path: root/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/fat
diff options
authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/ntos/boot/bootcode/fat
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/fat/i386/fatboot.asm b/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/fat/i386/fatboot.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b349538bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/fat/i386/fatboot.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+;Module Name:
+; fatboot.asm
+; The ROM in the IBM PC starts the boot process by performing a hardware
+; initialization and a verification of all external devices. If all goes
+; well, it will then load from the boot drive the sector from track 0, head 0,
+; sector 1. This sector is placed at physical address 07C00h.
+; The code in this sector is responsible for locating NTLDR, loading the
+; first sector of NTLDR into memory at 2000:0000, and branching to it. The
+; first sector of NTLDR is special code which knows enough about FAT and
+; BIOS to load the rest of NTLDR into memory.
+; There are only two errors possible during execution of this code.
+; 1 - NTLDR does not exist
+; 2 - BIOS read error
+; In both cases, a short message is printed, and the user is prompted to
+; reboot the system.
+; At the beginning of the boot sector, there is a table which describes the
+; structure of the media. This is equivalent to the BPB with some
+; additional information describing the physical layout of the driver (heads,
+; tracks, sectors)
+; John Vert (jvert) 31-Aug-1991
+; Sector has been loaded at 7C0:0000 by BIOS.
+; Real mode
+; FAT file system
+;Revision History:
+ page ,132
+ title boot - NTLDR FAT loader
+ name fatboot
+DIR_ENT struc
+ Filename db 11 dup(?)
+ Attribute db ?
+ Reserved db 10 dup(?)
+ Time dw 2 dup(?)
+ StartCluster dw ?
+ FileSize dd ?
+DIR_ENT ends
+; This is the structure used to pass all shared data between the boot sector
+; and NTLDR.
+SHARED struc
+ ReadClusters dd ? ; function pointer
+ ReadSectors dd ? ; function pointer
+ SectorBase dd ? ; starting sector
+SHARED ends
+DoubleWord struc
+lsw dw ?
+msw dw ?
+DoubleWord ends
+SectorSize equ 512 ; sector size
+BootSeg segment at 07c0h
+BootSeg ends
+DirSeg segment at 1000h
+DirSeg ends
+NtLdrSeg segment at 2000h
+NtLdrSeg ends
+BootCode segment ;would like to use BootSeg here, but LINK flips its lid
+ public FATBOOT
+FATBOOT proc far
+ jmp Start
+; Note that this data is just a place-holder here. The actual values will
+; be filled in by FORMAT or SYS. When installing the boot sector, only the
+; code following the BPB (from Start to the end) should be copied into the
+; first sector.
+Version db "MSDOS5.0"
+BPB label byte
+BytesPerSector dw SectorSize ; Size of a physical sector
+SectorsPerCluster db 8 ; Sectors per allocation unit
+ReservedSectors dw 1 ; Number of reserved sectors
+Fats db 2 ; Number of fats
+DirectoryEntries dw 512 ; Number of directory entries
+Sectors dw 4*17*305-1 ; No. of sectors - no. of hidden sectors
+Media db 0F8H ; Media byte
+FatSectors dw 8 ; Number of fat sectors
+SectorsPerTrack dw 17 ; Sectors per track
+Heads dw 4 ; Number of surfaces
+HiddenSectors dd 1 ; Number of hidden sectors
+SectorsLong dd 0 ; Number of sectors iff Sectors = 0
+; The following byte is NOT part of the BPB but is set by SYS and format
+; We should NOT change its position.
+; keep order of DriveNumber and CurrentHead!
+DriveNumber db 80h ; Physical drive number (0 or 80h)
+CurrentHead db ? ; Unitialized
+Signature db 41 ; Signature Byte for bootsector
+BootID dd ? ; Boot ID field.
+Boot_Vol_Label db 11 dup (?)
+Boot_System_ID db 'FAT ' ;"FAT " or "OTHER_FS"
+ xor ax,ax ; Setup the stack to a known good spot
+ mov ss,ax
+ mov sp,7c00h
+ push BootSeg
+ pop ds
+assume DS:BootCode
+; The system is now prepared for us to begin reading. First, determine
+; logical sector numbers of the start of the directory and the start of the
+; data area.
