page ,132 title ntfsboot - NTFS boot loader name ntfsboot ; The ROM in the IBM PC starts the boot process by performing a hardware ; initialization and a verification of all external devices. If all goes ; well, it will then load from the boot drive the sector from track 0, head 0, ; sector 1. This sector is placed at physical address 07C00h. ; ; The boot code's sole resposiblity is to find NTLDR, load it at ; address 2000:0000, and then jump to it. ; ; The boot code understands the structure of the NTFS root directory, ; and is capable of reading files. There is no contiguity restriction. ; MASM equ 1 .xlist .286 A_DEFINED EQU 1 include DoubleWord struc lsw dw ? msw dw ? DoubleWord ends ; ; The following are various segments used by the boot loader. The first ; two are the segments where the boot sector is initially loaded and where ; the boot sector is relocated to. The third is the static location ; where the NTLDR is loaded. ; BootSeg segment at 07c0h ; this is where the ROM loads us initially. BootSeg ends NewSeg segment at 0d00h ; this is where we'll relocate to. NewSeg ends ; enough for 16 boot sectors + ; 4-sector scratch ; below where we'll load NTLDR. LdrSeg segment at 2000h ; we want to load the loader at 2000:0000 LdrSeg ends ;/********************** START OF SPECIFICATIONS ************************/ ;/* */ ;/* SUBROUTINE NAME: ntfsboot */ ;/* */ ;/* DESCRIPTIVE NAME: Bootstrap loader */ ;/* */ ;/* FUNCTION: To load NTLDR into memory. */ ;/* */ ;/* NOTES: ntfsboot is loaded by the ROM BIOS (Int 19H) at */ ;/* physical memory location 0000:7C00H. */ ;/* ntfsboot runs in real mode. */ ;/* This boot record is for NTFS volumes only. */ ;/* */ ;/* ENTRY POINT: ntfsboot */ ;/* LINKAGE: Jump (far) from Int 19H */ ;/* */ ;/* INPUT: CS:IP = 0000:7C00H */ ;/* SS:SP = 0030:00FAH (CBIOS dependent) */ ;/* */ ;/* EXIT-NORMAL: DL = INT 13 drive number we booted from */ ;/* Jmp to main in NTLDR */ ;/* */ ;/* EXIT-ERROR: None */ ;/* */ ;/* EFFECTS: NTLDR is loaded into the physical memory */ ;/* location 00020000H */ ;/* */ ;/* MESSAGES: A disk read error occurred. */ ;/* The file NTLDR cannot be found. */ ;/* Insert a system diskette and restart the system. */ ;/* */ ;/*********************** END OF SPECIFICATIONS *************************/ BootCode segment ;would like to use BootSeg here, but LINK flips its lid assume cs:BootCode,ds:nothing,es:nothing,ss:nothing org 0 ; start at beginning of segment, not 0100h. public _ntfsboot _ntfsboot proc far jmp start .errnz ($-_ntfsboot) GT (3), org 3 ; ; This is a template BPB--anyone who writes boot code to disk ; should either preserve the existing BPB and NTFS information ; or create it anew. ; Version db "NTFS " ; Must be 8 characters BPB label byte BytesPerSector dw 0 ; Size of a physical sector SectorsPerCluster db 0 ; Sectors per allocation unit ReservedSectors dw 0 ; Number of reserved sectors Fats db 0 ; Number of fats DirectoryEntries dw 0 ; Number of directory entries Sectors dw 0 ; No. of sectors - no. of hidden sectors Media db 0 ; Media byte FatSectors dw 0 ; Number of fat sectors SectorsPerTrack dw 0 ; Sectors per track Heads dw 0 ; Number of surfaces HiddenSectors dd 0 ; Number of hidden sectors SectorsLong dd 0 ; Number of sectors iff Sectors = 0 ; ; The following is the rest of the NTFS Sector Zero information. ; The position and order of DriveNumber and CurrentHead are especially ; important, since those two variables are loaded into a single 16-bit ; register for the BIOS with one instruction. ; DriveNumber db 80h ; Physical drive number (0 or 80h) CurrentHead db ? ; Variable to store current head no. SectorZeroPad1 dw 0 SectorsOnVolume db (size LARGE_INTEGER) dup (0) MftStartLcn db (size LARGE_INTEGER) dup (0) Mft2StartLcn db (size LARGE_INTEGER) dup (0) ClustersPerFrs dd 0 DefClustersPerBuf dd 0 SerialNumber db (size LARGE_INTEGER) dup (0) CheckSum dd 0 ; ; The following variables are not part of the Extended BPB; they're just ; scratch variables for the boot code. ; SectorBase dd ? ; next sector to read CurrentTrack dw ? ; current track CurrentSector db ? ; current sector SectorCount dw ? ; number of sectors to read ;**************************************************************************** start: ; ; First of all, set up the segments we need (stack and data). ; cli xor ax, ax ; Set up the stack to just before mov ss, ax ; this code. It'll be moved after mov sp, 7c00h ; we relocate. sti mov ax, Bootseg ; Address our BPB with DS. mov ds, ax assume ds:BootCode ; ; Now read the 16-sector boot block into memory. Then jump to that ; new version of the boot block, starting in the second sector ; (after the bootrecord sig). ; mov SectorBase.lsw, 0 ; read sector zero. mov SectorBase.msw, 0 mov word ptr [SectorCount], 16 ; read boot area mov ax, NewSeg ; read it at NewSeg. mov es, ax sub bx, bx ; at NewSeg:0000. call DoReadLL ; Call low-level DoRead routine ; push NewSeg ; we'll jump to NewSeg:0200h. push offset mainboot ; (the second sector). ret ; "return" to the second sector. _ntfsboot endp ;******************************************************************************* ; ; Low-level read routine that doesn't work across a 64k addr boundary. ; ; Read SectorCount sectors (starting at SectorBase) to es:bx. ; ; As a side effect, SectorBase is updated (but es:bx are not) ; and SectorCount is reduced to zero. ; DoReadLL proc push ax ; save important registers push bx push cx push dx push es DoRead$Loop: .386 mov eax, SectorBase add eax, HiddenSectors xor edx,edx ;EDX:EAX = absolute sector number movzx ecx,word ptr SectorsPerTrack ; get into 32 bit value div ecx ; (EDX) = sector within track, (EAX)=track inc dl ; sector numbers are 1-based, not 0 mov CurrentSector, dl mov edx,eax shr edx,16 .286 div Heads ; (DX) = head no., (AX) = cylinder mov CurrentHead, dl mov CurrentTrack, ax ; CurrentHead is the head for this next disk request ; CurrentTrack is the track for this next request ; CurrentSector is the beginning sector number for this request ; ; Compute the number of sectors that we may be able to read in a single ROM ; request. ; mov ax, SectorsPerTrack ; could read up to this much sub al, CurrentSector ; offset within this track inc ax ; CurrentSector was 1-based ; ; AX is the number of sectors that we may read. ; cmp ax, SectorCount ; do we need to read whole trk? jbe DoRead$FullTrack ; yes we do. mov ax, SectorCount ; no, read a partial track. ; ; AX is now the number of sectors that we SHOULD read. ; DoRead$FullTrack: push ax ; save sector count for later calc. mov ah, 2 ; "read sectors" mov dx, CurrentTrack ; at this cylinder mov cl, 6 shl dh, cl ; high 2 bits of DH = bits 8,9 of