path: root/private/nw/nw16/drv
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
8 files changed, 855 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/nw/nw16/drv/dllentry.asm b/private/nw/nw16/drv/dllentry.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fce965935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/nw16/drv/dllentry.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+;* VER.DLL Entry code
+;* This module generates a code segment called INIT_TEXT.
+;* It initializes the local heap if one exists and then calls
+;* the C routine LibMain() which should have the form:
+;* BOOL FAR PASCAL LibMain(HANDLE hInstance,
+;* WORD wDataSeg,
+;* WORD cbHeap,
+;* LPSTR lpszCmdLine);
+;* The result of the call to LibMain is returned to Windows.
+;* The C routine should return TRUE if it completes initialization
+;* successfully, FALSE if some error occurs.
+externFP <LIBMAIN> ;The C routine to be called
+ifndef SEGNAME
+ SEGNAME equ <_TEXT> ; default seg name
+createSeg %SEGNAME, CodeSeg, word, public, CODE
+sBegin CodeSeg ; this defines what seg this goes in
+assumes cs,CodeSeg
+?PLM=0 ;'C'naming
+externA <_acrtused> ;Ensures that Win DLL startup code is linked
+?PLM=1 ;'PASCAL' naming
+externFP <LOCALINIT> ;Windows heap init routine
+cProc LibEntry, <PUBLIC,FAR> ;Entry point into DLL
+ push di ;Handle of the module instance
+ push ds ;Library data segment
+ push cx ;Heap size
+ push es ;Command line segment
+ push si ;Command line offset
+ ;** If we have some heap then initialize it
+ jcxz callc ;Jump if no heap specified
+ ;** Call the Windows function LocalInit() to set up the heap
+ ;** LocalInit((LPSTR)start, WORD cbHeap);
+ xor ax,ax
+ cCall LOCALINIT <ds, ax, cx>
+ or ax,ax ;Did it do it ok ?
+ jz error ;Quit if it failed
+ ;** Invoke the C routine to do any special initialization
+ call LIBMAIN ;Invoke the 'C' routine (result in AX)
+ jmp short exit ;LibMain is responsible for stack clean up
+ pop si ;Clean up stack on a LocalInit error
+ pop es
+ pop cx
+ pop ds
+ pop di
+sEnd _thisseg
+ END LibEntry
diff --git a/private/nw/nw16/drv/ints.asm b/private/nw/nw16/drv/ints.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1dfe878ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/nw16/drv/ints.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+page ,132
+if 0
+Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ ints.asm
+ Contains handler for Windows protect-mode NetwareRequest function, exported
+ by NETWARE.DRV. Code in this file access real mode memory via an LDT descriptor
+ created especially for this purpose. This selector gives us access to all
+ code and data contained in the Nw16 TSR
+ Richard L Firth 22-Jan-1994
+ Windows protect mode only
+Revision History:
+ 22-Jan-1994 rfirth
+ Created
+include ; NWDOSTABLE_ASM structure
+include ; DispatchCall
+.model medium,pascal
+_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
+OldInt21Handler dd ?
+RMSegment dw ?
