/***************************************************************************\ |* Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation *| |* Developed for Microsoft by TriplePoint, Inc. Beaverton, Oregon *| |* *| |* This file is part of the HT Communications DSU41 WAN Miniport Driver. *| \***************************************************************************/ #include "version.h" /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Module Name: link.c Abstract: This module contains the WAN Miniport link management routines. All information about the state of the link is stored in the Link structure. LinkInitialize() LinkAllocate() LinkRelease() LinkLineUp() LinkLineDown() LinkLineError() This driver conforms to the NDIS 3.0 Miniport interface. Author: Larry Hattery - TriplePoint, Inc. (larryh@tpi.com) Jun-94 Environment: Windows NT 3.5 kernel mode Miniport driver or equivalent. Revision History: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define __FILEID__ 4 // Unique file ID for error logging #include "htdsu.h" VOID LinkInitialize( IN PHTDSU_ADAPTER Adapter, IN PSTRING AddressList ) /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Functional Description: This routine initializes the Link structures within the Adapter structure. We use the link structure to hold all the information about a connection, whether the connection is made via TAPI calls or is a leased line WAN connection. Parameters: Adapter _ A pointer ot our adapter information structure. AddressList _ This is a list of MULTI_SZ strings which are to be assigned to each link for use by TAPI HtTapiGetAddressCaps. Return Values: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { DBG_FUNC("LinkInitialize") /* // A pointer to our link information structure for the selected line device. */ PHTDSU_LINK Link; /* // Index into the link array. */ USHORT LinkIndex; /* // A pointer to the RAS/TAPI line address assigned to each link. */ PUCHAR LineAddress = AddressList->Buffer; DBG_ENTER(Adapter); ASSERT(Adapter->NumLineDevs <= HTDSU_NUM_LINKS); /* // Go through and initialize each link. */ for (LinkIndex = 0; LinkIndex < HTDSU_NUM_LINKS; ++LinkIndex) { Link = GET_LINK_FROM_LINKINDEX(Adapter, LinkIndex); /* // Initially, the link is not allocated to anyone and these fields // must be reset. // We can assume the entire Adapter structure is zeroed to begin with. */ ASSERT(Link->Adapter == (PHTDSU_ADAPTER)0); ASSERT(Link->htLine == (HTAPI_LINE)0); ASSERT(Link->htCall == (HTAPI_CALL)0); ASSERT(Link->NdisLinkContext == NULL); /* // Setup the static features of the link. */ Link->CardLine = LinkIndex + HTDSU_CMD_LINE1; Link->LinkIndex = LinkIndex; Link->LinkSpeed = _56KBPS; Link->LineMode = HTDSU_LINEMODE_DIALUP; Link->MediaModesCaps = LINEMEDIAMODE_DIGITALDATA; Link->Quality = NdisWanErrorControl; /* // If we run off the end of the address list, we just point at the // null terminator for the other addresses. This might happen if // some of the lines were not configured for use with RAS/TAPI. */ strcpy(Link->LineAddress, LineAddress); LineAddress += strlen(LineAddress) + 1; if ((LineAddress - AddressList->Buffer) >= AddressList->Length) { --LineAddress; } DBG_NOTICE(Adapter,("LineAddress=<%s>\n",Link->LineAddress)); /* // Initialize the TAPI event capabilities supported by the link. */ Link->DevStatesCaps = LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING | LINEDEVSTATE_CONNECTED | LINEDEVSTATE_DISCONNECTED | LINEDEVSTATE_OUTOFSERVICE | LINEDEVSTATE_OPEN | LINEDEVSTATE_CLOSE; Link->AddressStatesCaps = 0; Link->CallStatesCaps = LINECALLSTATE_IDLE | LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING | LINECALLSTATE_ACCEPTED | LINECALLSTATE_DIALING | LINECALLSTATE_BUSY | LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED | LINECALLSTATE_PROCEEDING | LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED; /* // We use this timer to keep track of incoming and outgoing call // status, and to provide timeouts for certain call states. */ NdisMInitializeTimer( &Link->CallTimer, Adapter->MiniportAdapterHandle, HtTapiCallTimerHandler, Link ); } DBG_LEAVE(Adapter); } PHTDSU_LINK LinkAllocate( IN PHTDSU_ADAPTER Adapter, IN HTAPI_LINE htLine, IN USHORT LinkIndex ) /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Functional Description: This routine allocates a specific Link structure and passes back a pointer which can be used by the driver to access the link. Parameters: Adapter _ A pointer ot our adapter information structure. Connection _ The TAPI connection handle to be associated with the link. LinkIndex _ The specific link structure being allocated. Return Values: A pointer to allocated link information structure, NULL if not allocated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { DBG_FUNC("LinkAllocate") /* // A pointer to our link information structure for the selected