path: root/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
5 files changed, 1682 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/ b/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b7b2db16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+;Module Name:
+; Contains macros to extend masm functionality:
+; jmpc
+; jmpnc
+; jmpne
+; jmps
+; _mkjmp
+; Richard L Firth (rfirth) 24-Sep-1991
+; DOS application mode only
+;Revision History:
+; 24-Sep-1991 rfirth
+; Created
+;ISDEFINED equ %(.type <thing> and DEFINED_BIT)
+LABEL_DEFINED equ <(.type &label and DEFINED_BIT)>
+;*** jmpa
+;* jump to label if above. Label can be short (+129, -126 from
+;* the first byte of the current jump instruction, if it is a short - ie
+;* byte - jump) or near
+;* ENTRY label - to jump to
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+jmpa macro label
+ _mkjmp ja,jna,&label
+;*** jmpc
+;* jump to label if below. Label can be short (+129, -126 from
+;* the first byte of the current jump instruction, if it is a short - ie
+;* byte - jump) or near
+;* ENTRY label - to jump to
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+jmpb macro label
+ _mkjmp jb,jnb,&label
+;*** jmpc
+;* jump to label if carry flag set. Label can be short (+129, -126 from
+;* the first byte of the current jump instruction, if it is a short - ie
+;* byte - jump) or near
+;* ENTRY label - to jump to
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+jmpc macro label
+ _mkjmp jc,jnc,&label
+;*** jmpnc
+;* jump to label if carry flag NOT set. Label can be short (+129, -126 from
+;* the first byte of the current jump instruction, if it is a short - ie
+;* byte - jump) or near
+;* ENTRY label - to jump to
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+jmpnc macro label
+ _mkjmp jnc,jc,&label
+;*** jmpne
+;* jump to label if zero flag NOT set. Label can be short (+129, -126 from
+;* the first byte of the current jump instruction, if it is a short - ie
+;* byte - jump) or near
+;* ENTRY label - to jump to
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+jmpne macro label
+ _mkjmp jne,je,&label
+;*** jmpe
+;* jump to label if zero flag set. Label can be short (+129, -126 from
+;* the first byte of the current jump instruction, if it is a short - ie
+;* byte - jump) or near
+;* ENTRY label - to jump to
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+jmpe macro label
+ _mkjmp je,jne,&label
+;*** jmps
+;* jump to label. Label can be short (+129, -126 from
+;* the first byte of the current jump instruction, if it is a short - ie
+;* byte - jump) or near
+;* ENTRY label - to jump to
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+jmps macro label
+ local l,dist
+if (.type label and DEFINED_BIT)
+if ((dist gt 129) or (dist lt -126))
+ %out pass1: &label defined and near
+ jmp &label
+ %out pass1: &label defined and short
+ jmp short &label
+ %out pass1: &label not defined
+ org $+3
+if ((dist gt 129) or (dist lt -126))
+ %out pass2: &label defined and near
+ jmp &label
+ %out pass2: &label defined and short
+ jmp short &label
+ org $+1
+;*** _mkjmp
+;* Make a jmp<?> macro. Generate instruction sequence for jump with or
+;* without conditional test. Jump may be short (+127/-128 bytes) or near
+;* (+32767/-32768 bytes)
+;* ENTRY is - short jump instruction
+;* in - near jump instruction
+;* label - to jump to
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+_put macro s,v
+%out s = v
+_mkjmp macro is, in, label
+ local l
+;; if pass 1 and label is already known, generate correct instruction
+if (.type &label and DEFINED_BIT)
+;; if label is too far away for short jump instruction, make jump <condition>
+;; into jump <NOT condition> round jump to label followed by a near jump to
+;; label
+if (((&label - $) gt 129) or ((&label - $) lt -126))