+RMBase dw ? ; MUST be in this order - loaded
+RMSelector dw ? ; via lds dx,word ptr RMBase
+.errnz (RMSelector - (RMBase + 2))
+_DATA ends
+; code segment ordering
+INIT_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
+_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
+_TEXT ends
+; macros
+LOAD_DS macro
+ push _DATA
+ pop ds
+ assume ds:_DATA
+ endm
+SET_DS macro
+ push ds
+ endm
+ pop ds
+ assume ds:nothing
+ endm
+LOAD_RM_DS_BX macro
+ lds bx,dword ptr RMBase
+ assume ds:nothing
+ endm
+ pop bx
+ endm
+INIT_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
+ assume cs:INIT_TEXT
+ public GetLowRedirInfo
+GetLowRedirInfo proc far
+ mov ax,9f00h
+ int 21h ; get the RM data segment in BX
+ jc @f
+ mov RMSegment,bx
+ mov RMBase,dx
+ mov ax,2
+ int 31h
+ jc @f ; can't create selector
+ mov RMSelector,ax
+; now that we have the selector, we write the selector value into the low
+; memory area. The 32-bit DLL will use this value when setting output DS or ES
+; register values if the call originated in Protect Mode
+ lds bx,dword ptr RMBase
+ mov [bx]._PmSelector,ax
+; we now hook int 21
+ push es
+ mov ax,3521h
+ int 21h
+ mov word ptr OldInt21Handler,bx
+ mov word ptr OldInt21Handler[2],es
+ mov cx,_TEXT
+ mov dx,offset _TEXT:NewInt21Handler
+ mov ax,205h
+ mov bl,21h
+ int 31h
+ pop es
+ xor ax,ax ; success: return TRUE
+ inc ax
+ ret
+@@: xor ax,ax ; failure: return FALSE
+ ret
+GetLowRedirInfo endp
+_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
+ assume cs:_TEXT
+ public NewInt21Handler
+NewInt21Handler proc far
+ sti
+ cmp ah,0e3h
+ jb @f
+ call far ptr NetwareRequest
+ retf 2
+@@: sub sp,4
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push es
+ push bx
+ les bx,OldInt21Handler
+ mov [bp+2],bx
+ mov [bp+4],es
+ pop bx
+ pop es
+ pop bp
+ retf
+NewInt21Handler endp
+ public NetwareRequest
+NetwareRequest proc far
+ push bx
+ push ds
+ cmp ah,0f0h
+ jne for_dll
+; these are the 0xF000, 0xF001, 0xF002, 0xF004, 0xF005 calls that we can handle
+; here without having to BOP. All we need do is access the table in the shared
+; real-mode/protect-mode (low) memory
+.errnz (_PrimaryServer - (_PreferredServer + 1))
+; point bx at PreferredServer in the low memory area. If the request is a
+; PrimaryServer request (0xF004, 0xF005) then point bx at PrimaryServer
+ lea bx,[bx]._PreferredServer; bx = offset of PreferredServer
+ cmp al,3
+ cmc
+ adc bx,0 ; bx = &PrimaryServer if F004 or F005
+ or al,al ; f000 = set preferred server
+ jz set_server
+ cmp al,4 ; f004 = set primary server
+ jnz try_01
+; 0xF000 or 0xF004: set Preferred or Primary Server to value contained in DL.
+; If DL > 8, set respective server index to 0
+ xor al,al
+ cmp dl,8
+ ja @f
+ mov al,dl
+@@: mov [bx],al
+ jmp short exit_f0
+; 0xF001 or 0xF005: get Preferred or Primary Server
+try_01: cmp al,1 ; f001 = get preferred server
+ jz get_server
+ cmp al,5
+ jnz try_02
+ mov al,[bx]
+ jmp short exit_f0
+try_02: cmp al,2 ; f002 = get default server
+ jnz for_dll ; try to handle on 32-bit side
+ mov al,[bx] ; al = PreferredServer
+ or al,al
+ jnz exit_f0
+ mov al,[bx+1] ; al = PrimaryServer
+ ret
+; if we're here then the call must go through to the 32-bit DLL. Save any relevant
+; info in the low memory area, load the handle and BOP (DispatchCall)
+for_dll:mov [bx]._SavedAx,ax ; save AX value for DLL
+ push word ptr [bx]._hVdd ; put VDD handle on top of stack
+ cmp ah,0BCh ; bc, bd, be need handle mapping
+ jb @f
+ cmp ah,0BEh
+ ja @f
+ pop ax ; ax = hVdd
+ RESTORE_DS_BX ; ds, bx = user ds, bx
+ call MapNtHandle
+ jmp dispatchola
+@@: push bp
+ cmp ah, 0E3h ; Is it new or old Create Job request?