line device. */ PHTDSU_LINK Link; DBG_ENTER(Adapter); Link = GET_LINK_FROM_LINKINDEX(Adapter, LinkIndex); if (Link->Adapter == (PHTDSU_ADAPTER) 0) { /* // We use the Adapter field to flag whether the link has been allocated. // The htLine field is used to associate this link with the TAPI // connection wrapper. Reset all the state information for this link. */ Link->Adapter = Adapter; Link->htLine = htLine; Link->RingCount = 0; Link->DevState = 0; Link->DevStatesMask = 0; // Default to indicate no line events Link->AddressState = 0; Link->AddressStatesMask = 0; // Default to indicate no address events Link->CallState = 0; Link->CallStatesMask = Link->CallStatesCaps; Link->MediaMode = Link->MediaModesCaps; Link->MediaModesMask = 0; Link->Closing = FALSE; Link->CallClosing = FALSE; /* // Initialize the default link information structure. It may be // changed later by MiniportSetInformation. */ Link->WanLinkInfo.NdisLinkHandle = Link; Link->WanLinkInfo.MaxSendFrameSize = Adapter->WanInfo.MaxFrameSize; Link->WanLinkInfo.MaxRecvFrameSize = Adapter->WanInfo.MaxFrameSize; Link->WanLinkInfo.SendFramingBits = Adapter->WanInfo.FramingBits; Link->WanLinkInfo.RecvFramingBits = Adapter->WanInfo.FramingBits; Link->WanLinkInfo.SendACCM = Adapter->WanInfo.DesiredACCM; Link->WanLinkInfo.RecvACCM = Adapter->WanInfo.DesiredACCM; } else { /* // The requested link has already been allocated. */ Link = NULL; } DBG_LEAVE(Adapter); return (Link); } VOID LinkRelease( IN PHTDSU_LINK Link ) /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Functional Description: This routine releases a specific Link structure and makes it available for future allocation. It is assumed that the caller has closed any associated connection and notified TAPI and WAN with a LINE_DOWN. Parameters: Link _ A pointer to the link information structure to be released. Return Values: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { DBG_FUNC("LinkRelease") DBG_ENTER(Link->Adapter); Link->Adapter = (PHTDSU_ADAPTER)0; Link->htLine = (HTAPI_LINE)0; Link->htCall = (HTAPI_CALL)0; Link->NdisLinkContext = NULL; } VOID LinkLineUp( IN PHTDSU_LINK Link ) /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Functional Description: This routine marks a link as connected and sends a LINE_UP indication to the WAN wrapper. A line up indication is generated when a new link becomes active. Prior to this the MAC will accept frames and may let them succeed or fail, but it is unlikely that they will actually be received by any remote. During this state protocols are encouraged to reduce their timers and retry counts so as to quickly fail any outgoing connection attempts. NOTE: This indication must be sent to the WAN wrapper prior to returning from the OID_TAPI_ANSWER request, and prior to indicating the LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED to the connection wrapper. Otherwise, the connection wrapper client might attempt to send data to the WAN wrapper before it is aware of the line. The status code for the line up indication is NDIS_STATUS_WAN_LINE_UP. The format of the StatusBuffer for this code is: typedef struct _NDIS_MAC_LINE_UP { IN ULONG LinkSpeed; IN NDIS_WAN_QUALITY Quality; IN USHORT SendWindow; IN NDIS_HANDLE ConnectionWrapperID; IN NDIS_HANDLE NdisLinkHandle; OUT NDIS_HANDLE NdisLinkContext; } NDIS_MAC_LINE_UP, *PNDIS_MAC_LINE_UP; LinkSpeed _ The speed of the link, in 100 bps units. Quality _ The quality of the new line. SendWindow _ The recommended send window, i.e., the number of packets that should be given to the adapter before pausing to wait for an acknowledgement. Some devices achieve higher throughput if they have several packets to send at once; others are especially unreliable. A value of 0 indicates no recommendation. ConnectionWrapperID _ The MAC supplied handle by which this line will be known to the connection wrapper clients. This must be a unique handle across all drivers using the connection wrapper, so typically htCall should be used to gaurantee it is unique. This must be the same value returned from the OID_TAPI_GETID request for the “ndis” device class. Refer to the Connection Wrapper Interface Specification for further details. If not using the connection wrapper, the value is 0. NdisLinkHandle _ The MAC supplied handle passed down in future Miniport calls (such as MiniportSend) for this link. Typically, the MAC will provide a pointer to its control block for that link. The value must be unique, for the first LINE_UP for that link. Subsequent LINE_UPs may be called if line characteristics change. When subsequent LINE_UP calls are made, the MiniportLinkHandle must be filled with the value returned on the first LINE_UP call. NdisLinkContext _ The WAN wrapper supplied handle to be used in future Miniport calls (such as MiniportReceive) to the wrapper. The WAN wrapper will provide