path: root/private/ntos/se/seclient.c
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diff --git a/private/ntos/se/seclient.c b/private/ntos/se/seclient.c
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+++ b/private/ntos/se/seclient.c
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+Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ seclient.c
+ This module implements routines providing client impersonation to
+ communication session layers (such as LPC Ports).
+ WARNING: The following notes apply to the use of these services:
+ (1) No synchronization of operations to a security context block are
+ performed by these services. The caller of these services must
+ ensure that use of an individual security context block is
+ serialized to prevent simultaneous, incompatible updates.
+ (2) Any or all of these services may create, open, or operate on a
+ token object. This may result in a mutex being acquired at
+ MUTEXT_LEVEL_SE_TOKEN level. The caller must ensure that no
+ mutexes are held at levels that conflict with this action.
+ Jim Kelly (JimK) 1-August-1990
+ Kernel mode only.
+Revision History:
+#include "sep.h"
+#include "seopaque.h"
+#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeCreateClientSecurity)
+#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeUpdateClientSecurity)
+#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SeImpersonateClient)
+// //
+// Routines //
+// //
+SeCreateClientSecurity (
+ IN PETHREAD ClientThread,
+ IN BOOLEAN ServerIsRemote,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This service initializes a context block to represent a client's
+ security context. This may simply result in a reference to the
+ client's token, or may cause the client's token to be duplicated,
+ depending upon the security quality of service information specified.
+ The code in this routine is optimized for DYNAMIC context
+ tracking. This is only mode in which direct access to a
+ caller's token is allowed, and the mode expected to be used
+ most often. STATIC context tracking always requires the
+ caller's token to be copied.
+ ClientThread - Points to the client's thread. This is used to
+ locate the client's security context (token).
+ ClientSecurityQos - Points to the security quality of service
+ parameters specified by the client for this communication
+ session.
+ ServerIsRemote - Provides an indication as to whether the session
+ this context block is being used for is an inter-system
+ session or intra-system session. This is reconciled with the
+ impersonation level of the client thread's token (in case the
+ client has a client of his own that didn't specify delegation).
+ ClientContext - Points to the client security context block to be
+ initialized.
+Return Value:
+ STATUS_SUCCESS - The service completed successfully.
+ STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL - The client is currently
+ impersonating either an Anonymous or Identification level
+ token, which can not be passed on for use by another server.
+ This status may also be returned if the security context
+ block is for an inter-system communication session and the
+ client thread is impersonating a client of its own using
+ other than delegation impersonation level.
+ TOKEN_TYPE TokenType;
+ BOOLEAN ThreadEffectiveOnly;
+ PACCESS_TOKEN DuplicateToken;
+ //
+ // Gain access to the client thread's effective token
+ //
+ Token = PsReferenceEffectiveToken(
+ ClientThread,
+ &TokenType,
+ &ThreadEffectiveOnly,
+ &ImpersonationLevel
+ );
+ //
+ // Make sure the client is not trying to abuse use of a
+ // client of its own by attempting an invalid impersonation.
+ // Also set the ClientContext->DirectAccessEffectiveOnly flag
+ // appropriately if the impersonation is legitimate. The
+ // DirectAccessEffectiveOnly flag value will end up being ignored
+ // if STATIC mode is requested, but this is the most efficient
+ // place to calculate it, and we are optimizing for DYNAMIC mode.
+ //
+ if (TokenType == TokenImpersonation) {
+ if ( ClientSecurityQos->ImpersonationLevel > ImpersonationLevel) {
+ PsDereferenceImpersonationToken( Token );
+ }
+ if ( SepBadImpersonationLevel(ImpersonationLevel,ServerIsRemote)) {
+ PsDereferenceImpersonationToken( Token );
+ } else {
+ //
+ // TokenType is TokenImpersonation and the impersonation is legit.
+ // Set the DirectAccessEffectiveOnly flag to be the minimum of
+ // the current thread value and the caller specified value.
+ //
+ ClientContext->DirectAccessEffectiveOnly =
+ ( (ThreadEffectiveOnly || (ClientSecurityQos->EffectiveOnly)) ?
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // TokenType is TokenPrimary. In this case, the client specified
+ // EffectiveOnly value is always used.
