path: root/public/sdk/inc/mfc30/afxpriv.h
diff options
authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /public/sdk/inc/mfc30/afxpriv.h
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 680 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/sdk/inc/mfc30/afxpriv.h b/public/sdk/inc/mfc30/afxpriv.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..646fa1b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/sdk/inc/mfc30/afxpriv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+// Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
+// Copyright (C) 1992 Microsoft Corporation,
+// All rights reserved.
+// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
+// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and Microsoft
+// QuickHelp and/or WinHelp documentation provided with the library.
+// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
+// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
+#ifndef __AFXPRIV_H__
+#define __AFXPRIV_H__
+#ifdef _AFX_PACKING
+#pragma pack(push, _AFX_PACKING)
+// AFXPRIV - MFC Private Classes
+// Implementation structures
+struct AFX_SIZEPARENTPARAMS; // Control bar implementation
+struct AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO; // Command routing implementation
+// Classes declared in this file
+ //CFile
+ //CMemFile
+ class CSharedFile; // Shared memory file
+ //CDC
+ class CPreviewDC; // Virtual DC for print preview
+ //CCmdTarget
+ //CWnd
+ //CView
+ class CPreviewView; // Print preview view
+ //CFrameWnd
+ class COleCntrFrameWnd;
+ //CMiniFrameWnd
+ class CMiniDockFrameWnd;
+ class CRecentFileList; // used in CWinApp for MRU list
+ class CDockState; // state of docking toolbars
+class CDockContext; // for dragging control bars
+#undef AFX_DATA
+// Global ID ranges (see Technical note TN020 for more details)
+// 8000 -> FFFF command IDs (used for menu items, accelerators and controls)
+#define IS_COMMAND_ID(nID) ((nID) & 0x8000)
+// 8000 -> DFFF : user commands
+// E000 -> EFFF : AFX commands and other things
+// F000 -> FFFF : standard windows commands and other things etc
+ // E000 -> E7FF standard commands
+ // E800 -> E8FF control bars (first 32 are special)
+ // E900 -> EEFF standard window controls/components
+ // EF00 -> EFFF SC_ menu help
+ // F000 -> FFFF standard strings
+#define ID_COMMAND_FROM_SC(sc) (((sc - 0xF000) >> 4) + AFX_IDS_SCFIRST)
+// 0000 -> 7FFF IDR range
+// 0000 -> 6FFF : user resources
+// 7000 -> 7FFF : AFX (and standard windows) resources
+// IDR ranges (NOTE: IDR_ values must be <32768)
+#define ASSERT_VALID_IDR(nIDR) ASSERT((nIDR) != 0 && (nIDR) < 0x8000)
+// Context sensitive help support (see Technical note TN028 for more details)
+// Help ID bases
+#define HID_BASE_COMMAND 0x00010000UL // ID and IDM
+#define HID_BASE_RESOURCE 0x00020000UL // IDR and IDD
+#define HID_BASE_PROMPT 0x00030000UL // IDP
+#define HID_BASE_NCAREAS 0x00040000UL
+#define HID_BASE_CONTROL 0x00050000UL // IDC
+#define HID_BASE_DISPATCH 0x00060000UL // IDispatch help codes
+// Internal AFX Windows messages (see Technical note TN024 for more details)
+// (0x0360 - 0x037F are reserved for MFC)
+#define WM_QUERYAFXWNDPROC 0x0360 // lResult = 1 if processed by AfxWndProc
+#define WM_SETMESSAGESTRING 0x0362 // wParam = nIDS (or 0),
+ // lParam = lpszOther (or NULL)
+#define WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI 0x0363 // wParam == bDisableIfNoHandler
+#define WM_INITIALUPDATE 0x0364 // (params unused) - sent to children
+#define WM_COMMANDHELP 0x0365 // lResult = TRUE/FALSE,
+ // lParam = dwContext
+#define WM_HELPHITTEST 0x0366 // lResult = dwContext,
+ // lParam = MAKELONG(x,y)
+#define WM_EXITHELPMODE 0x0367 // (params unused)
+#define WM_RECALCPARENT 0x0368 // force RecalcLayout on frame window
+ // (only for inplace frame windows)
+#define WM_SIZECHILD 0x0369 // special notify from COleResizeBar
+ // wParam = ID of child window
+ // lParam = lpRectNew (new position/size)
+#define WM_KICKIDLE 0x036A // (params unused) causes idles to kick in
+#define WM_QUERYCENTERWND 0x036B // lParam = HWND to use as centering parent
+#define WM_DISABLEMODAL 0x036C // lResult = 0, disable during modal state
+ // lResult = 1, don't disable
+#define WM_FLOATSTATUS 0x036D // wParam combination of FS_* flags below
+// WM_ACTIVATETOPLEVEL is like WM_ACTIVATEAPP but works with hierarchies
+// of mixed processes (as is the case with OLE in-place activation)
+#define WM_ACTIVATETOPLEVEL 0x036E // wParam = nState (like WM_ACTIVATE)
+ // lParam = pointer to HWND[2]
+ // lParam[0] = hWnd getting WM_ACTIVATE
+ // lParam[1] = hWndOther
+#define WM_QUERY3DCONTROLS 0x036F // lResult != 0 if 3D controls wanted
+// Note: Messages 0x0370, 0x0371, and 0x372 were incorrectly used by
+// some versions of Windows. To remain compatible, MFC does not
+// use messages in that range.
+#define WM_RESERVED_0370 0x0370
+#define WM_RESERVED_0371 0x0371
+#define WM_RESERVED_0372 0x0372
+// WM_SOCKET_NOTIFY and WM_SOCKET_DEAD are used internally by MFC's
+// Windows sockets implementation. For more information, see sockcore.cpp
+#define WM_SOCKET_NOTIFY 0x0373
+#define WM_SOCKET_DEAD 0x0374
+// Note: Messages 0x0375 - 0x37F reserved for future MFC use.
+#define WM_RESERVED_0375 0x0375
+#define WM_RESERVED_0376 0x0376
+#define WM_RESERVED_0377 0x0377
+#define WM_RESERVED_0378 0x0378
+#define WM_RESERVED_0379 0x0379
+#define WM_RESERVED_037A 0x037A
+#define WM_RESERVED_037B 0x037B
+#define WM_RESERVED_037C 0x037C
+#define WM_RESERVED_037D 0x037D
+#define WM_RESERVED_037E 0x037E
+#define WM_RESERVED_037F 0x037F
+// like ON_MESSAGE but no return value
+#define ON_MESSAGE_VOID(message, memberFxn) \
+ { message, 0, 0, 0, AfxSig_vv, \
+ (AFX_PMSG)(AFX_PMSGW)(void (AFX_MSG_CALL CWnd::*)(void))memberFxn },
+// special struct for WM_SIZEPARENT
+ HDWP hDWP; // handle for DeferWindowPos
+ RECT rect; // parent client rectangle (trim as appropriate)
+ SIZE sizeTotal; // total size on each side as layout proceeds
+ BOOL bStretch; // should stretch to fill all space
+// flags for wParam in the WM_FLOATSTATUS message
+enum { FS_SHOW = 0x01, FS_HIDE = 0x02,
+ FS_ENABLE = 0x10, FS_DISABLE = 0x20,
+ FS_SYNCACTIVE = 0x40 };
+void AFXAPI AfxRepositionWindow(AFX_SIZEPARENTPARAMS* lpLayout,
+ HWND hWnd, LPCRECT lpRect);
+// Implementation of command routing
+ CCmdTarget* pTarget;
+ void (AFX_MSG_CALL CCmdTarget::*pmf)(void);
+// Shared file support
+class CSharedFile : public CMemFile
+// Constructors
+ UINT nGrowBytes = 4096);
+// Attributes
+ HGLOBAL Detach();
+ void SetHandle(HGLOBAL hGlobalMemory, BOOL bAllowGrow = TRUE);
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CSharedFile();
+ virtual BYTE* Alloc(DWORD nBytes);
+ virtual BYTE* Realloc(BYTE* lpMem, DWORD nBytes);
+ virtual void Free(BYTE* lpMem);
+ UINT m_nAllocFlags;
+ HGLOBAL m_hGlobalMemory;
+ BOOL m_bAllowGrow;
+// Implementation of PrintPreview
+class CPreviewDC : public CDC
+ virtual void SetAttribDC(HDC hDC); // Set the Attribute DC
+ virtual void SetOutputDC(HDC hDC);
+ virtual void ReleaseOutputDC();
+// Constructors
+ CPreviewDC();
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CPreviewDC();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ virtual void AssertValid() const;
+ virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
+ void SetScaleRatio(int nNumerator, int nDenominator);
+ void SetTopLeftOffset(CSize TopLeft);
+ void ClipToPage();
+ // These conversion functions can be used without an output DC
+ void PrinterDPtoScreenDP(LPPOINT lpPoint) const;
+// Device-Context Functions
+ virtual int SaveDC();
+ virtual BOOL RestoreDC(int nSavedDC);
+ virtual CGdiObject* SelectStockObject(int nIndex);
+ virtual CFont* SelectObject(CFont* pFont);
+// Drawing-Attribute Functions
+ virtual COLORREF SetBkColor(COLORREF crColor);
+ virtual COLORREF SetTextColor(COLORREF crColor);
+// Mapping Functions
+ virtual int SetMapMode(int nMapMode);
+ virtual CPoint SetViewportOrg(int x, int y);
+ virtual CPoint OffsetViewportOrg(int nWidth, int nHeight);
+ virtual CSize SetViewportExt(int x, int y);
+ virtual CSize ScaleViewportExt(int xNum, int xDenom, int yNum, int yDenom);
+ virtual CSize SetWindowExt(int x, int y);
+ virtual CSize ScaleWindowExt(int xNum, int xDenom, int yNum, int yDenom);
+// Text Functions
+ virtual BOOL TextOut(int x, int y, LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount);
+ virtual BOOL ExtTextOut(int x, int y, UINT nOptions, LPCRECT lpRect,
+ LPCTSTR lpszString, UINT nCount, LPINT lpDxWidths);
+ virtual CSize TabbedTextOut(int x, int y, LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount,
