path: root/private/ntos/miniport/always/in2000.c
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diff --git a/private/ntos/miniport/always/in2000.c b/private/ntos/miniport/always/in2000.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b433a7f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/miniport/always/in2000.c
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+/* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 by Always Technology Corporation.
+ This module contains information proprietary to
+ Always Technology Corporation, and is be treated as confidential.
+#include "environ.h"
+#include "rqm.h"
+#include "api.h"
+#include "apiscsi.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "33c93.h"
+#include "in2000.h"
+#define StatMask 0xc1 // Bits of interest in FIFO status register
+#define FIFOThresh 16 // Minimum xfer lenth for FIFOed xfers
+#define FIFOPad 32 // How many bytes must be added to writes to push data out of FIFO
+#define FIFOFillOffset 64 // Minimum amout of room to leave at top of FIFO
+#define FIFOSize 2048 // Total size of FIFO
+#define MaxPreFill (FIFOSize / 2)
+#define AuxStat HA->IOBase+INAuxOff
+#define WDSelect HA->IOBase+INWDSelOff
+#define WDData HA->IOBase+INWDDataOff
+#define INData HA->IOBase+INDataOff
+#define lengthof(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
+// Prototypes:
+U32 IN2000_Service(int Func, ADAPTER_PTR HA, U32 Misc);
+#define SetWDReg(HA,WDReg) outb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INWDSelOff], (WDReg))
+#define ReadWDData(HA) inb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INWDDataOff])
+#define ReadWDReg(HA,reg) (SetWDReg(HA,reg), ReadWDData(HA))
+#define WriteWDData(HA, val) outb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INWDDataOff], (val))
+#define WriteWDReg(HA,reg,val) SetWDReg(HA,(reg));WriteWDData(HA, val)
+extern void WD33c93_ISR(ADAPTER_PTR HA);
+extern void WD33C93_Init(ADAPTER_PTR HA);
+extern BOOLEAN GlobalAllowSync;
+typedef struct {
+ U8 OwnID;
+ U8 CtrlReg;
+ U8 TimeOutReg;
+ U8 SourceReg;
+} StateBuffer;
+LOCAL void
+ // Reset the chip with a reset command. The reset is complete when
+ // the interrupt register is set
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDCMDReg, WDResetCmd);
+ while ((ReadWDReg(HA, WDAuxStatReg) & IntPending) == 0)
+ ;
+ ReadWDReg(HA, WDStatusReg); /* Clear the interrupt */
+ WD33C93_Init(HA);
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrIntMask = INFIFOMask;
+ outb(HA->IOBase+INIntMaskOff, INFIFOMask); /* Mask off FIFO, allow 33c93 ints. */
+LOCAL void
+IN2000ResetBus (ADAPTER_PTR HA)
+ unsigned j;
+ TRACE(2, ("IN2000ResetBus(): \n"));
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrIntMask = INFIFOMask;
+ outb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INIntMaskOff], INFIFOMask); /* Mask off FIFO, allow 33c93 ints. */
+ // Issue a SCSI bus reset; SCSI-2 says reset can any length > 25uS,
+ // however, some devices lose their mind if reset is too long,
+ // So, we'll try for 50uS, assumeing an 8-MHz bus:
+ outb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INResetOff], 0); // Assert reset
+ for (j=30; j; j--) // don't make reset too short, figure 10Mhz ISA bus, 4 cycles / IO
+ inb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INFIFOOff]); // but too long breaks some drives
+ inb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INHWRevOff]); // de-assert reset
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDCMDReg, WDResetCmd); // Reset chip, intr. will re-initialize it