+ //
+ ClientContext->DirectAccessEffectiveOnly =
+ ClientSecurityQos->EffectiveOnly;
+ }
+ //
+ // Copy the token if necessary (i.e., static tracking requested)
+ //
+ if (ClientSecurityQos->ContextTrackingMode == SECURITY_STATIC_TRACKING) {
+ ClientContext->DirectlyAccessClientToken = FALSE;
+ Status = SeCopyClientToken(
+ Token,
+ ClientSecurityQos->ImpersonationLevel,
+ KernelMode,
+ &DuplicateToken
+ );
+ if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {
+ ObDeleteCapturedInsertInfo(DuplicateToken);
+ }
+ //
+ // No longer need the pointer to the client's token
+ //
+ if (TokenType == TokenPrimary) {
+ PsDereferencePrimaryToken( Token );
+ } else {
+ PsDereferenceImpersonationToken( Token );
+ }
+ Token = DuplicateToken;
+ //
+ // If there was an error, we're done.
+ //
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
+ return Status;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ClientContext->DirectlyAccessClientToken = TRUE;
+ if (ServerIsRemote) {
+ //
+ // Get a copy of the client token's control information
+ // so that we can tell if it changes in the future.
+ //
+ SeGetTokenControlInformation( Token,
+ &ClientContext->ClientTokenControl
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ ClientContext->SecurityQos.Length =
+ ClientContext->SecurityQos.ImpersonationLevel =
+ ClientSecurityQos->ImpersonationLevel;
+ ClientContext->SecurityQos.ContextTrackingMode =
+ ClientSecurityQos->ContextTrackingMode;
+ ClientContext->SecurityQos.EffectiveOnly =
+ ClientSecurityQos->EffectiveOnly;
+ ClientContext->ServerIsRemote = ServerIsRemote;
+ ClientContext->ClientToken = Token;
+ IN PETHREAD ClientThread,
+ OUT PBOOLEAN ChangesMade,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This service is used to update a client security context block
+ based upon the client's current security context and the security
+ quality of service parameters specified when the security block
+ was created. If the SecurityContextTracking specified when the
+ context block was created indicated static tracking, then no
+ change will be made to the context block. Otherwise, a change may
+ be made.
+ An indication of whether any changes were made is returned to the
+ caller. This may be used by communication session layers
+ providing remote communications to decide whether or not to send
+ an updated security context to the remote server's node. It may
+ also be used by a server session layer to decide whether or not to
+ inform a server that a previously obtained handle to a token no
+ longer represents the current security context.
+ ClientThread - Points to the client's thread. This is used to
+ locate the security context to synchronize with.
+ ClientContext - Points to client security context block to be
+ updated.
+ ChangesMade - Receives an indication as to whether any changes to
+ the client's security context had been made since the last
+ time the security context block was synchronized. This will
+ always be FALSE if static security tracking is in effect.
+ NewToken - Receives an indication as to whether the same token
+ is used to represent the client's current context, or whether
+ the context now points to a new token. If the client's token
+ is directly referenced, then this indicates the client changed
+ tokens (and the new one is now referenced). If the client's token
+ isn't directly referenced, then this indicates it was necessary
+ to delete one token and create another one. This will always be
+ FALSE if static security tracking is in effect.
+Return Value:
+ STATUS_SUCCESS - The service completed successfully.
+ STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL - The client is currently
+ impersonating either an Anonymous or Identification level
+ token, which can not be passed on for use by another server.
+ This status may also be returned if the security context
+ block is for an inter-system communication session and the
+ client thread is impersonating a client of its own using
+ other than delegation impersonation level.
+ NTSTATUS Status;
+ TOKEN_TYPE TokenType;
+ BOOLEAN ThreadEffectiveOnly;
+ PACCESS_TOKEN DuplicateToken;
+ TOKEN_CONTROL TokenControl;
+ if (ClientContext->SecurityQos.ContextTrackingMode ==
+ (*NewToken) = FALSE;
+ (*ChangesMade) = FALSE;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // //
+ // Optimize for the directly accessed token //
+ // //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Gain access to the client thread's effective token
+ //
+ Token = PsReferenceEffectiveToken(
+ ClientThread,
+ &TokenType,
+ &ThreadEffectiveOnly,
+ &ImpersonationLevel
+ );
+ //
+ // See if the token is the same.
+ //
+ SeGetTokenControlInformation( Token, &TokenControl );
+ if ( SeSameToken( &TokenControl,
+ &ClientContext->ClientTokenControl) ) {
+ (*NewToken = FALSE);
+ //
+ // Same token.
+ // Is it unmodified?
+ //
+ if ( (TokenControl.ModifiedId.HighPart ==
+ ClientContext->ClientTokenControl.ModifiedId.HighPart) &&
+ (TokenControl.ModifiedId.LowPart ==
+ ClientContext->ClientTokenControl.ModifiedId.LowPart) ) {
+ //
+ // Yup. No changes necessary.
+ //
+ if (TokenType == TokenPrimary) {
+ PsDereferencePrimaryToken( Token );
+ } else {
+ PsDereferenceImpersonationToken( Token );
+ }
+ (*ChangesMade) = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Same token, but it has been modified.
+ // If we are directly accessing the token, then we can
+ // just indicate it has changed and return. Otherwise
+ // we have to actually update our copy of the token.
+ //
+ (*ChangesMade) = TRUE;
+ if (ClientContext->DirectlyAccessClientToken) {
+ if (TokenType == TokenPrimary) {
+ PsDereferencePrimaryToken( Token );
+ } else {
+ PsDereferenceImpersonationToken( Token );
+ }
+ //
+ // Save the new modified count and whether or not
+ // the token is for effective use only
+ //
+ ClientContext->ClientTokenControl.ModifiedId =
+ TokenControl.ModifiedId;
+ ClientContext->DirectAccessEffectiveOnly =
+ ( (ThreadEffectiveOnly || (ClientContext->SecurityQos.EffectiveOnly)) ?
+ } else {
+ //
+ // There is a possibility for a fair performance gain here
+ // by just updating the existing token to match its origin.
+ // However, it isn't clear that this case is ever really
+ // used, so the effort and complexity is avoided at this time.
+ // If it is found that this case is used, then this code
+ // can be added.
+ //
+ // Instead, we just fall through to the case of completely
+ // different tokens below.
+ //
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Not the same token, or the same token has changed.
+ // In either case, we're going to create a new copy of the token
+ // and dump the old copy.
+ //
+ // Make sure the current impersonation situation is legitimate.
+ //
+ (*NewToken) = TRUE;
+ (*ChangesMade) = TRUE;
+ if (TokenType == TokenImpersonation) {
+ if ( SepBadImpersonationLevel(ImpersonationLevel,
+ ClientContext->ServerIsRemote)) {
+ PsDereferenceImpersonationToken( Token );
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Copy the token
+ //
+ Status = SeCopyClientToken(
+ Token,
+ ClientContext->SecurityQos.ImpersonationLevel,
+ KernelMode,
+ &DuplicateToken
+ );
+ //
+ // No longer need the pointer to the client's effective token
+ //
+ if (TokenType == TokenPrimary) {
+ PsDereferencePrimaryToken( Token );
+ } else {
+ PsDereferenceImpersonationToken( Token );
+ }
+ //
+ // If there was an error, we're done.
+ //
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
+ return Status;
+ }
+ //
+ // Otherwise, replace the current token with the new one.
+ //
+ Token = ClientContext->ClientToken;
+ ClientContext->ClientToken = DuplicateToken;
+ ClientContext->DirectlyAccessClientToken = FALSE;
+ if (SeTokenType( Token ) == TokenPrimary) {
+ PsDereferencePrimaryToken( Token );
+ } else {
+ PsDereferenceImpersonationToken( Token );
+ }
+ //
+ // Get a copy of the current token's control information
+ // so that we can tell if it changes in the future.
+ //
+ SeGetTokenControlInformation( DuplicateToken,
+ &ClientContext->ClientTokenControl
+ );
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This service is used to cause the calling thread to impersonate a
+ client. The client security context in ClientContext is assumed to
+ be up to date.
+ ClientContext - Points to client security context block.
+ ServerThread - (Optional) Specifies the thread which is to be made to
+ impersonate the client. If not specified, the calling thread is
+ used.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ BOOLEAN EffectiveValueToUse;
+ PETHREAD Thread;
+ if (ClientContext->DirectlyAccessClientToken) {
+ EffectiveValueToUse = ClientContext->DirectAccessEffectiveOnly;
+ } else {
+ EffectiveValueToUse = ClientContext->SecurityQos.EffectiveOnly;
+ }
+ //
+ // if a ServerThread wasn't specified, then default to the current
+ // thread.
+ //
+ if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ServerThread)) {
+ Thread = PsGetCurrentThread();
+ } else {
+ Thread = ServerThread;
+ }
+ //
+ // Assign the context to the calling thread
+ //
+ PsImpersonateClient( Thread,
+ ClientContext->ClientToken,
+ EffectiveValueToUse,
+ ClientContext->SecurityQos.ImpersonationLevel
+ );