DX or dh, CurrentSector ; (DH)=cyl bits | 6-bit sector no. mov cx, dx ; (CX)=cylinder/sector no. combination xchg ch, cl ; in the right order mov dh, CurrentHead mov dl, 80h ; should be DriveNumber, but... int 13h ; call BIOS. pop ax jb BootErr$he ; If errors report add SectorBase.lsw, ax ; increment logical sector position adc SectorBase.msw, 0 sub SectorCount, ax ; exhausted entire sector run? jbe DoRead$Exit ; yes, we're all done. shl ax, 9 - 4 ; (AX)=paragraphs read from last track mov dx, es ; (DX)=segment we last read at add dx, ax ; (DX)=segment right after last read mov es, dx ; (ES)=segment to read next track at jmp DoRead$Loop ; DoRead$Exit: pop es pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret DoReadLL endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; BootErr - print error message and hang the system. ; BootErr proc BootErr$fnf: mov si,offset TXT_MSG_SYSINIT_FILE_NOT_FD +2 jmp short BootErr2 BootErr$ntc: mov si,offset TXT_MSG_SYSINIT_NTLDR_CMPRS +2 jmp short BootErr2 BootErr$he: mov si,offset TXT_MSG_SYSINIT_BOOT_ERROR +2 BootErr2: call BootErr$print mov si,offset TXT_MSG_SYSINIT_INSER_DK +2 call BootErr$print sti jmp $ ;Wait forever BootErr$print: lodsb ; Get next character cmp al, 0 je BootErr$Done mov ah,14 ; Write teletype mov bx,7 ; Attribute int 10h ; Print it jmp BootErr$print BootErr$Done: ret BootErr endp ;**************************************************************************** include ;suck in the message text ReservedForFuture DB 2 dup(?) ;reserve remaining bytes to prevent NLS ;messages from using them .errnz ($-_ntfsboot) GT (512-2), org 512-2 db 55h,0aah ; Name we look for. ntldr_length is the number of characters, ; ntldr_name is the name itself. Note that it is not NULL ; terminated, and doesn't need to be. ; ntldr_name_length dw 5 ntldr_name dw 'N', 'T', 'L', 'D', 'R' ; Predefined name for index-related attributes associated with an ; index over $FILE_NAME ; index_name_length dw 4 index_name dw '$', 'I', '3', '0' ; Global variables. These offsets are all relative to NewSeg. ; AttrList dd 0e000h; Offset of buffer to hold attribute list MftFrs dd 3000h; Offset of first MFT FRS SegmentsInMft dd ? ; number of FRS's with MFT Data attribute records RootIndexFrs dd ? ; Offset of Root Index FRS AllocationIndexFrs dd ? ; Offset of Allocation Index FRS ; KPeery BitmapIndexFrs dd ? ; Offset of Bitmap Index FRS ; KPeery IndexRoot dd ? ; Offset of Root Index $INDEX_ROOT attribute IndexAllocation dd ? ; Offset of Root Index $INDEX_ALLOCATION attribute IndexBitmap dd ? ; Offset of Root Index $BITMAP attribute NtldrFrs dd ? ; Offset of NTLDR FRS NtldrData dd ? ; Offset of NTLDR $DATA attribute IndexBlockBuffer dd ? ; Offset of current index buffer IndexBitmapBuffer dd ? ; Offset of index bitmap buffer NextBuffer dd ? ; Offset of next free byte in buffer space BytesPerCluster dd ? ; Bytes per cluster BytesPerFrs dd ? ; Bytes per File Record Segment SectorsPerFrs dd ? ; Sectors per File Record Segment BytesPerIndexBlock dd ? ; Bytes per index alloc block in root index ClustersPerIndexBlock dd ? ; Clusters per index alloc block in root index SectorsPerIndexBlock dd ? ; Sectors per index block in root index .386 SAVE_ALL macro push es push ds pushad endm RESTORE_ALL macro popad nop pop ds pop es endm ;**************************************************************************** ; ; mainboot - ; ; mainboot proc far ; Get the new ds and the new stack. Note that ss is zero. ; mov ax, cs ; Set DS to CS mov ds, ax shl ax, 4 ; convert to an offset. cli mov sp, ax ; load new stack, just before boot code. sti ; Set up the FRS buffers. The MFT buffer is in a fixed ; location, and the other three come right after it. The ; buffer for index allocation blocks comes after that. ; ; Compute the useful constants associated with the volume ; movzx eax, BytesPerSector ; eax = Bytes per Sector movzx ebx, SectorsPerCluster ; ebx = Sectors Per Cluster mul ebx ; eax = Bytes per Cluster mov BytesPerCluster, eax mov ecx, ClustersPerFrs ; ecx = clusters per frs cmp cl, 0 ; is ClustersPerFrs less than zero? jg mainboot$1 ; If the ClustersPerFrs field is negative, we calculate the number ; of bytes per FRS by negating the value and using that as a shif count. ; neg cl mov eax, 1 shl eax, cl ; eax = bytes per frs jmp mainboot$2 mainboot$1: ; Otherwise if ClustersPerFrs was positive, we multiply by bytes ; per cluster. mov eax, BytesPerCluster mul ecx ; eax = bytes per frs mainboot$2: mov BytesPerFrs, eax movzx ebx, BytesPerSector xor edx, edx ; zero high part of dividend div ebx ; eax = sectors per frs mov SectorsPerFrs, eax ; Set up the MFT FRS's---this will read all the $DATA attribute ; records for the MFT. ; call SetupMft ; Set up the remaining FRS buffers. The RootIndex FRS comes ; directly after the last MFT FRS, followed by the NTLdr FRS ; and the Index Block buffer. ; mov ecx, NextBuffer mov RootIndexFrs, ecx add ecx, BytesPerFrs ; AllocationFrs may be different mov AllocationIndexFrs, ecx ; from RootIndexFrs - KPeery add ecx, BytesPerFrs ; BitmapFrs may be different mov BitmapIndexFrs, ecx ; from RootIndexFrs - KPeery add ecx, BytesPerFrs mov NtldrFrs, ecx add ecx, BytesPerFrs mov IndexBlockBuffer, ecx ; ; Read the root index, allocation index and bitmap FRS's and locate ; the interesting attributes. ; mov eax, $INDEX_ROOT mov ecx, RootIndexFrs call LoadIndexFrs or eax, eax jz BootErr$he mov IndexRoot, eax ; offset in Frs buffer mov eax, $INDEX_ALLOCATION ; Attribute type code mov ecx, AllocationIndexFrs ; FRS to search call LoadIndexFrs mov IndexAllocation, eax mov eax, $BITMAP ; Attribute type code mov ecx, BitmapIndexFrs ; FRS to search call LoadIndexFrs mov IndexBitmap, eax ; Consistency check: the index root must exist, and it ; must be resident. ; mov eax, IndexRoot or eax, eax jz BootErr$he cmp [eax].ATTR_FormCode, RESIDENT_FORM jne BootErr$he ; Determine the size of the index allocation buffer based ; on information in the $INDEX_ROOT attribute. The index ; bitmap buffer comes immediately after the index block buffer. ; ; eax -> $INDEX_ROOT attribute record ; lea edx, [eax].ATTR_FormUnion ; edx -> resident info add ax, [edx].RES_ValueOffset ; eax -> value of $INDEX_ROOT movzx ecx, [eax].IR_ClustersPerBuffer mov ClustersPerIndexBlock, ecx mov ecx, [eax].IR_BytesPerBuffer mov BytesPerIndexBlock, ecx mov eax, BytesPerIndexBlock movzx ecx, BytesPerSector xor edx, edx div ecx ; eax = sectors per index block mov SectorsPerIndexBlock, eax mov eax, IndexBlockBuffer add eax, BytesPerIndexBlock mov IndexBitmapBuffer, eax ; Next consistency check: if the $INDEX_ALLOCATION attribute ; exists, the $INDEX_BITMAP attribute must also