/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: announce.h Abstract: This module defines the structures for the bowsers server announcement table Author: Larry Osterman (larryo) 18-Oct-1991 Revision History: 18-Oct-1991 larryo Created --*/ #ifndef _ANNOUNCE_ #define _ANNOUNCE_ // // The ANNOUNCE_ENTRY structure is used to hold a server announcement // inside the bowser FSP announcement database. This structure is allocated // out of paged pool. // // // Note that text strings are kept internally as unicode, not ANSI in the // announcement database. // #define ANNOUNCE_OLD_BACKUP 0x00000001 typedef struct _ANNOUNCE_ENTRY { CSHORT Signature; CSHORT Size; ULONG ExpirationTime; // Time server was last seen. ULONG SerialId; // Serial resume key. LIST_ENTRY BackupLink; // Link if backup browser. PBOWSER_NAME Name; // The domain this is on. USHORT ServerBrowserVersion; // Browser version of server. WCHAR ServerName[NETBIOS_NAME_LEN+1]; // Server's name (UNICODE) ULONG ServerType; // Bitmask of server type UCHAR ServerVersionMajor; // Server's software version. UCHAR ServerVersionMinor; // Server's software version II USHORT ServerPeriodicity; // Server's announcement frequency in sec. ULONG Flags; // Flags for server. ULONG NumberOfPromotionAttempts; // Number of times we tried to promote. WCHAR ServerComment[LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ+1]; // Servers comment (UNICODE). } ANNOUNCE_ENTRY, *PANNOUNCE_ENTRY; // // The VIEWBUFFER structure is a structure that is used to hold the contents // of a server announcement between the announcement being received in the // bowser's receive datagram indication routine and the announcement being // actually being placed into the announcement database. // typedef struct _VIEW_BUFFER { CSHORT Signature; CSHORT Size; union { LIST_ENTRY NextBuffer; // Pointer to next buffer. WORK_QUEUE_ITEM WorkHeader; // Executive worker item header. } Overlay; PTRANSPORT_NAME TransportName; BOOLEAN IsMasterAnnouncement; UCHAR ServerName[NETBIOS_NAME_LEN+1]; // Server's name (ANSI). USHORT ServerBrowserVersion; // Browser version of server. UCHAR ServerVersionMajor; // Server's software version. UCHAR ServerVersionMinor; // Server's software version II USHORT ServerPeriodicity; // Announcement freq. in sec. ULONG ServerType; // Bitmask of server type UCHAR ServerComment[LM20_MAXCOMMENTSZ+1]; // Servers comment (ANSI). } VIEW_BUFFER, *PVIEW_BUFFER; // // Specify the maximum number of threads that will be used to // process server announcements. // // // Since there is never any parallelism that can be gained from having // multiple threads, we limit this to 1 thread. // #define BOWSER_MAX_ANNOUNCE_THREADS 1 DATAGRAM_HANDLER( BowserHandleServerAnnouncement); DATAGRAM_HANDLER( BowserHandleDomainAnnouncement); RTL_GENERIC_COMPARE_RESULTS BowserCompareAnnouncement( IN PRTL_GENERIC_TABLE Table, IN PVOID FirstStruct, IN PVOID SecondStruct ); PVOID BowserAllocateAnnouncement( IN PRTL_GENERIC_TABLE Table, IN CLONG ByteSize ); VOID BowserFreeAnnouncement ( IN PRTL_GENERIC_TABLE Table, IN PVOID Buffer ); PVIEW_BUFFER BowserAllocateViewBuffer( VOID ); VOID BowserFreeViewBuffer( IN PVIEW_BUFFER Buffer ); VOID BowserProcessHostAnnouncement( IN PVOID Context ); VOID BowserProcessDomainAnnouncement( IN PVOID Context ); VOID BowserAgeServerAnnouncements( VOID ); NTSTATUS BowserEnumerateServers( IN ULONG Level, IN PLUID LogonId OPTIONAL, IN OUT PULONG ResumeKey, IN ULONG ServerTypeMask, IN PUNICODE_STRING TransportName OPTIONAL, #ifdef _CAIRO_ IN PUNICODE_STRING EmulatedDomainName, #endif // _CAIRO_ IN PUNICODE_STRING DomainName OPTIONAL, OUT PVOID OutputBuffer, IN ULONG OutputBufferSize, OUT PULONG EntriesRead, OUT PULONG TotalEntries, OUT PULONG TotalBytesNeeded, IN ULONG OutputBufferDisplacement ); VOID BowserAnnouncementDispatch ( PVOID Context ); #ifndef _CAIRO_ ULONG BowserGetAnnounceTableSize( VOID ); #endif // _CAIRO_ VOID BowserDeleteGenericTable( IN PRTL_GENERIC_TABLE GenericTable ); NTSTATUS BowserpInitializeAnnounceTable( VOID ); NTSTATUS BowserpUninitializeAnnounceTable( VOID ); #endif