+ &in l ;; short jump, NOT condition
+ jmp &label ;; jump to where we want to go
+ &is &label ;; short jump
+;; if pass 1 and we don't know about the label yet, adjust the program
+;; counter by the max. number of bytes taken up by this macro (5 - 2 for
+;; short jump, 3 for near jump)
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+;; pass 2 - do same stuff as for pass 1
+if (((&label - $) gt 129) or ((&label - $) lt -126))
+ if ((&label-$) gt 129)
+ _put <label distance>, %(&label-$)
+ else
+ _put <label distance>, %($-&label)
+ endif
+ &in l
+ jmp &label
+;; label is within +127/-128 bytes of current instruction - generate short
+;; jump instruction and put the program counter forward past the space
+;; reserved during pass 1
+ _put <label distance>, %(&label-$)
+ &is &label
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+oldjmps macro label
+if (((&label - $) gt 127) or (($ - &label) lt -128))
+ jmp short l
+ jmp &label
+ jmp short &label
+ org $+3
+;; if this is pass 1 just take up max amount of space so phases don't get
+;; screwed
+ org $+5
diff --git a/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/ b/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45fe236e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+;Module Name:
+; Contains debugging macros:
+; DbgBreakPoint
+; DbgUnsupported
+; DbgPrint
+; DbgPrintTty
+; DbgPrintString
+; DbgPrintHexDword
+; DbgPrintHexWord
+; DbgPrintHexByte
+; DbgPrintNearPointer
+; DbgPrintFarPointer
+; Richard L Firth (rfirth) 13-Sep-1991
+; DOS application mode only
+; optional-notes
+;Revision History:
+; 13-Sep-1991 rfirth
+; Created
+;*** DbgBreakPoint
+;* Same as NT routine of same name. No-op in non-DEBUG version
+;* EXIT
+DbgBreakPoint macro
+ int 3
+;*** DbgUnsupported
+;* Causes the 32-bit support code to display a message about an unsupported
+;* service code, and dumps the 16-bit registers. Used to discover when an
+;* unsupported int 2f/11 call or int 21/5f call is being made
+;* EXIT
+DbgUnsupported macro
+ SVC -1
+;*** DbgDEBUG
+;* Prints the string "DEBUG: " to console using Bios Int 10h/ah=0eh
+;* ENTRY nothing
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES ax
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+DbgDEBUG macro
+ mov ax,(14 shl 8) + 'D'
+ int 10h
+ mov al,'E'
+ int 10h
+ mov al,'B'
+ int 10h
+ mov al,'U'
+ int 10h
+ mov al,'G'
+ int 10h
+ mov al,':'
+ int 10h
+ mov al,' '
+ int 10h
+;*** DbgCrLf
+;* Prints CR,LF to console using Bios Int 10h/ah=0eh
+;* ENTRY nothing
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+DbgCrLf macro
+ push ax
+ mov ax,(14 shl 8) + 13
+ int 10h
+ mov al,10
+ int 10h
+ pop ax
+;*** DbgPrint
+;* Prints an ASCIZ string to console using Bios Int 10h
+;* ENTRY string - address of ASCIZ string to print
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+DbgPrint macro string
+if DEBUG ;; no macro if not debug version
+ pushf ;; save regs used by DbgPrintTty
+ push ax
+ push bx
+ push si
+ push ds
+ mov ax,seg string
+ mov ds,ax
+ mov si,offset string;; ds:si = address of string
+ DbgPrintTty ;; display it on console
+ pop ds
+ pop si
+ pop bx
+ pop ax
+ popf
+;*** DbgPrintTty
+;* Prints an ASCIZ string in ds:si to console using Bios Int 10h
+;* ENTRY page - if present defines which Bios video page to use
+;* Defaults to 0
+;* ds:si - address of ASCIZ string to print
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES al, bh, si, flags
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+DbgPrintTty macro page
+ local l1,l2
+if DEBUG ;; no macro if not debug version
+ mov ah,14 ;; Bios Int write character as TTY function
+ifb <page>
+ sub bh,bh
+ mov bh,page
+ cld ;; autoincrement lodsb
+l1: lodsb ;; al := next character; si := next character addr
+ or al,al ;; eof string?
