path: root/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/vxdstub.asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/vxdstub.asm b/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/vxdstub.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0404c3dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/vxdstub.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ name vxdstub
+; (C) Copyright MICROSOFT Corp., 1990-1991
+; Date: 1-Jun-1991
+; Author: Neil Sandlin
+;----------------------------- M A C R O S ------------------------------
+Writel MACRO addr
+ push ax
+ push bx
+ push cx
+ push dx
+ mov dx,offset &addr ;Print
+ mov cx,&addr&l
+ mov bx,1 ;stdout
+ mov ah,40h ;write
+ int 21h
+ pop dx
+ pop cx
+ pop bx
+ pop ax
+;----------------------------- E Q U A T E S -----------------------------
+cr equ 0dh
+lf equ 0ah
+_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
+ assume cs:_TEXT,ds:_DATA
+;*----------------------- TSR Data Area ---------------------*
+InstData Win386_Startup_Info_Struc <>
+oldint dd 0
+;*----------------------- TSR Code --------------------------*
+handle2f proc
+ cmp ax,1605h
+ jnz @f
+ push di
+ lea di,InstData
+ mov word ptr cs:[di].SIS_Next_Ptr,bx
+ mov word ptr cs:[di][2].SIS_Next_Ptr,es
+ pop di
+ push cs
+ pop es
+ lea bx,InstData
+ jmp DWORD PTR [oldint]
+handle2f endp
+ ALIGN 16
+_TEXT ends
+;*---------------------- Initialization Data ------------------------*
+_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
+TSR_rsv dw ?
+intmsg db cr,lf,'Hooking interrupt '
+intmsgx dd ?
+ db cr,lf
+intmsgl equ $-intmsg
+hndmsg db cr,lf,'ISR entry point: '
+hndmsga dd ?
+ db ':'
+hndmsgb dd ?
+ db ', length='
+hndmsgc dd ?
+ db 'h bytes'
+ db cr,lf
+hndmsgl equ $-hndmsg
+tsrmsg db 'TSR; reserving '
+tsrmsgx dd ?
+ db ' paragraphs'
+ db cr,lf
+tsrmsgl equ $-tsrmsg
+_DATA ends
+_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
+;*-------------------------- Initialization Code ----------------------*
+vxdstub proc far
+ mov ax, _DATA
+ mov ds, ax
+; get a pointer to the name of the load file in the environment seg.
+ mov ah,62h
+ int 21h ;bx -> psp
+ mov es,bx
+ mov bx,2ch ;environment segment
+ mov es,es:[bx]
+ xor di,di
+ mov cx,-1 ;big number
+ xor al,al ;search for a null
+ cld
+ repne scasb ;get past one null and stop
+ cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 ;another null
+ jnz @b ;no.
+ add di,3 ;skip the word before the name.
+; prepare part of the instance data list. Stuff in pointer to the file name
+; and refernce data
+ lea si,InstData
+ mov word ptr CS:[si].SIS_Version,3
+ mov word ptr CS:[si].SIS_Virt_Dev_File_Ptr,di
+ mov word ptr CS:[si][2].SIS_Virt_Dev_File_Ptr,es
+ mov word ptr cs:[si].SIS_Instance_Data_Ptr,0
+ mov word ptr cs:[si][2].SIS_Instance_Data_Ptr,0
+; Write message and hook interrupt 2f
+ mov ax, 2fh
+ mov bx, offset intmsgx
+ call hexasc
+ Writel intmsg
+ mov ah, 35h
+ mov al, 2fh
+ int 21h ; get old vector
+ mov WORD PTR cs:oldint,bx ; save old vector here
+ mov WORD PTR cs:oldint+2,es
+ push ds
+ mov dx, offset handle2f
+ push cs ; get current code segment
+ pop ds
+ mov ah, 25h
+ mov al, 2fh ; vector to hook
+ int 21h ; hook that vector
+ pop ds
+; Print out some information about the handler
+ push cs ; code segment
+ pop ax
+ mov bx, offset hndmsga
+ call hexasc
+ mov ax, offset handle2f ; offset of ISR
+ mov bx, offset hndmsgb
+ call hexasc
+ mov ax, offset init_fence ; length in bytes of handler
+ mov bx, offset hndmsgc
+ call hexasc
+ Writel hndmsg
+; Compute size of TSR area
+ mov dx, offset init_fence ; start of initialization code
+ add dx, 15 ; round it off to paragraph
+ shr dx, 1 ; divide by 16
+ shr dx, 1
+ shr dx, 1
+ shr dx, 1
+ add dx, 32 ; add in PSP
+ mov TSR_rsv, dx ; save it
+ mov ax, dx
+ mov bx, offset tsrmsgx
+ call hexasc
+ Writel tsrmsg
+; Terminate and stay resident
+ mov ax, 3100h ; TSR
+ mov dx, TSR_rsv ; # of paragraphs to reserve
+ int 21h ; TSR
+vxdstub endp
+; This subroutine formats hex values into ASCII
+; (utility routine from Advanced MS-DOS Programming)
+hexasc proc near ; converts word to hex ASCII
+ ; call with AX = value,
+ ; DS:BX = address for string
+ ; returns AX, BX destroyed
+ push cx ; save registers
+ push dx
+ mov dx,4 ; initialize character counter
+ mov cx,4 ; isolate next four bits
+ rol ax,cl
+ mov cx,ax
+ and cx,0fh
+ add cx,'0' ; convert to ASCII
+ cmp cx,'9' ; is it 0-9?
+ jbe hexasc2 ; yes, jump
+ add cx,'A'-'9'-1 ; add fudge factor for A-F
+hexasc2: ; store this character
+ mov [bx],cl
+ inc bx ; bump string pointer
+ dec dx ; count characters converted
+ jnz hexasc1 ; loop, not four yet
+ pop dx ; restore registers
+ pop cx
+ ret ; back to caller
+hexasc endp
+_TEXT ends
+ end vxdstub
+ \ No newline at end of file