ime', '$priimek', '3', '" .$pass ."', '1')"); // Pridobimo id dodanega userja $user_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } else { // potegni geslo in mu daj kuki $r = mysqli_fetch_row ($result); $pass = $r[0]; $user_id = $r[1]; } $result = sisplet_query ("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what='CookieLife'"); $row = mysqli_fetch_row ($result); $LifeTime = $row[0]; sisplet_query ("UPDATE users SET last_login=NOW() WHERE id='" .$user_id ."'"); // določi še, od kje se je prijavil $hostname=""; $headers = apache_request_headers(); if (array_key_exists('X-Forwarded-For', $headers)){ $hostname=$headers['X-Forwarded-For']; } else { $hostname=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } sisplet_query ("INSERT INTO user_login_tracker (uid, IP, kdaj) VALUES ('" .$user_id ."', '" .$hostname ."', NOW())"); setcookie ("uid", base64_encode($mail), time()+$LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain); setcookie ("secret", $pass, time()+$LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain); setcookie("unam", base64_encode($ime.' '.$priimek),time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain); // moram vedeti, da je AAI! setcookie("aai", '1', time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain); // Piškotek za cca. 10 let, da mu naslednjić ponudimo prijavno setcookie('external-login', '1', time()+280000000, '/', $cookie_domain); $this->ZePrijavljen = true; // Preveri ce moramo po registraciji vrec na kak URL $rt = sisplet_query ("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what='AfterReg'"); $rxx = mysqli_fetch_row ($rt); if (strlen ($rxx[0]) > 3){ $rxx[0] = str_replace ($originating_domain, $keep_domain, $rxx[0]); header ('location: ' .$rxx[0] .'?&l=1'); } else header ('location: /index.php'); } function GoogleLogin () { require_once ('../function/JWT.php'); global $google_login_client_id; global $google_login_client_secret; global $site_url; global $lang; global $proxy; $oauth2_code = $_GET['code']; $discovery = json_decode(file_get_contents('')); if ($proxy != "") { $ctx = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => http_build_query(array( 'client_id' => $google_login_client_id, 'client_secret' => $google_login_client_secret, 'code' => $oauth2_code, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri' => $site_url .'utils/google-oauth2.php', 'openid.realm' => $site_url, )), 'proxy' => 'tcp://' .$proxy, ), )); } else { $ctx = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => http_build_query(array( 'client_id' => $google_login_client_id, 'client_secret' => $google_login_client_secret, 'code' => $oauth2_code, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri' => $site_url .'utils/google-oauth2.php', 'openid.realm' => $site_url, )), ), )); } $resp = file_get_contents($discovery->token_endpoint, false, $ctx); if (!$resp) { // $http_response_header here got magically populated by file_get_contents(), surprise echo '

' .$lang['oid_auth_rejected'] .'

'; echo '

' .$lang['google_auth_rejected'] .'

'; echo ''; } $resp = json_decode($resp); $access_token = $resp->access_token; $id_token = $resp->id_token; // Skip JWT verification: we got it directly from Google via https, nothing could go wrong. $id_payload = JWT::decode($resp->id_token, null, false); if (!$id_payload->sub) { echo '

' .$lang['oid_auth_rejected'] .'

'; echo '

' .$lang['google_auth_rejected'] .'

