/*++ Module Name: bldrstub.c Abstract: This module implements stub routines for the boot code. Author: David N. Cutler (davec) 7-Nov-1990 Environment: Kernel mode only. Revision History: 5-April-1993 John DeRosa [DEC] This takes the place of bldr\alpha\stubs.c. --*/ #include "ntos.h" #include "fwstring.h" // // Define global data. // ULONG BlDcacheFillSize = 32; VOID KeBugCheck ( IN ULONG BugCheckCode ) /*++ Routine Description: This function crashes the system in a controlled manner. Alpha/Jensen firmware will try to run the Monitor instead of the kernel debugger. Arguments: BugCheckCode - Supplies the reason for the bug check. Return Value: None. --*/ { #ifdef ALPHA_FW_KDHOOKS // // Print out the bug check code and break. // DbgPrint(ST_BUGCHECK_MSG, BugCheckCode); while(TRUE) { DbgBreakPoint(); }; #else // // Print out the bug check code and go to the monitor as an exception. // FwPrint(ST_BUGCHECK_MSG, BugCheckCode); FwMonitor(0); #endif return; } LARGE_INTEGER KeQueryPerformanceCounter ( OUT PLARGE_INTEGER Frequency OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is a stub for the kernel debugger and always returns a value of zero. Arguments: Frequency - Supplies an optional pointer to a variable which receives the performance counter frequency in Hertz. Return Value: A value of zero is returned. --*/ { LARGE_INTEGER Counter; // // Return the current system time as the function value. // Counter.LowPart = 0; Counter.HighPart = 0; return Counter; } BOOLEAN KeFreezeExecution ( IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord ) /*++ Routine Description: This function freezes the execution of all other processors in the host configuration and then returns to the caller. It is intended for use by the kernel debugger. Arguments: None. Return Value: Whether interrupts were previously enabled. --*/ { return FALSE; } VOID KeThawExecution ( IN KIRQL Irql ) /*++ Routine Description: This function unfreezes the execution of all other processors in the host configuration and then returns to the caller. It is intended for use by the kernel debugger. Arguments: Irql - Supplies the level that the IRQL is to be lowered to after having unfrozen the execution of all other processors. Return Value: None. --*/ { return; } PVOID MmDbgReadCheck ( IN PVOID VirtualAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the phyiscal address for a virtual address which is valid (mapped) for read access. Arguments: VirtualAddress - Supplies the virtual address to check. Return Value: Returns NULL if the address is not valid or readable, otherwise returns the physical address of the corresponding virtual address. --*/ { return VirtualAddress; } PVOID MmDbgTranslatePhysicalAddress ( IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the phyiscal address for a physical address which is valid (mapped). Arguments: PhysicalAddress - Supplies the physical address to check. Return Value: Returns NULL if the address is not valid or readable, otherwise returns the physical address of the corresponding virtual address. --*/ { return (PVOID)PhysicalAddress.LowPart; } PVOID MmDbgWriteCheck ( IN PVOID VirtualAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the phyiscal address for a virtual address which is valid (mapped) for write access. Arguments: VirtualAddress - Supplies the virtual address to check. Return Value: Returns NULL if the address is not valid or readable, otherwise returns the physical address of the corresponding virtual address. --*/ { return VirtualAddress; } VOID RtlAssert( IN PVOID FailedAssertion, IN PVOID FileName, IN ULONG LineNumber, IN PCHAR Message OPTIONAL ) { #ifdef ALPHA_FW_KDHOOKS DbgPrint( "\n*** Assertion failed\n"); while (TRUE) { DbgBreakPoint(); } #else // Print out the assertion failure and go to the monitor. FwPrint("\r\n*** Assertion failed\r\n"); FwMonitor(0); #endif }