path: root/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/cinit.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 930 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/cinit.c b/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/cinit.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8e9c4efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/cinit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,930 @@
+/** Microsoft Windows **/
+/** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1993 **/
+ Init.c
+ Contains VxD initialization code
+ Johnl 24-Mar-1993 Created
+#include <nbtprocs.h>
+#include <tdiinfo.h>
+#include <ipinfo.h>
+#include <dhcpinfo.h>
+#include <nbtinfo.h>
+#include <hosts.h>
+int Init( void ) ;
+int RegisterLana( int Lana ) ;
+ ) ;
+extern char DNSSectionName[]; // Section where we find DNS domain name
+ULONG GetDhcpOption( PUCHAR ValueName, ULONG DefaultValue );
+VOID ParseDomainNames(
+ PUCHAR *ppDomainName,
+ PUCHAR *ppDNSDomains
+ );
+//******************* Pageable Routine Declarations ****************
+#pragma CTEMakePageable(INIT, Init)
+#pragma CTEMakePageable(PAGE, NbtReadRegistry)
+#pragma CTEMakePageable(PAGE, GetDNSInfo)
+#pragma CTEMakePageable(PAGE, CreateDeviceObject)
+#pragma CTEMakePageable(PAGE, GetDhcpOption)
+//******************* Pageable Routine Declarations ****************
+// Initialized in VNBT_Device_Init with the protocol(s) this driver sits
+// on. Note that we currently only support one. This should *not* be in
+// the initialization data segments.
+TDIDispatchTable * TdiDispatch ;
+UCHAR LanaBase ;
+BOOL fInInit = TRUE ;
+// Used in conjunction with the CHECK_INT_TABLE macro
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BYTE abVecTbl[256] ;
+ char DBOut[4096] ;
+ int iCurPos = 0 ;
+void NbtDebugOut( char * str )
+ CTEPrint( str ) ;
+ iCurPos += strlen( str ) + 1 ;
+ if ( iCurPos >= sizeof(DBOut) )
+ iCurPos = 0;
+#endif // DEBUG
+#pragma BEGIN_INIT
+// While reading initialization parameters, we may need to go to
+// the DHCP driver. This communicates to the init routine which device
+// we are currently interested in.
+// 0xfffffff means get the requested option for any IP address.
+ULONG CurrentIP = 0xffffffff ;
+ NAME: Init
+ SYNOPSIS: Performs all driver initialization
+ RETURNS: TRUE if initialization successful, FALSE otherwise
+ Johnl 24-Mar-1993 Created
+int Init( void )
+ NTSTATUS status ;
+ int i ;
+ ULONG ulTmp ;
+ int Retval;
+ Retval = FALSE;
+ if ( CTEInitialize() )
+ {
+ DbgPrint("Init: CTEInitialize succeeded\n\r") ;
+ }
+ else
+ goto fail_init;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ InitializeListHead(&DbgMemList);
+ DbgLeakCheck = 0;
+#ifdef CHICAGO
+ //
+ // Tell TDI who to call if someone underneath unloads
+ //
+ CTESetUnloadNotifyProc( (CTENotifyRtn)VxdUnload );
+ //
+ // prepare to read a bunch of parms from the registry
+ //
+ VxdOpenNdis();
+ CTERefillMem() ;
+ CTEZeroMemory( pNbtGlobConfig, sizeof(*pNbtGlobConfig));
+ status = NbtReadRegistry( pNbtGlobConfig ) ;
+ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) )
+ {
+ DbgPrint("Init: NbtReadRegistry failed\n\r") ;
+ goto fail_init;
+ }
+ InitializeListHead(&pNbtGlobConfig->DelayedEvents);
+ InitializeListHead(&pNbtGlobConfig->BlockingNcbs);
+ status = InitNotOs() ;
+ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) )
+ {
+ DbgPrint("Init: InitNotOs failed\n\r") ;
+ goto fail_init;
+ }
+ status = InitTimersNotOs() ;
+ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) )
+ {
+ DbgPrint("Init: InitTimersNotOs failed\n\r") ;
+ StopInitTimers() ;
+ goto fail_init;
+ }
+#ifdef CHICAGO
+ //
+ // if name server and/or dns server are defined in registry, read them now
+ //
+ SaveNameDnsServerAddrs();
+ //
+ // Register an IP notification routine when new adapters are added or
+ // DHCP brings up an address
+ //
+ if ( !IPRegisterAddrChangeHandler( IPNotification, TRUE))
+ {
+ DbgPrint("Init: Failed to register with IP driver\r\n") ;
+ StopInitTimers() ;
+ goto fail_init;
+ }
+ //
+ // Find all the active Lanas
+ //
+ if ( !GetActiveLanasFromIP() )
+ {
+ DbgPrint("Init: Failed to get addresses from IP driver\r\n") ;
+ StopInitTimers() ;
+ goto fail_init;
+ }
+ //
+ // find out where hosts file is, what's the domain name etc.
+ //
+ GetDNSInfo();
+ //
+ // Get the NCB timeout timer going
+ //
+ if ( !CheckForTimedoutNCBs( NULL, NULL) )
+ {
+ DbgPrint("Init: CheckForTimedoutNCBs failed\n\r") ;
+ StopInitTimers() ;
+ goto fail_init;
+ }
+ fInInit = FALSE ;
+ CTERefillMem() ;
+ Retval = TRUE ;
+#ifdef CHICAGO
+ VxdCloseNdis();
+ return( Retval );
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine is called to get information from the registry,
+ starting at RegistryPath to get the parameters.
+ pNbtConfig - ptr to global configuration strucuture for NBT
+Return Value:
+ otherwise.
+ int i;
+ CTEPagedCode();
+ //
+ // Initialize the Configuration data structure
+ //
+ CTEZeroMemory(pConfig,sizeof(tNBTCONFIG));
+ ReadParameters( pConfig, NULL );
+ //
+ // Allocate necessary memory for lmhosts support if a lmhosts file
+ // was specified (was read from .ini file in ReadParameters)
+ //
+ if ( pConfig->pLmHosts )
+ {
+ if ( !VxdInitLmHostsSupport( pConfig->pLmHosts,
+ 260 /*strlen(pConfig->pLmHosts)+1*/ ))
+ {
+ }
+ pConfig->EnableLmHosts = TRUE ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pConfig->EnableLmHosts = FALSE ;
+ }
+ // keep the size around for allocating memory, so that when we run over
+ // OSI, only this value should change (in theory at least)
+ pConfig->SizeTransportAddress = sizeof(TDI_ADDRESS_IP);
+ // fill in the node type value that is put into all name service Pdus
+ // that go out identifying this node type
+ switch (NodeType)
+ {
+ case BNODE:
+ pConfig->PduNodeType = 0;
+ break;
+ case PNODE:
+ pConfig->PduNodeType = 1 << 13;
+ break;
+ case MNODE:
+ pConfig->PduNodeType = 1 << 14;
+ break;
+ case MSNODE:
+ pConfig->PduNodeType = 3 << 13;
+ break;
+ }
+ LanaBase = (UCHAR) CTEReadSingleIntParameter( NULL,
+ 0 ) ;
+ CTEZeroMemory( LanaTable, NBT_MAX_LANAS * sizeof( LANA_ENTRY )) ;
+ return Status;
+ NAME: GetDNSInfo
+ SYNOPSIS: Gets path to windows dir, then appends hosts to it
+ RETURNS: Nothing
+ NOTES: If something goes wrong, path is set to NULL
+ Koti 13-July-1994 Created
+ PUCHAR pszWinPath;
+ PUCHAR pszHosts="hosts";
+ PUCHAR pszHostsPath=NULL;
+#ifdef CHICAGO
+ PUCHAR pszParmName="Domain";
+ PUCHAR pszParm2Name = "SearchList";
+ PUCHAR pszParmName="DomainName";
+ PUCHAR pszParm2Name = "DNSDomains";
+ PUCHAR pszDomName;
+ PUCHAR pchTmp;
+ int len;
+ CTEPagedCode();
+ NbtConfig.pHosts = NULL;
+ //
+ // Remember, pszWinPath has '\' at the end: (i.e. Get_Config_Directory
+ // returns pointer to "c:\windows\" )
+ //
+ pszWinPath = VxdWindowsPath();
+ //
+ // doc implies Get_Config_Directory can't fail! But we are paranoid...
