path: root/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/wfwasm.asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/wfwasm.asm b/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/wfwasm.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79b9cb818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/wfwasm.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+;** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1988-1993 **;
+ TITLE WFWASM.ASM - WFW Specific vnbt routines
+;*** VNBT -- NetBios over TCP/IP VxD
+ .386p
+ include
+ include
+ include
+ include
+ include
+ include
+ include
+ include
+EXTRN _GetDhcpOption:NEAR
+public _NBTSectionName
+_NBTSectionName db 'NBT',0 ; Section in system.ini parameters are stored
+public _DNSSectionName
+_DNSSectionName db 'DNS',0 ; DNS Section in system.ini
+;** _GetProfileInt
+; Reads a parameter from our system.ini file (INIT TIME ONLY!)
+; Entry: See ReadParamParams
+; Exit: Eax contains specified value or defaulted value
+ReadParamParams struc
+ dd ? ; Return Address
+ dd ? ; Saved edi
+ dd ? ; Saved esi
+ dd ? ; ParametersHandle (unused)
+ValueName dd ? ; Pointer to value name string
+DefaultValue dd ? ; Value to use if not in .ini file
+MinimumValue dd ? ; Specified value must be >= MinimumValue
+ReadParamParams ends
+BeginProc _GetProfileInt
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ ;
+ ; Get the value from the system.ini file (if can't be found then eax
+ ; will contain the default value)
+ ;
+ mov eax, [esp].DefaultValue
+ mov esi, OFFSET32 _NBTSectionName
+ mov edi, [esp].ValueName
+ VMMCall Get_Profile_Decimal_Int
+ jnc GPI_Found
+ push eax ; Default value
+ push edi ; Value name
+ call _GetDhcpOption ; Returns DHCP value or default
+ add esp, 8
+ ;
+ ; Does the value meet our standards?
+ ;
+ cmp eax, [esp].MinimumValue ; Unsigned comparison
+ ja RP10
+ mov eax, [esp].MinimumValue
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ ret
+EndProc _GetProfileInt
+;** _GetProfileHex
+; Reads a hex parameter from our system.ini file (INIT TIME ONLY!)
+; Entry: See ReadParamParams
+; Exit: Eax contains specified value or defaulted value
+ReadParamParams struc
+ dd ? ; Return Address
+ dd ? ; Saved edi
+ dd ? ; Saved esi
+ dd ? ; ParametersHandle (unused)
+ValueName dd ? ; Pointer to value name string
+DefaultValue dd ? ; Value to use if not in .ini file
+MinimumValue dd ? ; Specified value must be >= MinimumValue
+ReadParamParams ends
+BeginProc _GetProfileHex
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ ;
+ ; Get the value from the system.ini file (if can't be found then eax
+ ; will contain the default value)
+ ;
+ mov eax, [esp].DefaultValue
+ mov esi, OFFSET32 _NBTSectionName
+ mov edi, [esp].ValueName
+ VMMCall Get_Profile_Hex_Int
+ jnc GPH_Found
+ push eax ; Default value
+ push edi ; Value name
+ call _GetDhcpOption ; Returns DHCP value or default
+ add esp, 8
+ ;
+ ; Does the value meet our standards?
+ ;
+ cmp eax, [esp].MinimumValue ; Unsigned comparison
+ ja RHP10
+ mov eax, [esp].MinimumValue
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ ret
+EndProc _GetProfileHex
+;** _GetProfileString
+; Reads a string from our system.ini file (INIT TIME ONLY!)
+; Entry: See GetProfileStrParams structure
+; Exit: Eax contains the found value or NULL if not found
+; History:
+; 30-May-94 Koti
+; this function modified to accept name of the section
+; to look at as a parameter. Getting DNS server ipaddrs
+; from the DNS section in system.ini demanded this change
+GetProfileStrParams struc
+ dd ? ; Return Address
+ dd ? ; saved edx
+ dd ? ; Saved edi
+ dd ? ; Saved esi
+gps_ValueName dd ? ; Pointer to value name string
+gps_DefaultValue dd ? ; Value to use if not in .ini file
+gps_SectionName dd ? ; Name of the section to look at (almost always NBT)
+GetProfileStrParams ends
+BeginProc _GetProfileString
+ push edx
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ ;
+ ; Get the value from the system.ini file (if can't be found then eax
+ ; will contain the default value)
+ ;
+ mov edx, [esp].gps_DefaultValue
+ mov esi, [esp].gps_SectionName
+ mov edi, [esp].gps_ValueName
+ VMMCall Get_Profile_String
+ jc GetProf10
+ mov eax, edx ; Success
+ jmp short GetProf20
+ mov eax, 0 ; Couldn't find the string
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ pop edx
+ ret
+EndProc _GetProfileString
+;** _RegisterLana
+; Registers the requested lana with the VNetbios driver.
+; Entry: [ESP+4] - Lana number to register
+; Exit: EAX will be TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
+; Uses:
+BeginProc _RegisterLana
+ mov eax, [esp+4] ; Get the request lana to register
+ push ebx
+ push edx
+ mov ebx, 1 ; Take over RM lana
+ mov edx, NCB_Handler
+ VxDcall VNETBIOS_Register ; Carry set on failure
+ jnc RegLana10
+ mov eax, 0 ; Failed
+ jmp short RegLana20
+ mov eax, 1 ; Success
+ pop edx
+ pop ebx
+ ret
+EndProc _RegisterLana
+;** _DhcpSetInfo - Sets DHCP information
+; Stub callout to the Dhcp driver
+; Entry: [ESP+4] - Info type
+; [ESP+8] - IP Address of interest
+; [ESP+12]- Pointer to buffer
+; [ESP+16]- Pointer to buffer size
+BeginProc _DhcpSetInfo
+ VxdCall VDHCP_Get_Version
+ jnc DSI_Installed
+ mov eax, 26 ; DHCP not installed, return invalid param
+ ret
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp,esp
+ mov eax, [ebp+20] ; Buff size
+ push eax
+ mov eax, [ebp+16] ; Buff
+ push eax
+ mov eax, [ebp+12] ; IP Address
+ push eax
+ mov eax, [ebp+8] ; Info type
+ push eax
+ VxdCall VDHCP_Set_Info
+ add esp, 16
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+EndProc _DhcpSetInfo