+ int j;
+ /* Mask off ints while we're in init. routine */
+ outb(HA->IOBase+INIntMaskOff, INFIFOMask | INSBICMask);
+ // Set up the I/O port map:
+ for (j=0; j<= 15; j++)
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[j] = HA->IOBase + j;
+ // Issue a SCSI bus reset; SCSI-2 says reset can any length > 25uS,
+ // however, some devices lose their mind if reset is too long,
+ // So, we'll try for 50uS, assumeing an 8-MHz bus:
+ inb(HA->IOBase + INHWRevOff); // Precautionary deassert reset
+ outb(HA->IOBase + INResetOff, 0); // Reset the board
+ for (j=30; j; j--) // don't make reset too short, figure 10Mhz ISA bus, 4 cycles / IO
+ inb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INFIFOOff]); // but too long breaks some drives
+ inb(HA->IOBase + INHWRevOff); /* de-assert reset */
+ APINotifyReset(HA);
+ ((StateBuffer *)(HA->Ext->InitialState))->OwnID = 7;
+ ((StateBuffer *)(HA->Ext->InitialState))->CtrlReg = ReadWDReg(HA, WDControlReg);
+ ((StateBuffer *)(HA->Ext->InitialState))->TimeOutReg = ReadWDReg(HA, WDTimeoutReg);
+ ((StateBuffer *)(HA->Ext->InitialState))->SourceReg = ReadWDReg(HA, WDSourceReg);
+ HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.WDSelPort = HA->IOBase;
+ HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.WDDataPort = HA->IOBase+1;
+ HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.MHz = 10; /* The IN-2000 uses a 10Mhz 33c93 */
+ HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.AsyncValue = 0x30;
+ IN2000ReInit(HA);
+ HA->State.Allow = 1; // Allow request processing
+ return 0; // OK
+Find_IN2000 (ADAPTER_PTR HA, unsigned *Context)
+ static const unsigned BaseList[]=
+ {0x100, 0x110, 0x200, 0x220}; /* Bits are inverted */
+ static const unsigned IRQList[]={10, 11, 14, 15};
+ unsigned Switch;
+ IOHandle INBase;
+ int HWVers;
+ unsigned Terminal = lengthof(BaseList);
+ // For Chicago:
+ //
+ // If HA->IOBase is entered != 0, then we need to find the index of the
+ // matching I/O address. If we find one, limit the terminus of the
+ // primary check below, so we check only one instance. If we don't find
+ // a match, then the primary loop below will fail to start. Not pretty,
+ // but it works.
+ if (HA->IOBaseAddr != 0) {
+ for (*Context = 0; *Context < lengthof(BaseList); (*Context)++)
+ if (HA->IOBaseAddr == BaseList[*Context])
+ break;
+ Terminal = min(*Context + 1, lengthof(BaseList));
+ }
+ TRACE(4, ("Find_IN2000(): HA Ptr = %x,Context = %x\n", HA, *Context));
+ for (; *Context < Terminal; DeregisterIO(HA, INBase), (*Context)++) {
+ INBase = RegisterIO(HA, BaseList[*Context], 15, AddrSpaceIO);
+ Switch = inb(INBase+INSwitchOff);
+ TRACE(5,("Find_IN2000(): Switch value read was: %02x\n", Switch));
+ if ((Switch & 3) != *Context) /* Do switch settings match? */
+ continue;
+ /* Check the version number port, see if it appears IN-2000-ish */
+ HWVers = inb(INBase+INHWRevOff);
+ TRACE(5,("Find_IN2000(): H/W version read as: %02x\n", HWVers));
+ if ((HWVers < 0x20) || (HWVers > 0x29))
+ continue;
+ if (HWVers < MinHWVers) {
+ LogMessage(HA, NILL, 0, 0, MSG_BAD_FIRMWARE, HWVers);
+ TRACE(1,("Version of the IN-2000 SPROM at I/O address %x is %02x. Please"
+ " call Always\nfor upgrade instructions. Board is being "
+ "ignored.\n\n", INBase, HWVers));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Switch & 0x04)
+ HA->IRQNumber = IRQList[(Switch >> 3) & 0x3];
+ else {
+ LogMessage(HA, NILL, 0, 0, MSG_NO_INT_ENABLE, BaseList[*Context]);
+ TRACE(1,("IN-2000 at I/O %xh must have its interrupts enabled."