+ //
+ if (pszWinPath == NULL)
+ {
+ pszHostsPath = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ len = strlen(pszWinPath) + strlen(pszHosts) + 1;
+ //
+ // allocate memory to hold "c:\windows\hosts" or whatever
+ //
+ pszHostsPath = CTEAllocInitMem( len );
+ if (pszHostsPath == NULL)
+ return;
+ strcpy(pszHostsPath, pszWinPath);
+ strcat(pszHostsPath, pszHosts);
+ NbtConfig.pHosts = pszHostsPath;
+ NbtConfig.pDomainName = NULL;
+// chicago gets the string from the registry, snowball from system.ini
+ NbtConfig.pDNSDomains = NULL;
+#ifdef CHICAGO
+ if ( !CTEReadIniString( NULL, pszParmName, &pchTmp ) )
+ {
+ NbtConfig.pDomainName = pchTmp;
+ }
+ if ( !CTEReadIniString( NULL, pszParm2Name, &pchTmp ) )
+ {
+ if (pchTmp[0] != '\0')
+ {
+ NbtConfig.pDNSDomains = pchTmp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CTEMemFree(pchTmp);
+ }
+ }
+ pchTmp = GetProfileString( pszParmName, NULL, DNSSectionName );
+ if ( pchTmp != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( pszDomName = CTEAllocInitMem( strlen( pchTmp ) + 1 ) )
+ {
+ strcpy( pszDomName, pchTmp ) ;
+ NbtConfig.pDomainName = pszDomName;
+ }
+ }
+ pchTmp = GetProfileString( pszParm2Name, NULL, DNSSectionName );
+ if ( pchTmp != NULL && pchTmp[0] != '\0')
+ {
+ if ( pszDomName = CTEAllocInitMem( strlen( pchTmp ) + 1) )
+ {
+ strcpy( pszDomName, pchTmp ) ;
+ NbtConfig.pDNSDomains = pszDomName;
+ }
+ }
+ ParseDomainNames( &NbtConfig.pDomainName, &NbtConfig.pDNSDomains);
+ return;
+ NAME: ParseDomainNames
+ SYNOPSIS: Extracts heirarchical domain names from the primary DNS
+ domain name, and prepends any found to the domains list.
+ ENTRY: ppDomainName - pointer to pointer to primary DNS domain name
+ ppDNSDomains - pointer to pointer to other DNS domain names
+ EXIT: *ppDNSDomains updated with pointer to new DNS domains list
+ if any other heirarchical levels found in *ppDomainName.
+ RETURNS: nothing
+ EarleH 10-Jan-1996 Created
+VOID ParseDomainNames(
+ PUCHAR *ppDomainName,
+ PUCHAR *ppDNSDomains
+ )
+ PUCHAR pStr;
+ UINT iCount;
+ PUCHAR pDomainName = *ppDomainName, pDNSDomains = *ppDNSDomains, pNewDNSDomains;
+ if ( pDomainName != NULL )
+ {
+ for ( iCount = 0, pStr = pDomainName ; pStr[0] != '\0' ; pStr++ )
+ {
+ if ( pStr[0] == '.' )
+ {
+ iCount += strlen ( pStr );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( pDNSDomains != NULL )
+ {
+ iCount += strlen ( pDNSDomains );
+ if ( iCount )
+ {
+ iCount++; // for the separator
+ }
+ }
+ if (iCount++) // ++ for the terminator
+ {
+ pNewDNSDomains = CTEAllocInitMem( iCount );
+ if ( pNewDNSDomains != NULL )
+ {
+ pNewDNSDomains[0] = '\0';
+ for ( pStr = pDomainName ; pStr[0] != '\0' ; pStr++ )
+ {
+ if ( pStr[0] == '.' )
+ {
+ pStr++;
+ if ( pNewDNSDomains[0] != '\0' )
+ {
+ strcat ( pNewDNSDomains, "," );
+ }
+ strcat ( pNewDNSDomains, pStr );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( pDNSDomains != NULL )
+ {
+ strcat ( pNewDNSDomains, "," );
+ strcat ( pNewDNSDomains, pDNSDomains );
+ CTEMemFree( pDNSDomains );
+ }
+ if ( pNewDNSDomains[0] != '\0' )
+ {
