page ,132 title memcpy - Copy source memory bytes to destination ;*** ;memcpy.asm - contains memcpy and memmove routines ; ; Copyright (c) 1986-1991, Microsoft Corporation. All right reserved. ; ;Purpose: ; memcpy() copies a source memory buffer to a destination buffer. ; Overlapping buffers are not treated specially, so propogation may occur. ; memmove() copies a source memory buffer to a destination buffer. ; Overlapping buffers are treated specially, to avoid propogation. ; ;Revision History: ; 02-06-87 JCR Added memmove entry ; 04-08-87 JCR Conditionalized memmove/memcpy entries ; 06-30-87 SKS Rewritten for speed and size ; 08-21-87 SKS Fix return value for overlapping copies ; 05-17-88 SJM Add model-independent (large model) ifdef ; 08-04-88 SJM convert to cruntime/ add 32-bit support ; 08-19-88 JCR Minor 386 corrections/enhancements ; 10-25-88 JCR General cleanup for 386-only code ; 03-23-90 GJF Changed to _stdcall. Also, fixed the copyright. ; 05-10-91 GJF Back to _cdecl, sigh... ; 11-13-92 SRW Make it fast with unaligned arguments ; ;******************************************************************************* .xlist include .list M_EXIT macro mov eax,[dst] ; return pointer to destination ifdef _STDCALL_ ret 2*DPSIZE + ISIZE ; _stdcall return else ret ; _cdecl return endif endm ; M_EXIT CODESEG page ;*** ;memcpy - Copy source buffer to destination buffer ; ;Purpose: ; memcpy() copies a source memory buffer to a destination memory buffer. ; This routine does NOT recognize overlapping buffers, and thus can lead ; to propogation. ; For cases where propogation must be avoided, memmove() must be used. ; ; Algorithm: ; ; void * memcpy(void * dst, void * src, size_t count) ; { ; void * ret = dst; ; ; /* ; * copy from lower addresses to higher addresses ; */ ; while (count--) ; *dst++ = *src++; ; ; return(ret); ; } ; ;memmove - Copy source buffer to destination buffer ; ;Purpose: ; memmove() copies a source memory buffer to a destination memory buffer. ; This routine recognize overlapping buffers to avoid propogation. ; For cases where propogation is not a problem, memcpy() can be used. ; ; Algorithm: ; ; void * memmove(void * dst, void * src, size_t count) ; { ; void * ret = dst; ; ; if (dst <= src || dst >= (src + count)) { ; /* ; * Non-Overlapping Buffers ; * copy from lower addresses to higher addresses ; */ ; while (count--) ; *dst++ = *src++; ; } ; else { ; /* ; * Overlapping Buffers ; * copy from higher addresses to lower addresses ; */ ; dst += count - 1; ; src += count - 1; ; ; while (count--) ; *dst-- = *src--; ; } ; ; return(ret); ; } ; ; ;Entry: ; void *dst = pointer to destination buffer ; const void *src = pointer to source buffer ; size_t count = number of bytes to copy ; ;Exit: ; Returns a pointer to the destination buffer in AX/DX:AX ; ;Uses: ; CX, DX ; ;Exceptions: ;******************************************************************************* ifdef MEM_MOVE _MEM_ equ else _MEM_ equ endif % public _MEM_ _MEM_ proc \ uses edi esi, \ dst:ptr byte, \ src:ptr byte, \ count:IWORD ; destination pointer ; source pointer ; number of bytes to copy mov esi,[src] ; esi = source mov edi,[dst] ; edi = dest mov ecx,[count] ; ecx = number of bytes to move ; ; Check for overlapping buffers: ; If (dst <= src) Or (dst >= src + Count) Then ; Do normal (Upwards) Copy ; Else ; Do Downwards Copy to avoid propagation ; cmp edi,esi ; dst <= src ? jbe short CopyUp ; yes, copy toward higher addresses mov eax,esi add eax,ecx cmp edi,eax ; dst >= (src + count) ? jnae CopyDown ; no, copy toward lower addresses ; ; Copy toward higher addresses. ; CopyUp: ; ; The algorithm for forward moves is to align the destination to a dword ; boundary and so we can move dwords with an aligned destination. This ; occurs in 3 steps. ; ; - move x = ((4 - Dest & 3) & 3) bytes ; - move y = ((L-x) >> 2) dwords ; - move (L - x - y*4) bytes ; test edi,11b ; destination dword aligned? jnz short byterampup ; if we are not dword aligned already, align mov edx,ecx ; byte count and edx,11b ; trailing byte count shr ecx,2 ; shift down to dword count rep movsd ; move all of our dwords jmp dword ptr TrailingVecs[edx*4] align @WordSize TrailingVecs dd Trail0, Trail1, Trail2, Trail3 align @WordSize Trail3: mov ax,[esi] mov [edi],ax mov al,[esi+2] mov [edi+2],al M_EXIT align @WordSize Trail2: mov ax,[esi] mov [edi],ax M_EXIT align @WordSize Trail1: mov al,[esi] mov [edi],al Trail0: M_EXIT ; ; Code to do optimal memory copies for non-dword-aligned destinations. ; align @WordSize byterampup: ; The following length check is done for two reasons: ; ; 1. to ensure that the actual move length is greater than any possiale ; alignment move, and ; ; 2. to skip the multiple move logic for small moves where it would ; be faster to move the bytes with one instruction. ; ; Leading bytes could be handled faster via split-out optimizations and ; a jump table (as trailing bytes are), at the cost of size. ; ; At this point, ECX is the # of bytes to copy, and EDX is the # of leading ; bytes to copy. ; cmp ecx,12 ; check for reasonable length jbe short ShortMove ; do short move if appropriate mov edx,edi neg edx and edx,11b ; # of leading bytes sub ecx,edx ; subtract out leading bytes mov eax,ecx ; # of bytes remaining after leading mov ecx,edx ; # of leading bytes rep movsb ; copy leading bytes mov ecx,eax ; compute number of dwords to move and eax,11b ; # of trailing bytes shr ecx,2 ; # of whole dwords rep movsd ; move whole dwords jmp dword ptr TrailingVecs[eax*4] ; copy trailing bytes ; ; Simple copy, byte at a time. This could be faster with a jump table and ; split-out optimizations, copying as much as possible a dword/word at a ; time and using MOV with displacements, but such short cases are unlikely ; to be called often (it seems silly to call a function to copy less than ; three dwords). ; align @WordSize ShortMove: rep movsb M_EXIT ; ; Copy down to avoid propogation in overlapping buffers. ; align @WordSize CopyDown: std ; Set Direction Flag = Down add esi,ecx ; point to byte after end of source buffer add edi,ecx ; point to byte after end of dest buffer ; ; See if the destination start is dword aligned ; test edi,11b jnz short byterampup_copydown ; not dword aligned ; ; Destination start is dword aligned ; mov edx,ecx ; set aside count of bytes to copy and edx,11b ; # of trailing bytes to copy sub esi,4 ; point to start of first dword to copy sub edi,4 ; point to start of first dword to copy to shr ecx,2 ; dwords to copy rep movsd ; copy as many dwords as possible jmp dword ptr TrailingVecs_copydown[edx*4] ;do any trailing bytes align @WordSize TrailingVecs_copydown label dword dd Trail0_copydown dd Trail1_copydown dd Trail2_copydown dd Trail3_copydown align @WordSize Trail3_copydown: mov ax,[esi+2] mov [edi+2],ax mov al,[esi+1] mov [edi+1],al cld ; Set Direction Flag = Up M_EXIT align @WordSize Trail2_copydown: mov ax,[esi+2] mov [edi+2],ax cld ; Set Direction Flag = Up M_EXIT align @WordSize Trail1_copydown: mov al,[esi+3] mov [edi+3],al Trail0_copydown: cld ; Set Direction Flag = Up M_EXIT ; ; Destination start is not dword aligned. ; ; Leading bytes could be handled faster via split-out optimizations and ; a jump table (as trailing bytes are), at the cost of size. ; ; At this point, ECX is the # of bytes to copy, and EDX is the # of leading ; bytes to copy. ; align @WordSize byterampup_copydown: dec esi ; point to first leading src byte dec edi ; point to first leading dest byte cmp ecx,12 ; check for reasonable length jbe short ShortMove_copydown ; do short move if appropriate neg edx and edx,11b sub ecx,edx ; # of bytes after leading bytes mov eax,ecx ; set aside # of bytes remaining mov ecx,edx ; # of leading bytes rep movsb ; copy leading odd bytes mov ecx,eax ; # of remaining bytes and eax,11b ; # of trailing bytes sub esi,3 ; point to start of first whole src dword sub edi,3 ; point to start of first whole dest dword shr ecx,2 ; # of whole dwords rep movsd ; copy whole dwords jmp dword ptr TrailingVecs_copydown[eax*4] align @WordSize ShortMove_copydown: rep movsb cld ; Set Direction Flag = Up M_EXIT _MEM_ endp end