+ " Board is being ignored.\n\n", INBase));
+ continue;
+ }
+ HA->IOBase = INBase;
+ HA->IOBaseAddr = BaseList[*Context];
+ HA->IOAddrLen = 15;
+ HA->SCSI_ID = 7;
+ HA->Service = IN2000_Service;
+ HA->ISR = IN2000_ISR;
+ HA->Name = "IN-2000";
+#if defined(WINNT)
+ // Test the DOS 5/Sync. switch (8); On, supports DOS 5 & synchronous
+ HA->Supports.Synchronous = ((Switch & 0x20) == 0); // Support sync. if switch 8 is on
+ HA->Supports.Synchronous = GlobalAllowSync; // Support sync. if switch 8 is on
+ HA->Supports.Identify = TRUE;
+ HA->Physical.BusType = BT_ISA;
+ (*Context)++; // Found one, so inc. for next entry
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+SetUpXfer (ADAPTER_PTR HA, IO_REQ_PTR Req, unsigned Dir)
+ unsigned i;
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CBuff = (char FAR *)&(((char FAR *)(ReqDataPtr(Req)))[(unsigned)(HA->ReqCurrentIndex)]);
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain = HA->ReqCurrentCount;
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrDir = (Dir == SCSIIn) ? IN2000DataIn : IN2000DataOut;
+ TRACE(5,("SetUpXfer(): %ld (0x%lx) bytes to transfered to/from 0x%08lx\n", HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain, HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain, HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CBuff));
+ outb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INFIFOResetOff], 1); /* Reset the FIFO */
+ if (HA->ReqCurrentCount >= FIFOThresh) {
+ TRACE(5,("SetUpXfer(): Setting up for FIFO xfer\n"));
+ if (Dir == SCSIIn) {
+ TRACE(5,("SetUpXfer(): Setting FIFO direction to read\n"));
+ outb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INDirOff], 1); /* set read mode */
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrIntMask =
+ (HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain >= (FIFOSize-FIFOFillOffset)) ? 0 : INFIFOMask;
+ }
+ i = (ReadWDReg(HA, WDControlReg) & ~DMAModeMask) | DMABus;
+ do {
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDControlReg, i);
+ } while (i != ReadWDReg(HA, WDControlReg));
+ if (Dir != SCSIIn) { // Doing DATA OUT
+ /* The IN-2000 FIFO mechinism requires pre-loading on write
+ operations. At least 32 bytes must be pre-loaded, or else
+ data loss may occur. Upon transfering the final bytes to the
+ FIFO, it must be padded by writing 32 bytes of junk, to move
+ the valid data up from the first 32 byte "twilight-zone". This
+ will be done in the FIFO fill routine.
+ */
+ i = (unsigned)min(HA->ReqCurrentCount, (U32)MaxPreFill); // Don't overfill FIFO
+ TRACE(5,("SetUpXfer(): Preloading %d bytes for write.\n", i));
+ repoutsw(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INDataOff], (U16 FAR *)HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CBuff, (i+1)/2); // Pre-fill FIFO
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CBuff += i; // Offset buffer ptr by amount written
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain -= i; // Decrement remaining count
+ if (HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain) // is there more stuff after this?
