loadJWK($data); } /** * @return ECKey */ public static function createFromPEM(string $pem): self { $data = self::loadPEM($pem); return new self($data); } /** * @throws \Exception */ private static function loadPEM(string $data): array { $data = \base64_decode(\preg_replace('#-.*-|\r|\n#', '', $data), true); $asnObject = ASNObject::fromBinary($data); if (!$asnObject instanceof Sequence) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to load the key.'); } $children = $asnObject->getChildren(); if (self::isPKCS8($children)) { $children = self::loadPKCS8($children); } if (4 === \count($children)) { return self::loadPrivatePEM($children); } if (2 === \count($children)) { return self::loadPublicPEM($children); } throw new \Exception('Unable to load the key.'); } /** * @param ASNObject[] $children */ private static function loadPKCS8(array $children): array { $binary = \hex2bin($children[2]->getContent()); $asnObject = ASNObject::fromBinary($binary); if (!$asnObject instanceof Sequence) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to load the key.'); } return $asnObject->getChildren(); } /** * @param ASNObject[] $children */ private static function loadPublicPEM(array $children): array { if (!$children[0] instanceof Sequence) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported key type.'); } $sub = $children[0]->getChildren(); if (!$sub[0] instanceof ObjectIdentifier) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported key type.'); } if ('1.2.840.10045.2.1' !== $sub[0]->getContent()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported key type.'); } if (!$sub[1] instanceof ObjectIdentifier) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported key type.'); } if (!$children[1] instanceof BitString) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to load the key.'); } $bits = $children[1]->getContent(); $bits_length = \mb_strlen($bits, '8bit'); if ('04' !== \mb_substr($bits, 0, 2, '8bit')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported key type'); } $values = ['kty' => 'EC']; $values['crv'] = self::getCurve($sub[1]->getContent()); $values['x'] = Base64Url::encode(\hex2bin(\mb_substr($bits, 2, ($bits_length - 2) / 2, '8bit'))); $values['y'] = Base64Url::encode(\hex2bin(\mb_substr($bits, ($bits_length - 2) / 2 + 2, ($bits_length - 2) / 2, '8bit'))); return $values; } private static function getCurve(string $oid): string { $curves = self::getSupportedCurves(); $curve = \array_search($oid, $curves, true); if (!\is_string($curve)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported OID.'); } return $curve; } private static function getSupportedCurves(): array { return [ 'P-256' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.7', 'P-384' => '', 'P-521' => '', ]; } private static function verifyVersion(ASNObject $children) { if (!$children instanceof Integer || '1' !== $children->getContent()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to load the key.'); } } private static function getXAndY(ASNObject $children, ?string &$x, ?string &$y) { if (!$children instanceof ExplicitlyTaggedObject || !\is_array($children->getContent())) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to load the key.'); } if (!$children->getContent()[0] instanceof BitString) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to load the key.'); } $bits = $children->getContent()[0]->getContent(); $bits_length = \mb_strlen($bits, '8bit'); if ('04' !== \mb_substr($bits, 0, 2, '8bit')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported key type'); } $x = \mb_substr($bits, 2, ($bits_length - 2) / 2, '8bit'); $y = \mb_substr($bits, ($bits_length - 2) / 2 + 2, ($bits_length - 2) / 2, '8bit'); } private static function getD(ASNObject $children): string { if (!$children instanceof OctetString) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to load the key.'); } return $children->getContent(); } private static function loadPrivatePEM(array $children): array { self::verifyVersion($children[0]); $x = null; $y = null; $d = self::getD($children[1]); self::getXAndY($children[3], $x, $y); if (!$children[2] instanceof ExplicitlyTaggedObject || !\is_array($children[2]->getContent())) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to load the key.'); } if (!$children[2]->getContent()[0] instanceof ObjectIdentifier) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to load the key.'); } $curve = $children[2]->getContent()[0]->getContent(); $values = ['kty' => 'EC']; $values['crv'] = self::getCurve($curve); $values['d'] = Base64Url::encode(\hex2bin($d)); $values['x'] = Base64Url::encode(\hex2bin($x)); $values['y'] = Base64Url::encode(\hex2bin($y)); return $values; } /** * @param ASNObject[] $children */ private static function isPKCS8(array $children): bool { if (3 !== \count($children)) { return false; } $classes = [0 => Integer::class, 1 => Sequence::class, 2 => OctetString::class]; foreach ($classes as $k => $class) { if (!$children[$k] instanceof $class) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @param ECKey $private * * @return ECKey */ public static function toPublic(self $private): self { $data = $private->toArray(); if (\array_key_exists('d', $data)) { unset($data['d']); } return new self($data); } /** * @return array */ public function toArray() { return $this->values; } private function loadJWK(array $jwk) { $keys = [ 'kty' => 'The key parameter "kty" is missing.', 'crv' => 'Curve parameter is missing', 'x' => 'Point parameters are missing.', 'y' => 'Point parameters are missing.', ]; foreach ($keys as $k => $v) { if (!\array_key_exists($k, $jwk)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($v); } } if ('EC' !== $jwk['kty']) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('JWK is not an Elliptic Curve key.'); } $this->values = $jwk; } }