path: root/public/tools/ntsave.cmd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/tools/ntsave.cmd b/public/tools/ntsave.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..494562fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/tools/ntsave.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+@if "%_echo%" == "" echo off
+set _NTSTATSRCMD=\nt\ntstatsr.cmd
+set _NTSTATSR1CMD=\nt\ntstatsr1.cmd
+if "%_NTSLMBACKUP%" == "" goto nobackup
+if NOT EXIST \nt\ntstatsr.cmd goto noscript
+if NOT EXIST %_NTSLMBACKUP%\*. goto firsttime
+if "%1" == "/?" goto dohelp
+if "%1" == "-?" goto dohelp
+if "%1" == "/h" goto dohelp
+if "%1" == "/H" goto dohelp
+if "%1" == "-h" goto dohelp
+if "%1" == "-H" goto dohelp
+if "%1" == "/help" goto dohelp
+if "%1" == "/HELP" goto dohelp
+if "%1" == "keep" goto dokeep
+if "%1" == "KEEP" goto dokeep
+if "%1" == "Keep" goto dokeep
+if "%1" == "" goto doit
+goto dokeep
+ech ;
+echo Saving previous tree while we create a new one.
+mv %_NTSLMBACKUP% %_NTSLMBACKUP%\..\ntsave.old
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto cantsave
+set _NTSAVEDEL=%_NTSLMBACKUP%\..\ntsave.old
+ech ;
+echo Saving checked out files to %_NTSLMBACKUP%
+ech ;
+if "%_NTSAVEDEL%" == "" goto nodelete
+ech ;
+echo Deleting previous tree now that we have successfully created a new one.
+delnode /q %_NTSAVEDEL%
+ech ;
+echo Currently you have backed up on %_NTSLMBACKUP%
+goto done
+echo The KEEP option was not specified and the attempt to rename
+echo the previous save tree failed. Will assume KEEP specified.
+ync /c yn "Do you want to proceed?"
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto done
+goto dokeep
+echo The \nt\ntstatsr.cmd script file does not exist. This file
+echo is created by the NTSTAT command if the _NTSLMBACKUP environment
+echo variable is defined prior to invoking the NTSTAT command. You
+echo have the variable defined, so either you have not run the NTSTAT
+echo command since defining it, or you don't have any file checked
+echo out, in which case you might as well go home now.
+echo ;
+goto done
+echo usage: NTSAVE [keep]
+ech ;
+echo This command script saves all the files you currently have
+echo checked out to the directory tree pointed to by the _NTSLMBACKUP
+echo environment variable. The list of files to save is located in
+echo the file \nt\ntstatsr.cmd, which is produced by the NTSTAT command.
+echo To avoid name conflicts, the files are kept in a flat directory,
+echo one for each project, under the directory pointed to by _NTSLMBACKUP.
+echo The files names are numeric, with the \nt\ntstatsr.cmd file defining
+echo the mapping. Use the NTREST command to restore from the saved
+echo tree.
+ech ;
+echo The keep option tells the command script to copy the files on top
+echo of any existing files in the destination directory. The default
+echo behavior is to rename the current destination directory to .old
+echo do the copies and then if successful, delnode the old copy.
+ech ;
+goto done
+echo In order to use the NTSAVE and NTREST commands you must first
+echo set the _NTSLMBACKUP environment variable prior to running the
+echo NTSTAT command. The value of this variable should be a network
+echo directory path that will be where the NTSAVE script will save
+echo copies of all files you currently have checked out.
+echo ;