/*++ Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: wsasetup.h Abstract: This header file contains the type definitions and function prototypes for the private interface between NT Setup and WSOCK32.DLL. Author: Keith Moore (keithmo) 27-Oct-1995 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _WSASETUP_ #define _WSASETUP_ // // Setup disposition, used to tell Setup what actions were taken (if any). // typedef enum _WSA_SETUP_DISPOSITION { WsaSetupNoChangesMade, WsaSetupChangesMadeRebootNotNecessary, WsaSetupChangesMadeRebootRequired } WSA_SETUP_DISPOSITION, *LPWSA_SETUP_DISPOSITION; // // Opcodes for the migration callback (see below). // typedef enum _WSA_SETUP_OPCODE { WsaSetupInstallingProvider, WsaSetupRemovingProvider, WsaSetupValidatingProvider, WsaSetupUpdatingProvider } WSA_SETUP_OPCODE, *LPWSA_SETUP_OPCODE; // // Callback function invoked by MigrationWinsockConfiguration() at // strategic points in the migration process. // typedef BOOL (CALLBACK LPFN_WSA_SETUP_CALLBACK)( WSA_SETUP_OPCODE Opcode, LPVOID Parameter, DWORD Context ); // // Private function exported by WSOCK32.DLL for use by NT Setup only. This // function updates the WinSock 2.0 configuration information to reflect any // changes made to the WinSock 1.1 configuration. // DWORD WINAPI MigrateWinsockConfiguration( LPWSA_SETUP_DISPOSITION Disposition, LPFN_WSA_SETUP_CALLBACK Callback OPTIONAL, DWORD Context OPTIONAL ); typedef DWORD (WINAPI * LPFN_MIGRATE_WINSOCK_CONFIGURATION)( LPWSA_SETUP_DISPOSITION Disposition, LPFN_WSA_SETUP_CALLBACK Callback OPTIONAL, DWORD Context OPTIONAL ); #endif // _WSASETUP_