+ int nTabPositions, LPINT lpnTabStopPositions, int nTabOrigin);
+ virtual int DrawText(LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount, LPRECT lpRect,
+ UINT nFormat);
+ virtual BOOL GrayString(CBrush* pBrush,
+ LPARAM lpData, int nCount,
+ int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight);
+// Printer Escape Functions
+ virtual int Escape(int nEscape, int nCount, LPCSTR lpszInData, LPVOID lpOutData);
+// Implementation
+ void MirrorMappingMode(BOOL bCompute);
+ void MirrorViewportOrg();
+ void MirrorFont();
+ void MirrorAttributes();
+ CSize ComputeDeltas(int& x, LPCTSTR lpszString, UINT& nCount, BOOL bTabbed,
+ UINT nTabStops, LPINT lpnTabStops, int nTabOrigin,
+ LPTSTR lpszOutputString, int* pnDxWidths, int& nRightFixup);
+ int m_nScaleNum; // Scale ratio Numerator
+ int m_nScaleDen; // Scale ratio Denominator
+ int m_nSaveDCIndex; // DC Save index when Screen DC Attached
+ int m_nSaveDCDelta; // delta between Attrib and output restore indices
+ CSize m_sizeTopLeft;// Offset for top left corner of page
+ HFONT m_hFont; // Font selected into the screen DC (NULL if none)
+ HFONT m_hPrinterFont; // Font selected into the print DC
+#ifdef _MAC
+ int m_aCharWidthsDraw[256]; // character widths for m_hDC
+ int m_aCharWidthsAttrib[256]; // character widths for m_hAttribDC
+ CSize m_sizeWinExt; // cached window extents computed for screen
+ CSize m_sizeVpExt; // cached viewport extents computed for screen
+// CPreviewView
+class CDialogBar;
+class CPreviewView : public CScrollView
+// Constructors
+ CPreviewView();
+ BOOL SetPrintView(CView* pPrintView);
+// Attributes
+ CView* m_pOrigView;
+ CView* m_pPrintView;
+ CPreviewDC* m_pPreviewDC; // Output and attrib DCs Set, not created
+ CDC m_dcPrint; // Actual printer DC
+// Operations
+ void SetZoomState(UINT nNewState, UINT nPage, CPoint point);
+ void SetCurrentPage(UINT nPage, BOOL bClearRatios);
+ // Returns TRUE if in a page rect. Returns the page index
+ // in nPage and the point converted to 1:1 screen device coordinates
+ BOOL FindPageRect(CPoint& point, UINT& nPage);
+// Overridables
+ virtual void OnActivateView(BOOL bActivate,
+ CView* pActivateView, CView* pDeactiveView);
+ // Returns .cx/.cy as the numerator/denominator pair for the ratio
+ // using CSize for convenience
+ virtual CSize CalcScaleRatio(CSize windowSize, CSize actualSize);
+ virtual void PositionPage(UINT nPage);
+ virtual void OnDisplayPageNumber(UINT nPage, UINT nPagesDisplayed);
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CPreviewView();
+ virtual void OnPrepareDC(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo = NULL);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ void AssertValid() const;
+ void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
+#ifdef _MAC
+ virtual void CalcWindowRect(LPRECT lpClientRect);
+ //{{AFX_MSG(CPreviewView)
+ afx_msg void OnPreviewClose();
+ afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
+ afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
+ afx_msg void OnDraw(CDC* pDC);
+ afx_msg void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar);
+ afx_msg void OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar);
+ afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
+ afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
+ afx_msg void OnNumPageChange();
+ afx_msg void OnNextPage();
+ afx_msg void OnPrevPage();
+ afx_msg void OnPreviewPrint();
+ afx_msg void OnZoomIn();
+ afx_msg void OnZoomOut();
+ afx_msg void OnUpdateNumPageChange(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
+ afx_msg void OnUpdateNextPage(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
+ afx_msg void OnUpdatePrevPage(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
+ afx_msg void OnUpdateZoomIn(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