+ *ppDNSDomains = pNewDNSDomains;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *ppDNSDomains = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#pragma END_INIT
+#ifndef CHICAGO
+#pragma BEGIN_INIT
+ NAME: CreateDeviceObject
+ SYNOPSIS: Initializes the device list of the global configuration
+ structure
+ ENTRY: pConfig - Pointer to global config structure
+ IpAddr - IP Address for this adapter
+ IpMask - IP Mask for this adapter
+ IpNameServer - IP Address of the name server for this adapter
+ IpBackupServer - IP Address of the backup name server for
+ this adapter
+ IpDnsServer - IP Address of the dns server for this adapter
+ IpDnsBackupServer - IP Address of the backup dns server
+ MacAddr - hardware address of the adapter for this IP addr
+ IpIndex - Index of the IP Address in the IP Driver's address
+ table (used for setting address by DHCP)
+ EXIT: The device list in pConfig will be fully initialized
+ RETURNS: STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, error otherwise
+ Johnl 14-Apr-1993 Created
+NTSTATUS CreateDeviceObject(
+ IN tNBTCONFIG *pConfig,
+ IN ULONG IpAddr,
+ IN ULONG IpMask,
+ IN ULONG IpNameServer,
+ IN ULONG IpBackupServer,
+ IN ULONG IpDnsServer,
+ IN ULONG IpDnsBackupServer,
+ IN UCHAR MacAddr[],
+ IN UCHAR IpIndex
+ )
+ NTSTATUS status;
+ tDEVICECONTEXT * pDeviceContext, *pDevtmp;
+ ULONG ulTmp ;
+ NCB * pNCB ;
+ DHCPNotify dn ;
+ ULONG Adapter;
+ ULONG PreviousNodeType;
+ CTEPagedCode();
+ pDeviceContext = CTEAllocInitMem(sizeof( tDEVICECONTEXT )) ;
+ if ( !pDeviceContext )
+ //
+ // zero out the data structure
+ //
+ CTEZeroMemory( pDeviceContext, sizeof(tDEVICECONTEXT) );
+ // put a verifier value into the structure so that we can check that
+ // we are operating on the right data when the OS passes a device context
+ // to NBT
+ pDeviceContext->Verify = NBT_VERIFY_DEVCONTEXT;
+ //
+ // we aren't up yet: don't want ncb's coming in before we are ready!
+ //
+ pDeviceContext->fDeviceUp = FALSE;
+ // setup the spin lock);
+ CTEInitLock(&pDeviceContext->SpinLock);
+ pDeviceContext->LockNumber = DEVICE_LOCK;
+ pDeviceContext->lNameServerAddress = IpNameServer ;
+ pDeviceContext->lBackupServer = IpBackupServer ;
+ pDeviceContext->lDnsServerAddress = IpDnsServer ;
+ pDeviceContext->lDnsBackupServer = IpDnsBackupServer ;
+ // copy the mac addresss
+ CTEMemCopy(&pDeviceContext->MacAddress.Address[0], MacAddr, 6);
+ //
+ // if the node type is set to Bnode by default then switch to Hnode if
+ // there are any WINS servers configured.
+ //
+ PreviousNodeType = NodeType;
+ if ((NodeType & DEFAULT_NODE_TYPE) &&
+ (IpNameServer || IpBackupServer))
+ {
+ NodeType = MSNODE;
+ if (PreviousNodeType & PROXY)
+ NodeType |= PROXY;
+ }
+ //
+ // start the refresh timer (if we had already started it, this function
+ // just returns success)
+ //
+ status = StartRefreshTimer();
+ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) )
+ {
+ CTEFreeMem( pDeviceContext ) ;
+ return( status ) ;
+ }
+ // initialize the pDeviceContext data structure. There is one of
+ // these data structured tied to each "device" that NBT exports
+ // to higher layers (i.e. one for each network adapter that it
+ // binds to.
