path: root/private/ntos/rtl/alpha/lzntaxp.s
diff options
authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/ntos/rtl/alpha/lzntaxp.s
Diffstat (limited to 'private/ntos/rtl/alpha/lzntaxp.s')
1 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/rtl/alpha/lzntaxp.s b/private/ntos/rtl/alpha/lzntaxp.s
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2eea2462d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/rtl/alpha/lzntaxp.s
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+// TITLE("Decompression Engine")
+// Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
+// Module Name:
+// lzntaxp.s
+// Abstract:
+// This module implements the lznt1 decompression engine needed
+// to support file system decompression.
+// Author:
+// John Vert (jvert) 19-Jul-1994
+// Environment:
+// Any.
+// Revision History:
+#include "ksalpha.h"
+ SBTTL("Decompress a buffer")
+// LZNT1DecompressChunk (
+// OUT PUCHAR UncompressedBuffer,
+// IN PUCHAR EndOfUncompressedBufferPlus1,
+// IN PUCHAR CompressedBuffer,
+// IN PUCHAR EndOfCompressedBufferPlus1,
+// OUT PULONG FinalUncompressedChunkSize
+// )
+// Routine Description:
+// This function decodes a stream of compression tokens and places the
+// resultant output into the destination buffer. The format of the input
+// is described ..\lznt1.c. As the input is decoded, checks are made to
+// ensure that no data is read past the end of the compressed input buffer
+// and that no data is stored past the end of the output buffer. Violations
+// indicate corrupt input and are indicated by a status return.
+// Arguments:
+// UncompressedBuffer (a0) - pointer to destination of uncompression.
+// EndOfUncompressedBufferPlus1 (a1) - pointer just beyond the
+// output buffer. This is used for consistency checking of the stored
+// compressed data.
+// CompressedBuffer (a2) - pointer to compressed source. This begins
+// with a header word followed by a tag byte describing which of the
+// following tokens are literals and which are copy groups.
+// EndOfCompressedBufferPlus1 (a3) - pointer just beyond end of input
+// buffer. This is used to terminate the decompression.
+// FinalUncompressedChunkSize (a4) - pointer to a returned decompressed
+// size. This has meaningful data ONLY when LZNT1DecompressChunk returns
+// Return Value:
+// STATUS_SUCCESS is returned only if the decompression consumes thee entire
+// input buffer and does not exceed the output buffer.
+// STATUS_BAD_COMPRESSION_BUFFER is returned when the output buffer would be
+// overflowed.
+// Register usage:
+// a0 - current destination pointer
+// a1 - end of output buffer
+// a2 - current source pointer
+// a3 - end of compressed buffer
+// a4 - pointer to decompressed size
+// a5 - current decompressed size
+// v0 - boundary for next format transition
+// t0 - count of consecutive copy tokens
+// t1 - current flag byte
+// t2 - bits of t1 processed
+// t3 - temp
+// t4 - temp
+// t5 - bytes following flag byte
+// t6 - temp
+// t7 - temp
+// t8 - temp
+// t9 - temp
+// t10 - temp
+// t11 - current length mask
+// t12 - current displacement shift
+ LEAF_ENTRY(LZNT1DecompressChunk)
+ bis zero, zero, a5 // initialize decompressed size
+ ldil t12, 12 // get initial displacement shift
+ lda t11, -1(zero)
+ sll t11, 12, t11 // get initial length mask
+ addq a0, 16, v0 // get displacement boundary
+ subq a3, 1, a3 // adjust input buffer end
+ addq a0, 8, t3 // check for at least 8 bytes available output
+ addq a2, 17, t4 // check for at least 17 bytes available input
+ cmpule t3, a1, t2 // check for output buffer exceeded
+ cmpule t4, a3, t3 // check for input buffer exceeded
+ ldq_u t0, 0(a2) // load flag byte and any subsequent bytes
+ extbl t0, a2, t1 // extract flag byte
+ addq a2, 1, a2
+ beq t3, CopyTailFlag // input buffer exceeded
+ ldq_u t6, 7(a2) // load subsequent bytes
+ and a2, 7, t10 // check for qword alignment
+ extql t0, a2, t3 // extract low part of next 8 bytes
+ extqh t6, a2, t4 // extract high part
+ bis t3, t4, t5 // merge
+ cmoveq t10, t6, t5 // qword aligned, undo merge
+ beq t2, CopyTailFlag // output buffer exceeded
+ bne t1, 20f // !=0 deal with copy tokens
+// This is the special case where the next 8 bytes are literal tokens.