+ MOV AL,Fats ;Determine sector root directory starts on
+ MUL FatSectors
+;##### what if result > 65535 ?????
+ ADD AX,ReservedSectors
+;##### what if result > 65535 ?????
+ PUSH AX ; AX = Fats*FatSectors + ReservedSectors + HiddenSectors
+ XCHG CX,AX ; (CX) = start of DIR
+; Take into account size of directory (only know number of directory entries)
+ MOV AX,size DIR_ENT ; bytes per directory entry
+ MUL DirectoryEntries ; convert to bytes in directory
+ MOV BX,BytesPerSector ; add in sector size
+ DEC AX ; decrement so that we round up
+ DIV BX ; convert to sector number
+ MOV ClusterBase,CX ; save it for later
+; Load in the root directory.
+ push DirSeg ; es:bx -> directory segment
+ pop es
+ xor bx,bx
+ pop Arguments.SectorBase.lsw
+ mov Arguments.SectorBase.msw,bx
+; DoRead does a RETF, but LINK pukes if we do a FAR call in a /tiny program.
+; (al) = # of sectors to read
+ push cs
+ call DoRead
+ jc BootErr$he
+; Now we scan for the presence of NTLDR
+ xor bx,bx
+ mov cx,DirectoryEntries
+ mov di,bx
+ push cx
+ mov cx,11
+ mov si, offset LOADERNAME
+ repe cmpsb
+ pop cx
+ jz L10end
+ add bx,size DIR_ENT
+ loop L10
+ jcxz BootErr$bnf
+ mov dx,es:[bx].StartCluster ; (dx) = starting cluster number
+ push dx
+ mov ax,1 ; (al) = sectors to read
+; Now, go read the file
+ push NtLdrSeg
+ pop es
+ xor bx,bx ; (es:bx) -> start of NTLDR
+; LINK barfs if we do a FAR call in a TINY program, so we have to fake it
+; out by pushing CS.
+ push cs
+ call ClusterRead
+ jc BootErr$he
+; NTLDR requires:
+; BX = Starting Cluster Number of NTLDR
+; DL = INT 13 drive number we booted from
+; DS:SI -> the boot media's BPB
+; DS:DI -> argument structure
+; 1000:0000 - entire FAT is loaded
+ pop BX ; (bx) = Starting Cluster Number
+ lea si,BPB ; ds:si -> BPB
+ lea di,Arguments ; ds:di -> Arguments
+ push ds
+ pop [di].ReadClusters.msw
+ mov [di].ReadClusters.lsw, offset ClusterRead
+ push ds
+ pop [di].ReadSectors.msw
+ mov [di].ReadSectors.lsw, offset DoRead
+ MOV dl,DriveNumber ; dl = boot drive
+; FAR JMP to 2000:0003. This is hand-coded, because I can't figure out
+; how to make MASM do this for me. By entering NTLDR here, we skip the
+; initial jump and execute the FAT-specific code to load the rest of
+ db 0EAh ; JMP FAR PTR
+ dw 3 ; 2000:3
+ dw 02000h
+; BootErr - print error message and hang the system.
+BootErr proc
+ jmp short BootErr2
+ call BootErrPrint
+ call BootErrPrint
+ sti
+ jmp $ ;Wait forever
+ LODSB ; Get next character
+ or al,al
+ jz BEdone
+ MOV AH,14 ; Write teletype
+ MOV BX,7 ; Attribute
+ INT 10H ; Print it
+ jmp BootErrPrint
+ ret
+BootErr endp
+; ClusterRead - read AL sectors into ES:BX starting from
+; cluster DX
+ClusterRead proc
+ push ax ; (TOS) = # of sectors to read
+ dec dx
+ dec dx ; adjust for reserved clusters 0 and 1
+ mov al,SectorsPerCluster
+ xor ah,ah
+ mul dx ; DX:AX = starting sector number
+ add ax,ClusterBase ; adjust for FATs, root dir, boot sec.