+ je lookupcode
+ cmp ax, 0F217h
+ jne check_f3
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov ds,[bp+4]
+ cmp byte ptr [si+2],68h
+ je createjob
+ cmp byte ptr [si+2],79h
+ je createjob
+ jmp short outtahere
+ mov [bx]._SavedAx,9f02h
+ push ax ; Open \\Server\queue for NCP
+ mov ax,[bp+2] ; ax = hVdd
+ mov ds,[bp+4] ; ds = users ds
+ push ds
+ push dx ; users dx
+ DispatchCall ; Set DeNovellBuffer to \\Server\queue
+ ; and registers ready for DOS OpenFile
+ int 21h ; Open \\server\queue
+ jc openfailed
+ mov [bx]._JobHandle, al
+ mov [bx]._CreatedJob, 1 ; Flag JobHandle is valid
+ push bx
+ mov bx, ax ; JobHandle
+ call MapNtHandle ; take bx and find the Nt handle
+ pop bx
+ pop dx
+ pop ds ; Proceed and send the NCP
+ pop ax
+ push ds
+ push bx
+ mov [bx]._SavedAx, ax
+ pop bx
+ pop ds ; users DS
+ jmp short outtahere
+ cmp ah, 0F3h
+ jne outtahere
+ ; FileServerCopy, change both
+ ; handles in the structure es:di
+ push bx
+ mov bx,word ptr es:[di] ; Map Source Handle
+ call MapNtHandle
+ pop bx
+ mov ax,[bx]._NtHandleHi
+ mov [bx]._NtHandleSrcHi,ax
+ mov ax,[bx]._NtHandleLow
+ mov [bx]._NtHandleSrcLow,ax
+ mov bx,word ptr es:[di+2] ; Map Destination Handle
+ call MapNtHandle
+ pop bp
+ pop ax ; ax = hVdd
+ RESTORE_DS_BX ; ds, bx = user ds, bx
+ DispatchCall ; BOP: DLL performs action
+ ret ; return to the application
+; if the request was not recognized by the DLL, it modifies IP so that control
+; will resume at the next int 21. We just fill the intervening space with NOPs
+; (space that makes up a retf <n> instruction in the RM TSR)
+ nop
+ nop
+ int 21h
+ ret
+NetwareRequest endp
+; *** MapNtHandle
+; *
+; * Given a handle in BX, map it to a 32-bit Nt handle in NtHandle[Hi|Low]
+; *
+; * ENTRY bx = handle to map
+; *
+; * EXIT Success - NtHandle set to 32-bit Nt handle from SFT
+; *
+; * USES ax, bx, flags
+; *
+; * ASSUMES nothing
+; *
+; ***
+MapNtHandle proc near
+ push ax
+ mov ax,9f01h ; call MapNtHandle on (BX) in RM
+ int 21h ; update NtHandleHi, NtHandleLow
+ pop ax
+@@: ret
+MapNtHandle endp
+_TEXT ends
diff --git a/private/nw/nw16/drv/makefile b/private/nw/nw16/drv/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b44d0246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/nw16/drv/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# netware.drv makefile
+# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 Microsoft Corporation
+# History:
+# Created 25-Mar-1993 Chuck Y. Chan (ChuckC)
+# If using BUILD.EXE, edit .\sources. if you want to add a new source
+# file to this component. This file merely indirects to the real make file
+# that is shared by all the components of NT OS/2.
