/*** *wcslen.c - contains wcslen() routine * * Copyright (c) 1985-1992, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * wcslen returns the length of a null-terminated wide-character string, * not including the null wchar_t itself. * *Revision History: * 09-09-91 ETC Created from strlen.c. * 04-07-92 KRS Updated and ripped out _INTL switches. * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include /*** *wcslen - return the length of a null-terminated wide-character string * *Purpose: * Finds the length in wchar_t's of the given string, not including * the final null wchar_t (wide-characters). * *Entry: * const wchar_t * wcs - string whose length is to be computed * *Exit: * length of the string "wcs", exclusive of the final null wchar_t * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ size_t _CALLTYPE1 wcslen ( const wchar_t * wcs ) { const wchar_t *eos = wcs; while( *eos++ ) ; return( (size_t)(eos - wcs - 1) ); }