title "Global SpinLock declerations" ;++ ; ;Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation ; ;Module Name: ; ; splocks.asm ; ;Abstract: ; ; All global spinlocks in the kernel image are declared in this ; module. This is done so that each spinlock can be spaced out ; sufficiently to guaarantee that the L2 cache does not thrash ; by having a spinlock and another high use varible in the same ; cache line. ; ;Author: ; ; Ken Reneris (kenr) 13-Jan-1992 ; ;Revision History: ; ;-- .386p .xlist PADLOCKS equ 64 SPINLOCK macro SpinLockName public SpinLockName SpinLockName dd 0 ifndef NT_UP db PADLOCKS-4 dup (0) endif endm ULONG macro VaribleName public VaribleName VaribleName dd 0 ifndef NT_UP db PADLOCKS-4 dup (0) endif endm _DATA SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC 'DATA' ; ; Static SpinLocks from ntos\cc\cachedat.c ; ;;align PADLOCKS db PADLOCKS dup (0) SPINLOCK _CcMasterSpinLock SPINLOCK _CcWorkQueueSpinlock SPINLOCK _CcVacbSpinLock SPINLOCK _CcDeferredWriteSpinLock SPINLOCK _CcDebugTraceLock SPINLOCK _CcBcbSpinLock ; ; Static SpinLocks from ntos\ex ; SPINLOCK _ExpLuidLock ; luid.c SPINLOCK _NonPagedPoolLock ; pool.c SPINLOCK _PoolTraceLock ; pool.c SPINLOCK _ExpResourceSpinLock ; resource.c ; ; Static SpinLocks from ntos\io\iodata.c ; SPINLOCK _IopCompletionLock SPINLOCK _IopCancelSpinLock SPINLOCK _IopVpbSpinLock SPINLOCK _IopDatabaseLock SPINLOCK _IopErrorLogLock SPINLOCK _IopErrorLogAllocationLock SPINLOCK _IopTimerLock SPINLOCK _IoStatisticsLock SPINLOCK _IopFastLockSpinLock ; ; Static SpinLocks from ntos\kd\kdlock.c ; SPINLOCK _KdpDebuggerLock ; ; Static SpinLocks from ntos\ke\kernldat.c ; SPINLOCK _KiContextSwapLock SPINLOCK _KiDispatcherLock SPINLOCK _KiFreezeExecutionLock SPINLOCK _KiFreezeLockBackup ULONG _KiHardwareTrigger SPINLOCK _KiProfileLock ; ; Static SpinLocks from ntos\mm\miglobal.c ; SPINLOCK _MmPfnLock SPINLOCK _MmSystemSpaceLock SPINLOCK _MmChargeCommitmentLock SPINLOCK _MmAllowWSExpansionLock ; ; Static SpinLocks from ntos\ps\psinit.c ; SPINLOCK _PspEventPairLock SPINLOCK _PsLoadedModuleSpinLock ; ; Static SpinLocks from ntos\fsrtl\fsrtlp.c ; SPINLOCK _FsRtlStrucSupSpinLock ; fsrtlp.c db PADLOCKS dup (0) ; ; KeTickCount - This is the number of clock ticks that have occurred since ; the system was booted. This count is used to compute a millisecond ; tick counter. ; public _KeTickCount _KeTickCount dd 0, 0, 0 ; ; KeMaximumIncrement - This is the maximum time between clock interrupts ; in 100ns units that is supported by the host HAL. ; public _KeMaximumIncrement _KeMaximumIncrement dd 0 ; ; KeTimeAdjustment - This is the actual number of 100ns units that are to ; be added to the system time at each interval timer interupt. This ; value is copied from KeTimeIncrement at system start up and can be ; later modified via the set system information service. ; timer table entries. ; public _KeTimeAdjustment _KeTimeAdjustment dd 0 ; ; KiTickOffset - This is the number of 100ns units remaining before a tick ; is added to the tick count and the system time is updated. ; public _KiTickOffset _KiTickOffset dd 0 ; ; KiMaximumDpcQueueDepth - This is used to control how many DPCs can be ; queued before a DPC of medium importance will trigger a dispatch ; interrupt. ; public _KiMaximumDpcQueueDepth _KiMaximumDpcQueueDepth dd 4 ; ; KiMinimumDpcRate - This is the rate of DPC requests per clock tick that ; must be exceeded before DPC batching of medium importance DPCs ; will occur. ; public _KiMinimumDpcRate _KiMinimumDpcRate dd 3 ; ; KiAdjustDpcThreshold - This is the threshold used by the clock interrupt ; routine to control the rate at which the processor's DPC queue depth ; is dynamically adjusted. ; public _KiAdjustDpcThreshold _KiAdjustDpcThreshold dd 20 ; ; KiIdealDpcRate - This is used to control the aggressiveness of the DPC ; rate adjusting algorithm when decrementing the queue depth. As long ; as the DPC rate for the last tick is greater than this rate, the ; DPC queue depth will not be decremented. ; public _KiIdealDpcRate _KiIdealDpcRate dd 20 _DATA ends end