/*** *memccpy.c - copy bytes until a character is found * * Copyright (c) 1985-1991, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * defines _memccpy() - copies bytes until a specifed character * is found, or a maximum number of characters have been copied. * *Revision History: * 05-31-89 JCR C version created. * 02-27-90 GJF Fixed calling type, #include , fixed * copyright. Also, fixed compiler warning. * 08-14-90 SBM Compiles cleanly with -W3, removed now redundant * #include * 10-01-90 GJF New-style function declarator. Also, rewrote expr. to * avoid using cast as an lvalue. * 01-17-91 GJF ANSI naming. * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include /*** *char *_memccpy(dest, src, c, count) - copy bytes until character found * *Purpose: * Copies bytes from src to dest until count bytes have been * copied, or up to and including the character c, whichever * comes first. * *Entry: * void *dest - pointer to memory to receive copy * void *src - source of bytes * int c - character to stop copy at * unsigned int count - max number of bytes to copy * *Exit: * returns pointer to byte immediately after c in dest * returns NULL if c was never found * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ void * _CALLTYPE1 _memccpy ( void * dest, const void * src, int c, unsigned count ) { while ( count && (*((char *)(dest = (char *)dest + 1) - 1) = *((char *)(src = (char *)src + 1) - 1)) != (char)c ) count--; return(count ? dest : NULL); }