exist. ; cmp IndexAllocation, 0 je mainboot30 cmp IndexBitmap, 0 ; since IndexAllocation exists, the je BootErr$he ; bitmap must exist, too. ; Since the bitmap exists, we need to read it into the bitmap ; buffer. If it's resident, we can just copy the data. ; mov ebx, IndexBitmap ; ebx -> index bitmap attribute push ds pop es mov edi, IndexBitmapBuffer ; es:edi -> index bitmap buffer call ReadWholeAttribute mainboot30: ; ; OK, we've got the index-related attributes. ; movzx ecx, ntldr_name_length ; ecx = name length in characters mov eax, offset ntldr_name ; eax -> name call FindFile or eax, eax jz BootErr$fnf ; Read the FRS for NTLDR and find its data attribute. ; ; eax -> Index Entry for NTLDR. ; mov eax, [eax].IE_FileReference.REF_LowPart push ds pop es ; es:edi = target buffer mov edi, NtldrFrs call ReadFrs mov eax, NtldrFrs ; pointer to FRS mov ebx, $DATA ; requested attribute type mov ecx, 0 ; attribute name length in characters mov edx, 0 ; attribute name (NULL if none) call LocateAttributeRecord ; eax -> $DATA attribute for NTLDR ; or eax, eax ; if eax is zero, attribute not found. jz BootErr$fnf ; Get the attribute record header flags, and make sure none of the ; `compressed' bits are set movzx ebx, [eax].ATTR_Flags and ebx, ATTRIBUTE_FLAG_COMPRESSION_MASK jnz BootErr$ntc mov ebx, eax ; ebx -> $DATA attribute for NTLDR push LdrSeg pop es ; es = segment addres to read into sub edi, edi ; es:edi = buffer address call ReadWholeAttribute ; ; We've loaded NTLDR--jump to it. ; ; Before we go to NTLDR, set up the registers the way it wants them: ; DL = INT 13 drive number we booted from ; mov dl, DriveNumber mov ax,1000 mov es, ax ; we don't really need this lea si, BPB sub ax,ax push LdrSeg push ax retf ; "return" to NTLDR. mainboot endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; DoRead - read SectorCount sectors into ES:BX starting from sector ; SectorBase. ; ; NOTE: This code WILL NOT WORK if ES:BX does not point to an address whose ; physical address (ES * 16 + BX) MOD 512 != 0. ; ; DoRead adds to ES rather than BX in the main loop so that runs longer than ; 64K can be read with a single call to DoRead. ; ; Note that DoRead (unlike DoReadLL) saves and restores SectorCount ; and SectorBase ; .286 DoRead proc push ax ; save important registers push bx push cx push dx push es push SectorCount ; save state variables too push SectorBase.lsw push SectorBase.msw ; ; Calculate how much we can read into what's left of the current 64k ; physical address block, and read it. ; ; mov ax,bx shr ax,4 mov cx,es add ax,cx ; ax = paragraph addr ; ; Now calc maximum number of paragraphs that we can read safely: ; 4k - ( ax mod 4k ) ; and ax,0fffh sub ax,1000h neg ax ; ; Calc CX = number of paragraphs to be read ; mov cx,SectorCount ; convert SectorCount to paragraph cnt shl cx,9-4 DoRead$Loop64: push cx ; save cpRead cmp ax,cx ; ax = min(cpReadSafely, cpRead) jbe @F mov ax,cx @@: push ax ; ; Calculate new SectorCount from amount we can read ; shr ax,9-4 mov SectorCount,ax call DoReadLL pop ax ; ax = cpActuallyRead pop cx ; cx = cpRead sub cx,ax ; Any more to read? jbe DoRead$Exit64 ; Nope. ; ; Adjust ES:BX by amount read ; mov dx,es add dx,ax mov es,dx ; ; Since we're now reading on a 64k byte boundary, cpReadSafely == 4k. ; mov ax,01000h ; 16k paragraphs per 64k segment jmp short DoRead$Loop64 ; and go read some more. DoRead$Exit64: pop SectorBase.msw ; restore all this crap pop SectorBase.lsw pop SectorCount pop es pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret DoRead endp .386 ;**************************************************************************** ; ; ReadClusters - Reads a run of clusters from the disk. ; ; ENTRY: eax == LCN to read ; edx == clusters to read ; es:edi -> Target buffer ; ; USES: none (preserves all registers) ; ReadClusters proc near SAVE_ALL mov ebx, edx ; ebx = clusters to read. movzx ecx, SectorsPerCluster ; ecx = cluster factor mul ecx ; Convert LCN to sectors (wipes out edx!) mov SectorBase, eax ; Store starting sector in SectorBase mov eax, ebx ; eax = number of clusters mul ecx ; Convert EAX to sectors (wipes out edx!) mov SectorCount, ax ; Store number of sectors in SectorCount ; Note that ReadClusters gets its target buffer in es:edi but calls ; the DoRead worker function that takes a target in es:bx--we need ; to normalize es:edi so that we don't overflow bx. ; mov bx, di and bx, 0Fh mov ax, es shr edi, 4 add ax, di ; ax:bx -> target buffer push ax pop es ; es:bx -> target buffer call DoRead RESTORE_ALL ret ReadClusters endp ; ;**************************************************************************** ; ; LocateAttributeRecord -- Find an attribute record in an FRS. ; ; ENTRY: EAX -- pointer to FRS ; EBX -- desired attribute type code ; ECX -- length of attribute name in characters ; EDX -- pointer to attribute name ; ; EXIT: EAX points at attribute record (0 indicates not found) ; ; USES: All ; LocateAttributeRecord proc near ; get the first attribute record. ; add ax, word ptr[eax].FRS_FirstAttribute ; eax -> next attribute record to investigate. ; ebx == desired type ; ecx == name length ; edx -> pointer to name ; lar10: cmp [eax].ATTR_TypeCode, 0ffffffffh je lar99 cmp dword ptr[eax].ATTR_TypeCode, ebx jne lar80 ; this record is a potential match. Compare the names: ; ; eax -> candidate record ; ebx == desired type ; ecx == name length ; edx -> pointer to name ; or ecx, ecx ; Did the caller pass in a name length? jnz lar20 ; We want an attribute with no name--the current record is ; a match if and only if it has no name. ; cmp [eax].ATTR_NameLength, 0 jne lar80 ; Not a match. ; It's a match, and eax is set up correctly, so return. ; ret ; We want a named attribute. ; ; eax -> candidate record ; ebx == desired type ; ecx == name length ; edx -> pointer to name ; lar20: cmp cl, [eax].ATTR_NameLength jne lar80 ; Not a match. ; Convert name in current record to uppercase. ; mov esi, eax add si, word ptr[eax].ATTR_NameOffset call UpcaseName ; eax -> candidate record ; ebx == desired type ; ecx == name length ; edx -> pointer to name ; esi -> Name in current record (upcased) ; push ecx ; save cx push ds ; Copy data segment into es pop es mov edi, edx ; note that esi is already set up. repe cmpsw ; zero flag is set if equal pop ecx ; restore cx jnz lar80 ; not a match ; eax points at a matching record. ; ret ; ; This record doesn't match; go on to the next. ; ; eax -> rejected candidate attribute record ; ebx == desired type ; ecx == Name length ; edx -> desired name ; lar80: cmp [eax].ATTR_RecordLength, 0 ; if the record length is zero je lar99 ; the FRS is corrupt. add eax, [eax].ATTR_RecordLength; Go