path: root/private/ntos/mm/wsmanage.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/ntos/mm/wsmanage.c')
1 files changed, 1190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/mm/wsmanage.c b/private/ntos/mm/wsmanage.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d8400bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/mm/wsmanage.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1190 @@
+Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ wsmanage.c
+ This module contains routines which manage the set of active working
+ set lists.
+ Working set management is accomplished by a parallel group of actions
+ 1. Writing modified pages
+ 2. Reducing (trimming) working sets which are above their maximum
+ towards their minimum.
+ The metrics are set such that writing modified pages is typically
+ accomplished before trimming working sets, however, under certain cases
+ where modified pages are being generated at a very high rate, working
+ set trimming will be initiated to free up more pages to modify.
+ When the first thread in a process is created, the memory management
+ system is notified that working set expansion is allowed. This
+ is noted by changing the FLINK field of the WorkingSetExpansionLink
+ entry in the process control block from MM_NO_WS_EXPANSION to
+ MM_ALLOW_WS_EXPANSION. As threads fault, the working set is eligible
+ for expansion if ample pages exist (MmAvailagePages is high enough).
+ Once a process has had its working set raised above the minimum
+ specified, the process is put on the Working Set Expanded list and
+ is now elgible for trimming. Note that at this time the FLINK field
+ in the WorkingSetExpansionLink has an address value.
+ When working set trimming is initiated, a process is removed from the
+ list (PFN mutex guards this list) and the FLINK field is set
+ to MM_NO_WS_EXPANSION, also, the BLINK field is set to
+ MM_WS_EXPANSION_IN_PROGRESS. The BLINK field value indicates to
+ the MmCleanUserAddressSpace function that working set trimming is
+ in progress for this process and it should wait until it completes.
+ This is accomplished by creating an event, putting the address of the
+ event in the BLINK field and then releasing the PFN mutex and
+ waiting on the event atomically. When working set trimming is
+ complete, the BLINK field is no longer MM_EXPANSION_IN_PROGRESS
+ indicating that the event should be set.
+ Lou Perazzoli (loup) 10-Apr-1990
+Revision History:
+#include "mi.h"
+#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, MiEmptyAllWorkingSets)
+#pragma alloc_text(INIT, MiAdjustWorkingSetManagerParameters)
+// Minimum number of page faults to take to avoid being trimmed on
+// an "ideal pass".
+ULONG MiIdealPassFaultCountDisable;
+extern ULONG PsMinimumWorkingSet;
+extern PEPROCESS ExpDefaultErrorPortProcess;
+// Number of times to wake up and do nothing before triming processes
+// with no faulting activity.
+#define MM_REDUCE_FAULT_COUNT (10000)
+#define MM_IGNORE_FAULT_COUNT (100)
+ULONG MmPeriodicAgressiveTrimMinFree = 1000;
+ULONG MmPeriodicAgressiveCacheWsMin = 1250;
+ULONG MmPeriodicAgressiveTrimMaxFree = 2000;
+ULONG MiPeriodicAgressiveTrimCheckCounter;
+BOOLEAN MiDoPeriodicAgressiveTrimming = FALSE;
+ULONG MiCheckCounter;
+ULONG MmMoreThanEnoughFreePages = 1000;
+ULONG MmAmpleFreePages = 200;
+ULONG MmWorkingSetReductionMin = 12;
+ULONG MmWorkingSetReductionMinCacheWs = 12;
+ULONG MmWorkingSetReductionMax = 60;
+ULONG MmWorkingSetReductionMaxCacheWs = 60;
+ULONG MmWorkingSetReductionHuge = (512*1024) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ULONG MmWorkingSetVolReductionMin = 12;
+ULONG MmWorkingSetVolReductionMax = 60;
+ULONG MmWorkingSetVolReductionMaxCacheWs = 60;
+ULONG MmWorkingSetVolReductionHuge = (2*1024*1024) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ULONG MmWorkingSetSwapReduction = 75;
+ULONG MmWorkingSetSwapReductionHuge = (4*1024*1024) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ULONG MmForegroundSwitchCount;
+ULONG MmNumberOfForegroundProcesses;
+ULONG MmLastFaultCount;
+extern PVOID MmPagableKernelStart;
+extern PVOID MmPagableKernelEnd;
+ BOOLEAN WorkStation
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function is called from MmInitSystem to adjust the working set manager
+ trim algorithms based on system type and size.
