/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: EtfsBoot.h Abstract: This module defines globally used procedure and data structures used by Etfs boot. Author: Steve Collins [stevec] 25-Nov-1995 Revision History: --*/ #if defined(ELTORITO) #ifndef _ETFSBOOT_ #define _ETFSBOOT_ // // The following constants are values from the disk. // #define ELTORITO_VD_SECTOR (16) #define ELTORITO_BRVD_SECTOR (17) #define ET_SYS_ID "EL TORITO SPECIFICATION" #define BRVD_VERSION_1 (1) #define VD_BOOTREC (0) typedef struct _RAW_ET_BRVD { UCHAR BrIndicator; // boot record indicator = 0 UCHAR StandardId[5]; // volume structure standard id = "CD001" UCHAR Version; // descriptor version number = 1 UCHAR BootSysId[32]; // boot system identifier = "EL TORITO SPECIFICATION" UCHAR Unused1[32]; // unused = 0 ULONG BootCatPtr; // absolute pointer to first sector of boot catalog UCHAR Reserved[1973]; // unused = 0 } RAW_ET_BRVD; typedef RAW_ET_BRVD *PRAW_ET_BRVD; // // The following macros are used to recover data from the different // volume descriptor structures. // #define RBRVD_BR_IND( r ) ( r->BrIndicator ) #define RBRVD_STD_ID( r ) ( r->StandardId ) #define RBRVD_VERSION( r ) ( r->Version ) #define RBRVD_SYS_ID( r ) ( r->BootSysId ) typedef struct _ETFS_STRUCTURE_CONTEXT { // // The following field is the sector offset of the start of // directory data. // ULONG RootDirSectorOffset; // // The following field is the start of the sector containing the // this directory. // ULONG RootDirDiskOffset; // // The following field is the size of the directory. // ULONG RootDirSize; // // The following field is the sector offset of the start of // directory data. // ULONG DirSectorOffset; // // The following field is the start of the sector containing the // this directory. // ULONG DirDiskOffset; // // The following field is the size of the directory. // ULONG DirSize; // // The following field indicates the size of the disk Logical Blocks. // ULONG LbnBlockSize; // // The following field indicates the number of logical blocks on the // disk. // ULONG LogicalBlockCount; // // The following indicates whether this is an Iso or Hsg disk. // BOOLEAN IsIsoVol; } ETFS_STRUCTURE_CONTEXT, *PETFS_STRUCTURE_CONTEXT; // // Define Etfs file context structure. // typedef struct _ETFS_FILE_CONTEXT { // // The following is the disk offset of the read position for the // start of the file. This may include the above number of non-file // bytes. // ULONG DiskOffset; // // The following field contains the size of the file, in bytes. // ULONG FileSize; // // The following field indicates whether this is a directory. // BOOLEAN IsDirectory; } ETFS_FILE_CONTEXT, *PETFS_FILE_CONTEXT; // // Define file I/O prototypes. // ARC_STATUS EtfsClose ( IN ULONG FileId ); ARC_STATUS EtfsOpen ( IN PCHAR OpenPath, IN OPEN_MODE OpenMode, OUT PULONG FileId ); ARC_STATUS EtfsRead ( IN ULONG FileId, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length, OUT PULONG Count ); ARC_STATUS EtfsSeek ( IN ULONG FileId, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Offset, IN SEEK_MODE SeekMode ); ARC_STATUS EtfsWrite ( IN ULONG FileId, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length, OUT PULONG Count ); ARC_STATUS EtfsGetFileInformation ( IN ULONG FileId, OUT PFILE_INFORMATION Buffer ); ARC_STATUS EtfsSetFileInformation ( IN ULONG FileId, IN ULONG AttributeFlags, IN ULONG AttributeMask ); ARC_STATUS EtfsInitialize( VOID ); #endif // _ETFSBOOT_ #endif