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrIntMask = 0; // Then don't mask FIFO ints
+ else { // If not, send pad characters
+ TRACE(5, ("SetupXfer(): Padding FIFO\n"));
+ for (i=(FIFOPad / 2); i; i--)
+ outw(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INDataOff], (U16)i);
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrIntMask = INFIFOMask; // Block FIFO ints
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ TRACE(5, ("SetupXfer(): Using byte I/O\n"));
+ i = (ReadWDReg(HA, WDControlReg) & ~DMAModeMask) | DMAPIO;
+ do {
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDControlReg, i);
+ } while (i != ReadWDReg(HA, WDControlReg));
+ }
+ TRACE(5,("SetUpXfer(): SetUpXfer complete\n"));
+FIFOStat (const IOHandle Port)
+#ifdef ASMIO
+ asm {
+ mov dx, word ptr Port
+ in al, dx
+ }
+ asm {
+ mov ah, al
+ in al, dx
+ sub ah, al
+ jnz InAgain
+ }
+ return _AX; /* AH is already zeroed for unsigned promotion */
+ int i;
+ U8 Stat1, Stat2;
+ Stat2 = inb(Port) & StatMask;
+ do {
+ Stat1 = Stat2;
+ for (i=3; i; i--)
+ Stat2 &= inb(Port); // Find which bits are stable for 4 reads
+ Stat2 &= StatMask; // Most sig. two bits, and int bit are interesting
+ } while (Stat1 != Stat2);
+ return Stat1;
+ union {
+ U32 l;
+ unsigned char b[4];
+ } Count;
+ unsigned InFIFO, i;
+ Update the pointers; First get the number of bytes
+ the SCSI chip thinks remain to be transfered. Then compare
+ to the number of bytes the HA structure says remain. The
+ differance is the number of bytes in the FIFO.
+ In the case of read data, we need to read the bytes out of
+ the FIFO. The number of bytes in the FIFO is the number
+ of bytes the structure says we've read, minus what the SCSI
+ chip has sent to the FIFO. The buffer pointer is then
+ incremented, and the remaining count is decremented by that
+ amount.
+ For write data, the number of bytes in the FIFO is the amount
+ the SCSI chip has yet to write, minus what the driver has yet
+ to send to the FIFO. The data in the FIFO is dropped, the
+ buffer pointer is set back, and the remaining count is
+ incremented.
+ if ((HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrDir == IN2000DataIn) && (HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain == 0)) {
+ HA->ReqCurrentIndex += HA->ReqCurrentCount;
+ HA->ReqCurrentCount = 0;
+ } else {
+#if defined(NATIVE32)
+ Count.l = (U32)ReadWDReg(HA, WDCountReg);
+ Count.l = (Count.l * 256) + (U32)ReadWDData(HA);
+ Count.l = (Count.l * 256) + (U32)ReadWDData(HA);
+ Count.b[3] = 0;
+ Count.b[2] = ReadWDReg(HA, WDCountReg);
+ Count.b[1] = ReadWDData(HA);
+ Count.b[0] = ReadWDData(HA);
+ TRACE(4,("EmptyFIFO(): Value of Xfer count registers: 0x%08lx\n", Count.l));
+ if (HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrDir == IN2000DataIn) {
+ // Get number we have untransfered, minus what the chip has left untransfered
+ // to give the number held in the FIFO:
+ InFIFO = (unsigned)(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain - Count.l);
+ TRACE(4,("EmptyFIFO(): CRemain=0x%08lx, in FIFO to read: %04x\n", HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain, InFIFO));
+ if (InFIFO > 0) {
+ TRACE(5, ("EmptyFIFO(): final read %d bytes\n", InFIFO));
+ repinsw(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INDataOff], (U16 FAR *)HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CBuff, (InFIFO+1)/2);
+ }
+ }
+ // When the transfer was set up, the count registers where loaded with
+ // ReqCurrCount(); now the counters reflect the number of bytes untransfered
+ // Increment the index by (StartBytesToXfer - RemainBytesToXfer); and save
+ // away the new remaining count:
+ HA->ReqCurrentIndex += HA->ReqCurrentCount - Count.l;
+ HA->ReqCurrentCount = Count.l;
+ TRACE(4,("EmptyFIFO(): New remaining count: %ld(dec)\n", HA->ReqCurrentCount));
+ }
+ TRACE(5,("EmptyFIFO(): Reseting xfer mode.\n"));
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrIntMask |= INFIFOMask; /* Block the FIFO ints */
+ outb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INFIFOResetOff], 1); /* Reset the FIFO */
+ i = (ReadWDReg(HA, WDControlReg) & 0x1f);
+ do { /* Clear WD Bus mode */
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDControlReg, i);
+ } while (ReadWDReg(HA, WDControlReg) != i);
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrDir = IN2000NoData;
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain = 0;
+ unsigned S;
+#if defined(KEEP_STATS)
+ HA->DataInterrupts++;
+ // Stay in here as long as there is no 33C93 interrupt (bit 0), and there is
+ // at least 512 bytes in the FIFO (0xc0), and there is data remaining.