+ WorkStation - TRUE if this is a workstation
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ Kernel mode
+ if ( WorkStation && (MmNumberOfPhysicalPages <= ((31*1024*1024)/PAGE_SIZE)) ) {
+ //
+ // periodic agressive trimming of marked processes (and the system cache)
+ // is done on 31mb and below workstations. The goal is to keep lots of free
+ // memory available and tu build better internal working sets for the
+ // marked processes
+ //
+ MiDoPeriodicAgressiveTrimming = TRUE;
+ //
+ // To get fault protection, you have to take 45 faults instead of
+ // the old 15 fault protection threshold
+ //
+ MiIdealPassFaultCountDisable = 45;
+ //
+ // Take more away when you are over your working set in both
+ // forced and voluntary mode, but leave cache WS trim amounts
+ // alone
+ //
+ MmWorkingSetVolReductionMax = 100;
+ MmWorkingSetReductionMax = 100;
+ //
+ // In forced mode, wven if you are within your working set, take
+ // memory away more agressively
+ //
+ MmWorkingSetReductionMin = 40;
+ MmPeriodicAgressiveCacheWsMin = 1000;
+ if (MmNumberOfPhysicalPages >= ((15*1024*1024)/PAGE_SIZE) ) {
+ MmPeriodicAgressiveCacheWsMin = 1100;
+ }
+ //
+ // For Larger Machines 19 - 31Mb, Keep the trim counter max
+ // set to 6 passes. Smaller machines < 19 are set up for an
+ // iteration count of 4. This will result in more frequent voluntary
+ // trimming
+ //
+ if (MmNumberOfPhysicalPages >= ((19*1024*1024)/PAGE_SIZE) ) {
+ MmPeriodicAgressiveCacheWsMin = 1250;
+ }
+ if (MmNumberOfPhysicalPages >= ((23*1024*1024)/PAGE_SIZE) ) {
+ MmPeriodicAgressiveCacheWsMin = 1500;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MiIdealPassFaultCountDisable = 15;
+ }
+MiObtainFreePages (
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function examines the size of the modified list and the
+ total number of pages in use because of working set increments
+ and obtains pages by writing modified pages and/or reducing
+ working sets.
+ None.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ Kernel mode, APC's disabled, working set and pfn mutexes held.
+ //
+ // Check to see if their are enough modified pages to institute a
+ // write.
+ //
+ if ((MmModifiedPageListHead.Total >= MmModifiedWriteClusterSize) ||
+ (MmModNoWriteInsert)) {
+ //
+ // Start the modified page writer.
+ //
+ KeSetEvent (&MmModifiedPageWriterEvent, 0, FALSE);
+ }
+ //
+ // See if there are enough working sets above the minimum
+ // threshold to make working set trimming worthwhile.
+ //
+ if ((MmPagesAboveWsMinimum > MmPagesAboveWsThreshold) ||
+ (MmAvailablePages < 5)) {
+ //
+ // Start the working set manager to reduce working sets.
+ //
+ KeSetEvent (&MmWorkingSetManagerEvent, 0, FALSE);
+ }
+MmWorkingSetManager (
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Implements the NT working set manager thread. When the number
+ of free pages becomes critical and ample pages can be obtained by
+ reducing working sets, the working set manager's event is set, and
+ this thread becomes active.
+ None.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ Kernel mode.