+ addq a5, 8, a5 // increment bytes copied
+ addq a0, 8, a0 // increment destination pointer
+ lda a2, 8(a2) // compute pointer to next tag byte
+ and a0, 7, t4 // check for qword-aligned destination
+ bne t4, 15f
+// Destination is quadword aligned, do direct store
+ stq t5, -8(a0)
+ br zero, 10b // do next tag byte
+// Destination is not quadword aligned, merge eight bytes into buffer.
+ ldq_u t4, -8(a0) // get low destination
+ mskql t4, a0, t0 // clear position in destination
+ insql t5, a0, t2 // get low part in position
+ bis t0, t2, t4 // merge in new bytes
+ stq_u t4, -8(a0) // store low part
+ ldq_u t4, -1(a0) // get high destination
+ mskqh t4, a0, t0 // clear position in destination
+ insqh t5, a0, t2 // get high part in position
+ bis t0, t2, t4 // merge in new bytes
+ stq_u t4, -1(a0) // store high part
+ br zero, 10b // do next tag byte
+// Tag indicates both literal bytes and copy tokens. The approach
+// we use here is to loop through the bits counting the consecutive
+// literal bytes until we find a copy token.
+ bis zero, zero, t0 // set bit count to zero
+ ldil t2, 8 // set count of bits to process
+ blbs t1, CopyToken // go copy the token.
+// Count the consecutive clear bits.
+ srl t1, 1, t1
+ addq t0, 1, t0
+ blbs t1, 30f
+ srl t1, 1, t1
+ addq t0, 1, t0
+ blbs t1, 30f
+ srl t1, 1, t1
+ addq t0, 1, t0
+ blbs t1, 30f
+ srl t1, 1, t1
+ addq t0, 1, t0
+ blbs t1, 30f
+ srl t1, 1, t1
+ addq t0, 1, t0
+ blbs t1, 30f
+ srl t1, 1, t1
+ addq t0, 1, t0
+ blbs t1, 30f
+ srl t1, 1, t1
+ addq t0, 1, t0
+ bis zero, 1, t9 // compute byte mask
+ sll t9, t0, t3
+ subq t3, 1, t9
+ zapnot t5, t9, t4 // get masked bytes to store
+ and a0, 7, t3 // get byte position of dest
+ addq t3, t0, t10 // compute ending offset
+ sll t9, t3, t9 // shift byte mask into position
+ ldq_u t7, 0(a0) // get low part of dest.
+ insql t4, t3, t6 // insert source bytes into position
+ zap t7, t9, t8 // clear dest
+ bis t8, t6, t7 // merge bytes to store
+ stq_u t7, 0(a0) // store merged result
+// Check to see whether the bytes to store extend into the next
+// quadword of the destination.
+ cmpult t10, 8, t9
+ bne t9, 40f // ending offset < 8, next quadword unaffected
+ insqh t4, t3, t6 // shift source bytes into position
+ stq_u t6, 8(a0) // store merged results
+ addq a0, t0, a0 // adjust destination pointer
+ addq a2, t0, a2 // adjust source pointer
+ addq a5, t0, a5 // adjust bytes copied
+ subq t2, t0, t2 // adjust flag bits left
+// Get the token word
+ ldq_u t10, 0(a2)
+ ldq_u t6, 1(a2)
+ extwl t10, a2, t7
+ extwh t6, a2, t8
+ bis t7, t8, t9
+// Check the displacement and length.
+ cmpult v0, a0, t10
+ bne t10, UpdateFormat // if nez, max displacement < output
+ srl t9, t12, t7 // compute offset
+ andnot t9, t11, t8 // compute length
+ addq t8, 3, t8
+ addq t7, 1, t7
+// Check displacement against number of bytes copied
+ cmpule t7, a5, t10
+ beq t10, ErrorExit // if eqz, bytes copied <= displacement
+// Account for end of output buffer and compute ending
+// address of copy.