+ // The initialization sets the forward link equal to the back link equal
+ // to the list head
+ InitializeListHead(&pDeviceContext->UpConnectionInUse);
+ InitializeListHead(&pDeviceContext->LowerConnection);
+ InitializeListHead(&pDeviceContext->LowerConnFreeHead);
+ InitializeListHead(&pDeviceContext->RcvAnyFromAnyHead);
+ InitializeListHead(&pDeviceContext->RcvDGAnyFromAnyHead);
+ InitializeListHead(&pDeviceContext->PartialRcvHead) ;
+ InitializeListHead(&pDeviceContext->DelayedEvents);
+ //
+ // Pick an adapter number that hasn't been used yet
+ //
+ Adapter = 1;
+ for ( pEntry = pConfig->DeviceContexts.Flink;
+ pEntry != &pConfig->DeviceContexts;
+ pEntry = pEntry->Flink )
+ {
+ pDevtmp = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, tDEVICECONTEXT, Linkage );
+ if ( !(pDevtmp->AdapterNumber & Adapter) )
+ break;
+ Adapter <<= 1;
+ }
+ pDeviceContext->AdapterNumber = Adapter ;
+ pDeviceContext->IPIndex = IpIndex ;
+ NbtConfig.AdapterCount++ ;
+ if ( NbtConfig.AdapterCount > 1 )
+ {
+ NbtConfig.MultiHomed = TRUE ;
+ }
+ //
+ // Allocate our name table and session table watching for both a
+ // minimum and a maximum size.
+ //
+ pDeviceContext->cMaxNames = (UCHAR) min( pConfig->lRegistryMaxNames, MAX_NCB_NUMS ) ;
+ pDeviceContext->cMaxSessions = (UCHAR) min( pConfig->lRegistryMaxSessions, MAX_NCB_NUMS ) ;
+ //
+ // Add one to the table size for the zeroth element (used for permanent
+ // name in the name table). The user accessible table goes from 1 to n
+ //
+ if ( !(pDeviceContext->pNameTable = (tCLIENTELE**)
+ CTEAllocInitMem((USHORT)((pDeviceContext->cMaxNames+1) * sizeof(tADDRESSELE*)))) ||
+ !(pDeviceContext->pSessionTable = (tCONNECTELE**)
+ CTEAllocInitMem((pDeviceContext->cMaxSessions+1) * sizeof(tCONNECTELE*))))
+ {
+ }
+ CTEZeroMemory( &pDeviceContext->pNameTable[0],
+ (pDeviceContext->cMaxNames+1)*sizeof(tCLIENTELE*)) ;
+ CTEZeroMemory( &pDeviceContext->pSessionTable[0],
+ (pDeviceContext->cMaxSessions+1)*sizeof(tCONNECTELE*) ) ;
+ pDeviceContext->iNcbNum = 1 ;
+ pDeviceContext->iLSNum = 1 ;
+ // add this new device context on to the List in the configuration
+ // data structure
+ InsertTailList(&pConfig->DeviceContexts,&pDeviceContext->Linkage);
+ //
+ // IpAddr can be 0 only in wfw case (when dhcp hasn't yet obtained one)
+ // (in case of chicago, we will never come this far if ipaddr is 0)
+ //
+ if (!IpAddr)
+ {
+ pDeviceContext->IpAddress = 0;
+ goto Skip_tdiaddr_init;
+ }
+ //
+ // open the required address objects with the underlying transport provider
+ //
+ status = NbtCreateAddressObjects(
+ IpAddr,
+ IpMask,
+ pDeviceContext);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
+ {
+ KdPrint(("Failed to create the Address Object, status=%lC\n",status));
+ return(status);
+ }
+ // this call must converse with the transport underneath to create
+ // connections and associate them with the session address object
+ status = NbtInitConnQ(
+ &pDeviceContext->LowerConnFreeHead,
+ pDeviceContext);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
+ {
+ ("CreateDeviceObject: NbtInitConnQ Failed!")) ;
+ return(status);
+ }
+ //
+ // Add the permanent name for this adapter
+ //
+ status = NbtAddPermanentName( pDeviceContext ) ;
+ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ))
+ {
+ return status ;
+ }
+ //
+ // ok, we are ready to function! (we are setting this to TRUE even if
+ // there is no ipaddr yet (in case of wfw only) so that rdr,srv etc. can
+ // add names without error
+ //
+ pDeviceContext->fDeviceUp = TRUE;
+#ifndef CHICAGO
+ //
+ // Set up a DHCP notification for this device in case the IP address
+ // changes
+ //
+ dn.dn_pfnNotifyRoutine = AddrChngNotification ;
+ dn.dn_pContext = pDeviceContext ;
+ status = DhcpSetInfo( DHCP_SET_NOTIFY_HANDLER,
+ pDeviceContext->IPIndex,
+ &dn,
+ sizeof( dn )) ;
+ if ( status )
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ ("CreateDeviceObject: Warning - Setting Dhcp notification handler failed")) ;
+ }
+#endif //!CHICAGO
+ NAME: GetDhcpOption
+ SYNOPSIS: Checks to see if the passed .ini parameter is a potential
+ DHCP option. If it is, it calls DHCP to get the option.