+ PEPROCESS CurrentProcess;
+ PEPROCESS ProcessToTrim;
+ PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry;
+ BOOLEAN Attached = FALSE;
+ ULONG MaxTrim;
+ ULONG Trim;
+ ULONG TotalReduction;
+ KIRQL OldIrql;
+ PMMWSL WorkingSetList;
+ LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime;
+ ULONG DesiredFreeGoal;
+ ULONG DesiredReductionGoal;
+ ULONG FaultCount;
+ ULONG i;
+ ULONG NumberOfForegroundProcesses;
+ BOOLEAN OneSwitchedAlready;
+ BOOLEAN Responsive;
+ ULONG NumPasses;
+ ULONG count;
+ ULONG Available;
+ ULONG PageFaultCount;
+ BOOLEAN OnlyDoAgressiveTrim = FALSE;
+#if DBG
+ ULONG LastTrimFaultCount;
+#endif // DBG
+ CurrentProcess = PsGetCurrentProcess ();
+ //
+ // Check the number of pages available to see if any trimming
+ // is really required.
+ //
+ LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
+ Available = MmAvailablePages;
+ PageFaultCount = MmInfoCounters.PageFaultCount;
+ UNLOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
+ if ((Available > MmMoreThanEnoughFreePages) &&
+ ((PageFaultCount - MmLastFaultCount) <
+ //
+ // Don't trim and zero the check counter.
+ //
+ MiCheckCounter = 0;
+ if ( MiDoPeriodicAgressiveTrimming ) {
+ //
+ // Not that simple. We have "more than enough" memory, and have taken
+ // very few faults.
+ //
+ // Now see if we are in the grey area between 4 and 8mb free and have
+ // been there for a bit. If so, then trim all marked processes down
+ // to their minimum. The effect here is that whenever it looks like
+ // we are going idle, we want to steal memory from the hard marked
+ // processes like the shell, csrss, ntvdm...
+ //
+ if ( (Available > MmPeriodicAgressiveTrimMinFree) &&
+ (Available <= MmPeriodicAgressiveTrimMaxFree) ) {
+ MiPeriodicAgressiveTrimCheckCounter++;
+ if ( MiPeriodicAgressiveTrimCheckCounter > MM_PERIODIC_AGRESSIVE_TRIM_COUNTER_MAXIMUM ) {
+ MiPeriodicAgressiveTrimCheckCounter = 0;
+ OnlyDoAgressiveTrim = TRUE;
+ goto StartTrimming;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ((Available > MmAmpleFreePages) &&
+ ((PageFaultCount - MmLastFaultCount) <
+ //
+ // Don't do anything.
+ //
+ } else if ((Available > MmFreeGoal) &&
+ (MiCheckCounter < MiTrimCounterMaximum)) {
+ //
+ // Don't trim, but increment the check counter.
+ //
+ MiCheckCounter += 1;
+ } else {
+ TotalReduction = 0;
+ //
+ // Set the total reduction goals.
+ //
+ DesiredReductionGoal = MmPagesAboveWsMinimum >> 2;
+ if (MmPagesAboveWsMinimum > (MmFreeGoal << 1)) {
+ DesiredFreeGoal = MmFreeGoal;
+ } else {
+ DesiredFreeGoal = MmMinimumFreePages + 10;
+ }
+ //
+ // Calculate the number of faults to be taken to not be trimmed.
+ //
+ if (Available > MmMoreThanEnoughFreePages) {
+ FaultCount = 1;
+ } else {
+ FaultCount = MiIdealPassFaultCountDisable;
+ }
+#if DBG
+ if (MmDebug & MM_DBG_WS_EXPANSION) {
+ if ( OnlyDoAgressiveTrim ) {
+ DbgPrint("\nMM-wsmanage: Only Doing Agressive Trim Available Mem %d\n",Available);
+ } else {
+ DbgPrint("\nMM-wsmanage: checkcounter = %ld, Desired = %ld, Free = %ld Avail %ld\n",
+ MiCheckCounter, DesiredReductionGoal, DesiredFreeGoal, Available);
+ }
+ }
+#endif //DBG
+ KeQuerySystemTime (&CurrentTime);
+ MmLastFaultCount = PageFaultCount;
+ NumPasses = 0;
+ OneSwitchedAlready = FALSE;
+ NumberOfForegroundProcesses = 0;
+ while (!IsListEmpty (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead)) {
+ //
+ // Remove the entry at the head and trim it.