+ // FIFOStat is called to repeatedly read the FIFO status port, since it
+ // may be unstable for a single read.
+ while (!((S = FIFOStat(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INFIFOOff])) & 1)
+ && (S & 0xc0) && HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain) {
+ TRACE(5, ("IN2000_ISR(): FIFO status port read as %x\n", S));
+ // Value read from port (bits 1-7) is number of bytes / 16; Bit one is the
+ // WD interrupt pending bit; so the count is effectively already multiplied
+ // by two. Multiply it again by 8 to get the number of bytes in FIFO
+// S = (S & 0xc0) * 8;
+ S = 512;
+ if (HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrDir == IN2000DataIn) {
+// if ((U32)S > HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain) {
+// TRACE(0, ("FIFO_ISR(): FIFO says %ld, expected remaining is %ld\n", S, HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain));
+// S = (unsigned)HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain;
+// }
+ S = (unsigned)min(S, HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain);
+ TRACE(4, ("FIFO_ISR(): reading %d bytes to %lx\n", S, HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CBuff));
+#if !defined(ASMIO)
+ repinsw(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INDataOff], HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CBuff, S/2);
+#else /* ASMIO */
+#if sizeof(HA) == 4 /* far HA ptr */
+ asm {
+ mov ax, di
+ les bx, HA
+ mov dx, es:[bx].IOBase
+ les di, es:[bx].AD.IN2000U.CBuff
+ }
+#else /* near HA ptr */
+ asm {
+ mov ax, di
+ mov bx, HA
+ mov dx, [bx].IOBase
+ les di, [bx].AD.IN2000U.CBuff
+ }
+ asm {
+ add dx, INDataOff
+ mov cx, S
+ shr cx, 1
+ cld
+ rep insw
+ mov di, ax
+ }
+#endif /* ASMIO */
+ } else {
+ // Leave 16 bytes (FIFOFillOffset) in FIFO for write flush (see below):
+ S = (unsigned)min(min(S - FIFOFillOffset, FIFOSize/2), HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain);
+ TRACE(5, ("FIFO_ISR(): Writing next %d chunk from %lx\n", S, HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CBuff));
+ repoutsw(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INDataOff], (U16 FAR *)HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CBuff, S/2);
+ }
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CBuff += S;
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain -= S;
+ TRACE(5, ("FIFO_ISR(): New remaining is %ld (0x%lx)\n", HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain, HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain));
+// if (HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain)
+// for(S=16; S && ((inb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INFIFOOff]) & 0xc1) == 0); S--) ;
+ }
+ /* The FIFO logic on the IN-2000 requires writing FIFOPad bytes of garbage
+ into the FIFO to push the end of the valid data out. This flush
+ occurs here:
+ */
+ if (HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain == 0) { /* Don't expect any more FIFO ints */
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrIntMask |= INFIFOMask; /* Block the FIFO ints */
+ if (HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrDir == IN2000DataOut) { // Pad the FIFO
+ for (S=(FIFOPad / 2); S; S--)
+ outw(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INDataOff], (U16)S);
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned char Stat, Taken = 0;
+ TRACE(5, ("IN2000_ISR(): \n"));
+ outb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INIntMaskOff], INFIFOMask | INSBICMask);
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.LastPollHadIntPending = FALSE;