'; echo ''; } $user_id = 'google+' . $id_payload->sub; $user_email = $id_payload->email; if ($user_email != '' && $user_id != '') { $this->email = $user_email; $res = sisplet_query ("SELECT pass FROM users WHERE email='" .$user_email ."'"); // Je noter, ga samo prijavim... if (mysqli_num_rows ($res) > 0) { $r = mysqli_fetch_row ($res); $this->EncPass = $r[0]; $this->Login(); } // Ni se registriran, ga je potrebno dodati na prijavno formo else { // geslo med 00000 in zzzzz $this->pass = base_convert(mt_rand(0x19A100, 0x39AA3FF), 10, 36); $this->EncPass = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', $this->pass .$pass_salt))); $this->email = $user_email; $fn = explode ("@", $user_email); sisplet_query ("INSERT INTO users (name, surname, email, pass, lang, when_reg) VALUES ('".$fn[0]."', '', '".$user_email."', '".$this->EncPass."', '".(isset ($_GET['regFromEnglish']) && $_GET['regFromEnglish']=="1"?'2':'1')."', NOW())"); $uid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); sisplet_query ("INSERT INTO oid_users (uid) VALUES ('$uid')"); // prijavi $this->Login(); } } } function Login () { global $mysql_database_name; global $site_url; global $lang; global $pass_salt; global $cookie_domain; global $originating_domain; global $keep_domain; // if ($this->LoggingIn == true) { $mini = $this->email .$this->pass; for ($Stevec=0; $Stevec 0) { $r = mysqli_fetch_row ($sql); // BAN if ($r[2] == 0) { header('Location: ' .$site_url .'index.php?fl=8&lact=12&ban=1&em=' .$this->email); die(); } if (base64_encode((hash('SHA256', $this->pass .$pass_salt))) == $r[1] || $this->EncPass == $r[1]) { sisplet_query ("UPDATE users SET last_login=NOW() WHERE id='" .$r[3] ."'"); // določi še, od kje se je prijavil $hostname=""; $headers = apache_request_headers(); if (array_key_exists('X-Forwarded-For', $headers)){ $hostname=$headers['X-Forwarded-For']; } else { $hostname=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } sisplet_query ("INSERT INTO user_login_tracker (uid, IP, kdaj) VALUES ('" .$r[3] ."', '" .$hostname ."', NOW())"); setcookie ("uid", base64_encode($this->email), time()+$LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain); setcookie("unam", base64_encode($r[4].' '.$r[5]),time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain); setcookie ("secret", $r[1], time()+$LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain); if ($r[2] == "2" || $r[2] == "6") { setcookie ("P", time(), time()+$LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain); } $this->ZePrijavljen = true; if (isset ($_POST['l']) && $_POST['l']!='') { header ('location: ' .$site_url .str_replace (base64_decode($_POST['l']), $site_url, "")); } // Preveri ce moramo po registraciji vrec na kak URL $rt = sisplet_query ("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what='AfterReg'"); $rxx = mysqli_fetch_row ($rt); if (strlen ($rxx[0]) > 3) { $rxx[0] = str_replace ($originating_domain, $keep_domain, $rxx[0]); header ('location: ' .$rxx[0] .'?&l=1'); } else { $CheckCasovnice = sisplet_query ("SELECT * FROM misc WHERE what='TimeTables' AND value='1'"); if (mysqli_num_rows ($CheckCasovnice) != 0) { if (!isset ($_GET['l'])) header('Location: ' .$site_url .'index.php?fl=13'); else header('Location: ' .base64_decode($_GET['l']) .'&l=1'); } else { if (!isset ($_GET['l'])) header('Location: ' .$site_url .'?l=1'); else header('Location: ' .base64_decode($_GET['l']) .'?&l=1'); } } } else { // Password prompt header ('location: ' .$site_url .'index.php?fl=8&lact=20&em=' .$this->email .(isset ($_GET['l'])?'&l=' .$_GET['l']:'')); die(); } } else { // Ni kul mail header ('location: ' .$site_url .'index.php?fl=8&lact=10&em=' .$this->email .(isset ($_GET['l'])?'&l=' .