+ //
+ ListEntry = RemoveHeadList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead);
+ if (ListEntry != &MmSystemCacheWs.WorkingSetExpansionLinks) {
+ ProcessToTrim = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry,
+ Vm.WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ VmSupport = &ProcessToTrim->Vm;
+ ASSERT (ProcessToTrim->AddressSpaceDeleted == 0);
+ } else {
+ VmSupport = &MmSystemCacheWs;
+ }
+ //
+ // Check to see if we've been here before.
+ //
+ if ((*(PLARGE_INTEGER)&VmSupport->LastTrimTime).QuadPart ==
+ (*(PLARGE_INTEGER)&CurrentTime).QuadPart) {
+ InsertHeadList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead,
+ &VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ //
+ // If we are only doing agressive trimming then
+ // skip out once we have visited everone.
+ //
+ if ( OnlyDoAgressiveTrim ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (MmAvailablePages > MmMinimumFreePages) {
+ //
+ // Every process has been examined and ample pages
+ // now exist, place this process back on the list
+ // and break out of the loop.
+ //
+ MmNumberOfForegroundProcesses = NumberOfForegroundProcesses;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Wait 10 milliseconds for the modified page writer
+ // to catch up.
+ //
+ KeDelayExecutionThread (KernelMode,
+ &MmShortTime);
+ if (MmAvailablePages < MmMinimumFreePages) {
+ //
+ // Change this to a forced trim, so we get pages
+ // available, and reset the current time.
+ //
+ MiPeriodicAgressiveTrimCheckCounter = 0;
+ MiCheckCounter = 0;
+ KeQuerySystemTime (&CurrentTime);
+ NumPasses += 1;
+ }
+ //
+ // Get another process.
+ //
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (VmSupport != &MmSystemCacheWs) {
+ //
+ // If we are only doing agressive trimming,
+ // then only consider hard marked processes
+ //
+ if ( OnlyDoAgressiveTrim ) {
+ if ( (ProcessToTrim->MmAgressiveWsTrimMask & PS_WS_TRIM_FROM_EXE_HEADER) &&
+ VmSupport->WorkingSetSize > 5 ) {
+ goto ProcessSelected;
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Process is not marked, so skip it
+ //
+ InsertTailList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead,
+ &VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Check to see if this is a forced trim or
+ // if we are trimming because check counter is
+ // at the maximum?
+ //
+ if ((ProcessToTrim->Vm.MemoryPriority == MEMORY_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND) && !NumPasses) {
+ NumberOfForegroundProcesses += 1;
+ }
+ if (MiCheckCounter >= MiTrimCounterMaximum) {
+ //
+ // Don't trim if less than 5 seconds has elapsed since
+ // it was last trimmed or the page fault count is
+ // too high.
+ //
+ if (((VmSupport->PageFaultCount -
+ VmSupport->LastTrimFaultCount) >
+ FaultCount)
+ ||
+ (VmSupport->WorkingSetSize <= 5)
+ ||
+ (((*(PLARGE_INTEGER)&CurrentTime).QuadPart -
+ (*(PLARGE_INTEGER)&VmSupport->LastTrimTime).QuadPart) <
+ (*(PLARGE_INTEGER)&MmWorkingSetProtectionTime).QuadPart)) {
+#if DBG
+ if (MmDebug & MM_DBG_WS_EXPANSION) {
+ if ( VmSupport->WorkingSetSize > 5 ) {
+ DbgPrint(" ***** Skipping %s Process %16s %5d Faults, WS %6d\n",
+ ProcessToTrim->MmAgressiveWsTrimMask ? "Marked" : "Normal",
+ ProcessToTrim->ImageFileName,
+ VmSupport->PageFaultCount - VmSupport->LastTrimFaultCount,
+ VmSupport->WorkingSetSize
+ );
+ }
+ }
+#endif //DBG
+ //
+ // Don't trim this one at this time. Set the trim
+ // time to the current time and set the page fault
+ // count to the process's current page fault count.