+ jz l2 ;; yes
+ int 10h ;; display it to console
+ jmp short l1 ;; go round again
+;*** DbgPrintString
+;* Prints a string to console using Bios Int 10h. Note that this macro
+;* does not do printf style substitutions. The string "DEBUG: " will be
+;* displayed if the banner parm is not blank
+;* ENTRY string - character string. Needn't be zero-terminated
+;* banner - the "DEBUG: " banner will be printed if not blank
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+DbgPrintString macro string, banner
+ local s1
+ local l1
+if DEBUG ;; no macro if not debug version
+ jmp short l1
+s1 db &string,0
+l1: pushf ;; don't destroy direction flag
+ pusha ;; save gp regs
+ifb <banner>
+ DbgDEBUG ;; Display "DEBUG: "
+ push ds ;; save user's data seg
+ push cs
+ pop ds ;; ds == cs
+ mov si,offset cs:s1 ;; si := string offset
+ DbgPrintTty ;; display ds:si to console
+ pop ds ;; restore user's data seg
+ popa ;; restore gp regs
+ popf ;; restore direction flag+
+;*** DbgPrintHexDword
+;* Prints a dword to console in hex notation using Bios Int 10h
+;* ENTRY dword - dword to print
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+DbgPrintHexDword macro dword
+if DEBUG ;; no macro if not debug version
+ DbgPrint <"DbgPrintHexDword not implemented yet",13,10>
+;*** DbgPrintHexWord
+;* Prints a word to console in hex notation using Bios Int 10h
+;* ENTRY word - to print. Can be memory or register
+;* EXIT nothing
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+DbgPrintHexWord macro word
+ local l1, l2
+if DEBUG ;; no macro if not debug version
+ pushf ;; don't use any registers
+ push ax
+ push cx
+ push dx
+ifdifi <word>,<ax>
+ mov ax,word
+ mov cx,4
+l1: rol ax,4
+ mov dx,ax
+ and al,0fh
+ cmp al,9
+ jle l2
+ add al,'a'-('9'+1)
+l2: add al,'0'
+ mov ah,14
+ int 10h
+ mov ax,dx
+ loop l1
+ pop dx
+ pop cx
+ pop ax
+ popf
+;*** DbgPrintHexByte
+;* Prints a string to console using Bios Int 10h. Note that this macro
+;* does not do printf style substitutions
+;* ENTRY string - character string. Needn't be zero-terminated
+;* EXIT
+;* USES nothing
+;* ASSUMES 286+
+DbgPrintHexByte macro byte
+if DEBUG ;; no macro if not debug version
+ DbgPrint <"DbgPrintHexByte not implemented yet",13,10>
+DbgPrintNearPointer macro nearptr
+DbgPrintFarPointer macro farptr
diff --git a/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/makefile b/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd181de7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+!IF 0
+Copyright (c) 1991 & 1993 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ makefile
+ makefile for Vdm NetWare Redir program
+ Richard L Firth (rfirth) 13-Sep-1991
+Revision History:
+ 13-Sep-1991 rfirth
+ Created
+.SUFFIXES: .asm .h
+OBJPATH = obj
+ASM = masm
+LINK = link16
+LINK = link
+# set the country info
+# convert NTDEBUG into DEBUG flag. NTDEBUG can be not present or retail, either
+# of which mean no debugging; or ntsd, cvp or sym, which means debugging support
+# required
+!IF "$(NTDEBUG)" == "retail"
+# assembler and linker debugging options
+ASMINC = /I. /I..\..\inc /I..\..\..\mvdm\dos\v86\inc /I\nt\public\sdk\inc
+# any other non-debug related options (for assembler) go in USERDEFS
+# Inference rules - asm to obj, h to inc
+ h2inc $< -o $*.inc
+ $(ASM) $(ASMINC) $(ASMDEBUG) $(USERDEFS) /d /L $<;
+# what it is we're building
+TARGET = $(OBJPATH)\vwipxspx.exe
+OBJS = $(OBJPATH)\vwipxspx.obj
+# how to build it
+all: makedir $(TARGET)
+ $(LINK) @<<
+# where to put it
+ binplace $(TARGET)
+# clean build - delete all objs
+#clean: makedir clean2
+clean: clean2
+ if exist $(OBJPATH)\*.obj del $(OBJPATH)\*.obj
+ $(MAKE)
+# makedir - ensure the subdirectory for the object files exists
+ @-if not exist $(OBJPATH) md $(OBJPATH)
+# file dependencies
+ vwipxspx.asm \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ ..\..\inc\$(COUNTRY)\
+ copy ..\..\inc\$(COUNTRY)\ .