+ addq a0, t8, t9
+ cmpule t9, a1, t10
+ cmoveq t10, a1, t9 // if ending address > buffer end, set
+ // buffer end to ending address
+ subq a0, t7, t5 // compute copy source
+// Do the copy.
+// t5 - source
+// a0 - dest
+// t9 - end of destination
+// If the source is more than eight bytes away from the destination,
+// we can copy a quadword at a time. Otherwise, we must copy a byte
+// at a time to ensure that fills work correctly.
+ subq t9, a0, t7 // compute number of bytes to copy
+ addq a5, t7, a5 // adjust bytes copied here, the only
+ // time this will not be correct is
+ // in an error condition.
+ subq a0, t5, t10 // test if source is >= 8 bytes away
+ cmpult t10, 8, t10 // from destination
+ bne t10, FillBytes // if so, do byte fill
+// Write the low part of the first quadword out. This will cause the
+// destination to become qword aligned.
+ ldq_u t10, 0(t5) // get low part of source qword
+ ldq_u t8, 7(t5) // get high part of source qword
+ extql t10, t5, t7
+ extqh t8, t5, t3
+ bis t3, t7, t10 // get aligned qword
+ ldq_u t7, 0(a0) // get low part of source destination
+ insql t10, a0, t3
+ mskql t7, a0, t4 // clear bytes in destination
+ bis t4, t3, t7 // merge qword into destination
+ stq_u t7, 0(a0) // store low part of quadword
+ addq a0, 8, t10 // compute qword-aligned destination
+ bic t10, 7, t10
+ subq t10, a0, t8
+ addq t5, t8, t5 // increment source
+ bis t10, zero, a0 // increment destination
+// Recompute number of quadwords to copy now that the destination has
+// been qword aligned
+ subq t9, a0, t7
+ cmovlt t7, t9, a0 // back up destination if we went too far
+ ble t7, 64f // no bytes remaining
+ srl t7, 3, t4
+ and t5, 7, t3 // get alignment of source
+ ldq_u t10, 0(t5)
+ bne t3, UnalignedQwordCopy
+ beq t4, 60f // no qwords remaining
+ stq t10, 0(a0) // store qword
+ addq t5, 8, t5 // increment source
+ addq a0, 8, a0 // increment dest
+ subq t4, 1, t4 // decrement remaining qword
+ ldq t10, 0(t5) // get next qword
+ bne t4, AlignedQwordLoop
+ cmpult a0, t9, t4
+ beq t4, 64f // no bytes reamining
+// Tail bytes are in t10, go ahead and store them.
+// We know we will not store beyond the containing qword of
+// the end of the buffer
+ stq t10, 0(a0)
+ bis t9, zero, a0 // increment dest
+ br zero, 64f
+ beq t4, 65f // no qword remaining
+ ldq_u t8, 8(t5)
+ extql t10, t5, t10
+ extqh t8, t5, t7
+ bis t7, t10, t10
+ stq t10, 0(a0)
+ bis t8, zero, t10
+ addq t5, 8, t5 // increment source
+ addq a0, 8, a0 // increment dest
+ subq t4, 1, t4 // decrement remaining qwords
+ bne t4, UnalignedQwordLoop
+ cmpult a0, t9, t4
+ beq t4, 64f // no bytes remaining
+// Low word of the tail bytes are in t10
+// Get the high part, then go ahead and store them.
+// We know we will not store beyond the containing qword
+// of the end of the buffer.
+ ldq_u t8, 8(t5) // get high part of tail bytes
+ extql t10, t5, t7 // extract low part
+ extqh t8, t5, t4 // extract high part
+ bis t7, t4, t10 // merge
+ stq t10, 0(a0) // store result
+ bis t9, zero, a0 // increment dest.