+ //
+ VmSupport->LastTrimTime = CurrentTime;
+ VmSupport->LastTrimFaultCount =
+ VmSupport->PageFaultCount;
+ InsertTailList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead,
+ &VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // This is a forced trim. If this process is at
+ // or below it's minimum, don't trim it unless stacks
+ // are swapped out or it's paging a bit.
+ //
+ if (VmSupport->WorkingSetSize <=
+ VmSupport->MinimumWorkingSetSize) {
+ if (((MmAvailablePages + 5) >= MmFreeGoal) &&
+ (((VmSupport->LastTrimFaultCount !=
+ VmSupport->PageFaultCount) ||
+ (!ProcessToTrim->ProcessOutswapEnabled)))) {
+ //
+ // This process has taken page faults since the
+ // last trim time. Change the time base and
+ // the fault count. And don't trim as it is
+ // at or below the maximum.
+ //
+ VmSupport->LastTrimTime = CurrentTime;
+ VmSupport->LastTrimFaultCount =
+ VmSupport->PageFaultCount;
+ InsertTailList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead,
+ &VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ continue;
+ }
+ //
+ // If the working set is greater than 5 pages and
+ // the last fault occurred more than 5 seconds ago,
+ // trim.
+ //
+ if ((VmSupport->WorkingSetSize < 5)
+ ||
+ (((*(PLARGE_INTEGER)&CurrentTime).QuadPart -
+ (*(PLARGE_INTEGER)&VmSupport->LastTrimTime).QuadPart) <
+ (*(PLARGE_INTEGER)&MmWorkingSetProtectionTime).QuadPart)) {
+ InsertTailList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead,
+ &VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Fix to supply foreground responsiveness by not trimming
+ // foreground priority applications as aggressively.
+ //
+ Responsive = FALSE;
+ if ( VmSupport->MemoryPriority == MEMORY_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND ) {
+ VmSupport->ForegroundSwitchCount =
+ (UCHAR)MmForegroundSwitchCount;
+ }
+ VmSupport->ForegroundSwitchCount = (UCHAR) MmForegroundSwitchCount;
+ if ((MmNumberOfForegroundProcesses <= 3) &&
+ (NumberOfForegroundProcesses <= 3) &&
+ (VmSupport->MemoryPriority)) {
+ if ((MmAvailablePages > (MmMoreThanEnoughFreePages >> 2)) ||
+ (VmSupport->MemoryPriority >= MEMORY_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND)) {
+ //
+ // Indicate that memory responsiveness to the foreground
+ // process is important (not so for large console trees).
+ //
+ Responsive = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Responsive && !NumPasses) {
+ //
+ // Note that NumPasses yeilds a measurement of how
+ // desperate we are for memory, if numpasses is not
+ // zero, we are in trouble.
+ //
+ InsertTailList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead,
+ &VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ continue;
+ }
+ VmSupport->LastTrimTime = CurrentTime;
+ VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks.Flink = MM_NO_WS_EXPANSION;
+ VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks.Blink =
+ WorkingSetList = MmWorkingSetList;
+ //
+ // Attach to the process and trim away.
+ //
+ if (ProcessToTrim != CurrentProcess) {
+ if (KeTryToAttachProcess (&ProcessToTrim->Pcb) == FALSE) {
+ //
+ // The process is not in the proper state for
+ // attachment, go to the next one.
+ //
+ //
+ // Indicate attach failed.