+ adc dx,0
+ mov Arguments.SectorBase.lsw,ax
+ mov Arguments.SectorBase.msw,dx
+ pop ax ; (al) = # of sectors to read
+; Now we've converted the cluster number to a SectorBase, so just fall
+; through into DoRead
+ClusterRead endp
+; DoRead - read AL sectors into ES:BX starting from sector
+; SectorBase.
+DoRead proc
+ mov SectorCount,AL
+ MOV AX,Arguments.SectorBase.lsw ; Starting sector
+ MOV DX,Arguments.SectorBase.msw ; Starting sector
+; DoDiv - convert logical sector number in AX to physical Head/Track/Sector
+; in CurrentHead/CurrentTrack/CurrentSector.
+ ADD AX,HiddenSectors.lsw ;adjust for partition's base sector
+ ADC DX,HiddenSectors.msw
+ DIV SectorsPerTrack
+ INC DL ; sector numbers are 1-based
+ MOV CurrentSector,DL
+ DIV Heads
+ MOV CurrentHead,DL
+ MOV CurrentTrack,AX
+;DoDiv endp
+; CurrentHead is the head for this next disk request
+; CurrentTrack is the track for this next request
+; CurrentSector is the beginning sector number for this request
+; Compute the number of sectors that we may be able to read in a single ROM
+; request.
+ MOV AX,SectorsPerTrack
+ SUB AL,CurrentSector
+ cmp al,SectorCount
+ jbe DoCall
+ mov al,SectorCount
+ xor ah,ah
+; AX is the number of sectors that we may read.
+; DoCall - call ROM BIOS to read AL sectors into ES:BX.
+ MOV AH,2
+ MOV cx,CurrentTrack
+ SHL ch,6
+ OR ch,CurrentSector
+ MOV DX,WORD PTR DriveNumber
+ INT 13H
+;DoCall endp
+ jnc DcNoErr
+ add sp,2
+ stc
+ retf
+ SUB SectorCount,AL ; Are we finished?
+ jbe DRdone
+ ADD Arguments.SectorBase.lsw,AX ; increment logical sector position
+ ADC Arguments.SectorBase.msw,0
+ MUL BytesPerSector ; determine next offset for read
+ ADD BX,AX ; (BX)=(BX)+(SI)*(Bytes per sector)
+ jmp DRloop
+ mov SectorCount,al
+ clc
+ retf
+DoRead endp
+ include ;suck in the message text
+ .errnz ($-FATBOOT) GT 510,<FATAL PROBLEM: boot sector is too large>
+ org 510
+ db 55h,0aah
+BootSectorEnd label dword
+BootCode ends
+;Unitialized variables go here--beyond the end of the boot sector in free memory
+CurrentTrack equ word ptr BootSectorEnd + 4 ; current track
+CurrentSector equ byte ptr BootSectorEnd + 6 ; current sector
+SectorCount equ byte ptr BootSectorEnd + 7 ; number of sectors to read
+ClusterBase equ word ptr BootSectorEnd + 8 ; first sector of cluster # 2
+Retries equ byte ptr BootSectorEnd + 10
+Arguments equ byte ptr BootSectorEnd + 11 ; structure passed to NTLDR
diff --git a/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/fat/i386/usa/bootfat.h b/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/fat/i386/usa/bootfat.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ccbd1a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/fat/i386/usa/bootfat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+unsigned char FatBootCode[] = {
diff --git a/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/fat/i386/usa/ b/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/fat/i386/usa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ef7d5185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/fat/i386/usa/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+;Module Name:
+; This contains the message text that the boot sector prints out on
+; error conditions
+; John Vert (jvert) 31-Aug-1991
+;Revision History:
+MSG_NO_NTLDR db "BOOT: Couldn't find NTLDR"
+ db 0dh, 0ah, 0
+MSG_READ_ERROR db "BOOT: I/O error reading disk"
+ db 0dh, 0ah, 0
+MSG_REBOOT_ERROR db "Please insert another disk"
+ db 0
+ \ No newline at end of file