/*++ * * Copyright (c) 1995 FirePower Systems, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1994 FirmWorks, Mountain View CA USA. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1994 FirePower Systems, Inc. * * $RCSfile: vrsup.c $ * $Revision: 1.7 $ * $Date: 1996/02/17 00:42:16 $ * $Locker: $ * Module Name: vrsup.c Abstract: A given physical device may be represented by a variety of objects. More importantly, the veneer must be able to translate freely between these objects. ______________ ____________________ | 1275 | | ARC | | | | | | | | | | Path | | ArcPath | | \ | | / | | \ | | / | | \ | | / | | \ | | / | | \| |/ | | \ / | | |\ /| | | | \ / | | | | \ / | | | | \ / | | | | \ / | | | | \ / | | | | \ / | | | Package---+-------Node | | | | / \ | | | | / \ | | | | / \ | | | | / \ | | | | / \ | | | | / \ | | | |/ \| | | / \ | | /| |\ | | / | | \ | | / | | \ | | Instance | | File Descriptor | | | | | |______________| |____________________| 1275 objects include the "Package," the "Instance," and the device specifier, here simply termed the "Path." ARC objects include the ARC device specifier, here the "ArcPath," and the File Descriptor which does not appear in this module. The CONFIGURATION_NODE object, a.k.a. the "Node," is the central data object in the veneer, and is used to translate from 1275 to ARC and vice versa. This file contains the routines which do path traversal and translation for both 1275 and ARC trees. The general form of the publicly accessible functions is P To(P); where and are one of Path Package Instance Node ArcPath and P and P are types and if and are scalar, and pointers-to-/ if not. This sounds a lot more confusing than it is; see below. Author: Mike Tuciarone 9-May-1994 --*/ #include "veneer.h" /* * Given a configuration node, traverse the Veneer Configuration tree * looking for a matching component name. Call this initially with * Node = RootNode. Return the matching node (if any). */ STATIC PCONFIGURATION_NODE DoArcPathToNode( PCHAR Path, PCONFIGURATION_NODE Node ) { PCONFIGURATION_NODE MatchedNode; CHAR *name, *cp; LONG TokenLen; ULONG Key = 0; if (Node == NULL) { return (0); } if (cp = index(Path, '(')) { TokenLen = cp - Path; cp += 1; Key = atoi(cp); } else { TokenLen = strlen(Path); } if (Node == RootNode) { Node = RootNode->Child; } name = Node->ComponentName; if (!strncmp(name, Path, TokenLen) && (Key == Node->Component.Key)) { /* * A match! Trim off the matching component. */ debug(VRDBG_CONF, "ArcPathToNode: path '%s' matched node '%s' %x\n", Path, Node->ComponentName, Node->OfPhandle); cp = index(Path, ')'); if (cp == NULL) { fatal("Malformed string: '%s'\n", Path); } cp += 1; if (*cp == '\0') { debug(VRDBG_CONF, "String exhausted, returning %x\n", Node); return(Node); } /* * If this call returns non-NULL, then we had a match * further down the tree. Otherwise this is the best * we can do: return this node. */ MatchedNode = DoArcPathToNode(cp, Node->Child); debug(VRDBG_CONF, "ArcPathToNode('%s') returning %x\n", Path, MatchedNode ? MatchedNode->OfPhandle : 0); return(MatchedNode ? MatchedNode : Node); } if (Node->Peer) { return(DoArcPathToNode(Path, Node->Peer)); } return (0); } /* * External entry point: */ PCONFIGURATION_NODE ArcPathToNode(PCHAR Path) { return (DoArcPathToNode(Path, RootNode)); } /* * Create the fully-qualified ARC path to describe the argument node. */ PCHAR NodeToArcPath(PCONFIGURATION_NODE node) { CHAR *oldbuf, *newbuf; LONG len; // Add 3 to each length for the key. len = 1; newbuf = zalloc(len); do { oldbuf = newbuf; len += strlen(node->ComponentName) + 3; newbuf = zalloc(len); strcpy(newbuf, node->ComponentName); strcat(newbuf, "( )"); newbuf[strlen(newbuf) - 