+ //
+ VmSupport->AllowWorkingSetAdjustment = MM_FORCE_TRIM;
+ goto WorkingSetLockFailed;
+ }
+ //
+ // Indicate that we are attached.
+ //
+ Attached = TRUE;
+ }
+ //
+ // Attempt to acquire the working set lock, if the
+ // lock cannot be acquired, skip over this process.
+ //
+ count = 0;
+ do {
+ if (ExTryToAcquireFastMutex(&ProcessToTrim->WorkingSetLock) != FALSE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ KeDelayExecutionThread (KernelMode, FALSE, &MmShortTime);
+ count += 1;
+ if (count == 5) {
+ //
+ // Could not get the lock, skip this process.
+ //
+ if (Attached) {
+ KeDetachProcess ();
+ Attached = FALSE;
+ }
+ VmSupport->AllowWorkingSetAdjustment = MM_FORCE_TRIM;
+ goto WorkingSetLockFailed;
+ }
+ } while (TRUE);
+#if DBG
+ LastTrimFaultCount = VmSupport->LastTrimFaultCount;
+#endif // DBG
+ VmSupport->LastTrimFaultCount = VmSupport->PageFaultCount;
+ } else {
+ //
+ // System cache, don't trim the system cache if this
+ // is a voluntary trim and the working set is within
+ // a 100 pages of the minimum, or if the system cache
+ // is at its minimum.
+ //
+#if DBG
+ LastTrimFaultCount = VmSupport->LastTrimFaultCount;
+#endif // DBG
+ VmSupport->LastTrimTime = CurrentTime;
+ VmSupport->LastTrimFaultCount = VmSupport->PageFaultCount;
+ //
+ // Always skip the cache if all we are doing is agressive trimming
+ //
+ if ((MiCheckCounter >= MiTrimCounterMaximum) &&
+ (((LONG)VmSupport->WorkingSetSize -
+ (LONG)VmSupport->MinimumWorkingSetSize) < 100) ){
+ //
+ // Don't trim the system cache.
+ //
+ InsertTailList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead,
+ &VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ continue;
+ }
+ //
+ // Indicate that this process is being trimmed.
+ //
+ ProcessToTrim = NULL;
+ WorkingSetList = MmSystemCacheWorkingSetList;
+ count = 0;
+ KeRaiseIrql (APC_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
+ if (!ExTryToAcquireResourceExclusiveLite (&MmSystemWsLock)) {
+ //
+ // System working set lock was not granted, don't trim
+ // the system cache.
+ //
+ KeLowerIrql (OldIrql);
+ InsertTailList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead,
+ &VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ continue;
+ }
+ MmSystemLockOwner = PsGetCurrentThread();
+ VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks.Flink = MM_NO_WS_EXPANSION;
+ VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks.Blink =
+ }
+ if ((VmSupport->WorkingSetSize <= VmSupport->MinimumWorkingSetSize) &&
+ ((ProcessToTrim != NULL) &&
+ (ProcessToTrim->ProcessOutswapEnabled))) {
+ //
+ // Set the quota to the minimum and reduce the working
+ // set size.
+ //
+ WorkingSetList->Quota = VmSupport->MinimumWorkingSetSize;
+ Trim = VmSupport->WorkingSetSize - WorkingSetList->FirstDynamic;
+ if (Trim > MmWorkingSetSwapReduction) {
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetSwapReduction;
+ }
+ ASSERT ((LONG)Trim >= 0);
+ } else {
+ MaxTrim = VmSupport->WorkingSetSize -
+ VmSupport->MinimumWorkingSetSize;
+ if ((ProcessToTrim != NULL) &&
+ (ProcessToTrim->ProcessOutswapEnabled)) {
+ //
+ // All thread stacks have been swapped out.