diff --git a/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/ b/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..689c62fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+;Module Name:
+; This module contains the segment order and segment macros
+; Richard Firth (rfirth) 05-Sep-1991
+; Dos mode only
+; When initially loaded, the NT VDM redir has the following order:
+; +----------------------+
+; | |
+; | Resident Code |
+; | |
+; +----------------------+
+; | |
+; | Resident Data |
+; | |
+; +----------------------+ ----------------+
+; | | |
+; | Initialisation Code | <- entry point v
+; | |
+; +----------------------+
+; | | all the stuff between these
+; | Initialisation Data | arrows is discarded if we stay
+; | | resident. Note that the redir
+; +----------------------+ does not uninstall
+; | |
+; | Initialisation Stack | ^
+; | | |
+; +----------------------+ ----------------+
+;Revision History:
+; 05-Sep-1991 rfirth
+; Created
+ResidentStart segment public para 'code'
+ResidentStart ends
+ResidentCode segment public word 'code'
+ResidentCode ends
+ResidentData segment public word 'data'
+ResidentData ends
+ResidentEnd segment public para 'data'
+ResidentEnd ends
+ResidentGroup group ResidentStart, ResidentCode, ResidentData, ResidentEnd
+InitCode segment public para 'init'
+InitCode ends
+InitData segment public word 'init'
+InitData ends
+InitStack segment stack para 'stack'
+InitStack ends
+; macros to avoid having to type in/possibly alter segment header guff
+ResidentCodeStart macro
+ResidentCode segment public word 'code'
+ResidentCodeEnd macro
+ResidentCode ends
+ResidentDataStart macro
+ResidentData segment public word 'data'
+ResidentDataEnd macro
+ResidentData ends
+InitCodeStart macro
+InitCode segment public para 'init'
+InitCodeEnd macro
+InitCode ends
+InitDataStart macro
+InitData segment public word 'init'
+InitDataEnd macro
+InitData ends
diff --git a/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/vwipxspx.asm b/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/vwipxspx.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..601f80c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/vwipxspx/tsr/vwipxspx.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+page ,132
+if 0
+Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ vwipxspx.asm
+ Contains handlers for 16-bit (DOS) netware IPX/SPX emulation. Creates TSR
+ Contents:
+ start
+ InstallationCheck
+ InstallVdd
+ InstallInterruptHandlers
+ VwIpxEntryPoint
+ VwIpxDispatcher
+ VwIpx7ADispatcher
+ DispatchWithFeeling
+ VwIpxEsrFunction
+ Richard L Firth (rfirth) 30-Sep-1993
+ DOS Real mode only
+Revision History:
+ 30-Sep-1993 rfirth
+ Created
+; DOS include files
+include ; NTVDM BOP mechanism
+include ; includes MS-DOS version etc
+include ; PSP defines
+include ; AssignOper
+include ; load order of 'redir' segments
+include ; debug display macros
+include ; jumps which may be short or near
+include ; internationalisationable (prestidigitation) messages
+InitStack segment stack para 'stack'
+ dw 256 dup (?)