+!INCLUDE $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def
+.SUFFIXES: .c .asm .h .inc .obj .lst .sys .exe .com .map .sym .def .lib .dll
+WOW16 =..\..\..\mvdm\wow16
+! ifdef INCLUDE
+! else
+WBIN = $(WOW16)\bin^\
+CINCS = -I. -I$(WOW16)\inc
+ASMINCS = $(CINCS) -I..\inc -I\nt\public\sdk\inc
+! endif
+CW16 = -AS -G2sw -Os -W3 -Zp $(DEFINES) $(CINCS)
+CW16B = $(CW16) -B1 c1l.exe -B2 c2l.exe -B3 c3l.exe
+LPATH = ..\..\tools.os2
+! ifdef LIB
+W16LIBS = sdllcew
+! else
+W16LIBS = $(WOW16)\lib\sdllcew.lib
+! endif
+! IF "$(QFE_BUILD)" != "1"
+ masm $(AOBJ) $*;
+ masm $(AOBJ) -l $*,nul,$*.lst;
+ $(CL16) -c -nologo $(CW16) $*.c
+ $(CL16) -c -nologo $(CW16) -Fonul -Fc$*.lst $*.c
+ implib $*.lib $*.def
+ $(WBIN)mapsym $*
+all: netware.drv netware.sym
+ binplace netware.drv
+ binplace netware.sym
+ if exist *.lrf del *.lrf
+ if exist *.obj del *.obj
+ if exist *.exe del *.exe
+ if exist *.dll del *.dll
+ if exist *.map del *.map
+ if exist *.sym del *.sym
+ if exist *.drv del *.drv
+nwinit.obj: nwinit.c .\netware.h .\nwerror.h
+ $(CL16) -c -nologo $(CW16) $*.c
+LINK16 = link16
+RC16 = rc16
+! else
+LINK16 = $(LPATH)\link
+RC16 = $(LPATH)\rc
+! endif
+! if exist ($(WOW16)\lib\libw.lib) && exist ($(WOW16)\lib\sdllcew.lib)
+netware.drv: nwinit.obj dllentry.obj nwasmutl.obj netware.def ints.obj
+ $(LINK16) @<<netware.lrf
+netware $(LINKFLAG)
+$(WOW16)\lib\sdllcew.lib /nod
+ $(RC16) netware.drv
+! else
+netware.drv: nwinit.obj dllentry.obj nwasmutl.obj netware.def ints.obj
+ @echo Nothing to build yet... No libraries
+! endif
diff --git a/private/nw/nw16/drv/netware.def b/private/nw/nw16/drv/netware.def
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa251cdc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/nw16/drv/netware.def
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/private/nw/nw16/drv/netware.h b/private/nw/nw16/drv/netware.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c96086ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/nw16/drv/netware.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/** Microsoft Windows 4.0 **/
+/** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp., 1991-1993 **/
+ * History:
+ * 08/08/93 vlads Created
+ * 10/16/93 gregj Removed #pragma pack() because of #include nesting
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _INC_NETWARE
+#define _INC_NETWARE
+#include <windows.h>
+// #include <npdefs.h>
+// #include <base.h>
+// #include <npassert.h>
+// #include <buffer.h>
+// #include <..\..\dev\ddk\inc16\error.h>
+// #include <bseerr.h>
+#include "nwerror.h"
+// #include "..\nwnp\nwsysdos.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" { /* Assume C declarations for C++ */
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+// #include <netcons.h>
+// #include <netlib.h>
+//UINT WINAPI WNetCancelConnection(LPSTR, BOOL);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define TRACE(s) OutputDebugString(s)
+#define TRACE(s)
+extern HINSTANCE hInstance;
+#endif /* !_INC_NETWARE */
diff --git a/private/nw/nw16/drv/nwasmutl.asm b/private/nw/nw16/drv/nwasmutl.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa03a37b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/nw16/drv/nwasmutl.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+;** Microsoft Windows for Workgroups **;
+;** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp., 1991-1993 **;
+;; ;;
+;; COMPONENT: Windows NetWare DLL. ;;
+;; ;;
+;; ;;
+;; PURPOSE: General routines used that cannot be done in C. ;;
+;; ;;
+;; vlads 09/20/93 First cut ;;
+;; ;;
+?PLM = 1
+ifndef SEGNAME