+ afx_msg void OnUpdateZoomOut(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
+ afx_msg BOOL OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message);
+ //}}AFX_MSG
+ void DoZoom(UINT nPage, CPoint point);
+ void SetScaledSize(UINT nPage);
+ CSize CalcPageDisplaySize();
+ CPrintPreviewState* m_pPreviewState; // State to restore
+ CDialogBar* m_pToolBar; // Toolbar for preview
+ struct PAGE_INFO
+ {
+ CRect rectScreen; // screen rect (screen device units)
+ CSize sizeUnscaled; // unscaled screen rect (screen device units)
+ CSize sizeScaleRatio; // scale ratio (cx/cy)
+ CSize sizeZoomOutRatio; // scale ratio when zoomed out (cx/cy)
+ };
+ PAGE_INFO* m_pPageInfo; // Array of page info structures
+ PAGE_INFO m_pageInfoArray[2]; // Embedded array for the default implementation
+ BOOL m_bPageNumDisplayed;// Flags whether or not page number has yet
+ // been displayed on status line
+ UINT m_nZoomOutPages; // number of pages when zoomed out
+ UINT m_nZoomState;
+ UINT m_nMaxPages; // for sanity checks
+ UINT m_nCurrentPage;
+ UINT m_nPages;
+ int m_nSecondPageOffset; // used to shift second page position
+ HCURSOR m_hMagnifyCursor;
+ CSize m_sizePrinterPPI; // printer pixels per inch
+ CPoint m_ptCenterPoint;
+ CPrintInfo* m_pPreviewInfo;
+ friend class CView;
+ friend BOOL CALLBACK _AfxPreviewCloseProc(CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd);
+// Zoom States
+#define ZOOM_OUT 0
+#define ZOOM_MIDDLE 1
+#define ZOOM_IN 2
+// CRecentFileList
+class CRecentFileList
+// Constructors
+ CRecentFileList(UINT nStart, LPCTSTR lpszSection,
+ LPCTSTR lpszEntryFormat, int nSize,
+// Attributes
+ int GetSize() const;
+ CString& operator[](int nIndex);
+// Operations
+ virtual void Add(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);
+ BOOL GetDisplayName(CString& strName, int nIndex,
+ LPCTSTR lpszCurDir, int nCurDir, BOOL bAtLeastName = TRUE) const;
+ virtual void UpdateMenu(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
+ virtual void ReadList(); // reads from registry or ini file
+ virtual void WriteList(); // writes to registry or ini file
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CRecentFileList();
+ int m_nSize; // contents of the MRU list
+ CString* m_arrNames;
+ CString m_strSectionName; // for saving
+ CString m_strEntryFormat;
+ UINT m_nStart; // for displaying
+ int m_nMaxDisplayLength;
+inline int CRecentFileList::GetSize() const
+ { return m_nSize; }
+inline CString& CRecentFileList::operator[](int nIndex)
+ { ASSERT(nIndex < m_nSize); return m_arrNames[nIndex]; }
+// toolbar docking support
+class CDockContext
+// Construction
+ CDockContext(CControlBar* pBar);
+// Attributes
+ CPoint m_ptLast; // last mouse position during drag
+ CRect m_rectLast;
+ CSize m_sizeLast;
+ BOOL m_bDitherLast;
+ CRect m_rectDragHorz;
+ CRect m_rectDragVert;
+ CRect m_rectFrameDragHorz; // rectangle used when not over a dock area
+ CRect m_rectFrameDragVert;
+ CControlBar* m_pBar; // the toolbar that created this context
+ CFrameWnd* m_pDockSite; // the controlling frame of the CControlBar
+ DWORD m_dwDockStyle; // allowable dock styles for bar
+ DWORD m_dwOverDockStyle; // style of dock that rect is over
+ DWORD m_dwStyle; // style of control bar
+ BOOL m_bFlip; // if shift key is down
+ BOOL m_bForceFrame; // if ctrl key is down
+ CDC* m_pDC; // where to draw during drag
+// Operations
+ virtual void StartDrag(CPoint pt);
+ void Move(CPoint pt); // called when mouse has moved
+ void EndDrag(); // drop
+ void CancelDrag(); // drag cancelled
+ void OnKey(int nChar, BOOL bDown);
+// Implementation
+ ~CDockContext();
+ BOOL Track();
+ void DrawFocusRect(BOOL bRemoveRect = FALSE);
+ // draws the correct outline
+ void UpdateState(BOOL* pFlag, BOOL bNewValue);
