path: root/private/nw/nw16/drv/dllentry.asm
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1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/nw/nw16/drv/dllentry.asm b/private/nw/nw16/drv/dllentry.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fce965935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/nw16/drv/dllentry.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+;* VER.DLL Entry code
+;* This module generates a code segment called INIT_TEXT.
+;* It initializes the local heap if one exists and then calls
+;* the C routine LibMain() which should have the form:
+;* BOOL FAR PASCAL LibMain(HANDLE hInstance,
+;* WORD wDataSeg,
+;* WORD cbHeap,
+;* LPSTR lpszCmdLine);
+;* The result of the call to LibMain is returned to Windows.
+;* The C routine should return TRUE if it completes initialization
+;* successfully, FALSE if some error occurs.
+externFP <LIBMAIN> ;The C routine to be called
+ifndef SEGNAME
+ SEGNAME equ <_TEXT> ; default seg name
+createSeg %SEGNAME, CodeSeg, word, public, CODE
+sBegin CodeSeg ; this defines what seg this goes in
+assumes cs,CodeSeg
+?PLM=0 ;'C'naming
+externA <_acrtused> ;Ensures that Win DLL startup code is linked
+?PLM=1 ;'PASCAL' naming
+externFP <LOCALINIT> ;Windows heap init routine
+cProc LibEntry, <PUBLIC,FAR> ;Entry point into DLL
+ push di ;Handle of the module instance
+ push ds ;Library data segment
+ push cx ;Heap size
+ push es ;Command line segment
+ push si ;Command line offset
+ ;** If we have some heap then initialize it
+ jcxz callc ;Jump if no heap specified
+ ;** Call the Windows function LocalInit() to set up the heap
+ ;** LocalInit((LPSTR)start, WORD cbHeap);
+ xor ax,ax
+ cCall LOCALINIT <ds, ax, cx>
+ or ax,ax ;Did it do it ok ?
+ jz error ;Quit if it failed
+ ;** Invoke the C routine to do any special initialization
+ call LIBMAIN ;Invoke the 'C' routine (result in AX)
+ jmp short exit ;LibMain is responsible for stack clean up
+ pop si ;Clean up stack on a LocalInit error
+ pop es
+ pop cx
+ pop ds
+ pop di
+sEnd _thisseg
+ END LibEntry