/*** *streamb.h - definitions/declarations for the streambuf class * * Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * This file defines the classes, values, macros, and functions * used by the streambuf class. * [AT&T C++] * *Revision History: * 01-23-92 KRS Ported from 16-bit version. * 03-02-92 KRS Added locks for multithread support. * 06-03-92 KRS For convenience, add NULL here too. * 02-23-93 SKS Update copyright to 1993 * 03-23-93 CFW Modified #pragma warnings. * ****/ #ifndef _INC_STREAMB #define _INC_STREAMB #ifndef _INTERNAL_IFSTRIP_ #ifdef COMBOINC #if defined(_DLL) && !defined(MTHREAD) #error Cannot define _DLL without MTHREAD #endif #endif #endif /* !_INTERNAL_IFSTRIP_ */ #include // need ios::seek_dir definition #ifdef MTHREAD // defined in ios.h extern "C" { void _mtlockinit(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION); void _mtlock(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION); void _mtunlock(PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION); } #endif #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif #ifndef EOF #define EOF (-1) #endif // C4505: "unreferenced local function has been removed" #pragma warning(disable:4505) // disable C4505 warning // #pragma warning(default:4505) // use this to reenable, if desired // C4103 : "used #pragma pack to change alignment" #pragma warning(disable:4103) // disable C4103 warning // #pragma warning(default:4103) // use this to reenable, if desired // Force word packing to avoid possible -Zp override #pragma pack(4) typedef long streampos, streamoff; class ios; class streambuf { public: virtual ~streambuf(); inline int in_avail() const; inline int out_waiting() const; int sgetc(); int snextc(); int sbumpc(); void stossc(); inline int sputbackc(char); inline int sputc(int); inline int sputn(const char *,int); inline int sgetn(char *,int); virtual int sync(); // enum seek_dir { beg=0, cur=1, end=2 }; // CONSIDER: needed ??? virtual streambuf* setbuf(char *, int); virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff,ios::seek_dir,int =ios::in|ios::out); virtual streampos seekpos(streampos,int =ios::in|ios::out); virtual int xsputn(const char *,int); virtual int xsgetn(char *,int); virtual int overflow(int =EOF) = 0; // pure virtual function virtual int underflow() = 0; // pure virtual function virtual int pbackfail(int); void dbp(); #ifdef MTHREAD void setlock() { LockFlg--; } // <0 indicates lock required; void clrlock() { if (LockFlg <= 0) LockFlg++; } void lock() { if (LockFlg<0) _mtlock(lockptr()); }; void unlock() { if (LockFlg<0) _mtunlock(lockptr()); } #else void lock() { } void unlock() { } #endif protected: streambuf(); streambuf(char *,int); inline char * base() const; inline char * ebuf() const; inline char * pbase() const; inline char * pptr() const; inline char * epptr() const; inline char * eback() const; inline char * gptr() const; inline char * egptr() const; inline int blen() const; inline void setp(char *,char *); inline void setg(char *,char *,char *); inline void pbump(int); inline void gbump(int); void setb(char *,char *,int =0); inline int unbuffered() const; inline void unbuffered(int); int allocate(); virtual int doallocate(); #ifdef MTHREAD PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION lockptr() { return & x_lock; } #endif private: int _fAlloc; int _fUnbuf; int x_lastc; char * _base; char * _ebuf; char * _pbase; char * _pptr; char * _epptr; char * _eback; char * _gptr; char * _egptr; #ifdef MTHREAD int LockFlg; // <0 indicates locking required RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION x_lock; // lock needed only for multi-thread operation #endif }; inline int streambuf::in_avail() const { return (gptr()<_egptr) ? (_egptr-gptr()) : 0; } inline int streambuf::out_waiting() const { return (_pptr>=_pbase) ? (_pptr-_pbase) : 0; } inline int streambuf::sputbackc(char _c){ return (_eback _base) ? (_ebuf-_base) : 0); } inline char * streambuf::pbase() const { return _pbase; } inline char * streambuf::pptr() const { return _pptr; } inline char * streambuf::epptr() const { return _epptr; } inline char * streambuf::eback() const { return _eback; } inline char * streambuf::gptr() const { return _gptr; } inline char * streambuf::egptr() const { return _egptr; } inline void streambuf::gbump(int n) { if (_egptr) _gptr += n; } inline void streambuf::pbump(int n) { if (_epptr) _pptr += n; } inline void streambuf::setg(char * eb, char * g, char * eg) {_eback=eb; _gptr=g; _egptr=eg; x_lastc=EOF; } inline void streambuf::setp(char * p, char * ep) {_pptr=_pbase=p; _epptr=ep; } inline int streambuf::unbuffered() const { return _fUnbuf; } inline void streambuf::unbuffered(int fUnbuf) { _fUnbuf = fUnbuf; } // Restore default packing #pragma pack() #endif /* !_INC_STREAMB */