local options = { brightness = 0.2, flight = false, mouseSensetivity = 0.1, renderDistance = 2, resolutionScale = 1.0, targetFps = 60, vsync = false, wireframe = false } function OpenOptions(doc) optionsReturnDocument = doc local optionsDoc = {} for i,d in ipairs(rmlui.contexts["default"].documents) do if d.title == "Options" then optionsDoc = d end end doc:Hide() optionsDoc:Show() optionsDoc.style["background-color"] = doc.style["background-color"] end function CloseOptions(doc) for i, v in pairs(options) do local input = doc:GetElementById(i) if type(v) == "number" then local val = input:GetAttribute("value") if i == "targetFps" and val == 301 then AC.Settings.WriteDouble(i, 10000) else AC.Settings.WriteDouble(i, tonumber(val)) end elseif type(v) == "boolean" then local val = input:HasAttribute("checked") AC.Settings.WriteBool(i, val) end end AC.Settings.Save() AC.SettingsUpdate() optionsReturnDocument:Show() doc:Hide() end function OptionsDefaultHandler(event) local input = event.current_element.previous_sibling local id = input:GetAttribute("id") if input:GetAttribute("type") == "checkbox" then if options[id] then input:SetAttribute("checked", "") else input:RemoveAttribute("checked") end else input:SetAttribute("value", options[id]) end end function UpdateUi() local doc = {} local uiDoc = {} for i,d in ipairs(rmlui.contexts["default"].documents) do if d.title == "Playing" then doc = d elseif d.title == "Options" then uiDoc = d end end if AC.GetGameState() and AC.GetGameState():GetPlayer() and AC.GetGameState():GetTimeStatus().worldAge > 0 then local playerEnt = AC.GetGameState():GetPlayer() doc:GetElementById('dbg-pos').inner_rml = string.format("%.1f %.1f %.1f", playerEnt.pos.x, playerEnt.pos.y, playerEnt.pos.z) local selection = AC.GetGameState():GetSelectionStatus() if selection.isBlockSelected then doc:GetElementById('dbg-select-pos').inner_rml = tostring(selection.selectedBlock) else doc:GetElementById('dbg-select-pos').inner_rml = "" end local player = AC.GetGameState():GetPlayerStatus() local playerHp = string.format("%.0f", player.health) doc:GetElementById('status-hp').inner_rml = playerHp doc:GetElementById('status-hp-bar'):SetAttribute("value", playerHp) end local uiInit = optionsListenersAdded == nil if uiInit then AC.Settings.Load() end for i,v in pairs(options) do local input = uiDoc:GetElementById(i) local span = input.next_sibling if uiInit then span:AddEventListener("click", OptionsDefaultHandler, true) if type(v) == "number" then local val = AC.Settings.ReadDouble(i, v) input:SetAttribute("value", tostring(val)) elseif type(v) == "boolean" then local val = AC.Settings.ReadBool(i, v) if val then input:SetAttribute("checked", "") else input:RemoveAttribute("checked") end end end if type(v) == "number" then local val = input:GetAttribute("value") if v == math.floor(v) and i ~= "resolutionScale" then span.inner_rml = string.format("%d (%d)", math.floor(val), v) if i == "targetFps" and val == 301 then span.inner_rml = string.format("∞ (%d)", v) end else span.inner_rml = string.format("%.2f (%.2f)", val, v) end elseif type(v) == "boolean" then if v then span.inner_rml = "(on)" else span.inner_rml = "(off)" end end end if uiInit == true then optionsListenersAdded = true AC.SettingsUpdate() end end