a unique handle for every unique LINE_UP. The MiniportLinkHandle must be 0 if this is the first LINE_UP. It must contain the value returned on the first LINE_UP for subsequent LINE_UP calls. Parameters: Link _ A pointer to our link information structure, on which this LINE_UP indication is being made. Return Values: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { DBG_FUNC("LinkLineUp") NDIS_MAC_LINE_UP LineUpInfo; DBG_ENTER(Link->Adapter); /* // Initialize the LINE_UP event packet. */ LineUpInfo.LinkSpeed = Link->LinkSpeed / 100; LineUpInfo.Quality = Link->Quality; LineUpInfo.SendWindow = Link->SendWindow; LineUpInfo.ConnectionWrapperID = (NDIS_HANDLE) Link->htCall; LineUpInfo.NdisLinkHandle = Link; LineUpInfo.NdisLinkContext = Link->NdisLinkContext; /* // Indicate the event to the WAN wrapper. */ NdisMIndicateStatus(Link->Adapter->MiniportAdapterHandle, NDIS_STATUS_WAN_LINE_UP, &LineUpInfo, sizeof(LineUpInfo) ); /* // Save the WAN wrapper link context for use when indicating received // packets and errors. */ Link->NdisLinkContext = LineUpInfo.NdisLinkContext; DBG_NOTICE(Link->Adapter, ("MAC_LINE_UP: LinkHandle=%Xh NdisHandle=%Xh WrapperID=%Xh\n", LineUpInfo.NdisLinkHandle, LineUpInfo.NdisLinkContext, LineUpInfo.ConnectionWrapperID )); DBG_LEAVE(Link->Adapter); } VOID LinkLineDown( IN PHTDSU_LINK Link ) /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Functional Description: This routine marks a link as disconnected and sends a LINE_DOWN indication to the WAN wrapper. A line down indication is generated when a link goes down. Protocols should again reduce their timers and retry counts until the next line up indication. The status code for the line down indication is NDIS_STATUS_WAN_LINE_DOWN. The format of the StatusBuffer for this code is: typedef struct _NDIS_MAC_LINE_DOWN { IN NDIS_HANDLE NdisLinkContext; } NDIS_MAC_LINE_DOWN, *PNDIS_MAC_LINE_DOWN; MiniportLinkContext _ Value returned in NDIS_WAN_LINE_UP. Parameters: Link _ A pointer to our link information structure, on which this LINE_DOWN indication is being made. Return Values: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { DBG_FUNC("LinkLineDown") NDIS_MAC_LINE_DOWN LineDownInfo; DBG_ENTER(Link->Adapter); /* // We can't allow indications to NULL... */ if (Link->NdisLinkContext) { DBG_NOTICE(Link->Adapter, ("MAC_LINE_DOWN: NdisHandle=%Xh\n", Link->NdisLinkContext )); /* // Setup the LINE_DOWN event packet and indicate the event to the // WAN wrapper. */ LineDownInfo.NdisLinkContext = Link->NdisLinkContext; NdisMIndicateStatus(Link->Adapter->MiniportAdapterHandle, NDIS_STATUS_WAN_LINE_DOWN, &LineDownInfo, sizeof(LineDownInfo) ); /* // The line is down, so there's no more context for receives. */ Link->NdisLinkContext = NULL; Link->CallClosing = FALSE; } DBG_LEAVE(Link->Adapter); } VOID LinkLineError( IN PHTDSU_LINK Link, IN ULONG Errors ) /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Functional Description: This routine is used to indicate to the WAN wrapper that a partial packet was received from the remote end. The NDIS_STATUS_WAN_FRAGMENT indication is used to notify WAN wrapper. A fragment indication indicates that a partial packet was received from the remote. The protocol is encouraged to send frames to the remote that will notify it of this situation, rather than waiting for a timeout to occur. The status code for the fragment indication is NDIS_STATUS_WAN_FRAGMENT. The format of the StatusBuffer for this code is: typedef struct _NDIS_MAC_FRAGMENT { IN NDIS_HANDLE NdisLinkContext; IN ULONG Errors; } NDIS_MAC_FRAGMENT, *PNDIS_MAC_FRAGMENT; NdisLinkContext _ Value returned in NDIS_WAN_LINE_UP. Errors _ A bit field set to one or more bits indicating the reason the fragment was received. If no direct mapping from the WAN medium error to one of the six errors listed below exists, choose the most apropriate error: WAN_ERROR_CRC WAN_ERROR_FRAMING WAN_ERROR_HARDWAREOVERRUN WAN_ERROR_BUFFEROVERRUN WAN_ERROR_TIMEOUT WAN_ERROR_ALIGNMENT NOTE: The WAN wrapper keeps track of dropped packets by counting the number of fragment indications on the link. Parameters: Link _ A pointer to our link information structure, on which this error was encountered. Return Values: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { DBG_FUNC("LinkLineError") NDIS_MAC_FRAGMENT FragmentInfo; /* // We can't allow indications to NULL... */ if (Link->NdisLinkContext) { DBG_ENTER(Link->Adapter); DBG_NOTICE(Link->Adapter, ("MAC_LINE_ERROR: NdisHandle=%Xh Errors=%Xh\n", Link->NdisLinkContext, Errors )); /* // Setup the FRAGMENT event packet and indicate it to the WAN wrapper. */ FragmentInfo.NdisLinkContext = Link->NdisLinkContext; FragmentInfo.Errors = Errors; NdisMIndicateStatus(Link->Adapter->MiniportAdapterHandle, NDIS_STATUS_WAN_FRAGMENT, &FragmentInfo, sizeof(FragmentInfo) ); DBG_LEAVE(Link->Adapter); } }