to next record jmp lar10 ; and try again ; Didn't find it. ; lar99: sub eax, eax ret LocateAttributeRecord endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; LocateIndexEntry -- Find an index entry in a file name index ; ; ENTRY: EAX -> pointer to index header ; EBX -> file name to find ; ECX == length of file name in characters ; ; EXIT: EAX points at index entry. NULL to indicate failure. ; ; USES: All ; LocateIndexEntry proc near ; Convert the input name to upper-case ; mov esi, ebx call UpcaseName ; DEBUG CODE ; ; call PrintName ; call Debug2 ; ; END DEBUG CODE add eax, [eax].IH_FirstIndexEntry ; EAX -> current entry ; EBX -> file name to find ; ECX == length of file name in characters ; lie10: test [eax].IE_Flags, INDEX_ENTRY_END ; Is it the end entry? jnz lie99 lea edx, [eax].IE_Value ; edx -> FILE_NAME attribute value ; DEBUG CODE -- list file names as they are examined ; ; SAVE_ALL ; ; call Debug3 ; movzx ecx, [edx].FN_FileNameLength ; ecx = chars in name ; lea esi, [edx].FN_FileName ; esi -> name ; call PrintName ; ; RESTORE_ALL ; ; END DEBUG CODE ; EAX -> current entry ; EBX -> file name to find ; ECX == length of file name in characters ; EDX -> FILE_NAME attribute ; cmp cl, [edx].FN_FileNameLength ; Is name the right length? jne lie80 lea esi, [edx].FN_FileName ; Get name from FILE_NAME structure call UpcaseName push ecx ; save ecx push ds pop es ; copy data segment into es for cmpsw mov edi, ebx ; edi->search name (esi already set up) repe cmpsw ; zero flag is set if they're equal pop ecx ; restore ecx jnz lie80 ; the current entry matches the search name, and eax points at it. ; ret ; The current entry is not a match--get the next one. ; EAX -> current entry ; EBX -> file name to find ; ECX == length of file name in characters ; lie80: cmp [eax].IE_Length, 0 ; If the entry length is zero je lie99 ; then the index block is corrupt. add ax, [eax].IE_Length ; Get the next entry. jmp lie10 ; Name not found in this block. Set eax to zero and return ; lie99: xor eax, eax ret LocateIndexEntry endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; ReadWholeAttribute - Read an entire attribute value ; ; ENTRY: ebx -> attribute ; es:edi -> target buffer ; ; USES: ALL ; ReadWholeAttribute proc near cmp [ebx].ATTR_FormCode, RESIDENT_FORM jne rwa10 ; The attribute is resident. ; ebx -> attribute ; es:edi -> target buffer ; SAVE_ALL lea edx, [ebx].ATTR_FormUnion ; edx -> resident form info mov ecx, [edx].RES_ValueLength ; ecx = bytes in value mov esi, ebx ; esi -> attribute add si, [edx].RES_ValueOffset ; esi -> attribute value rep movsb ; copy bytes from value to buffer RESTORE_ALL ret ; That's all! rwa10: ; ; The attribute type is non-resident. Just call ; ReadNonresidentAttribute starting at VCN 0 and ; asking for the whole thing. ; ; ebx -> attribute ; es:edi -> target buffer ; lea edx, [ebx].ATTR_FormUnion ; edx -> nonresident form info mov ecx, [edx].NONRES_HighestVcn.LowPart; ecx = HighestVcn inc ecx ; ecx = clusters in attribute sub eax, eax ; eax = 0 (first VCN to read) call ReadNonresidentAttribute ret ReadWholeAttribute endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; ReadNonresidentAttribute - Read clusters from a nonresident attribute ; ; ENTRY: EAX == First VCN to read ; EBX -> Attribute ; ECX == Number of clusters to read ; ES:EDI == Target of read ; ; EXIT: None. ; ; USES: None (preserves all registers with SAVE_ALL/RESTORE_ALL) ; ReadNonresidentAttribute proc near SAVE_ALL cmp [ebx].ATTR_FormCode, NONRESIDENT_FORM je ReadNR10 ; This attribute is not resident--the disk is corrupt. jmp BootErr$he ReadNR10: ; eax == Next VCN to read ; ebx -> Attribute ; ecx -> Remaining clusters to read ; es:edi -> Target of read ; cmp ecx, 0 jne ReadNR20 ; Nothing left to read--return success. ; RESTORE_ALL ret ReadNR20: push ebx ; pointer to attribute push eax ; Current VCN push ecx push edi push es call ComputeLcn ; eax = LCN to read, ecx = run length mov edx, ecx ; edx = remaining run length pop es pop edi pop ecx ; eax == LCN to read ; ecx == remaining clusters to read ; edx == remaining clusters in current run ; es:edi == Target of read ; TOS == Current VCN ; TOS + 4 == pointer to attribute ; cmp ecx, edx jge ReadNR30 ; Run length is greater than remaining request; only read ; remaining request. ; mov edx, ecx ; edx = Remaining request ReadNR30: ; eax == LCN to read ; ecx == remaining clusters to read ; edx == clusters to read in current run ; es:edi == Target of read ; TOS == Current VCN ; TOS + == pointer to attribute ; call ReadClusters sub ecx, edx ; Decrement clusters remaining in request mov ebx, edx ; ebx = clusters read mov eax, edx ; eax = clusters read movzx edx, SectorsPerCluster mul edx ; eax = sectors read (wipes out edx!) movzx edx, BytesPerSector mul edx ; eax = bytes read (wipes out edx!) add edi, eax ; Update target of read pop eax ; eax = previous VCN add eax, ebx ; update VCN to read pop ebx ; ebx -> attribute jmp ReadNR10 ReadNonresidentAttribute endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; ReadIndexBlockSectors - Read sectors from an index allocation attribute ; ; ENTRY: EAX == First VBN to read ; EBX -> Attribute ; ECX == Number of sectors to read ; ES:EDI == Target of read ; ; EXIT: None. ; ; USES: None (preserves all registers with SAVE_ALL/RESTORE_ALL) ; ReadIndexBlockSectors proc near SAVE_ALL cmp [ebx].ATTR_FormCode, NONRESIDENT_FORM je ReadIBS_10 ; This attribute is resident--the disk is corrupt. jmp BootErr$he ReadIBS_10: ; eax == Next VBN to read ; ebx -> Attribute ; ecx -> Remaining sectors to read ; es:edi -> Target of read ; cmp ecx, 0 jne ReadIBS_20 ; Nothing left to read--return success. ; RESTORE_ALL ret ReadIBS_20: push ebx ; pointer to attribute push eax ; Current VBN push ecx push edi push es ; Convert eax from a VBN back to a VCN by dividing by SectorsPerCluster. ; The remainder of this division is the sector offset in the cluster we ; want. Then use the mapping information to get the LCN for this VCN, ; then multiply to get back to LBN. ; push ecx ; save remaining sectors in request xor edx, edx ; zero high part of dividend movzx ecx, SectorsPerCluster div ecx ; edx = remainder push edx ; save remainder call ComputeLcn ; eax = LCN to read, ecx = remaining run length movzx ebx, SectorsPerCluster mul ebx ; eax = LBN of cluster, edx = 0 pop edx ; edx = remainder add eax, edx ; eax = LBN we want push eax ; save LBN movzx eax, SectorsPerCluster mul ecx ; eax = remaining run length in sectors, edx = 0 mov edx, eax ; edx = remaining run length pop eax ; eax = LBN pop ecx ; ecx = remaining sectors in request pop es pop edi pop ecx ; eax == LBN to read ; ecx == remaining sectors to read ; edx == remaining sectors in current run ; es:edi == Target of read ; TOS == Current VCN ; TOS + 4 == pointer to attribute ; cmp ecx, edx jge ReadIBS_30 ; Run length is greater than remaining request; only read ; remaining request. ; mov edx, ecx ; edx = Remaining request ReadIBS_30: ; eax == LBN to read ; ecx == remaining sectors to read ; edx == sectors to read in current run ; es:edi == Target of read ; TOS == Current VCN ; TOS + == pointer to attribute ; mov SectorBase, eax mov SectorCount, dx ; We have a pointer to the target buffer in es:edi, but we want that ; in es:bx for DoRead. ; SAVE_ALL mov bx, di and bx, 0Fh mov ax, es shr edi, 4 add ax, di ; ax:bx -> target buffer push ax pop es ; es:bx -> target buffer call DoRead RESTORE_ALL sub ecx, edx ; Decrement sectors remaining in request mov ebx, edx ; ebx = sectors read mov eax, edx ; eax = sectors read movzx edx, BytesPerSector mul edx ; eax = bytes read (wipes out edx!) add edi, eax ; Update target of read pop eax ; eax = previous VBN add eax, ebx ; update VBN to read pop ebx ; ebx -> attribute jmp ReadIBS_10 ReadIndexBlockSectors endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; MultiSectorFixup - fixup a structure read off the disk ; to reflect Update Sequence Array. ; ; ENTRY: ES:EDI = Target buffer ; ; USES: none (preserves all registers with SAVE_ALL/RESTORE_ALL) ; ; Note: ES:EDI must point at a structure which is protected ; by an update sequence array, and which begins with ; a multi-sector-header structure. ; MultiSectorFixup proc near SAVE_ALL movzx ebx, es:[edi].MSH_UpdateArrayOfs ; ebx = update array offset movzx ecx, es:[edi].MSH_UpdateArraySize ; ecx = update array size or ecx, ecx ; if the size of the update sequence array jz BootErr$he ; is zero, this structure is corrupt. add ebx, edi ; es:ebx -> update sequence array count word add ebx, 2 ; es:ebx -> 1st entry of update array add edi, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_STRIDE - 2 ; es:edi->last word of first chunk dec ecx ; decrement to reflect count word MSF10: ; ecx = number of entries remaining in update sequence array ; es:ebx -> next entry in update sequence array ; es:edi -> next target word for update sequence array or ecx, ecx jz MSF30 mov ax, word ptr es:[ebx] ; copy next update sequence array entry mov word ptr es:[edi], ax ; to next target word add ebx, 2 ; go on to next entry add edi, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_STRIDE ; go on to next target dec ecx jmp MSF10 MSF30: RESTORE_ALL ret MultiSectorFixup endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; SetupMft - Reads MFT File Record Segments into memory. ; ; ENTRY: none. ; ; EXIT: NextBuffer is set to the free byte after the last MFT FRS ; SegmentsInMft is initialized ; ; SetupMft proc near SAVE_ALL ; Initialize SegmentsInMft and NextBuffer as if the MFT ; had only one FRS. ; mov eax, 1 mov SegmentsInMft, eax mov eax, MftFrs add eax, BytesPerFrs mov NextBuffer, eax ; Read FRS 0 into the first MFT FRS buffer, being sure ; to resolve the Update Sequence Array. ; mov eax, MftStartLcn.LowPart movzx ebx, SectorsPerCluster mul ebx ; eax = mft starting sector mov SectorBase, eax ; SectorBase = mft starting sector mov eax, SectorsPerFrs mov SectorCount, ax ; SectorCount = SectorsPerFrs mov ebx, MftFrs push ds pop es call DoRead movzx edi, bx ; es:edi = buffer call MultiSectorFixup ; Determine whether the MFT has an Attribute List attribute mov eax, MftFrs mov ebx, $ATTRIBUTE_LIST mov ecx, 0 mov edx, 0 call LocateAttributeRecord or eax, eax ; If there's no Attribute list, jz SetupMft99 ; we're done! ; Read the attribute list. ; eax -> attribute list attribute ; mov ebx, eax ; ebx -> attribute list attribute push ds pop es ; copy ds into es mov edi, AttrList ; ds:edi->attribute list buffer call ReadWholeAttribute mov ebx, AttrList ; ebx -> first attribute list entry ; Now, traverse the attribute list looking for the first ; entry for the $DATA type. We know it must have at least ; one. ; ; ebx -> first attribute list entry ; SetupMft10: cmp [ebx].ATTRLIST_TypeCode, $DATA je SetupMft20 add bx,[ebx].ATTRLIST_Length jmp SetupMft10 SetupMft20: ; Scan forward through the attribute list entries for the ; $DATA attribute, reading each referenced FRS. Note that ; there will be at least one non-$DATA entry after the entries ; for the $DATA attribute, since there's a $BITMAP. ; ; ebx -> Next attribute list entry ; NextBuffer -> Target for next read ; SegmentsInMft == number of MFT segments read so far ; cmp [ebx].ATTRLIST_TypeCode, $DATA jne SetupMft99 ; Read the FRS referred to by this attribute list entry into ; the next buffer, and increment NextBuffer and SegmentsInMft. ; push ebx mov eax, [ebx].ATTRLIST_SegmentReference.REF_LowPart mov edi, NextBuffer push ds pop es ; copy ds into es call ReadFrs pop ebx ; Increment NextBuffer and SegmentsInMft mov eax, BytesPerFrs add NextBuffer, eax inc SegmentsInMft ; Go on to the next attribute list entry add bx, [ebx].ATTRLIST_Length jmp SetupMft20 SetupMft99: RESTORE_ALL ret SetupMft endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; ComputeMftLcn -- Computes the LCN for a cluster of the MFT ; ; ; ENTRY: EAX == VCN ; ; EXIT: EAX == LCN ; ; USES: ALL ; ComputeMftLcn proc near mov edx, eax ; edx = VCN mov ecx, SegmentsInMft ; ecx = # of FRS's to search mov eax, MftFrs ; eax -> first FRS to search MftLcn10: ; EAX -> Next FRS to search ; ECX == number of remaining FRS's to search ; EDX == VCN ; push edx push eax push ecx push edx ; Yes, I meant to push it twice mov ebx, $DATA mov ecx, 0 mov edx, 0 call LocateAttributeRecord ; EAX -> $DATA attribute ; TOS == VCN ; TOS + 4 == number of remaining FRS's to search ; TOS + 8 -> FRS being searched ; TOS +12 == VCN or eax, eax jz BootErr$he ; No $DATA attribute in this FRS! mov ebx, eax ; ebx -> attribute pop eax ; eax = VCN ; EAX == VCN ; EBX -> $DATA attribute ; TOS number of remaining FRS's to search ; TOS + 4 == FRS being searched ; TOS + 8 == VCN call ComputeLcn or eax, eax jz MftLcn20 ; Found our LCN. Clean up the stack and return. ; ; EAX == LCN ; TOS number of remaining FRS's to search ; TOS + 4 == FRS being searched ; TOS + 8 == VCN ; pop ebx pop ebx pop ebx ; clean up the stack ret MftLcn20: ; ; Didn't find the VCN in this FRS; try the next one. ; ; TOS number of remaining FRS's to search ; TOS + 4 -> FRS being searched ; TOS + 8 == VCN ; pop ecx ; ecx = number of FRS's remaining, including current pop eax ; eax -> current FRS pop edx ; edx = VCN add eax, BytesPerFrs ; eax -> next FRS loop MftLcn10 ; decrement ecx and try next FRS ; This VCN was not found. ; xor eax, eax ret ComputeMftLcn endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; ReadMftSectors - Read sectors from the MFT ; ; ENTRY: EAX == starting VBN ; ECX == number of sectors to read ; ES:EDI == Target buffer ; ; USES: none (preserves all registers with SAVE_ALL/RESTORE_ALL) ; ReadMftSectors proc near SAVE_ALL RMS$Again: push eax ; save starting VBN push ecx ; save sector count ; Divide the VBN by SectorsPerCluster to get the VCN xor edx, edx ; zero high part of dividend movzx ebx, SectorsPerCluster div ebx ; eax = VCN push edx ; save remainder call ComputeMftLcn ; eax = LCN or eax, eax ; LCN equal to zero? jz BootErr$he ; zero is not a possible LCN ; Change the LCN back into a LBN and add the remainder back in to get ; the sector we want to read, which goes into SectorBase. ; movzx ebx, SectorsPerCluster mul ebx ; eax = cluster first LBN pop edx ; edx = sector remainder add eax, edx ; eax = desired LBN mov SectorBase, eax ; ; Figure out how many sectors to read this time; we never attempt ; to read more than one cluster at a time. ; pop ecx ; ecx = sectors to read movzx ebx, SectorsPerCluster cmp ecx,ebx jle RMS10 ; ; Read only a single cluster at a time, to avoid problems with fragmented ; runs in the mft. ; mov SectorCount, bx ; this time read 1 cluster sub ecx, ebx ; ecx = sectors remaining to read pop eax ; eax = VBN add eax, ebx ; VBN += sectors this read push eax ; save next VBN push ecx ; save remaining sector count jmp RMS20 RMS10: pop eax ; eax = VBN add eax, ecx ; VBN += sectors this read push eax ; save next VBN mov SectorCount, cx mov ecx, 0 push ecx ; save remaining sector count (0) RMS20: ; The target buffer was passed in es:edi, but we want it in es:bx. ; Do the conversion. ; push es ; save buffer pointer push edi mov bx, di and bx, 0Fh mov ax, es shr edi, 4 add ax, di ; ax:bx -> target buffer push ax pop es ; es:bx -> target buffer call DoRead pop edi ; restore buffer pointer pop es add edi, BytesPerCluster ; increment buf ptr by one cluster pop ecx ; restore remaining sector count pop eax ; restore starting VBN cmp ecx, 0 ; are we done? jg RMS$Again ; repeat until desired == 0 RESTORE_ALL ret ReadMftSectors endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; ReadFrs - Read an FRS ; ; ENTRY: EAX == FRS number ; ES:EDI == Target buffer ; ; USES: none (preserves all registers with SAVE_ALL/RESTORE_ALL) ; ReadFrs proc near SAVE_ALL mul SectorsPerFrs ; eax = sector number in MFT DATA attribute ; (note that mul wipes out edx!) mov ecx, SectorsPerFrs ; number of sectors to read call ReadMftSectors call MultiSectorFixup RESTORE_ALL ret ReadFrs endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; ReadIndexBlock - read an index block from the root index. ; ; ENTRY: EAX == Block number ; ; USES: none (preserves all registers with SAVE_ALL/RESTORE_ALL) ; ReadIndexBlock proc near SAVE_ALL mul SectorsPerIndexBlock ; eax = first VBN to read ; (note that mul wipes out edx!) mov ebx, IndexAllocation ; ebx -> $INDEX_ALLOCATION attribute mov ecx, SectorsPerIndexBlock ; ecx == Sectors to read push ds pop es mov edi, IndexBlockBuffer ; es:edi -> index block buffer call ReadIndexBlockSectors call MultiSectorFixup RESTORE_ALL ret ReadIndexBlock endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; IsBlockInUse - Checks the index bitmap to see if an index ; allocation block is in use. ; ; ENTRY: EAX == block number ; ; EXIT: Carry flag clear if block is in use ; Carry flag set if block is not in use. ; IsBlockInUse proc near push eax push ebx push ecx mov ebx, IndexBitmapBuffer mov ecx, eax ; ecx = block number shr eax, 3 ; eax = byte number and ecx, 7 ; ecx = bit number in byte add ebx, eax ; ebx -> byte to test mov eax, 1 shl eax, cl ; eax = mask test byte ptr[ebx], al jz IBU10 clc ; Block is not in use. jmp IBU20 IBU10: stc ; Block is in use. IBU20: pop ecx pop ebx pop eax ; restore registers ret IsBlockInUse endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; ComputeLcn - Converts a VCN into an LCN ; ; ENTRY: EAX -> VCN ; EBX -> Attribute ; ; EXIT: EAX -> LCN (zero indicates not found) ; ECX -> Remaining run length ; ; USES: ALL. ; ComputeLcn proc near cmp [ebx].ATTR_FormCode, NONRESIDENT_FORM je clcn10 sub eax, eax ; This is a resident attribute. ret clcn10: lea esi, [ebx].ATTR_FormUnion ; esi -> nonresident info of attrib ; eax -> VCN ; ebx -> Attribute ; esi -> Nonresident information of attribute record ; ; See if the desired VCN is in range. mov edx, [esi].NONRES_HighestVcn.LowPart ; edx = HighestVcn cmp eax, edx ja clcn15 ; VCN is greater than HighestVcn mov edx, [esi].NONRES_LowestVcn.LowPart ; edx = LowestVcn cmp eax, edx jae clcn20 clcn15: sub eax, eax ; VCN is not in range ret clcn20: ; eax -> VCN ; ebx -> Attribute ; esi -> Nonresident information of attribute record ; edx -> LowestVcn ; add bx, [esi].NONRES_MappingPairOffset ; ebx -> mapping pairs sub esi, esi ; esi = 0 clcn30: ; eax == VCN to find ; ebx -> Current mapping pair count byte ; edx == Current VCN ; esi == Current LCN ; cmp byte ptr[ebx], 0 ; if count byte is zero... je clcn99 ; ... we're done (and didn't find it) ; Update CurrentLcn ; call LcnFromMappingPair add esi, ecx ; esi = current lcn for this mapping pair call VcnFromMappingPair ; eax == VCN to find ; ebx -> Current mapping pair count byte ; ecx == DeltaVcn for current mapping pair ; edx == Current VCN ; esi == Current LCN ; add ecx, edx ; ecx = NextVcn cmp eax, ecx ; If target < NextVcn ... jl clcn80 ; ... we found the right mapping pair. ; Go on to next mapping pair. ; mov edx, ecx ; CurrentVcn = NextVcn push eax movzx ecx, byte ptr[ebx] ; ecx = count byte mov eax, ecx ; eax = count byte and eax, 0fh ; eax = number of vcn bytes shr ecx, 4 ; ecx = number of lcn bytes add ebx, ecx add ebx, eax inc ebx ; ebx -> next count byte pop eax jmp clcn30 clcn80: ; We found the mapping pair we want. ; ; eax == target VCN ; ebx -> mapping pair count byte ; edx == Starting VCN of run ; ecx == Next VCN (ie. start of next run) ; esi == starting LCN of run ; sub ecx, eax ; ecx = remaining run length sub eax, edx ; eax = offset into run add eax, esi ; eax = LCN to return ret ; The target VCN is not in this attribute. clcn99: sub eax, eax ; Not found. ret ComputeLcn endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; VcnFromMappingPair ; ; ENTRY: EBX -> Mapping Pair count byte ; ; EXIT: ECX == DeltaVcn from mapping pair ; ; USES: ECX ; VcnFromMappingPair proc near sub ecx, ecx ; ecx = 0 mov cl, byte ptr[ebx] ; ecx = count byte and cl, 0fh ; ecx = v cmp ecx, 0 ; if ecx is zero, volume is corrupt. jne VFMP5 sub ecx, ecx ret VFMP5: push ebx push edx add ebx, ecx ; ebx -> last byte of compressed vcn movsx edx, byte