/*++ Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation Module Name: pcspeakr.c Abstract: This module implements the HAL speaker "beep" routines for the Alpha system that use the standard PC speaker driven by an interval timer. Author: Jeff McLeman (mcleman) 23-Jun-1992 Environment: Kernel mode Revision History: --*/ #include "halp.h" #include "eisa.h" BOOLEAN HalMakeBeep( IN ULONG Frequency ) /*++ Routine Description: This function sets the frequency of the speaker, causing it to sound a tone. The tone will sound until the speaker is explicitly turned off, so the driver is responsible for controlling the duration of the tone. Arguments: Frequency - Supplies the frequency of the desired tone. A frequency of 0 means the speaker should be shut off. Return Value: TRUE - Operation was successful (frequency within range or zero). FALSE - Operation was unsuccessful (frequency was out of range). Current tone (if any) is unchanged. --*/ { KIRQL oldIrql; NMI_STATUS NmiStatus; PEISA_CONTROL controlBase; TIMER_CONTROL timerControl; ULONG newCount; controlBase = HalpEisaControlBase; // // Raise the IRQL to dispatch level and acquire the beep spinlock. // KeAcquireSpinLock(&HalpBeepLock, &oldIrql); // // Stop the speaker. // *((PUCHAR) &NmiStatus) = READ_PORT_UCHAR(&controlBase->NmiStatus); NmiStatus.SpeakerGate = 0; NmiStatus.SpeakerData = 0; WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&controlBase->NmiStatus, *((PUCHAR) &NmiStatus)); if (Frequency == 0) { KeReleaseSpinLock(&HalpBeepLock, oldIrql); return(TRUE); } // // Calculate the new counter value. // newCount = TIMER_CLOCK_IN / Frequency; // // The new count must be less than 16 bits in value. // if (newCount >= 0x10000) { KeReleaseSpinLock(&HalpBeepLock, oldIrql); return(FALSE); } // // Set the speaker timer to the correct mode. // timerControl.BcdMode = 0; timerControl.Mode = TM_SQUARE_WAVE; timerControl.SelectByte = SB_LSB_THEN_MSB; timerControl.SelectCounter = SELECT_COUNTER_2; WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&controlBase->CommandMode1, *((PUCHAR) &timerControl)); // // Set the speaker timer to the correct mode. // WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&controlBase->SpeakerTone, (UCHAR)newCount); WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&controlBase->SpeakerTone, (UCHAR)(newCount >> 8)); // // Start the speaker. // NmiStatus.SpeakerGate = 1; NmiStatus.SpeakerData = 1; WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(&controlBase->NmiStatus, *((PUCHAR) &NmiStatus)); // // Release the beep spinlock and restore the IRQL. // KeReleaseSpinLock(&HalpBeepLock, oldIrql); return(TRUE); }