/* make the lookup table for output.asm */ #define TABLESIZE ('x' - ' ' + 1) /* possible states to be in */ #define NORMAL 0 /* normal character to be output */ #define PERCENT 1 /* just read percent sign */ #define FLAG 2 /* just read a flag character */ #define WIDTH 3 /* just read a width specification character */ #define DOT 4 /* just read a dot between width and precision */ #define PRECIS 5 /* just read a precision specification character */ #define SIZE 6 /* just read a size specification character */ #define TYPE 7 /* just read a conversion specification character */ #define BOGUS 0 /* bogus state - print the character literally */ #define NUMSTATES 8 /* possible types of characters to read */ #define CH_OTHER 0 /* character with no special meaning */ #define CH_PERCENT 1 /* '%' */ #define CH_DOT 2 /* '.' */ #define CH_STAR 3 /* '*' */ #define CH_ZERO 4 /* '0' */ #define CH_DIGIT 5 /* '1'..'9' */ #define CH_FLAG 6 /* ' ', '+', '-', '#' */ #define CH_SIZE 7 /* 'h', 'l', 'L', 'N', 'F', 'w' */ #define CH_TYPE 8 /* conversion specified character */ #define NUMCHARS 9 unsigned char table[TABLESIZE]; /* the table we build */ /* this is the state table */ int statetable[NUMSTATES][NUMCHARS] = { /* state, other % . * 0 digit flag size type */ /* NORMAL */ { NORMAL, PERCENT, NORMAL, NORMAL, NORMAL, NORMAL, NORMAL, NORMAL, NORMAL }, /* PERCENT */ { BOGUS, NORMAL, DOT, WIDTH, FLAG, WIDTH, FLAG, SIZE, TYPE }, /* FLAG */ { BOGUS, BOGUS, DOT, WIDTH, FLAG, WIDTH, FLAG, SIZE, TYPE }, /* WIDTH */ { BOGUS, BOGUS, DOT, BOGUS, WIDTH, WIDTH, BOGUS, SIZE, TYPE }, /* DOT */ { BOGUS, BOGUS, BOGUS, PRECIS, PRECIS, PRECIS, BOGUS, SIZE, TYPE }, /* PRECIS */ { BOGUS, BOGUS, BOGUS, BOGUS, PRECIS, PRECIS, BOGUS, SIZE, TYPE }, /* SIZE */ { BOGUS, BOGUS, BOGUS, BOGUS, BOGUS, BOGUS, BOGUS, SIZE, TYPE }, /* TYPE */ { NORMAL, PERCENT, NORMAL, NORMAL, NORMAL, NORMAL, NORMAL, NORMAL, NORMAL } }; /* this determines what type of character ch is */ static int chartype ( int ch ) { if (ch < ' ' || ch > 'z') return CH_OTHER; if (ch == '%') return CH_PERCENT; if (ch == '.') return CH_DOT; if (ch == '*') return CH_STAR; if (ch == '0') return CH_ZERO; if (strchr("123456789", ch)) return CH_DIGIT; if (strchr(" +-#", ch)) return CH_FLAG; if (strchr("hlLNFw", ch)) return CH_SIZE; if (strchr("diouxXfeEgGcspnCSZ", ch)) return CH_TYPE; return CH_OTHER; } main() { int ch; int state, class; int i; for (ch = ' '; ch <= 'x'; ++ch) { table[ch-' '] = chartype(ch); } for (state = NORMAL; state <= TYPE; ++state) for (class = CH_OTHER; class <= CH_TYPE; ++class) table[class*8+state] |= statetable[state][class]<<4; for (i = 0; i < TABLESIZE; ++i) { if (i % 8 == 0) printf("\ndb\t %.2xh", table[i]); else printf(", %.2xh", table[i]); } return 0; }