+InitStack ends
+bad_ver_msg db NLS_MSG_001,c_CR,c_LF
+BAD_VER_MSG_LEN equ $-bad_ver_msg
+ db '$' ; for INT 21/09 display string
+already_loaded_msg db NLS_MSG_002,c_CR,c_LF
+ALREADY_LOADED_MSG_LEN equ $-already_loaded_msg
+cannot_load_msg db NLS_MSG_003,c_CR, c_LF
+CANNOT_LOAD_MSG_LEN equ $-cannot_load_msg
+; strings used to load/dispatch NWIPXSPX.DLL
+DllName db "VWIPXSPX.DLL",0
+InitFunc db "VwInitialize",0
+DispFunc db "VwDispatcher",0
+ assume cs:InitCode
+ assume ds:nothing
+ assume es:nothing
+ assume ss:nothing
+ public start
+start proc near
+; when we start up we could be on any old PC - even an original, so don't
+; assume anything other than a model-T processor
+ .8086
+; Set the data segment while we're at it - all paths set it sooner
+; or later. NOTE: es will point to the PSP until we change it!
+ mov dx,InitData
+ mov ds,dx
+ assume ds:InitData
+; first off, get the DOS version. If we're not running on NT (VDM) then this
+; TSR's not going to do much, so exit. Exit using various methods, depending
+; on the DOS version (don't you hate compatibility?)
+ mov ah,30h
+ int 21h
+ jc ancient_version ; version not even supported
+; version is 2.0 or higher. Check it out. al = major#, ah = minor#
+ cmp al,major_version
+ jne invalid_version
+; okay, we're at least 5.0. But are we NT?
+ mov ax,3306h
+ int 21h
+ jc invalid_version ; ?
+ cmp bl,5
+ jne invalid_version
+ cmp bh,50
+ jne invalid_version
+; what do you know? We're actually running on NT (unless some evil programmer
+; has pinched int 21h/30h and broken it!). Enable minimum instruction set
+; for NTVDM (286 on RISC).
+ .286c
+; perform an installation check. Bail if we're there dude ((C) Beavis & Butthead)
+ call InstallationCheck
+ jnz already_here ; nope - IPX/SPX support installed already
+; BUGBUG: we should find some way of deferring loading the 32-bit DLL until an
+; IPX/SPX function is called, to speed-up loading. However, if we later find we
+; cannot load the DLL, it may be too late: there is no way of consistently
+; returning an error and we cannot unload the TSR
+ call InstallVdd ; returns IRQ in BX
+ jc initialization_error
+ call InstallInterruptHandlers
+ assume es:nothing
+; free the environment segment
+ mov es,es:[PDB_environ]
+ mov ah,49h
+ int 21h ; free environment segment
+; finally terminate and stay resident
+ mov dx,ResidentEnd
+ sub dx,ResidentStart ; number of paragraphs in resident code
+ add dx,10h ; additional for PSP (PDB)
+ mov ax,3100h
+ int 21h ; terminate and stay resident
+; here if the MS-DOS version check (Ah=30h) call is not supported
+ mov dx,InitData
+ mov ds,dx
+ assume ds:InitData
+ mov dx,offset bad_ver_msg
+ mov ah,9 ; cp/m-style write to output
+ int 21h
+; safe exit: what we really want to do here is INT 20H, but when you do this,
+; CS must be the segment of the PSP of this program. Knowing that CD 20 is
+; embedded at the start of the PSP, the most foolproof way of doing this is
+; to jump (using far return) to the start of the PSP
+ push es
+ xor ax,ax
+ push ax
+ retf ; terminate
+; we are running on a version of DOS >= 2.00, but its not NT, so we still can't
+; help. Display the familiar message and exit, but using a less programmer-
+; hostile mechanism
+ mov dx,offset bad_ver_msg