+ while (((Stat = inb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INFIFOOff])) & 1)
+ || ((Stat & 0xc0) && (HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain != 0))) {
+ Taken = 1;
+ TRACE(5, ("IN2000_ISR(): FIFOStatus is : %x\n", Stat));
+ if ( !(Stat & 1) )
+ while(inb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INFIFOOff]) & 0x1)
+ WD33c93_ISR(HA);
+ }
+ outb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INIntMaskOff], HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrIntMask);
+ return Taken;
+IN2000_Initiate (ADAPTER_PTR HA, IO_REQ_PTR Req, const int StartLevel)
+#if defined(COMPOUND_CMD)
+ unsigned char C;
+ TRACE(5, ("IN2000_Initiate(): initiating\n"));
+ critical(HA); // Block interrupts for now
+ HA->ReqCurrentCount = 0; // Next DXFER phase will cause a GetXferSegment()
+ HA->ReqCurrentIndex = 0;
+ HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.State = WD_NO_STATE; // Currently not in any state
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDDestIDReg, ReqTargetID(Req)); // Set the ID of the target
+ HA->State.Busy = 1; // Mark flag for adapter in use
+ if (HA->DevInfo[ReqTargetID(Req)].Flags.UseSync) { // Do we use sync. xfers on this device?
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDSyncReg, HA->DevInfo[ReqTargetID(Req)].HASync1); // Then write the Sync. values
+ } else {
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDSyncReg, HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.AsyncValue); // Alright then, async. values
+ }
+ // enable reselection
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDSourceReg, EnableRSel);
+ SCSIMakeIdentify(HA, ReqTargetLUN(Req), (BOOLEAN)(ReqAllowDisconnect(Req) && HA->CurrDev->Flags.Allow_Disc)); // Then build Identify with disconnect
+#if defined(COMPOUND_CMD)
+ // WD Compound commands only know group 0, 1, & 5 CDBs:
+ C = ReqCDB(Req)[0] & 0xe0;
+ if ((HA->Ext->MO_Count > 1) || !(C <= 0x10 || C == 0x50)) {
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDCMDReg, WDSelATNCmd); // Select with attention
+ TRACE(3, ("IN2000_Initiate(): Using discreet commands\n"));
+ } else {
+ TRACE(3, ("IN2000_Initiate(): Using compound commands\n"));
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDControlReg, EnableIDI);
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDTarLUNReg, ReqTargetLUN(Req) | ((BOOLEAN)(ReqAllowDisconnect(Req) && HA->CurrDev->Flags.Allow_Disc)) ? 0x40 : 0); // Set ID of target LUN
+ if ((HA->ReqCurrentCount >= FIFOThresh) && (ReqDataIn(Req) || ReqDataOut(Req))) {
+ TRACE(4, ("IN2000_Initiate(): Early prepare for data xfer; Preparing for %ld byte xfer\n", HA->ReqCurrentCount));
+ HA->State.DataXfer = 1;
+ HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.State |= WD_BLOCK_XFER;
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrIntMask = 0;
+ SetUpXfer(HA, HA->CurrReq, ReqDataIn(Req));
+ outb(HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.WDSelPort, WDCountReg);
+ outb(HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.WDDataPort, (((char FAR *)&ReqCurrCount(HA->CurrReq))[2]));
+ outb(HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.WDDataPort, (((char FAR *)&ReqCurrCount(HA->CurrReq))[1]));
+ outb(HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.WDDataPort, (((char FAR *)&ReqCurrCount(HA->CurrReq))[0]));
+ } else {
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrIntMask = INFIFOMask;
+ outb(HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.WDSelPort, WDCountReg);
+ outb(HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.WDDataPort, 0);