+ SEGNAME equ <_TEXT> ; default seg name
+createSeg %SEGNAME, CodeSeg, word, public, CODE
+sBegin CodeSeg ; this defines what seg this goes in
+assumes cs,CodeSeg
+;; Swapping bytes in a word
+cProc WordSwap, <PUBLIC,FAR>
+ parmW inWord
+ mov ax, word ptr (inWord)
+ xchg al, ah
+;; Swapping words in a long word
+cProc LongSwap, <FAR,PUBLIC>, <dx>
+ parmD inLong
+ mov dx, word ptr (inLong + 2)
+ xchg dl, dh
+ mov ax, word ptr (inLong)
+ xchg al, ah
+; int 21h
+; retf
+sEnd _thisseg
diff --git a/private/nw/nw16/drv/nwerror.h b/private/nw/nw16/drv/nwerror.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f369855ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/nw16/drv/nwerror.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/** Microsoft Windows for Workgroups **/
+/** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp., 1991-1992 **/
+/* NWERROR.H -- Novell defined error return codes from Netware API
+ *
+ * History:
+ * 03/16/93 vlads Created
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _nwerror_h_
+#define _nwerror_h_
+#define NWSC_SUCCESS 0x00
+#define NWSC_NOSUCHVOLUME 0x98 // Volume does not exist
+#define NWSC_NOSUCHPATH 0x9c
+#define NWSC_NOJOBRIGHTS 0xd6
+#define NWSC_NOSUCHSEGMENT 0xec // Segment does not exist
+#define NWSC_INVALIDNAME 0xef
+#define NWSC_NOWILDCARD 0xf0 // Wildcard not allowed
+#define NWSC_NOPERMBIND 0xf1 // Invalid bindery security
+#define NWSC_ALREADYATTACHED 0xf8 // Already attached to file server
+#define NWSC_NOPERMREADPROP 0xf9 // No property read privelege
+#define NWSC_NOFREESLOTS 0xf9 // No free connection slots at server
+#define NWSC_NOMORESLOTS 0xfa // No more server slots
+#define NWSC_NOSUCHPROPERTY 0xfb // Property does not exist
+#define NWSC_UNKNOWN_REQUEST 0xfb // Invalid NCP number
+#define NWSC_NOSUCHOBJECT 0xfc // End of Scan Bindery Object service
+ // No such object
+#define NWSC_UNKNOWNSERVER 0xfc // Unknown file server
+#define NWSC_SERVERBINDERYLOCKED 0xfe // Server bindery locked
+#define NWSC_BINDERYFAILURE 0xff // Bindery failure
+#define NWSC_ILLEGALSERVERADDRESS 0xff // No response from server (illegal server address)
+#define NWSC_NOSUCHCONNECTION 0xff // Connection ID does not exist
+typedef WORD NW_STATUS;
diff --git a/private/nw/nw16/drv/nwinit.c b/private/nw/nw16/drv/nwinit.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c61a4fb40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/nw16/drv/nwinit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/** Microsoft Windows 4.0 **/
+/** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp., 1992-1993 **/
+/* INIT.C -- General code for MS/Netware network driver emulator.
+ *
+ * History:
+ * 09/22/93 vlads Created
+ *
+ */
+#include "netware.h"
+#define Reference(x) ((void)(x))
+extern BOOL far pascal GetLowRedirInfo(void);
+int FAR PASCAL LibMain(
+ HANDLE hInst,
+ WORD wDataSeg,
+ WORD wcbHeapSize,
+ LPSTR lpstrCmdLine)
+ //
+ // get shared data segment address. Fail initialization if an error is
+ // returned
+ //
+ if (!GetLowRedirInfo()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //
+ // return success
+ //
+ return 1;
+/* WEP
+ * Windows Exit Procedure
+ */
+int FAR PASCAL _loadds WEP(int nParameter)
+ Reference(nParameter);
+ return 1;
+ return(1);
+// removed because nwcalls makes use of this function; removing it causes
+// NWCALLS to use real INT 21
+// return(1);
+UINT WINAPI WNetAddConnection(LPSTR p1, LPSTR p2, LPSTR p3)
+ return(1);
+UINT WINAPI WNetGetConnection(LPSTR p1, LPSTR p2, UINT FAR *p3)
+ return(1);
+UINT WINAPI WNetCancelConnection(LPSTR p1, BOOL p2)
+ return(1);