+ mov cx,BAD_VER_MSG_LEN
+ jmp short print_error_message_and_exit
+; if we cannot initialize 32-bit support (because we can't find/load the DLL)
+; then put back the hooked interrupt vectors as they were when this TSR started,
+; display a message and fail to load the redir TSR
+ mov dx,offset cannot_load_msg
+ jmp short print_error_message_and_exit
+; The DOS version's OK, but this TSR is already loaded
+ mov dx,offset already_loaded_msg
+ mov bx,1 ; bx = stdout handle
+ mov ah,40h ; write to handle
+ int 21h ; write (cx) bytes @ (ds:dx) to stdout
+ mov ax,4c01h ; terminate program
+ int 21h ; au revoir, cruel environment
+start endp
+; *** InstallationCheck
+; *
+; * Test to see if this module is already loaded
+; *
+; * ENTRY nothing
+; *
+; * EXIT ZF = 0: loaded
+; *
+; * USES AX
+; *
+; * ASSUMES nothing
+; *
+; ***
+InstallationCheck proc
+ mov ax,7a00h
+ int 2fh
+ or al,al
+ ret
+InstallationCheck endp
+; *** InstallVdd
+; *
+; * Load VWIPXSPX.DLL into the NTVDM process context
+; *
+; * ENTRY nothing
+; *
+; * EXIT CF = 1: error
+; * CF = 0: VWIPXSPX loaded ok
+; * AX = VDD handle
+; * BX = IRQ used by call-back functions (ESR)
+; * ResidentCode:VddHandle updated
+; * ResidentCode:IrqValue updated
+; *
+; * USES AX, BX, SI, DI
+; *
+; * ASSUMES nothing
+; *
+; ***
+InstallVdd proc
+ push ds
+ push es
+ mov ax,InitData
+ mov ds,ax
+ assume ds:InitData
+ mov es,ax
+ mov si,offset DllName ; ds:si = library name
+ mov di,offset InitFunc ; es:di = init function name
+ mov bx,offset DispFunc ; ds:bx = dispatcher function name
+ RegisterModule ; returns carry if problem
+ mov si,ResidentCode
+ mov ds,si
+ assume ds:ResidentCode
+ mov VddHandle,ax
+ mov IrqValue,bx
+ pop es
+ assume es:nothing
+ pop ds
+ assume ds:nothing
+ ret
+InstallVdd endp
+; *** InstallInterruptHandlers
+; *
+; * Sets the interrupt handlers for all the ints we use - 2F, 7A
+; *
+; * ENTRY BX = IRQ for call-backs
+; * ES = PSP segment
+; *
+; * EXIT Old2FHandler contains the original interrupt 2F vector
+; * Old7AHandler contains the original interrupt 7A vector
+; * OldIrqHandler contains original IRQ vector
+; *
+; * USES AX, BX, CX, DX
+; *
+; * ASSUMES nothing
+; *
+; ***
+InstallInterruptHandlers proc
+ push es ; PSP segment - destroyed by INT 21/35h
+ push ds
+ mov dx,ResidentCode
+ mov ds,dx
+ assume ds:ResidentCode
+; get and set call-back IRQ
+ mov ah,35h
+ mov al,bl
+ mov cl,bl ; cl = IRQ number
+ int 21h
+ mov word ptr OldIrqHandler,bx
+ mov word ptr OldIrqHandler+2,es
+ mov al,cl
+ mov ah,25h
+ mov dx,offset ResidentCode:VwIpxEsrFunction
+ int 21h
+; get and set 2F handler
+ mov ax,352Fh
+ int 21h
+ mov word ptr Old2FHandler,bx
+ mov word ptr Old2FHandler+2,es
+ mov dx,offset ResidentCode:VwIpxEntryPoint
+ mov ax,252Fh
+ int 21h
+; get and set 7A handler
+ mov ax,357Ah
+ int 21h
+ mov word ptr Old7AHandler,bx
+ mov word ptr Old7AHandler+2,es
+ mov dx,offset ResidentCode:VwIpx7ADispatcher
+ mov ax,257Ah
+ int 21h
+ pop ds ; restore segment registers
+ assume ds:nothing
+ pop es
+ assume es:nothing
+ ret
+InstallInterruptHandlers endp
+; code from here on will be left in memory after initialisation
+ assume cs:ResidentCode
+ assume ds:nothing
+ assume es:nothing
+ assume ss:nothing
+Old2FHandler dd ?
+Old7AHandler dd ?
+OldIrqHandler dd ?
