/*++ Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation Module Name: ev4cache.c Abstract: This file contains the routines for managing the caches on machines based on the DECchip 21064 microprocessor. EV4 has primary I and D caches of 8KB each, both write-through. Any systems based on EV4 are expected to have an external backup cache which is write-back, but it is also coherent with all DMA operations. The primary caches are shadowed by the backup, and on a write hit, the primary data (but not instruction) cache is invalidated. Consequently, the routines to flush,sweep,purge,etc the data stream are nops on EV4, but the corresponding routines for the Istream must ensure that we cannot hit in the primary I cache after a DMA operation. EV4 has a write buffer which contains 4 32-byte entries, which must be flushable before DMA operations. The MB instruction is used to accomplish this. There is no coloring support on EV4, so Color operations are null. Zero page is unsupported because it has no users. Copy page is not special because we lack coloring. We had to make a philosophical decision about what interfaces to support in this file. (Almost) none of the interfaces defined in the HAL spec are actually supported in either the i386 or MIPS code. The i386 stream has almost no cache support at all. The Mips stream has cache support, but most routines also refer to coloring. Should we use the Spec'ed interfaces, or the Mips interfaces? I have elected the Mips interfaces because they are in use, and we are stealing much of the Mips code which expects these interfaces. Besides, the only change we might make is to remove the coloring arguments, but they may be used on Alpha machines at some future date. Author: Miche Baker-Harvey (miche) 29-May-1992 Revision History: 13-Jul-1992 Jeff McLeman (mcleman) use HalpMb to do a memory barrier. Also, alter code and use super pages to pass to rtl memory routines. 10-Jul-1992 Jeff McLeman (mcleman) use HalpImb to call pal. 06-Jul-1992 Jeff McLeman (mcleman) Move routine KeFlushDcache into this module. Use only one memory barrier in the KeFlushWriteBuffer routine. This is because the PAL for the EVx will make sure the proper write ordering is done in PAL mode. --*/ // Include files #include "halp.h" VOID HalFlushDcache ( IN BOOLEAN AllProcessors ); // // Cache and write buffer flush functions. // VOID HalChangeColorPage ( IN PVOID NewColor, IN PVOID OldColor, IN ULONG PageFrame ) /*++ Routine Description: This function changes the color of a page if the old and new colors do not match. DECchip 21064-based machines do not have page coloring, and therefore, this function performs no operation. Arguments: NewColor - Supplies the page aligned virtual address of the new color of the page to change. OldColor - Supplies the page aligned virtual address of the old color of the page to change. pageFrame - Supplies the page frame number of the page that is changed. Return Value: None. --*/ { return; } VOID HalFlushDcachePage ( IN PVOID Color, IN ULONG PageFrame, IN ULONG Length ) /*++ Routine Description: This function flushes (invalidates) up to a page of data from the data cache. Arguments: Color - Supplies the starting virtual address and color of the data that is flushed. PageFrame - Supplies the page frame number of the page that is flushed. Length - Supplies the length of the region in the page that is flushed. Return Value: None. --*/ { return; } VOID HalFlushIoBuffers ( IN PMDL Mdl, IN BOOLEAN ReadOperation, IN BOOLEAN DmaOperation ) /*++ Routine Description: This function flushes the I/O buffer specified by the memory descriptor list from the data cache on the current processor. Arguments: Mdl - Supplies a pointer to a memory descriptor list that describes the I/O buffer location. ReadOperation - Supplies a boolean value that determines whether the I/O operation is a read into memory. DmaOperation - Supplies a boolean value that determines whether the I/O operation is a DMA operation. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // The Dcache coherency is maintained in hardware. The Icache coherency // is maintained by invalidating the istream on page read operations. // HalpMb(); // synchronize this processors view of memory if (ReadOperation) { HalpMb(); // not issued until previous mb completes if (Mdl->MdlFlags & MDL_IO_PAGE_READ) { // // The operation is a page read, thus the istream must // be flushed. // HalpImb(); } } } VOID HalPurgeDcachePage ( IN PVOID Color, IN ULONG PageFrame, IN ULONG Length ) /*++ Routine Description: This function purges (invalidates) up to a page of data from the data cache. Arguments: Color - Supplies the starting virtual address and color of the data that is purged. PageFrame - Supplies the page frame number of the page that is purged. Length - Supplies the length of the region in the page that is purged. Return Value: None. --*/ { return; } VOID HalPurgeIcachePage ( IN PVOID Color, IN ULONG PageFrame, IN ULONG Length ) /*++ Routine Description: This function purges (invalidates) up to a page fo data from the instruction cache. Arguments: Color - Supplies the starting virtual address and color of the data that is purged. PageFrame - Supplies the page frame number of the page that is purged. Length - Supplies the length of the region in the page that is purged. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // The call to HalpImb calls PAL to flush the Icache, which ensures that // any stale hits will be invalidated // HalpImb; } VOID HalSweepDcache ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This function sweeps (invalidates) the entire data cache. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { return; } VOID HalSweepDcacheRange ( IN PVOID BaseAddress, IN ULONG Length ) /*++ Routine Description: This function flushes the specified range of addresses from the data cache on the current processor. Arguments: BaseAddress - Supplies the starting physical address of a range of physical addresses that are to be flushed from the data cache. Length - Supplies the length of the range of physical addresses that are to be flushed from the data cache. Return Value: None. --*/ { return; } VOID HalSweepIcache ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This function sweeps (invalidates) the entire instruction cache. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // The call to HalpImb calls PAL to flush the Icache, which ensures that // any stale hits will be invalidated // HalpImb; return; } VOID HalSweepIcacheRange ( IN PVOID BaseAddress, IN ULONG Length ) /*++ Routine Description: This function flushes the specified range of addresses from the instruction cache on the current processor. Arguments: BaseAddress - Supplies the starting physical address of a range of physical addresses that are to be flushed from the instruction cache. Length - Supplies the length of the range of physical addresses that are to be flushed from the instruction cache. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // The call to HalpImb calls PAL to flush the Icache, which ensures that // any stale hits will be invalidated // HalpImb; } VOID KeFlushWriteBuffer ( VOID ) { // // We flush the write buffer by doing a series of memory // barrier operations. It still isn't clear if we need // to do two/four of them to flush the buffer, or if one // to order the writes is suffcient // HalpMb; return; } VOID KeFlushDcache ( IN BOOLEAN AllProcessors, IN PVOID BaseAddress OPTIONAL, IN ULONG Length ) /*++ Routine Description: This function flushes the data cache on all processors that are currently running threads which are children of the current process or flushes the data cache on all processors in the host configuration. Arguments: AllProcessors - Supplies a boolean value that determines which data caches are flushed. Return Value: None. --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(BaseAddress); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Length); HalFlushDcache(AllProcessors); return; } VOID HalFlushDcache ( IN BOOLEAN AllProcessors ) /*++ Routine Description: This function flushes the data cache on all processors that are currently running threads which are children of the current process or flushes the data cache on all processors in the host configuration. Arguments: AllProcessors - Supplies a boolean value that determines which data caches are flushed. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Sweep (index/writeback/invalidate) the data cache. // HalSweepDcache(); return; } ULONG HalGetDmaAlignmentRequirement ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This function returns the alignment requirements for DMA transfers on host system. Arguments: None. Return Value: The DMA alignment requirement is returned as the fucntion value. --*/ { return 8; }