// *** // cinitclk.asm - WIN32 C Run-Time Initialization for the clock() function // // Copyright (c) 1990-1992, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Purpose: // Initialization entry for the clock() function // // Notes: // The variable _itimeb, used in clock.c, is declared in this module // to force the inclusion of the initializer entry if clock() is // referenced. // // This file declares a structure of type timeb. // // The include file "timeb.inc" must be kept in synch with sys/timeb.h // and depends on the alignment behavior of the Intel 386. // // Revision History: // 03-19-92 SKS Module created. // 03-24-92 SKS Added MIPS support (NO_UNDERSCORE) // 04-30-92 SKS Add "offset FLAT:" to get correct fixups for OMF objs // 08-06-92 SKS Revised to use new section names and macros // 10-27-93 MDJ Wrote (this) ppc version based on code in i386 tree // // ***************************************************************************** #include "kxppc.h" .extern __inittime beginSection(XIC) .long __inittime endSection(XIC) .globl __itimeb .data .align 2 __itimeb: .long 0 .short 0 .short 0 .short 0 .short 0 // struct timeb has four fields plus padding