+IrqValue dw ?
+VddHandle dw ?
+; *** VwIpxEntryPoint
+; *
+; * The INT 2Fh handler that recognizes the Netware IPX request code (7A).
+; * Also chains INT 2F/AX=1122
+; *
+; * ENTRY AX = 7A00h
+; *
+; * EXIT AL = 0FFh
+; * ES:DI = address of routine to call when submitting IPX/SPX
+; * requests
+; *
+; * USES
+; *
+; * ASSUMES nothing
+; *
+; ***
+VwIpxEntryPoint proc
+ cmp ax,7a00h
+ jne @f
+ mov di,cs
+ mov es,di
+ mov di,offset VwIpxDispatcher
+ dec al
+ iret
+; not 7A00h. Check for 1122h (IFSResetEnvironment). If yes, then this is DOS
+; calling the IFS chain to notify that the app is terminating. When we have
+; notified the DLL, chain the IFS request
+@@: cmp ax,7affh
+ jne try1122
+ mov di,cs
+ mov es,di
+ mov di,offset VwIpxDispatcher
+ or bx,bx
+ jz @f
+ mov cx,8000h
+ mov si,7
+ iret
+@@: mov cx,14h
+ mov si,200h
+ iret
+try1122:cmp ax,1122h
+ jne @f
+; DOS Calls INT 2F/AX=1122 for every terminating app, including this one. We
+; can't differentiate between a TSR and a non-TSR. Let the DLL handle it
+ push ax
+ push bx
+ push cx
+ mov ah,51h
+ int 21h
+ mov cx,bx ; cx = PDB of terminating program/TSR
+ mov bx,-1 ; bx = dispatch code
+ mov ax,VddHandle ; ax = VDD handle
+ DispatchCall
+ pop cx
+ pop bx
+ pop ax
+@@: jmp Old2FHandler ; chain int 2F
+VwIpxEntryPoint endp
+; *** VwIpxDispatcher
+; *
+; * All DOS IPX/SPX calls are routed here by the netware libraries. Just
+; * BOP on through to the other side
+; *
+; * This routine just transfers control to 32-bit world, where all work is
+; * done
+; *
+; * ENTRY BX = netware IPX/SPX dispatch code
+; * others - depends on function
+; *
+; * EXIT depends on function
+; *
+; * USES depends on function
+; *
+; * ASSUMES nothing
+; *
+; ***
+VwIpxDispatcher proc far
+ pushf ; apparently we don't modify flags
+ call DispatchWithFeeling
+ popf
+ ret
+VwIpxDispatcher endp
+; *** VwIpx7ADispatcher
+; *
+; * Older Netware apps make the call to IPX/SPX via INT 7A. Same function
+; * as VwIpxDispatcher
+; *
+; * This routine just transfers control to 32-bit world, where all work is
+; * done
+; *
+; * ENTRY BX = netware IPX/SPX dispatch code
+; * others - depends on function
+; *
+; * EXIT depends on function
+; *
+; * USES depends on function
+; *
+; * ASSUMES nothing
+; *
+; ***
+VwIpx7ADispatcher proc
+ call DispatchWithFeeling
+ iret
+VwIpx7ADispatcher endp
+; *** DispatchWithFeeling
+; *
+; * Performs the dispatch for VrIpxDispatcher and VrIpx7ADispatcher. Checks
+; * requested function for return code in AX: either returns value in AX
+; * or restores AX to value on input
+; *
+; * This routine just transfers control to 32-bit world, where all work is
+; * done
+; *
+; * ENTRY BX = netware IPX/SPX dispatch code
+; * others - depends on function
+; *
+; * EXIT depends on function
+; *
+; * USES depends on function
+; *
+; * ASSUMES 1. Dispatch codes are in range 0..255 (ie 0 in BH)
+; *
+; ***
+DispatchWithFeeling proc
+ push bp
+ push ax ; caller value
+; some APIs (IPXOpenSocket, IPXScheduleIPXEvent, SPXEstablishConnection, and
+; others...) pass a parameter in AX. Since AX is being used for the VDD
+; handle, we have to commandeer another register to hold our AX value. BP is
+; always a good candidate
+ mov bp,ax ; grumble, mutter, gnash, gnash
+ push cx ; required if IPXOpenSocket
+ push bx ; dispatch code
+ or bx,bx ; IPXOpenSocket?