ptr[ebx] dec ecx dec ebx ; ebx -> Next byte to add in ; ecx == Number of bytes remaining ; edx == Accumulated value ; VFMP10: cmp ecx, 0 ; When ecx == 0, we're done. je VFMP20 shl edx, 8 mov dl, byte ptr[ebx] dec ebx ; Back up through bytes to process. dec ecx ; One less byte to process. jmp VFMP10 VFMP20: ; edx == Accumulated value to return mov ecx, edx pop edx pop ebx ret VcnFromMappingPair endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; LcnFromMappingPair ; ; ENTRY: EBX -> Mapping Pair count byte ; ; EXIT: ECX == DeltaLcn from mapping pair ; ; USES: ECX ; LcnFromMappingPair proc near push ebx push edx sub edx, edx ; edx = 0 mov dl, byte ptr[ebx] ; edx = count byte and edx, 0fh ; edx = v sub ecx, ecx ; ecx = 0 mov cl, byte ptr[ebx] ; ecx = count byte shr cl, 4 ; ecx = l cmp ecx, 0 ; if ecx is zero, volume is corrupt. jne LFMP5 sub ecx, ecx pop edx pop ebx ret LFMP5: ; ebx -> count byte ; ecx == l ; edx == v ; add ebx, edx ; ebx -> last byte of compressed vcn add ebx, ecx ; ebx -> last byte of compressed lcn movsx edx, byte ptr[ebx] dec ecx dec ebx ; ebx -> Next byte to add in ; ecx == Number of bytes remaining ; edx == Accumulated value ; LFMP10: cmp ecx, 0 ; When ecx == 0, we're done. je LFMP20 shl edx, 8 mov dl, byte ptr[ebx] dec ebx ; Back up through bytes to process. dec ecx ; One less byte to process. jmp LFMP10 LFMP20: ; edx == Accumulated value to return mov ecx, edx pop edx pop ebx ret LcnFromMappingPair endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; UpcaseName - Converts the name of the file to all upper-case ; ; ENTRY: ESI -> Name ; ECX -> Length of name ; ; USES: none ; UpcaseName proc near or ecx, ecx jnz UN5 ret UN5: push ecx push esi UN10: cmp word ptr[esi], 'a' ; if it's less than 'a' jl UN20 ; leave it alone cmp word ptr[esi], 'z' ; if it's greater than 'z' jg UN20 ; leave it alone. sub word ptr[esi], 'a'-'A' ; the letter is lower-case--convert it. UN20: add esi, 2 ; move on to next unicode character loop UN10 pop esi pop ecx ret UpcaseName endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; FindFile - Locates the index entry for a file in the root index. ; ; ENTRY: EAX -> name to find ; ECX == length of file name in characters ; ; EXIT: EAX -> Index Entry. NULL to indicate failure. ; ; USES: ALL ; FindFile proc near push eax ; name address push ecx ; name length ; First, search the index root. ; ; eax -> name to find ; ecx == name length ; TOS == name length ; TOS+4 -> name to find ; mov edx, eax ; edx -> name to find mov eax, IndexRoot ; eax -> &INDEX_ROOT attribute lea ebx, [eax].ATTR_FormUnion ; ebx -> resident info add ax, [ebx].RES_ValueOffset ; eax -> Index Root value lea eax, [eax].IR_IndexHeader ; eax -> Index Header mov ebx, edx ; ebx -> name to find call LocateIndexEntry or eax, eax jz FindFile20 ; Found it in the root! The result is already in eax. ; Clean up the stack and return. ; pop ecx pop ecx ret FindFile20: ; ; We didn't find the index entry we want in the root, so we have to ; crawl through the index allocation buffers. ; ; TOS == name length ; TOS+4 -> name to find ; mov eax, IndexAllocation or eax, eax jnz FindFile30 ; There is no index allocation attribute; clean up ; the stack and return failure. ; pop ecx pop ecx xor eax, eax ret FindFile30: ; ; Search the index allocation blocks for the name we want. ; Instead of searching in tree order, we'll just start with ; the last one and work our way backwards. ; ; TOS == name length ; TOS+4 -> name to find ; mov edx, IndexAllocation ; edx -> index allocation attr. lea edx, [edx].ATTR_FormUnion ; edx -> nonresident form info mov eax, [edx].NONRES_HighestVcn.LowPart; eax = HighestVcn inc eax ; eax = clusters in attribute mov ebx, BytesPerCluster mul ebx ; eax = bytes in attribute xor edx, edx div BytesPerIndexBlock ; convert bytes to index blocks push eax ; number of blocks to process FindFile40: ; ; TOS == remaining index blocks to search ; TOS + 4 == name length ; TOS + 8 -> name to find ; pop eax ; eax == number of remaining blocks or eax, eax jz FindFile90 dec eax ; eax == number of next block to process ; and number of remaining blocks push eax ; eax == block number to process ; TOS == remaining index blocks to search ; TOS + 4 == name length ; TOS + 8 -> name to find ; ; See if the block is in use; if not, go on to next. call IsBlockInUse jc FindFile40 ; c set if not in use ; eax == block number to process ; TOS == remaining index blocks to search ; TOS + 4 == name length ; TOS + 8 -> name to find ; call ReadIndexBlock pop edx ; edx == remaining buffers to search pop ecx ; ecx == name length pop ebx ; ebx -> name push ebx push ecx push edx ; ebx -> name to find ; ecx == name length in characters ; TOS == remaining blocks to process ; TOS + 4 == name length ; TOS + 8 -> name ; ; Index buffer to search is in index allocation block buffer. ; mov eax, IndexBlockBuffer ; eax -> Index allocation block lea eax, [eax].IB_IndexHeader ; eax -> Index Header call LocateIndexEntry ; eax -> found entry or eax, eax jz FindFile40 ; Found it! ; ; eax -> Found entry ; TOS == remaining blocks to process ; TOS + 4 == name length ; TOS + 8 -> name ; pop ecx pop ecx pop ecx ; clean up stack ret FindFile90: ; ; Name not found. ; ; TOS == name length ; TOS + 4 -> name to find ; pop ecx pop ecx ; clean up stack. xor eax, eax ; zero out eax. ret FindFile endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; DumpIndexBlock - dumps the index block buffer ; DumpIndexBlock proc near SAVE_ALL mov esi, IndexBlockBuffer mov ecx, 20h ; dwords to dump DIB10: test ecx, 3 jnz DIB20 call DebugNewLine DIB20: lodsd call PrintNumber loop DIB10 RESTORE_ALL ret DumpIndexBlock endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; DebugNewLine ; DebugNewLine proc near SAVE_ALL xor eax, eax xor ebx, ebx mov al, 0dh mov ah, 14 mov bx, 7 int 10h mov al, 0ah mov ah, 14 mov bx, 7 int 10h RESTORE_ALL ret DebugNewLine endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; PrintName - Display a unicode name ; ; ENTRY: DS:ESI -> null-terminated string ; ECX == characters in string ; ; USES: None. ; PrintName proc near SAVE_ALL or ecx, ecx jnz PrintName10 call DebugNewLine RESTORE_ALL ret PrintName10: xor eax, eax xor ebx, ebx lodsw mov ah, 14 ; write teletype mov bx, 7 ; attribute int 10h ; print it loop PrintName10 call DebugNewLine RESTORE_ALL ret PrintName endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; DebugPrint - Display a debug string. ; ; ENTRY: DS:SI -> null-terminated string ; ; USES: None. ; .286 DebugPrint proc near pusha DbgPr20: lodsb cmp al, 0 je DbgPr30 mov ah, 14 ; write teletype mov bx, 7 ; attribute int 10h ; print it jmp DbgPr20 DbgPr30: popa nop ret DebugPrint endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; ; PrintNumber ; ; ENTRY: EAX == number to print ; ; PRESERVES ALL REGISTERS ; .386 PrintNumber proc near SAVE_ALL mov ecx, 8 ; number of digits in a DWORD PrintNumber10: mov edx, eax and edx, 0fh ; edx = lowest-order digit push edx ; put it on the stack shr eax, 4 ; drop low-order digit loop PrintNumber10 mov ecx, 8 ; number of digits on stack. PrintNumber20: pop eax ; eax = next digit to print cmp eax, 9 jg PrintNumber22 add eax, '0' jmp PrintNumber25 PrintNumber22: sub eax, 10 add eax, 'A' PrintNumber25: xor ebx, ebx mov ah, 14 mov bx, 7 int 10h loop PrintNumber20 ; Print a space to separate numbers mov al, ' ' mov ah, 14 mov bx, 7 int 10h RESTORE_ALL call Pause ret PrintNumber endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; Debug0 - Print debug string 0 -- used for checkpoints in mainboot ; Debug0 proc near SAVE_ALL mov esi, offset DbgString0 call BootErr$Print RESTORE_ALL ret Debug0 endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; Debug1 - Print debug string 1 -- ; Debug1 proc near SAVE_ALL mov esi, offset DbgString1 call BootErr$Print RESTORE_ALL ret Debug1 endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; Debug2 - Print debug string 2 ; Debug2 proc near SAVE_ALL mov esi, offset DbgString2 call BootErr$Print RESTORE_ALL ret Debug2 endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; Debug3 - Print debug string 3 -- ; Debug3 proc near SAVE_ALL mov esi, offset DbgString3 call BootErr$Print RESTORE_ALL ret Debug3 endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; Debug4 - Print debug string 4 ; Debug4 proc near SAVE_ALL mov esi, offset DbgString4 call BootErr$Print RESTORE_ALL ret Debug4 endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; Pause - Pause for about 1/2 a second. Simply count until you overlap ; to zero. ; Pause proc near push eax mov eax, 0fff50000h PauseLoopy: inc eax or eax, eax jnz PauseLoopy pop eax ret Pause endp ;************************************************************************* ; ; LoadIndexFrs - For the requested index type code locate and ; load the associated Frs. ; ; ENTRY: EAX - requested index type code ; ECX - Points to empty Frs buffer ; ; EXIT: EAX - points to offset in Frs buffer of requested index type ; code or Zero if not found. ; USES: All ; LoadIndexFrs proc near push ecx ; save FRS buffer for later push eax ; save index type code for later mov eax, ROOT_FILE_NAME_INDEX_NUMBER push ds pop es mov edi, ecx ; es:edi = target buffer call ReadFrs mov eax, ecx ; FRS to search pop ebx ; Attribute type code push ebx movzx ecx, index_name_length ; Attribute name length mov edx, offset index_name ; Attribute name call LocateAttributeRecord pop ebx pop ecx or eax, eax jnz LoadIndexFrs$Exit ; if found in root return ; ; if not found in current Frs, search in attribute list ; ; EBX - holds Attribute type code mov eax, ecx ; FRS to search mov ecx, ebx ; type code push eax ; save Frs push ebx ; save type code call SearchAttrList ; search attribute list for FRN ; of specified ($INDEX_ROOT, ; $INDEX_ALLOCATION, or $BITMAP) ; EAX - holds FRN for Frs, or Zero pop ebx ; Attribute type code (used later) pop edi ; es:edi = target buffer or eax, eax ; if we cann't find it in attribute jz LoadIndexFrs$Exit ; list then we are hosed ; We should now have the File Record Number where the index for the ; specified type code we are searching for is, load this into the ; Frs target buffer. ; ; EAX - holds FRN ; EBX - holds type code ; EDI - holds target buffer push ds pop es call ReadFrs ; ; Now determine the offset in the Frs of the index ; ; EBX - holds type code mov eax, edi ; Frs to search movzx ecx, index_name_length ; Attribute name length mov edx, offset index_name ; Attribute name call LocateAttributeRecord ; EAX - holds offset or Zero. LoadIndexFrs$Exit: ret LoadIndexFrs endp ;**************************************************************************** ; ; SearchAttrList ; ; Search the Frs for the attribute list. Then search the attribute list ; for the specifed type code. When you find it return the FRN in the ; attribute list entry found or Zero if no match found. ; ; ENTRY: ECX - type code to search attrib list for ; EAX - Frs buffer holding head of attribute list ; EXIT: EAX - FRN file record number to load, Zero if none. ; ; USES: All ; SearchAttrList proc near push ecx ; type code to search for in ; attrib list ; EAX - holds Frs to search mov ebx, $ATTRIBUTE_LIST ; Attribute type code mov ecx, 0 ; Attribute name length mov edx, 0 ; Attribute name call LocateAttributeRecord or eax, eax ; If there's no Attribute list, jz SearchAttrList$NotFoundIndex1 ; We are done ; Read the attribute list. ; eax -> attribute list attribute mov ebx, eax ; ebx -> attribute list attribute push ds pop es ; copy ds into es mov edi, AttrList ; ds:edi->attribute list buffer call ReadWholeAttribute push ds pop es mov ebx, AttrList ; es:ebx -> first attribute list entry ; Now, traverse the attribute list looking for the entry for ; the Index type code. ; ; ebx -> first attribute list entry ; pop ecx ; Get Index Type code SearchAttrList$LookingForIndex: ; DEBUG CODE ; SAVE_ALL ; ; mov eax, es:[bx].ATTRLIST_TypeCode ; call PrintNumber ; movzx eax, es:[bx].ATTRLIST_Length ; call PrintNumber ; mov eax, es ; call PrintNumber ; mov eax, ebx ; call PrintNumber ; push es ; pop ds ; movzx ecx, es:[bx].ATTRLIST_NameLength ; ecx = chars in name ; lea esi, es:[bx].ATTRLIST_Name ; esi -> name ; call PrintName ; ; RESTORE_ALL ; END DEBUG CODE cmp es:[bx].ATTRLIST_TypeCode, ecx je SearchAttrList$FoundIndex cmp es:[bx].ATTRLIST_TypeCode, $END ; reached invalid attribute je SearchAttrList$NotFoundIndex2 ; so must be at end cmp es:[bx].ATTRLIST_Length, 0 je SearchAttrList$NotFoundIndex2 ; reached end of list and ; nothing found movzx eax, es:[bx].ATTRLIST_Length add bx, ax mov ax, bx and ax, 08000h ; test for roll over jz SearchAttrList$LookingForIndex ; If we rolled over then increment to the next es 32K segment and ; zero off the high bits of bx mov ax, es add ax, 800h mov es, ax and bx, 07fffh jmp SearchAttrList$LookingForIndex SearchAttrList$FoundIndex: ; found the index, return the FRN mov eax, es:[bx].ATTRLIST_SegmentReference.REF_LowPart ret SearchAttrList$NotFoundIndex1: pop ecx SearchAttrList$NotFoundIndex2: xor eax, eax ret SearchAttrList endp DbgString0 db "Debug Point 0", 0Dh, 0Ah, 0 DbgString1 db "Debug Point 1", 0Dh, 0Ah, 0 DbgString2 db "Debug Point 2", 0Dh, 0Ah, 0 DbgString3 db "Debug Point 3", 0Dh, 0Ah, 0 DbgString4 db "Debug Point 4", 0Dh, 0Ah, 0 .errnz ($-_ntfsboot) GT 8192, org 8192 BootCode ends end _ntfsboot