+ //
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetSwapReduction;
+ i = VmSupport->WorkingSetSize - VmSupport->MaximumWorkingSetSize;
+ if ((LONG)i > 0) {
+ Trim = i;
+ if (Trim > MmWorkingSetSwapReductionHuge) {
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetSwapReductionHuge;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( OnlyDoAgressiveTrim ) {
+ //
+ // If we are in agressive mode,
+ // only trim the cache if it's WS exceeds 4.3mb and then
+ // just bring it down to 4.3mb
+ //
+ if (VmSupport != &MmSystemCacheWs) {
+ Trim = MaxTrim;
+ } else {
+ if ( VmSupport->WorkingSetSize > MmPeriodicAgressiveCacheWsMin ) {
+ Trim = VmSupport->WorkingSetSize - MmPeriodicAgressiveCacheWsMin;
+ } else {
+ Trim = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (MiCheckCounter >= MiTrimCounterMaximum) {
+ //
+ // Haven't faulted much, reduce a bit.
+ //
+ if (VmSupport->WorkingSetSize >
+ (VmSupport->MaximumWorkingSetSize +
+ (6 * MmWorkingSetVolReductionHuge))) {
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetVolReductionHuge;
+ } else if ( (VmSupport != &MmSystemCacheWs) &&
+ VmSupport->WorkingSetSize >
+ ( VmSupport->MaximumWorkingSetSize + (2 * MmWorkingSetReductionHuge))) {
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetReductionHuge;
+ } else if (VmSupport->WorkingSetSize > VmSupport->MaximumWorkingSetSize) {
+ if (VmSupport != &MmSystemCacheWs) {
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetVolReductionMax;
+ } else {
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetVolReductionMaxCacheWs;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetVolReductionMin;
+ }
+ if ( ProcessToTrim && ProcessToTrim->MmAgressiveWsTrimMask ) {
+ Trim = MaxTrim;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (VmSupport->WorkingSetSize >
+ (VmSupport->MaximumWorkingSetSize +
+ (2 * MmWorkingSetReductionHuge))) {
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetReductionHuge;
+ } else if (VmSupport->WorkingSetSize > VmSupport->MaximumWorkingSetSize) {
+ if (VmSupport != &MmSystemCacheWs) {
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetReductionMax;
+ } else {
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetReductionMaxCacheWs;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (VmSupport != &MmSystemCacheWs) {
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetReductionMin;
+ } else {
+ Trim = MmWorkingSetReductionMinCacheWs;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ProcessToTrim && ProcessToTrim->MmAgressiveWsTrimMask && VmSupport->MemoryPriority < MEMORY_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND) {
+ Trim = MaxTrim;
+ }
+ }
+ if (MaxTrim < Trim) {
+ Trim = MaxTrim;
+ }
+ }
+#if DBG
+ if ( MmDebug & MM_DBG_WS_EXPANSION) {
+ if ( Trim ) {
+ DbgPrint(" Trimming Process %16s %5d Faults, WS %6d, Trimming %5d ==> %5d\n",
+ ProcessToTrim ? ProcessToTrim->ImageFileName : "System Cache",
+ VmSupport->PageFaultCount - LastTrimFaultCount,
+ VmSupport->WorkingSetSize,
+ Trim,
+ VmSupport->WorkingSetSize-Trim
+ );
+ }
+ }
+#endif //DBG
+ if (Trim != 0) {
+ Trim = MiTrimWorkingSet (
+ Trim,
+ VmSupport,
+ OnlyDoAgressiveTrim ? OnlyDoAgressiveTrim : ((BOOLEAN)(MiCheckCounter < MiTrimCounterMaximum))
+ );
+ }
+ //
+ // Set the quota to the current size.
+ //
+ WorkingSetList->Quota = VmSupport->WorkingSetSize;
+ if (WorkingSetList->Quota < VmSupport->MinimumWorkingSetSize) {
+ WorkingSetList->Quota = VmSupport->MinimumWorkingSetSize;
+ }
+ if (VmSupport != &MmSystemCacheWs) {
+ UNLOCK_WS (ProcessToTrim);
+ if (Attached) {
+ KeDetachProcess ();
+ Attached = FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ TotalReduction += Trim;
+ ASSERT (VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks.Flink == MM_NO_WS_EXPANSION);
+ if (VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks.Blink ==
+ //
+ // If the working set size is still above minimum
+ // add this back at the tail of the list.
