path: root/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/ctimer.c
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1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/ctimer.c b/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/ctimer.c
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index 000000000..29cca3179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/ctimer.c
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+/** Microsoft Windows **/
+/** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1993 **/
+ Timer.c
+ This module checks for active sessions on all adapters for send/receive
+ NCBs that have timed out.
+ A single timer is used for all adapters.
+ If a send times out, then the session will be aborted.
+ Johnl 23-Sep-1993 Created
+#include <nbtprocs.h>
+#include <ctemacro.h>
+CTETimer TimeoutTimer ;
+ NAME: CheckForTimedoutNCBs
+ SYNOPSIS: Traverses list of all send/receive NCBs checking for
+ any that have reached their timeout point every half
+ second.
+ ENTRY: pEvent - Not used
+ pCont - Not used
+ RETURNS: TRUE if the timer successfully started, FALSE otherwise
+ NOTES: This is a self perpetuating function, each time it is called,
+ it schedules the timer again for a 1/2 second later to
+ call itself.
+ To get it going, it should be called once during
+ initialization
+ Johnl 23-Sep-1993 Created
+BOOL CheckForTimedoutNCBs( CTEEvent *pCTEEvent, PVOID pCont )
+ tNAMEADDR * pNameAddr ;
+ tCLIENTELE * pClientEle ;
+ tCONNECTELE * pConnectEle ;
+ LIST_ENTRY * pEntry ;
+ LIST_ENTRY * pEntryClient ;
+ LIST_ENTRY * pEntryConn ;
+ LIST_ENTRY * pEntryRcv ;
+ //
+ // Look for Receive NCBs first
+ //
+ for ( pEntry = NbtConfig.AddressHead.Flink ;
+ pEntry != &NbtConfig.AddressHead ;
+ pEntry = pEntry->Flink )
+ {
+ PLIST_ENTRY pEntryClient ;
+ Linkage ) ;
+ ASSERT( pAddrEle->Verify == NBT_VERIFY_ADDRESS ) ;
+ for ( pEntryClient = pAddrEle->ClientHead.Flink ;
+ pEntryClient != &pAddrEle->ClientHead ;
+ pEntryClient = pEntryClient->Flink )
+ {
+ tCLIENTELE * pClientEle = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntryClient,
+ Linkage ) ;
+ PLIST_ENTRY pEntryConn ;
+ ASSERT( pClientEle->Verify == NBT_VERIFY_CLIENT ||
+ pClientEle->Verify == NBT_VERIFY_CLIENT_DOWN ) ;
+ for ( pEntryConn = pClientEle->ConnectActive.Flink ;
+ pEntryConn != &pClientEle->ConnectActive ;
+ pEntryConn = pEntryConn->Flink )
+ {
+ PRCV_CONTEXT prcvCont ;
+ pConnectEle = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntryConn,
+ Linkage ) ;
+ ASSERT( pConnectEle->Verify == NBT_VERIFY_CONNECTION ||
+ pConnectEle->Verify == NBT_VERIFY_CONNECTION_DOWN ) ;
+ if ( pConnectEle->RTO == NCB_INFINITE_TIME_OUT ||
+ pConnectEle->state != NBT_SESSION_UP ||
+ IsListEmpty( &pConnectEle->RcvHead ) )
+ {
+ continue ;
+ }
+ //
+ // Note that we only check the first receive buffer because
+ // the timeout is for the next receive indication (and not
+ // how long this NCB has been waiting).
+ //
+ pEntryRcv = pConnectEle->RcvHead.Flink ;
+ prcvCont = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntryRcv, RCV_CONTEXT, ListEntry ) ;
+ ASSERT( prcvCont->Signature == RCVCONT_SIGN ) ;
+ if ( prcvCont->RTO == NCB_TIMED_OUT )
+ {
+ RemoveEntryList( &prcvCont->ListEntry ) ;
+ CTEIoComplete( prcvCont->pNCB, STATUS_TIMEOUT, 0 ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prcvCont->RTO-- ;
+ }
+ } // ConnectActive
+ } // Client
+ } // Address
+ //
+ // Now look for Send NCB time outs. Only connections that specified
+ // a timeout will be put on this list.
+ //
+ for ( pEntry = NbtConfig.SendTimeoutHead.Flink ;
+ pEntry != &NbtConfig.SendTimeoutHead ;
+ )
+ {
+ pSendCont = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, SEND_CONTEXT, ListEntry ) ;
+ pEntry = pEntry->Flink ; // get the next one
+ pSendCont->STO-- ;
+ if ( pSendCont->STO == NCB_TIMED_OUT )
+ {
+ //
+ // Assumes pSendCont is stored in ncb_reserve field of NCB
+ // This will remove it from the timeout list also.
+ //
+ CTEIoComplete( CONTAINING_RECORD( pSendCont, NCB, ncb_reserve ),
+ 0 ) ;
+ // the above CTEIoComplete will trigger events from the transport
+ // which could modify the SendTimeout list before we reach this
+ // point. Best just to wait until things clear up.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Restart the timer for a half second from now
+ //
+ CTEInitTimer( &TimeoutTimer ) ;
+ return !!CTEStartTimer( &TimeoutTimer, 500, CheckForTimedoutNCBs, NULL ) ;
+ NAME: StartRefreshTimer
+ SYNOPSIS: Start the refresh timer
+ This function was necessary because of this scenario:
+ No node type was defined in registry, so we defaulted to
+ BNODE and didn't start refresh timer.
+ Now, while we are still coming up, dhcp tells us we are
+ MSNODE. Shouldn't we start the refresh timer?
+ That's why this function.
+ Koti 9-Jun-1994 Created
+NTSTATUS StartRefreshTimer( VOID )
+ tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerEntry;
+ //
+ // make sure it's not bnode, and that timer really needs to be started
+ //
+ if (!(NodeType & BNODE) && (!NbtConfig.pRefreshTimer))
+ {
+ // the initial refresh rate until we can contact the name server
+ NbtConfig.MinimumTtl = NBT_INITIAL_REFRESH_TTL;
+ NbtConfig.sTimeoutCount = 0;
+ status = StartTimer(
+ NbtConfig.InitialRefreshTimeout,
+ NULL, // context value
+ NULL, // context2 value
+ RefreshTimeout,
+ 0,
+ &pTimerEntry);
+ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) )
+ return status ;
+ NbtConfig.pRefreshTimer = pTimerEntry;
+ }
+#ifdef CHICAGO
+ NAME: StopTimeoutTimer
+ SYNOPSIS: Stops the timer that was set in CheckForTimedoutNCBs.
+ This is needed only for Chicago which can dynamically
+ unload vnbt.
+ Koti 23-May-1994 Created
+VOID StopTimeoutTimer( VOID )
+ CTEStopTimer( &TimeoutTimer );