+ outb(HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.WDDataPort, 0);
+ outb(HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.WDDataPort, 0);
+ }
+ if (StartLevel <= 1)
+ outb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INIntMaskOff], HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrIntMask);
+ SetWDReg(HA, WDCDBReg); // Send the CDB
+ repoutsb(WDData, ReqCDB(Req), ReqCDBLen(Req));
+ HA->Ext->SBIC.WD33C93.State |= WD_COMPOUND_CMD; // Flag the use of LEVEL II commands
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDCMDReg, WDSelATNXCmd); // Start select & xfer w/ attention
+ }
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDCMDReg, WDSelATNCmd); // Select with attention
+ HA->ReqStarting = StartLevel;
+ inb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INLEDOnOff]); // Turn on LED
+ uncritical(HA); // OK, allow ints again
+ TRACE(5, ("IN2000_Initiate(): initiating complete\n"));
+IN2000_Service (int Func, ADAPTER_PTR HA, U32 Misc)
+ int j;
+ switch (Func) {
+ return IN2000Init(HA);
+ break;
+ case HA_START:
+ TRACE(2, ("IN2000_Service(): Got HA_START command\n"));
+ HA->State.Allow = 1;
+ StartNext(HA, 1);
+ break;
+ case HA_STOP:
+ TRACE(2, ("IN2000_Service(): Got HA_STOP command\n"));
+ HA->State.Allow = 0;
+ break;
+ case HA_TICKLE:
+ if (!(HA->State.Busy) && (HA->State.Allow)) {
+ TRACE(5, ("IN2000_Service(): Tickling adapter\n"));
+ StartNext(HA,1);
+ } else {
+ TRACE(5, ("IN2000_Service(): Tickle ignored; Busy = %d, Allow = %d\n", HA->State.Busy, HA->State.Allow));
+ }
+ break;
+ case HA_TIMER:
+ j = inb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INFIFOOff]) & StatMask;
+ if (HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.LastPollHadIntPending && j ) {
+ if (IN2000_ISR(HA)) {
+ LogMessage(HA, HA->CurrReq, 0, 0, MSG_NO_INTERRUPTS, __LINE__);
+ TRACE(0, ("IN2000_Service(): Serviced interrupt on timer\n"));
+ }
+ } else
+ HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.LastPollHadIntPending = j;
+ break;
+ case HA_LED:
+ if ((int)Misc) inb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INLEDOnOff]);
+ else inb(HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.IOMap[INLEDOffOff]);
+ break;
+ IN2000_Initiate(HA, HA->CurrReq, (unsigned)Misc);
+ break;
+ SetUpXfer(HA, HA->CurrReq, (unsigned)Misc);
+ if (HA->ReqCurrentCount < FIFOThresh)
+ return HAServiceResponse_UseByteIO;
+ else
+ return HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CRemain;
+// break;
+ if (HA->Ext->AD.IN2000U.CurrDir != IN2000NoData)
+ EmptyFIFO(HA);
+ break;
+ case HA_RESET_BUS:
+ IN2000ResetBus(HA);
+ break;
+ // Restore the board back to its preveous state. This is used by
+ // Netware / Chicago to switch back to BIOS mode.
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDOwnIDReg, ((StateBuffer *)(HA->Ext->InitialState))->OwnID);
+ critical(HA);
+ // Reset chip, then wait for reset complete interrupt. This causes the chip
+ // to accept the set ID.
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDCMDReg, WDResetCmd);
+ while ((ReadWDReg(HA, WDAuxStatReg) & IntPending) == 0)
+ ;
+ ReadWDReg(HA, WDStatusReg); // Clear the interrupt
+ uncritical(HA);
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDControlReg, ((StateBuffer *)(HA->Ext->InitialState))->CtrlReg);
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDTimeoutReg, ((StateBuffer *)(HA->Ext->InitialState))->TimeOutReg);
+ WriteWDReg(HA, WDSourceReg, ((StateBuffer *)(HA->Ext->InitialState))->SourceReg);
+ break;
+ IN2000ReInit(HA);
+ IN2000ResetBus(HA);
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;