+ DWORD CanDock();
+ CDockBar* GetDockBar();
+class _AFX_BARINFO; // private implementation
+class CDockBar : public CControlBar
+// Construction
+ CDockBar(BOOL bFloating = FALSE); //true if attached to CMiniDockFrameWnd
+ BOOL Create(CWnd* pParentWnd, DWORD dwStyle, UINT nID);
+// Attributes
+ BOOL m_bFloating;
+ virtual BOOL IsDockBar() const;
+ int GetDockedCount() const;
+ virtual int GetDockedVisibleCount() const;
+// Operations
+ void DockControlBar(CControlBar* pBar, LPCRECT lpRect = NULL);
+ void RemoveControlBar(CControlBar*, int nPosExclude = -1);
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CDockBar();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ virtual void AssertValid() const;
+ virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
+ virtual CSize CalcFixedLayout(BOOL bStretch, BOOL bHorz);
+ virtual void DoPaint(CDC* pDC);
+ // public implementation helpers
+ void GetBarInfo(_AFX_BARINFO* pInfo);
+ void SetBarInfo(_AFX_BARINFO* pInfo, CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd);
+ int FindBar(CControlBar* pBar, int nPosExclude = -1);
+ void ShowAll(BOOL bShow);
+ CPtrArray m_arrBars; // each element is a CControlBar
+ BOOL m_bLayoutQuery;
+ // implementation helpers
+ int Insert(CControlBar* pBar, CRect rect, CPoint ptMid);
+ virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI(CFrameWnd* pTarget, BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler);
+ //{{AFX_MSG(CDockBar)
+ afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize(BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS* lpncsp);
+ afx_msg void OnNcPaint();
+ afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanging(LPWINDOWPOS lpWndPos);
+ afx_msg void OnPaint();
+ afx_msg LRESULT OnSizeParent(WPARAM, LPARAM);
+ //}}AFX_MSG
+ friend class CMiniDockFrameWnd;
+class CDockState : public CObject
+// Attributes
+ CPtrArray m_arrBarInfo;
+// Operations
+ void LoadState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName);
+ void SaveState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName);
+ void Clear(); //deletes all the barinfo's
+// Implementation
+ ~CDockState();
+ virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
+class CMiniDockFrameWnd : public CMiniFrameWnd
+// Construction
+ CMiniDockFrameWnd();
+ virtual BOOL Create(CWnd* pParent, DWORD dwBarStyle);
+// Operations
+ virtual void RecalcLayout(BOOL bNotify = TRUE);
+// Implementation
+ CDockBar m_wndDockBar;
+ //{{AFX_MSG(CMiniFrameWnd)
+ afx_msg void OnClose();
+ afx_msg void OnNcLButtonDown(UINT nHitTest, CPoint point);
+ //}}AFX_MSG
+#ifdef _MAC
+ afx_msg void OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam);
+// COleCntrFrameWnd
+class COleIPFrameWnd;
+class COleCntrFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd
+// Constructor
+ COleCntrFrameWnd(COleIPFrameWnd* pInPlaceFrame);
+// Implementation
+ COleIPFrameWnd* m_pInPlaceFrame;
+ virtual void PostNcDestroy();
+ virtual ~COleCntrFrameWnd();
+ virtual void RecalcLayout(BOOL bNotify = TRUE);
+ void OnIdleUpdateCmdUI();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ void AssertValid() const;
+// WM_NOTIFY support
+struct AFX_NOTIFY
+ LRESULT* pResult;
+// Global implementation helpers
+// window creation hooking
+void AFXAPI AfxHookWindowCreate(CWnd* pWnd);
+BOOL AFXAPI AfxUnhookWindowCreate();
+// for backward compatibility to previous versions
+#define _AfxHookWindowCreate AfxHookWindowCreate
+#define _AfxUnhookWindowCreate AfxUnhookWindowCreate
+// string helpers
+void AFXAPI AfxSetWindowText(HWND hWndCtrl, LPCTSTR lpszNew);
+int AFXAPI AfxLoadString(UINT nIDS, LPTSTR lpszBuf); // 256 TCHAR buffer
+#undef AFX_DATA
+#define AFX_DATA
+#ifdef _AFX_PACKING
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#endif // __AFXPRIV_H__