$_GET['l']:'')); die(); } } function Logout ($gohome='1') { global $site_url; global $cookie_domain; global $global_user_id; setcookie ('uid', '', time()-3600, '/', $cookie_domain); setcookie ('secret', '', time()-3600, '/', $cookie_domain); setcookie ('ME', '', time()-3600, '/', $cookie_domain); setcookie ('P', '', time()-3600, '/', $cookie_domain); setcookie ("AN", '', time()-3600, '/', $cookie_domain); setcookie ("AS", '', time()-3600, '/', $cookie_domain); setcookie ("AT", '', time()-3600, '/', $cookie_domain); setcookie("DP", $p, time()-3600*24*365, "/", $cookie_domain); setcookie("DC", $p, time()-3600*24*365, "/", $cookie_domain); setcookie("DI", $p, time()-3600*24*365, "/", $cookie_domain); setcookie("SO", $p, time()-3600*24*365, "/", $cookie_domain); setcookie("SPO", $p, time()-3600*24*365, "/", $cookie_domain); setcookie("SL", $p, time()-3600*24*365, "/", $cookie_domain); // pobrisi se naddomeno! ( naj pobrise se if (substr_count ($cookie_domain, ".") > 1) { $nd = substr ($cookie_domain, strpos ($cookie_domain, ".")+1); setcookie ('uid', '', time()-3600, '/', $nd); setcookie ('secret', '', time()-3600, '/', $nd); setcookie ('ME', '', time()-3600, '/', $nd); setcookie ('P', '', time()-3600, '/', $nd); setcookie ("AN", '', time()-3600, '/', $nd); setcookie ("AS", '', time()-3600, '/', $nd); setcookie ("AT", '', time()-3600, '/', $nd); setcookie("DP", $p, time()-3600*24*365, "/", $nd); setcookie("DC", $p, time()-3600*24*365, "/", $nd); setcookie("DI", $p, time()-3600*24*365, "/", $nd); setcookie("SO", $p, time()-3600*24*365, "/", $nd); setcookie("SPO", $p, time()-3600*24*365, "/", $nd); setcookie("SL", $p, time()-3600*24*365, "/", $nd); } if (isset($_COOKIE['aai']) && !empty ($_COOKIE['aai']) && $_COOKIE['aai']=="1") { setcookie ("aai", '', time()-3600, '/', $cookie_domain); header ('location:'); die(); } // Preusmerimo na domaco stran if ($gohome=='1') header('Location:' .$site_url); } function FBLogin() { global $facebook_appid; global $facebook_appsecret; global $cookie_path; if ($r = file_get_contents ("" .$facebook_appid ."&redirect_uri=" .$facebook_appsecret ."&code=" .$_GET['code'])) { $at = json_decode ($r); $user = json_decode(file_get_contents(',first_name,last_name&access_token=' .$at->{'access_token'})); if (!isset ($user->email) && isset ($user->name)) { $user->email = str_replace(" ", ".", $user->first_name ."." .$user->last_name) .""; } $old_email = str_replace(" ", ".", $user->first_name ."." .$user->last_name) .""; $old_email = str_replace (array(" ","č","ć","Č","Ć","ž","Ž","š","Š","đ","Đ"), array(".","c","c","C","C","z","Z","s","S","d","D"), $old_email); // preveri email, ce ga imas v bazi: if (isset ($user->email) && $user->email!='') { $result = sisplet_query ("select, u.surname,,, u.pass FROM users u, fb_users f WHERE AND'" .str_replace ("'", '', $user->email) ."'"); if (mysqli_num_rows ($result)==0) { $result2 = sisplet_query ("select FROM users u LEFT JOIN fb_users f on ( where'" .str_replace ("'", '', $old_email) ."'"); if (mysqli_num_rows ($result2)>0) { $r2 = mysqli_fetch_row ($result2); $result3 = sisplet_query ("SELECT id FROM users WHERE email='" .$user->email ."'"); if (mysqli_num_rows ($result3) > 0) { $real_id = mysqli_fetch_row ($result3); // moramo popravljati IDje in jebat ježa // iz "pravega" skopiram geslo na "fb", "fb" popravim v pravega in pravega dizejblam. In iz pravega vse srv_dpstop popravim na "fb" sisplet_query ("UPDATE users a, users b SET a.pass=b.pass WHERE'" .str_replace ("'", '', $old_email) ."' AND'" .str_replace ("'", '', $user->email) ."'"); sisplet_query ("UPDATE users SET email=CONCAT('D3LMD-' , email) WHERE email='" .str_replace ("'", '', $user->email) ."'"); if ($real_id[0] > 0 && $r2[0] > 0) { sisplet_query ("UPDATE srv_dostop SET uid=" .$r2[0] ." WHERE uid=" .$real_id[0]); } } sisplet_query ("UPDATE users SET email='" .str_replace ("'", '', $user->email) ."' WHERE id='" .$r2[0] ."'"); } } $result = sisplet_query ("select, u.surname, IF(ISNULL(,'0',,, u.pass FROM users u LEFT JOIN fb_users f on ( where'" .str_replace ("'", '', $user->email) ."'"); // je noter, preveri ce je v FB (podatki, podatki!) if (mysqli_num_rows ($result)>0) { $r = mysqli_fetch_row ($result); if ($r[2]!='0') { // samo prijavi $this->EncPass = $r[4]; $this->email = str_replace (" ", ".", $user->email); $this->Login(); } else { // dodaj FB podatke in prijavi if (isset ($user->first_name)) $fn = $user->first_name; else $fn = $r[0]; if (isset ($user->last_name)) $ln = $user->last_name; else $ln = $r[1]; if (isset ($user->gender)) $gn = $user->gender; else $gn = ''; if (isset ($user->profile_link)) $pl = $user->profile_link; else $pl = ''; if (isset ($user->timezone)) $tz = $user->timezone; else $tz = ''; sisplet_query ("INSERT INTO fb_users (uid, first_name, last_name, gender, timezone, profile_link) VALUES ('" .