+ jz @f ; yus ma'am
+ cmp bl,3 ; IPXSendPacket?
+ jz @f ; yus ma'am again
+ jmp short carry_on_dispatching ; ooo-err missus
+; IPXOpenSocket et IPXSendPacket: We need an extra piece of info - the PDB of
+; the process making this request. This is so we can clean-up at program
+; termination
+@@: push bx
+ mov ah,51h ; get DOS PDB
+ int 21h ; this call can be made any time
+ mov cx,bx
+ pop bx
+ mov ax,VddHandle
+ DispatchCall
+ mov bp,sp
+; BX and [BP] will be the same value except for SPXInitialize which is the only
+; function that returns something in BX
+ xchg bx,[bp] ; bx = dispatch code, [bp] = returned bx
+; if this call returns something in AX (or AL) don't pop the AX value we pushed.
+; If not a call which returns something in AX then restore the caller's AX. You
+; can rest assured some assembler programmer has made use of the fact that some
+; calls modify AX and the others leave it alone (presumably...?)
+ or bl,bl ; 0x00 = IPXOpenSocket
+ jz @f
+ cmp bl,2 ; 0x02 = IPXGetLocalTarget
+ jz @f
+ cmp bl,4 ; 0x04 = IPXListenForPacket
+ jz @f
+ cmp bl,6 ; 0x06 = IPXCancelEvent
+ jz @f
+ cmp bl,8 ; 0x08 = IPXGetIntervalMarker
+ jz @f
+ cmp bl,10h ; 0x10 = SPXInitialize
+ jz spx_init
+ cmp bl,11h ; 0x11 = SPXEstablishConnection
+ jz @f
+ cmp bl,15h ; 0x15 = SPXGetConnectionStatus
+ jz @f
+ cmp bl,1ah ; 0x1A = IPXGetMaxPacketSize
+ jz @f
+ pop cx ; original dispatch code
+ pop cx ; original cx
+ pop ax ; original ax
+ pop bp ; original bp
+ ret
+; here if this call returns something in AX/AL
+@@: pop cx ; original dispatch code
+ pop cx ; original cx
+ pop bp ; don't restore AX
+ pop bp
+ ret
+; here if the call was SPXInitialize which returns values in AX, BX, CX, DX
+ pop bx ; bx = major/minor SPX version #
+ pop bp ; caller cx - NOT restored
+ pop bp ; caller ax - NOT restored
+ pop bp ; caller bp - restored
+ ret
+DispatchWithFeeling endp
+; *** VwIpxEsrFunction
+; *
+; * This routine makes the call to the ESR as defined in the ECB. We must
+; * set up our stack, save the registers (except SS & SP), then call the
+; * ESR.
+; *
+; * Control will not be transferred here for an ECB which has a NULL ESR
+; * field
+; *
+; * ENTRY AL = 0 for AES or 0FFh for IPX
+; * ES:SI = ECB address
+; *
+; * EXIT depends on function
+; *
+; * USES depends on function
+; *
+; * ASSUMES nothing
+; *
+; ***
+VwIpxEsrFunction proc
+; Novell documentation states all registers except SS and SP are saved before
+ pusha
+ push ds
+ push es
+ mov ax,VddHandle
+ mov bx,-2
+ DispatchCall ; get ECB
+ jc @f
+ call dword ptr es:[si][4] ; branch to the ESR
+ mov al,20h
+ out 0a0h,al ; clear slave pic
+ out 20h,al ; " master "
+ pop es
+ pop ds
+ popa
+ iret
+@@: pop es
+ pop ds
+ popa
+ jmp OldIrqHandler
+VwIpxEsrFunction endp
+end start