/*++ Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: dbgkport.c Abstract: This module implements the dbg primitives to access a processes DebugPort and ExceptionPort. Author: Mark Lucovsky (markl) 19-Jan-1990 Revision History: --*/ #include "dbgkp.h" #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, DbgkpSendApiMessage) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, DbgkForwardException) #endif NTSTATUS DbgkpSendApiMessage( IN OUT PDBGKM_APIMSG ApiMsg, IN PVOID Port, IN BOOLEAN SuspendProcess ) /*++ Routine Description: This function sends the specified API message over the specified port. It is the callers responsibility to format the API message prior to calling this function. If the SuspendProcess flag is supplied, then all threads in the calling process are first suspended. Upon receipt of the reply message, the threads are resumed. Arguments: ApiMsg - Supplies the API message to send. Port - Supplies the address of a port to send the api message. SuspendProcess - A flag that if set to true, causes all of the threads in the process to be suspended prior to the call, and resumed upon receipt of a reply. Return Value: TBD --*/ { NTSTATUS st; PAGED_CODE(); if ( SuspendProcess ) { DbgkpSuspendProcess(FALSE); } ApiMsg->ReturnedStatus = STATUS_PENDING; PsGetCurrentProcess()->CreateProcessReported = TRUE; st = LpcRequestWaitReplyPort( Port, (PPORT_MESSAGE) ApiMsg, (PPORT_MESSAGE) ApiMsg ); ZwFlushInstructionCache(NtCurrentProcess(), NULL, 0); if ( SuspendProcess ) { DbgkpResumeProcess(FALSE); } return st; } LARGE_INTEGER DbgkpCalibrationTime; BOOLEAN DbgkForwardException( IN PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord, IN BOOLEAN DebugException, IN BOOLEAN SecondChance ) /*++ Routine Description: This function is called forward an exception to the calling process's debug or subsystem exception port. Arguments: ExceptionRecord - Supplies a pointer to an exception record. DebugException - Supplies a boolean variable that specifies whether this exception is to be forwarded to the process's DebugPort(TRUE), or to its ExceptionPort(FALSE). Return Value: TRUE - The process has a DebugPort or an ExceptionPort, and the reply received from the port indicated that the exception was handled. FALSE - The process either does not have a DebugPort or ExceptionPort, or the process has a port, but the reply received from the port indicated that the exception was not handled. --*/ { PEPROCESS Process; PVOID Port; DBGKM_APIMSG m; PDBGKM_EXCEPTION args; NTSTATUS st; PAGED_CODE(); args = &m.u.Exception; // // Initialize the debug LPC message with default infomaation. // DBGKM_FORMAT_API_MSG(m,DbgKmExceptionApi,sizeof(*args)); // // Get the address of the destination LPC port. // Process = PsGetCurrentProcess(); if (DebugException) { Port = Process->DebugPort; } else { Port = Process->ExceptionPort; m.h.u2.ZeroInit = LPC_EXCEPTION; } // // If the destination LPC port address is NULL, then return FALSE. // if (Port == NULL) { return FALSE; } // // Fill in the remainder of the debug LPC message. // args->ExceptionRecord = *ExceptionRecord; args->FirstChance = !SecondChance; // // Send the debug message to the destination LPC port. // st = DbgkpSendApiMessage(&m,Port,DebugException); // // If the send was not successful, then return a FALSE indicating that // the port did not handle the exception. Otherwise, if the debug port // is specified, then look at the return status in the message. // if (!NT_SUCCESS(st) || ((DebugException) && (m.ReturnedStatus == DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED || !NT_SUCCESS(m.ReturnedStatus)))) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }