TITLE "Compute Timer Table Index" ;++ ; ; Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation ; ; Module Name: ; ; timindex.asm ; ; Abstract: ; ; This module implements the code necessary to compute the timer table ; index for a timer. ; ; Author: ; ; David N. Cutler (davec) 19-May-1993 ; ; Environment: ; ; Any mode. ; ; Revision History: ; ;-- .386p .xlist include ks386.inc include callconv.inc ; calling convention macros .list extrn _KiTimeIncrementReciprocal:dword extrn _KiTimeIncrementShiftCount:BYTE _TEXT$00 SEGMENT DWORD PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME DS:FLAT, ES:FLAT, SS:NOTHING, FS:NOTHING, GS:NOTHING page subttl "Compute Timer Table Index" ;++ ; ; ULONG ; KiComputeTimerTableIndex ( ; IN LARGE_INTEGER Interval, ; IN LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime, ; IN PKTIMER Timer ; ) ; ; Routine Description: ; ; This function computes the timer table index for the specified timer ; object and stores the due time in the timer object. ; ; N.B. The interval parameter is guaranteed to be negative since it is ; expressed as relative time. ; ; The formula for due time calculation is: ; ; Due Time = Current Time - Interval ; ; The formula for the index calculation is: ; ; Index = (Due Time / Maximum time) & (Table Size - 1) ; ; The time increment division is performed using reciprocal multiplication. ; ; Arguments: ; ; Interval - Supplies the relative time at which the timer is to ; expire. ; ; CurrentCount - Supplies the current system tick count. ; ; Timer - Supplies a pointer to a dispatch object of type timer. ; ; Return Value: ; ; The time table index is returned as the function value and the due ; time is stored in the timer object. ; ;-- LocalStack equ 20 Interval equ [esp+LocalStack+4] CurrentTime equ [esp+LocalStack+12] Timer equ [esp+LocalStack+20] cPublicProc _KiComputeTimerTableIndex ,5 sub esp, LocalStack mov [esp+16], ebx mov ebx,CurrentTime ; get low current time mov ecx,CurrentTime + 4 ; get high current time sub ebx,Interval ; subtract low parts sbb ecx,Interval + 4 ; subtract high parts and borrow mov eax,Timer ; get address of timer object mov [eax].TiDueTime.LiLowPart,ebx ; set low part of due time mov [eax].TiDueTime.LiHighPart,ecx ; set high part of due time ; ; Compute low 32-bits of dividend times low 32-bits of divisor. ; mov eax,ebx ; copy low 32-bits of dividend mul [_KiTimeIncrementReciprocal] ; multiply by low 32-bits of divisor mov [esp+12], edx ; save high order 32-bits of product ; ; Compute low 32-bits of dividend times high 32-bits of divisor. ; mov eax,ebx ; copy low 32-bits of dividend mul [_KiTimeIncrementReciprocal+4] ;multiply by high 32-bits of divisor mov [esp+8], eax ; save full 64-bit product mov [esp+4], edx ; ; ; Compute high 32-bits of dividend times low 32-bits of divisor. ; mov eax,ecx ; copy high 32-bits of dividend mul [_KiTimeIncrementReciprocal] ; multiply by low 32-bits of divisor mov [esp+0], edx ; save high 32-bits of product ; ; Compute carry out of low 64-bits of 128-bit product. ; xor ebx,ebx ; clear carry accumlator add eax,[esp]+8 ; generate carry adc ebx,0 ; accumlate carry add eax,[esp]+12 ; generate carry adc ebx,0 ; accumulate carry ; ; Compute high 32-bits of dividend times high 32-bits of divisor. ; mov eax,ecx ; copy high 32-bits of dividend mul [_KiTimeIncrementReciprocal+4] ; multiply by high 32-bits of divisor ; ; Compute high 64-bits of 128-bit product. ; add eax,ebx ; add carry from low 64-bits adc edx,0 ; propagate carry add eax,[esp]+0 ; add and generate carry adc edx,0 ; propagate carry add eax,[esp]+4 ; add and generate carry adc edx,0 ; propagate carry ; ; Right shift the result by the specified shift ocunt and mask off extra ; bits. ; mov cl,[_KiTimeIncrementShiftCount] ; get shift count value shrd eax,edx,cl ; extract appropriate product bits mov ebx, [esp+16] ; restore register add esp, LocalStack ; trim stack and eax,(TIMER_TABLE_SIZE-1); reduce to size of table stdRET _KicomputeTimerTableIndex stdENDP _KiComputeTimerTableIndex _TEXT$00 ends end