path: root/private/ntos/ndis/testprot/tpdrvr/buffer.c
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diff --git a/private/ntos/ndis/testprot/tpdrvr/buffer.c b/private/ntos/ndis/testprot/tpdrvr/buffer.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34ac561f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/ndis/testprot/tpdrvr/buffer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ buffer.c
+ This module implements the buffer manipulation routines for
+ Test Protocol.
+ Tom Adams (tomad) 15-Dec-1990
+ Kernel mode, FSD
+Revision History:
+ Sanjeev Katariya (sanjeevk) 3-24-1993
+ 1. Added function to free MDL's associated with Data block with the stress block
+ Effected Function: TpStressFreeDataBufferMdls()
+ 2. Changed functions TpStressInitDataBuffer() and TpStressFreeDataBuffers() to
+ handle two data buffer locations
+#include <ndis.h>
+#include "tpdefs.h"
+#include "tpprocs.h"
+ PUCHAR TmpBuf,
+ INT BufSize
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine creates an NDIS_BUFFER. An NDIS_BUFFER is merely an
+ MDL that may be chained to other NDIS_BUFFERs to form an MDL chain.
+ This chain contains the actual contents of the NDIS frame that
+ will be sent on the wire. If the size of the buffer to be created
+ is zero, the size is temporarily set to one to be valid for
+ IoAllocateMdl.
+ TmpBuf - A pointer to the memory to be placed in the NDIS_BUFFER.
+ BufSize - The size of TmpBuf.
+Return Value:
+ PNDIS_BUFFER - A pointer to the new MDL that references the TmpBuf.
+ PMDL TmpMdl;
+ BOOLEAN Reset;
+ Reset = FALSE;
+ //
+ // IoAllocateMdl must be called with a positive value for the
+ // buffer size, so if TmpBuf is zero bytes long set the size to
+ // one temporarily.
+ //
+ if ( BufSize == 0 ) {
+ BufSize = 1;
+ Reset = TRUE;
+ }
+ //
+ // Allocate the MDL and set the various fields.
+ //
+ TmpMdl = IoAllocateMdl(
+ TmpBuf,
+ BufSize,
+ );
+ if ( TmpMdl == NULL ) {
+ TpPrint0("TpAllocateBuffer: failed to allocate TmpMdl\n");
+ }
+ MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool( TmpMdl );
+ //
+ // if this is to be a zero by NDIS_BUFFER we must reset the MDL.
+ //
+ if ( Reset == TRUE ) {
+ TmpMdl->ByteCount = 0;
+ }
+ return (PNDIS_BUFFER)TmpMdl;
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine simply deallocates the MDL that was built in the routine
+ TpBuildBuffer.
+ Buffer - The PNDIS_BUFFER (PMDL) that is to be destroyed.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ IoFreeMdl( Buffer );
+ INT BufferSize
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine initializes the Data Buffers that will be referenced by
+ all packets as their data. It is twice as long as the maximum packet
+ allowable for the media in question, and contains an ascending sequence
+ of characters from 0x00 to 0xff repeating. This routine also allocates
+ the MDLs which reference these buffers. The MDLs are used by the packet
+ creation routines in the call IoBuildPartialMdl();
+ OpenP - The Open Block to allocate the Data Buffer and MDL for.
+ BufferSize - The size of the Data Buffer to allocate and initialize.
+Return Value:
+ None - if successful two DataBuffers and two MDLs are referenced by this Open
+ Block
+ INT i, j;
+ //
+ // Allocate the data buffers
+ //
+ NdisAllocateMemory(
+ (PVOID *)&OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[0],
+ BufferSize,
+ 0,
+ HighestAddress
+ );
+ NdisAllocateMemory(
+ (PVOID *)&OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[1],
+ BufferSize,
+ 0,
+ HighestAddress
+ );
+ //
+ // Verify creation of data buffers
+ //
+ if ( OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[0] == (PUCHAR)NULL ||
+ OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[1] == (PUCHAR)NULL ) {
+ TpPrint0("TpStressInitDataBuffer: failed to allocate Data Buffers\n");
+ TpStressFreeDataBuffers( OpenP );
+ return;
+ }
+ //
+ // Clear the two buffers
+ //
+ NdisZeroMemory( OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[0],BufferSize );
+ NdisZeroMemory( OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[1],BufferSize );
+ //
+ // And now initialize them 0x00 thru 0xff repeating
+ //
+ for ( j = 0; j < MAX_NUMBER_BUFFERS; j++ ) {
+ for ( i=0 ; i < BufferSize ; i++ ) {
+ OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[j][i] = (UCHAR)(i % 256);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Now create the MDLs which reference these two data buffers
+ //
+ OpenP->Stress->DataBufferMdl[0] = (PMDL)TpAllocateBuffer(
+ OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[0],
+ BufferSize
+ );
+ OpenP->Stress->DataBufferMdl[1] = (PMDL)TpAllocateBuffer(
+ OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[1],
+ BufferSize
+ );
+ //
+ // Verify creation of the MDLs
+ //
+ if ( OpenP->Stress->DataBufferMdl[0] == NULL ||
+ OpenP->Stress->DataBufferMdl[1] == NULL ) {
+ TpPrint0("TpStressInitDataBuffer: failed to create the DataBufferMdls\n");
+ TpStressFreeDataBuffers( OpenP );
+ TpStressFreeDataBufferMdls( OpenP );
+ }
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine simply frees the DataBuffers
+ OpenP - The Open to free the DataBuffers from.
+Return Value:
+ None - if successful the data buffers are deallocated.
+ //
+ // CHANGED: SanjeevK
+ //
+ if ( OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[0] != NULL ) NdisFreeMemory( OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[0],0,0 );
+ if ( OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[1] != NULL ) NdisFreeMemory( OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[1],0,0 );
+ OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[0] = NULL;
+ OpenP->Stress->DataBuffer[1] = NULL;
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routines simply frees DataBuffer MDLs.
+ OpenP - The Open to free the DataBuffer MDLs from.
+Return Value:
+ None - if successful the data buffer MDLs are deallocated.
+ //
+ // ADDED: SanjeevK
+ //
+ if( OpenP->Stress->DataBufferMdl[0] != (PMDL)NULL )
+ TpFreeBuffer( (PNDIS_BUFFER)OpenP->Stress->DataBufferMdl[0] );
+ if( OpenP->Stress->DataBufferMdl[1] != (PMDL)NULL )
+ TpFreeBuffer( (PNDIS_BUFFER)OpenP->Stress->DataBufferMdl[1] );
+ OpenP->Stress->DataBufferMdl[0] = NULL;
+ OpenP->Stress->DataBufferMdl[1] = NULL;