#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // Define special character values. // #define ASCI_NUL 0x00 #define ASCI_BEL 0x07 #define ASCI_BS 0x08 #define ASCI_HT 0x09 #define ASCI_LF 0x0A #define ASCI_VT 0x0B #define ASCI_FF 0x0C #define ASCI_CR 0x0D #define ASCI_CSI 0x9B #define ASCI_ESC 0x1B #define ASCI_SYSRQ 0x80 // // Locally defined error codes // #define EBADSYNTAX EMAXIMUM #define MAX_COMPONENTS 20 ARC_STATUS AlGetEnvVarComponents ( IN PCHAR EnvValue, OUT PCHAR **EnvVarComponents, OUT PULONG PNumComponents ); ARC_STATUS AlFreeEnvVarComponents ( IN PCHAR *EnvVarComponents ); BOOLEAN AlFindNextMatchComponent( IN PCHAR EnvValue, IN PCHAR MatchValue, IN ULONG StartComponent, OUT PULONG MatchComponent OPTIONAL ); ARC_STATUS AlAddSystemPartition( IN PCHAR NewSystemPartition ); ARC_STATUS AlMemoryInitialize ( ULONG StackPages, ULONG HeapPages ); PVOID AlAllocateHeap ( IN ULONG Size ); PVOID AlDeallocateHeap ( IN PVOID HeapAddress ); PVOID AlReallocateHeap ( IN PVOID HeapAddress, IN ULONG NewSize ); BOOLEAN AlValidateHeap( IN BOOLEAN DumpHeap ); BOOLEAN AlInitializeMenuPackage( VOID ); BOOLEAN AlNewMenu( PVOID *MenuID ); VOID AlFreeMenu( PVOID MenuID ); BOOLEAN // fails if OOM AlAddMenuItem( PVOID MenuID, PCHAR Text, ULONG AssociatedData, ULONG Attributes // currently unused ); BOOLEAN // fails if OOM AlAddMenuItems( PVOID MenuID, PCHAR Text[], // NOTE: associated data for each item is its ULONG ItemCount // index in the array. ); BOOLEAN // FALSE if user escaped AlDisplayMenu( PVOID MenuID, BOOLEAN PrintOnly, ULONG AssociatedDataOfDefaultChoice, ULONG *AssociatedDataOfChoice, ULONG Row, PCHAR MenuName // may be NULL ); ULONG AlGetMenuNumberItems( PVOID MenuID ); ULONG AlGetMenuAssociatedData( PVOID MenuID, ULONG n ); ARC_STATUS AlGetMenuSelection( IN PCHAR szTitle, IN PCHAR *rgszSelections, IN ULONG crgsz, IN ULONG crow, IN ULONG irgszDefault, OUT PULONG pirgsz, OUT PCHAR *pszSelection ); VOID AlWaitKey( PCHAR Prompt // uses default if NULL ); VOID vAlStatusMsg( IN ULONG Row, IN BOOLEAN Error, IN PCHAR FormatString, IN va_list ArgumentList ); VOID AlStatusMsg( IN ULONG TopRow, IN ULONG BottomRow, IN BOOLEAN Error, IN PCHAR FormatString, ... ); VOID AlStatusMsgNoWait( IN ULONG TopRow, IN ULONG BottomRow, IN BOOLEAN Error, IN PCHAR FormatString, ... ); VOID AlClearStatusArea( IN ULONG TopRow, IN ULONG BottomRow ); PCHAR AlStrDup( IN PCHAR szString ); PCHAR AlCombinePaths ( IN PCHAR szPath1, IN PCHAR szPath2 ); VOID AlFreeArray ( IN BOOLEAN fFreeArray, IN PCHAR *rgsz, IN ULONG csz ); ARC_STATUS AlGetBase ( IN PCHAR szPath, OUT PCHAR *pszBase ); // // Define types of adapters that can be booted from. // typedef enum _ADAPTER_TYPES { AdapterEisa, AdapterScsi, AdapterMulti, AdapterMaximum } ADAPTER_TYPES; // // Define type of controllers that can be booted from. // typedef enum _CONTROLLER_TYPES { ControllerDisk, ControllerCdrom, ControllerMaximum } CONTROLLER_TYPES; // // Define type of peripheral that can be booted from. // typedef enum _PERIPHERAL_TYPES { PeripheralRigidDisk, PeripheralFloppyDisk, PeripheralMaximum } PERIPHERAL_TYPES; // // Define type of token we are referring to // typedef enum _TOKEN_TYPES { AdaptType, ControllerType, PeripheralType } TOKEN_TYPES; // // Define error codes // #define INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE ~0L #define INVALID_TOKEN_VALUE ~1L // // token string is searched for next name(unit) // PCHAR AlGetNextArcNameToken ( IN PCHAR TokenString, OUT PCHAR OutputToken, OUT PULONG UnitNumber ); // // If invalid tokentype or tokenvalue passed in the error codes defined // above are returned, else the enumeration of the token type is returned // ULONG AlMatchArcNameToken ( IN PCHAR TokenValue, IN TOKEN_TYPES TokenType ); ARC_STATUS FdiskInitialize( VOID ); VOID FdiskCleanUp( VOID ); VOID ConfigureSystemPartitions( VOID ); VOID ConfigureOSPartitions( VOID ); ULONG AlPrint ( PCHAR Format, ... ); extern char MSGMARGIN[]; #define AlClearScreen() \ AlPrint("%c2J", ASCI_CSI) #define AlClearLine() \ AlPrint("%c2K", ASCI_CSI) #define AlSetScreenColor(FgColor, BgColor) \ AlPrint("%c3%dm", ASCI_CSI, (UCHAR)FgColor); \ AlPrint("%c4%dm", ASCI_CSI, (UCHAR)BgColor) #define AlSetScreenAttributes( HighIntensity, Underscored, ReverseVideo ) \ AlPrint("%c0m", ASCI_CSI); \ if (HighIntensity) { \ AlPrint("%c1m", ASCI_CSI); \ } \ if (Underscored) { \ AlPrint("%c4m", ASCI_CSI); \ } \ if (ReverseVideo) { \ AlPrint("%c7m", ASCI_CSI); \ } #define AlSetPosition( Row, Column ) \ AlPrint("%c%d;%dH", ASCI_CSI, Row, Column) BOOLEAN // false if user escaped. AlGetString( OUT PCHAR String, IN ULONG StringLength ); #define AllocateMemory(size) AlAllocateHeap(size) #define ReallocateMemory(block,size) AlReallocateHeap(block,size) #define FreeMemory(block) AlDeallocateHeap(block) #define OK_STATUS ESUCCESS #define RETURN_OUT_OF_MEMORY return(ENOMEM) #define LOWPART(x) ((x).LowPart) #define ONE_MEG (1024*1024) ULONG SIZEMB( IN LARGE_INTEGER ByteCount ); #define ENTRIES_PER_BOOTSECTOR 4 /* This structure is used to hold the information returned by the get drive geometry call. */ typedef struct _tagDISKGEOM { LARGE_INTEGER Cylinders; ULONG Heads; ULONG SectorsPerTrack; ULONG BytesPerSector; // These two are not part of drive geometry info, but calculated from it. ULONG BytesPerCylinder; ULONG BytesPerTrack; } DISKGEOM,*PDISKGEOM; /* These structures are used in doubly-linked per disk lists that describe the layout of the disk. Free spaces are indicated by entries with a SysID of 0 (note that these entries don't actually appear anywhere on-disk!) The partition number is the number the system will assign to the partition in naming it. For free spaces, this is the number that the system WOULD assign to it if it was a partition. The number is good only for one transaction (create or delete), after which partitions must be renumbered. */ typedef struct _tagPARTITION { struct _tagPARTITION *Next; struct _tagPARTITION *Prev; LARGE_INTEGER Offset; LARGE_INTEGER Length; ULONG Disk; ULONG OriginalPartitionNumber; ULONG PartitionNumber; ULONG PersistentData; BOOLEAN Update; BOOLEAN Active; BOOLEAN Recognized; UCHAR SysID; } PARTITION,*PPARTITION; typedef struct _tagREGION_DATA { PPARTITION Partition; LARGE_INTEGER AlignedRegionOffset; LARGE_INTEGER AlignedRegionSize; } REGION_DATA,*PREGION_DATA; #if DBG #define ASRT(x) if(!