+ This routine is called when retrieving parameters from
+ the .ini file if the parameter is not found.
+ ENTRY: ValueName - String of .ini parameter name
+ DefaultValue - Value to return if not a DHCP option or
+ DHCP didn't have the option
+ RETURNS: DHCP option value or DefaultValue if an error occurred.
+ If the requested parameter is a string option (such as
+ scopeid), then a pointer to an allocated string is
+ returned.
+ NOTES: Name Server address is handled in GetNameServerAddress
+ Johnl 17-Dec-1993 Created
+ PUCHAR pchParamName ;
+ ULONG DhcpOptionID ;
+} OptionMapping[] =
+ } ;
+#define NUM_OPTIONS (sizeof(OptionMapping)/sizeof(OptionMapping[0]))
+ULONG GetDhcpOption( PUCHAR ValueName, ULONG DefaultValue )
+ int i ;
+ ULONG Val ;
+ TDI_STATUS tdistatus ;
+ ULONG Size ;
+ INT OptionId ;
+ PUCHAR pStrVal ;
+ CTEPagedCode();
+ //
+ // Is this parameter a DHCP option?
+ //
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < NUM_OPTIONS ; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp( OptionMapping[i].pchParamName, ValueName ))
+ goto FoundOption ;
+ }
+ return DefaultValue ;
+ switch ( OptionId = OptionMapping[i].DhcpOptionID )
+ {
+ case OPTION_NETBIOS_SCOPE_OPTION: // String options go here
+ //
+ // Get the size of the string resource, then get the option
+ //
+ pStrVal = CTEAllocInitMem( Size );
+ if (pStrVal == NULL)
+ {
+ DbgPrint("GetDhcpOption: failed to allocate memory") ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ tdistatus = DhcpQueryOption( CurrentIP,
+ OptionId,
+ pStrVal,
+ &Size ) ;
+ if ( tdistatus == TDI_SUCCESS )
+ {
+ DbgPrint("GetDhcpOption: Successfully retrieved option ID ") ;
+ DbgPrintNum( OptionId ) ; DbgPrint("\r\n") ;
+ return (ULONG) pStrVal ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DbgPrint("GetDhcpOption: returned error = 0x ") ;
+ DbgPrintNum( tdistatus ) ; DbgPrint("\r\n") ;
+ CTEMemFree( pStrVal ) ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ default: // ULONG options go here
+ Size = sizeof( Val ) ;
+ tdistatus = DhcpQueryOption( CurrentIP,
+ OptionId,
+ &Val,
+ &Size ) ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ switch ( tdistatus )
+ {
+ case TDI_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: // May be more then one, only take the 1st
+ DbgPrint("GetDhcpOption: Successfully retrieved option ID ") ;
+ DbgPrintNum( OptionId ) ; DbgPrint("\r\n") ;
+ return Val ;
+ case TDI_INVALID_PARAMETER: // Option not found
+ DbgPrint("GetDhcpOption: Failed to retrieve option ID ") ;
+ DbgPrintNum( OptionId ) ; DbgPrint("\r\n") ;
+ return DefaultValue ;
+ default:
+ break ;
+ }
+ return DefaultValue ;
+#ifndef CHICAGO
+#pragma END_INIT