2] = (char) node->Component.Key + '0'; strcat(newbuf, oldbuf); free(oldbuf); } while ((node = node->Parent) && node != RootNode); return (newbuf); } /* * Search the tree rooted at Node for a node containing the phandle Ph. * NOTE: Phandles are not unique! This routine does a depth-first * search to find the *deepest* node matching the phandle. */ STATIC PCONFIGURATION_NODE FindNodeUsingPhandle(PCONFIGURATION_NODE Node, phandle Ph) { PCONFIGURATION_NODE Found; extern int level; debug(VRDBG_CONF, "FindNodeUsingPhandle: Node %x (%s) phandle %x\n", Node, Node ? Node->ComponentName : "NULL", Ph); if (Node == NULL) { return (NULL); } /* * First check to see if this node matches *and* is a wildcard. * If so, return immediately. */ if (Node->OfPhandle == Ph && Node->Wildcard) { debug(VRDBG_CONF, "FindNodeUsingPhandle: return %x\n", Node); return (Node); } /* * Check descendants, since the terminal node may be a child of * this one. See the comments in add_new_child() in vrtree.c. */ level++; Found = FindNodeUsingPhandle(Node->Child, Ph); level--; if (Found) { debug(VRDBG_CONF, "FindNodeUsingPhandle: return %x\n", Node); return (Found); } if (Node->OfPhandle == Ph) { debug(VRDBG_CONF, "FindNodeUsingPhandle: return %x\n", Node); return (Node); } return (FindNodeUsingPhandle(Node->Peer, Ph)); } PCONFIGURATION_NODE PackageToNode(phandle ph) { return (FindNodeUsingPhandle(RootNode, ph)); } PCONFIGURATION_NODE PathToNode(PCHAR path) { PCONFIGURATION_NODE node, tmpnode; phandle ph; PCHAR cp; ph = OFFinddevice(path); node = FindNodeUsingPhandle(RootNode, ph); if (node->Wildcard) { // trim off final address while ((cp = index(path, '@')) != NULL) { path = cp + 1; } // XXX run decode-unit on it // XXX search peers for match using wildcard criteria if ((tmpnode = FindNodeUsingPhandle(node->Child, ph)) != NULL) { return (tmpnode); } } return (node); } PCONFIGURATION_NODE InstanceToNode(ihandle ih) { char buf[1024]; OFInstanceToPath(ih, buf, 1024); return (PathToNode(buf)); } phandle NodeToPackage(PCONFIGURATION_NODE node) { return (node->OfPhandle); // "It's a gift to be simple..." } PCHAR NodeToPath(PCONFIGURATION_NODE node) { phandle ph = NodeToPackage(node); int len; char *bufp; // // Translate the device name into the device path for Open Firmware. // Add 1 to the reported length to account for the null terminator. // (See IEEE 1275-1994, Sec. // len = OFPackageToPath(ph, (char *)0, 0) + 1; bufp = (char *) zalloc(len); (VOID) OFPackageToPath(ph, bufp, len); debug(VRDBG_CONF, "NodeToPath found '%s'\n", bufp); if (node->Wildcard) { char *newp; while (node->Parent->Wildcard) { node = node->Parent; } // XXX Generate AddrPath by running encode-unit // XXX on wildcard criteria len += strlen(node->WildcardAddrPath); newp = (char *) zalloc(len); strcpy(newp, bufp); free(bufp); bufp = newp; debug(VRDBG_CONF, "NodeToPath adding '%s'\n", node->WildcardAddrPath); strcat(bufp, node->WildcardAddrPath); } debug(VRDBG_CONF, "NodeToPath returning '%s'\n", bufp); return (bufp); } /* * This routine is hopelessly naive. See VrOpen() for a version * that's been around. */ ihandle NodeToInstance(PCONFIGURATION_NODE node) { char *path = NodeToPath(node); ihandle ih = OFOpen(path); free(path); return (ih); } STATIC phandle DoFindNodeByType(char *type, phandle ph) { phandle res; if (ph == 0) { return(0); } if (strcmp(get_str_prop(ph, "device_type", NOALLOC), type) == 0) { return(ph); } res = DoFindNodeByType(type, OFChild(ph)); if (res != 0) { return(res); } return(DoFindNodeByType(type, OFPeer(ph))); } phandle FindNodeByType(char *type) { return(DoFindNodeByType(type, OFPeer(0))); } ihandle OpenPackage(phandle ph) { char buf[256]; (void) OFPackageToPath(ph, buf, 256); return (OFOpen(buf)); }