(x)) { char c; ULONG n; \ AlPrint("\r\nAssertion failure in %s, line %u\r\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);\ AlPrint("Press return to exit\r\n"); \ ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT,&c,1,&n); \ ArcEnterInteractiveMode(); \ } #else #define ASRT(x) #endif ARC_STATUS FmtIsFatPartition( IN ULONG PartitionId, IN ULONG SectorSize, OUT PBOOLEAN IsFatPartition ); ARC_STATUS FmtIsFat( IN PCHAR PartitionPath, OUT PBOOLEAN IsFatPartition ); ARC_STATUS FmtFatFormat( IN PCHAR PartitionPath, IN ULONG HiddenSectorCount ); ARC_STATUS FmtQueryFatPartitionList( OUT PCHAR** FatPartitionList, OUT PULONG ListLength ); ARC_STATUS FmtFreeFatPartitionList( IN OUT PCHAR* FatPartitionList, IN ULONG ListLength ); ARC_STATUS LowOpenDisk( IN PCHAR DevicePath, OUT PULONG DiskId ); ARC_STATUS LowCloseDisk( IN ULONG DiskId ); ARC_STATUS LowGetDriveGeometry( IN PCHAR DevicePath, OUT PULONG TotalSectorCount, OUT PULONG SectorSize, OUT PULONG SectorsPerTrack, OUT PULONG Heads ); ARC_STATUS LowGetPartitionGeometry( IN PCHAR PartitionPath, OUT PULONG TotalSectorCount, OUT PULONG SectorSize, OUT PULONG SectorsPerTrack, OUT PULONG Heads ); ARC_STATUS LowReadSectors( IN ULONG VolumeId, IN ULONG SectorSize, IN ULONG StartingSector, IN ULONG NumberOfSectors, OUT PVOID Buffer ); ARC_STATUS LowWriteSectors( IN ULONG VolumeId, IN ULONG SectorSize, IN ULONG StartingSector, IN ULONG NumberOfSectors, IN PVOID Buffer ); ARC_STATUS LowQueryPathFromComponent( IN PCONFIGURATION_COMPONENT Component, OUT PCHAR* Path ); ARC_STATUS LowQueryComponentList( IN CONFIGURATION_CLASS* ConfigClass OPTIONAL, IN CONFIGURATION_TYPE* ConfigType OPTIONAL, OUT PCONFIGURATION_COMPONENT** ComponentList, OUT PULONG ListLength ); ARC_STATUS LowQueryPathList( IN CONFIGURATION_CLASS* ConfigClass OPTIONAL, IN CONFIGURATION_TYPE* ConfigType OPTIONAL, OUT PCHAR** PathList, OUT PULONG ListLength ); ARC_STATUS LowFreePathList( IN PCHAR* PathList, IN ULONG ListLength ); ARC_STATUS LowQueryFdiskPathList( OUT PCHAR** PathList, OUT PULONG ListLength ); ARC_STATUS LowFreeFdiskPathList( IN OUT PCHAR* PathList, IN ULONG ListLength ); ARC_STATUS LowGetDiskLayout( IN PCHAR Path, OUT PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION *DriveLayout ); ARC_STATUS LowSetDiskLayout( IN PCHAR Path, IN PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION DriveLayout ); typedef enum { REGION_PRIMARY, REGION_EXTENDED, REGION_LOGICAL } REGION_TYPE; enum { SYSID_UNUSED = 0, SYSID_EXTENDED = 5, SYSID_BIGFAT = 6, SYSID_IFS = 7 }; typedef struct _tagREGION_DESCRIPTOR { ULONG PersistentData; ULONG Disk; ULONG SizeMB; ULONG PartitionNumber; ULONG OriginalPartitionNumber; REGION_TYPE RegionType; BOOLEAN Active; BOOLEAN Recognized; UCHAR SysID; PVOID Reserved; } REGION_DESCRIPTOR,*PREGION_DESCRIPTOR; ULONG GetDiskCount( VOID ); PCHAR GetDiskName( ULONG Disk ); ULONG DiskSizeMB( IN ULONG Disk ); ARC_STATUS GetDiskRegions( IN ULONG Disk, IN BOOLEAN WantUsedRegions, IN BOOLEAN WantFreeRegions, IN BOOLEAN WantPrimaryRegions, IN BOOLEAN WantLogicalRegions, OUT PREGION_DESCRIPTOR *Region, OUT ULONG *RegionCount ); #define GetAllDiskRegions(disk,regions,count) \ GetDiskRegions(disk,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,regions,count) #define GetFreeDiskRegions(disk,regions,count) \ GetDiskRegions(disk,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,regions,count) #define GetUsedDiskRegions(disk,regions,count) \ GetDiskRegions(disk,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,regions,count) #define GetPrimaryDiskRegions(disk,regions,count) \ GetDiskRegions(disk,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,regions,count) #define GetLogicalDiskRegions(disk,regions,count) \ GetDiskRegions(disk,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,regions,count) #define GetUsedPrimaryDiskRegions(disk,regions,count) \ GetDiskRegions(disk,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,regions,count) #define GetUsedLogicalDiskRegions(disk,regions,count) \ GetDiskRegions(disk,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,regions,count) #define GetFreePrimaryDiskRegions(disk,regions,count) \ GetDiskRegions(disk,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,regions,count) #define GetFreeLogicalDiskRegions(disk,regions,count) \ GetDiskRegions(disk,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,regions,count) VOID FreeRegionArray( IN PREGION_DESCRIPTOR Region, IN ULONG RegionCount ); ARC_STATUS IsAnyCreationAllowed( IN ULONG Disk, IN BOOLEAN AllowMultiplePrimaries, OUT PBOOLEAN AnyAllowed, OUT PBOOLEAN PrimaryAllowed, OUT PBOOLEAN ExtendedAllowed, OUT PBOOLEAN LogicalAllowed ); ARC_STATUS IsCreationOfPrimaryAllowed( IN ULONG Disk, IN BOOLEAN AllowMultiplePrimaries, OUT PBOOLEAN Allowed ); ARC_STATUS IsCreationOfExtendedAllowed( IN ULONG Disk, OUT PBOOLEAN Allowed ); ARC_STATUS IsCreationOfLogicalAllowed( IN ULONG Disk, OUT PBOOLEAN Allowed ); ARC_STATUS DoesAnyPartitionExist( IN ULONG Disk, OUT PBOOLEAN AnyExists, OUT PBOOLEAN PrimaryExists, OUT PBOOLEAN ExtendedExists, OUT PBOOLEAN LogicalExists ); ARC_STATUS DoesAnyPrimaryExist( IN ULONG Disk, OUT PBOOLEAN Exists ); ARC_STATUS DoesExtendedExist( IN ULONG Disk, OUT PBOOLEAN Exists ); ARC_STATUS DoesAnyLogicalExist( IN ULONG Disk, OUT PBOOLEAN Exists ); BOOLEAN IsExtended( IN UCHAR SysID ); VOID SetPartitionActiveFlag( IN PREGION_DESCRIPTOR Region, IN UCHAR value ); ARC_STATUS CreatePartition( IN PREGION_DESCRIPTOR Region, IN ULONG CreationSizeMB, IN REGION_TYPE Type ); ARC_STATUS CreatePartitionEx( IN PREGION_DESCRIPTOR Region, IN LARGE_INTEGER MinimumSize, IN ULONG CreationSizeMB, IN REGION_TYPE Type, IN UCHAR SysId ); ARC_STATUS DeletePartition( IN PREGION_DESCRIPTOR Region ); ULONG GetHiddenSectorCount( ULONG Disk, ULONG Partition ); VOID SetSysID( IN ULONG Disk, IN ULONG Partition, IN UCHAR SysID ); VOID SetSysID2( IN PREGION_DESCRIPTOR Region, IN UCHAR SysID ); PCHAR GetSysIDName( UCHAR SysID ); ARC_STATUS CommitPartitionChanges( IN ULONG Disk ); BOOLEAN HavePartitionsBeenChanged( IN ULONG Disk ); VOID FdMarkDiskDirty( IN ULONG Disk ); VOID FdSetPersistentData( IN PREGION_DESCRIPTOR Region, IN ULONG Data ); ULONG FdGetMinimumSizeMB( IN ULONG Disk ); ULONG FdGetMaximumSizeMB( IN PREGION_DESCRIPTOR Region, IN REGION_TYPE CreationType ); LARGE_INTEGER FdGetExactSize( IN PREGION_DESCRIPTOR Region, IN BOOLEAN ForExtended ); LARGE_INTEGER FdGetExactOffset( IN PREGION_DESCRIPTOR Region ); BOOLEAN FdCrosses1024Cylinder( IN PREGION_DESCRIPTOR Region, IN ULONG CreationSizeMB, IN REGION_TYPE RegionType ); ULONG FdGetDiskSignature( IN ULONG Disk ); VOID FdSetDiskSignature( IN ULONG Disk, IN ULONG Signature ); BOOLEAN IsDiskOffLine( IN ULONG Disk ); typedef enum _BOOT_VARIABLES { LoadIdentifierVariable, SystemPartitionVariable, OsLoaderVariable, OsLoadPartitionVariable, OsLoadFilenameVariable, OsLoadOptionsVariable, MaximumBootVariable } BOOT_VARIABLE; extern PCHAR BootString[]; VOID JzDeleteVariableSegment ( PCHAR VariableName, ULONG Selection ); #define MAXIMUM_ENVIRONMENT_VALUE 256