+ //
+ InsertTailList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead,
+ &VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ } else {
+ //
+ // The value in the blink is the address of an event
+ // to set.
+ //
+ KeSetEvent ((PKEVENT)VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks.Blink,
+ 0,
+ }
+ if ( !OnlyDoAgressiveTrim ) {
+ if (MiCheckCounter < MiTrimCounterMaximum) {
+ if ((MmAvailablePages > DesiredFreeGoal) ||
+ (TotalReduction > DesiredReductionGoal)) {
+ //
+ // Ample pages now exist.
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MiPeriodicAgressiveTrimCheckCounter = 0;
+ MiCheckCounter = 0;
+ }
+ //
+ // Signal the modified page writer as we have moved pages
+ // to the modified list and memory was critical.
+ //
+ if ((MmAvailablePages < MmMinimumFreePages) ||
+ (MmModifiedPageListHead.Total >= MmModifiedPageMaximum)) {
+ KeSetEvent (&MmModifiedPageWriterEvent, 0, FALSE);
+ }
+ return;
+MiEmptyAllWorkingSets (
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine attempts to empty all the working stes on the
+ expansion list.
+ None.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ Kernel mode. No locks held. Apc level or less.
+ ULONG SystemCacheSeen = FALSE;
+ KIRQL OldIrql;
+ PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry;
+ PEPROCESS ProcessToTrim;
+ MmLockPagableSectionByHandle (ExPageLockHandle);
+ while (!IsListEmpty (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead)) {
+ //
+ // Remove the entry at the head and trim it.
+ //
+ ListEntry = RemoveHeadList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead);
+ if (ListEntry != &MmSystemCacheWs.WorkingSetExpansionLinks) {
+ ProcessToTrim = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry,
+ Vm.WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ VmSupport = &ProcessToTrim->Vm;
+ ASSERT (ProcessToTrim->AddressSpaceDeleted == 0);
+ ASSERT (VmSupport->VmWorkingSetList == MmWorkingSetList);
+ } else {
+ VmSupport = &MmSystemCacheWs;
+ ProcessToTrim = NULL;
+ if (SystemCacheSeen != FALSE) {
+ //
+ // Seen this one already.
+ //
+ FirstSeen = VmSupport;
+ }
+ SystemCacheSeen = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (VmSupport == FirstSeen) {
+ InsertHeadList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead,
+ &VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ break;
+ }
+ VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks.Flink = MM_NO_WS_EXPANSION;
+ VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks.Blink =
+ if (FirstSeen == NULL) {
+ FirstSeen == VmSupport;
+ }
+ //
+ // Empty the working set.
+ //
+ if (ProcessToTrim == NULL) {
+ MiEmptyWorkingSet (VmSupport);
+ } else {
+ if (ProcessToTrim->Vm.WorkingSetSize > 4) {
+ KeAttachProcess (&ProcessToTrim->Pcb);
+ MiEmptyWorkingSet (VmSupport);
+ KeDetachProcess ();
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Add back to the list.
+ //
+ ASSERT (VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks.Flink == MM_NO_WS_EXPANSION);
+ if (VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks.Blink ==
+ //
+ // If the working set size is still above minimum
+ // add this back at the tail of the list.
+ //
+ InsertTailList (&MmWorkingSetExpansionHead.ListHead,
+ &VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks);
+ } else {
+ //
+ // The value in the blink is the address of an event
+ // to set.
+ //
+ KeSetEvent ((PKEVENT)VmSupport->WorkingSetExpansionLinks.Blink,
+ 0,
+ }
+ }
+ MmUnlockPagableImageSection (ExPageLockHandle);
+ return;