$r[3] ."', '" .$fn ."', '" .$ln ."', '" .$gn ."', '" .$tz ."', '" .$pl ."')"); // Prijaviga :) $this->EncPass = $r[4]; $this->email = $user->email; $this->Login(); } } else { // registriraj, dodaj FB podatke in prijavi // dodaj FB podatke in prijavi if (isset ($user->first_name)) $fn = $user->first_name; else $fn = str_replace (" ", ".", $r[0]); if (isset ($user->last_name)) $ln = $user->last_name; else $ln = $r[1]; if (isset ($user->gender)) $gn = $user->gender; else $gn = ''; if (isset ($user->profile_link)) $pl = $user->profile_link; else $pl = ''; if (isset ($user->timezone)) $tz = $user->timezone; else $tz = ''; // geslo med 00000 in zzzzz $this->pass = base_convert(mt_rand(0x19A100, 0x39AA3FF), 10, 36); $this->EncPass = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', $this->pass .$pass_salt))); $this->email = str_replace (array(" ","č","ć","Č","Ć","ž","Ž","š","Š","đ","Đ"), array(".","c","c","C","C","z","Z","s","S","d","D"), $user->email); //sisplet_query ("INSERT INTO users (name, surname, email, pass, when_reg) VALUES ('" .iconv('utf-8', 'iso-8859-2//TRANSLIT', $fn) ."', '" .iconv('utf-8', 'iso-8859-2//TRANSLIT',$ln) ."', '" .iconv('utf-8', 'iso-8859-2//TRANSLIT',$this->email) ."', '" .$this->EncPass ."', NOW())"); sisplet_query ("INSERT INTO users (name, surname, email, pass, when_reg) VALUES ('" . $fn ."', '" . $ln ."', '" .iconv('utf-8', 'iso-8859-2//TRANSLIT',$this->email) ."', '" .$this->EncPass ."', NOW())"); $uid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); //sisplet_query ("INSERT INTO fb_users (uid, first_name, last_name, gender, timezone, profile_link) VALUES ('" .$uid ."', '" .iconv('utf-8', 'iso-8859-2//TRANSLIT',$fn) ."', '" .iconv('utf-8', 'iso-8859-2//TRANSLIT',$ln) ."', '" .$gn ."', '" .$tz ."', '" .$pl ."')"); sisplet_query ("INSERT INTO fb_users (uid, first_name, last_name, gender, timezone, profile_link) VALUES ('" .$uid ."', '" . $fn ."', '" . $ln ."', '" .$gn ."', '" .$tz ."', '" .$pl ."')"); // prijavi $this->Login(); } } } } } // popravek, FB sprememba... function get_facebook_cookie($app_id, $app_secret) { if ($_COOKIE['fbsr_' . $app_id] != '') { return get_new_facebook_cookie($app_id, $app_secret); } else { return get_old_facebook_cookie($app_id, $app_secret); } } function get_old_facebook_cookie($app_id, $app_secret) { $args = array(); parse_str(trim($_COOKIE['fbs_' . $app_id], '\\"'), $args); ksort($args); $payload = ''; foreach ($args as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'sig') { $payload .= $key . '=' . $value; } } if (md5($payload . $app_secret) != $args['sig']) { return array(); } return $args; } function get_new_facebook_cookie($app_id, $app_secret) { $signed_request = parse_signed_request($_COOKIE['fbsr_' . $app_id], $app_secret); // $signed_request should now have most of the old elements $signed_request[uid] = $signed_request[user_id]; // for compatibility if (!is_null($signed_request)) { // the cookie is valid/signed correctly // lets change "code" into an "access_token" $access_token_response = file_get_contents("$app_id&redirect_uri=&client_secret=$app_secret&code=$signed_request[code]"); parse_str($access_token_response); $signed_request[access_token] = $access_token; $signed_request[expires] = time() + $expires; } return $signed_request; } function parse_signed_request($signed_request, $secret) { list($encoded_sig, $payload) = explode('.', $signed_request, 2); // decode the data $sig = base64_url_decode($encoded_sig); $data = json_decode(base64_url_decode($payload), true); if (strtoupper($data['algorithm']) !== 'HMAC-SHA256') { error_log('Unknown algorithm. Expected HMAC-SHA256'); return null; } // check sig $expected_sig = hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $secret, $raw = true); if ($sig !== $expected_sig) { error_log('Bad Signed JSON signature!'); return null; } return $data; } function base64_url_decode($input) { return base64_decode(strtr($input, '-_', '+/')); }