+ br zero, 64f
+ ldq_u t10, 0(t5)
+ ldq_u t8, 0(a0)
+ extbl t10, t5, t7
+ insbl t7, a0, t10
+ mskbl t8, a0, t4
+ bis t10, t4, t7
+ stq_u t7, 0(a0)
+ addq a0, 1, a0
+ addq t5, 1, t5
+ cmpult a0, t9, t4
+ bne t4, FillBytes
+// Token successfully copied.
+ addq a2, 2, a2
+ subq t2, 1, t2 // decrement remaining bits
+ srl t1, 1, t1 // shift flag byte
+ beq t2, 10b // no more bits remaining
+ addq a0, t2, t3 // check for enough output bytes remaining
+ cmpule t3, a1, t4
+ beq t4, CopyTail
+ addq a2, 14, t3 // check for enough input bytes remaining
+ cmpule t3, a3, t4
+ beq t4, CopyTail
+ addq a2, t2, t3 // point to last byte.
+// Get remaining bytes
+ bis zero, zero, t0 // set # clear bits back to zero
+ ldq_u t5, 0(t3)
+ and a2, 7, t7
+ beq t7, 65f // source quadword aligned, no shift/merge required
+ extql t6, a2, t4
+ extqh t5, a2, t8
+ bis t4, t8, t5
+ bne t1, 25b // if any literal tokens remain, repeat
+ bis zero, 1, t9 // compute byte mask
+ sll t9, t2, t3
+ subq t3, 1, t9
+ zapnot t5, t9, t4 // get masked bytes to store
+ and a0, 7, t3 // get byte position of dest
+ addq t3, t2, t10 // compute ending offset
+ sll t9, t3, t9 // shift byte mask into position
+ ldq_u t7, 0(a0) // get low part of dest.
+ insql t4, t3, t6 // insert source bytes into position
+ zap t7, t9, t8 // clear dest
+ bis t8, t6, t7 // merge bytes to store
+ stq_u t7, 0(a0) // store merged result
+// Check to see whether the bytes to store extend into the next
+// quadword of the destination.
+ cmpult t10, 8, t9
+ bne t9, 70f // ending offset < 8, next quadword unaffected
+ insqh t4, t3, t6 // insert source bytes into position
+ stq_u t6, 8(a0) // store merged results
+ addq a0, t2, a0 // adjust destination pointer
+ addq a2, t2, a2 // adjust source pointer
+ addq a5, t2, a5 // adjust bytes copied
+ br zero, 10b
+ subq a0, a5, t10 // compute original pointer
+ subq v0, t10, t7 // compute current max displacement
+ sll t7, 1, t7 //
+ addq t7, t10, v0 // compute new max displacemnt
+ srl t11, 1, t11 // compute new length mask
+ subq t12, 1, t12 // compute new displacement shift
+ br zero, 50b // start again.
+// a0 - the destination
+// a1 - the last byte of the destination
+// t1 - flag byte
+ ldil t2, 8 // set count of bits to process
+ cmpult a0, a1, t10
+ beq t10, SuccessExit // finished
+ cmpule a2, a3, t10
+ beq t10, SuccessExit // finished
+ blbc t1, CT15 // skip copy token
+ cmpeq a2, a3, t10
+ beq t10, CopyToken // more than one byte left
+ br zero, ErrorExit // only one byte left, error
+ ldq_u t10, 0(a2)
+ extbl t10, a2, t5
+ ldq_u t7, 0(a0)
+ insbl t5, a0, t6
+ mskbl t7, a0, t8
+ bis t6, t8, t7
+ stq_u t7, 0(a0)
+ addq a0, 1, a0
+ addq a2, 1, a2
+ srl t1, 1, t1
+ subq t2, 1, t2
+ addq a5, 1, a5
+ bne t2, CopyTail
+ cmpule a2, a3, t10
+ beq t10, SuccessExit // finished
+ ldq_u t0, 0(a2) // load flag byte and any subsequent bytes
+ extbl t0, a2, t1 // extract flag byte
+ addq a2, 1, a2
+ br zero, CopyTailFlag
+ bis zero, zero, v0
+ stl a5, 0(a4)
+ ret zero, (ra)
+ ret zero, (ra)
+ .end LZNT1DecompressChunk