/*++ Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation Module Name: vga.c Abstract: This module implements device-independent HAL display initialization and output routines for Alpha systems. It was stolen from a combination of the jxdisp.c routine in the firmware directory, written by John DeRosa, and the jxdisp.c routines in the MIPS HAL directory. Author: Miche Baker-Harvey (miche) 10-Jun-1992 Environment: Kernel mode Revision History: 12-July-1994 Eric Rehm Support RESET_DISPLAY_PARAMETERS callback registered during HalAcquireDisplayOwnership. This callback is supplied by the Video Miniport driver's HwResetHw entry in the HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA structure. 17-Feb-1994 Eric Rehm Rewrite ouput routines to be device-independent through callback to firmware VenPrint routine. 30-Dec-1993 Joe Notarangelo Eliminate the video initialization code that was compiled only when VIDEO_CALLBACK_IMPLEMENTED is not defined. It is now a requirement that the firmware implement the callback. 04-Mar-1993 Joe Mitchell (DEC) Modify HalpScrollDisplay to pause after displaying each screenful of information during a bugcheck. Modify InitializeVGA to call the firmware to init the video display rather than doing the initialization itself. 10-Aug-1992 Jeff McLeman (DEC) Put in debug fixes. 22-Jul-1992 Jeff McLeman (mcleman) Remove inline asm(MB)s , because Hal access routines manage read/write ordering. --*/ // // Need some include files here #include "halp.h" #include "arc.h" #include "halvga.h" #include "fwcallbk.h" #include "stdio.h" // // Define forward referenced procedure prototypes. // VOID HalpDisplayCharacter ( IN UCHAR Character ); VOID HalpSetLoc ( ); BOOLEAN InitializeDisplay ( ); BOOLEAN HalpInitializeDisplay ( IN PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK LoaderBlock ); VOID HalpScrollDisplay( VOID ); VOID HalpFlushKeyboardBuffer ( VOID ); VOID HalpWaitForKeyPress ( VOID ); typedef ULONG (*PFW_INITIALIZE_VIDEO_CALLBACK) ( OUT ULONG AlphaVideoType ); // // Define static data. // BOOLEAN HalpDisplayInitialized = FALSE; BOOLEAN HalpDisplayOwnedByHal; ULONG HalpColumn; ULONG HalpRow; PUCHAR HalpDestination; ULONG HalpForegroundColor; ULONG HalpBackgroundColor; ULONG DisplayWidth; ULONG DisplayHeight; ULONG MaxRow; ULONG MaxColumn; #define CONTROL_SEQUENCE_MAX_PARAMETER 10 ULONG Parameter[CONTROL_SEQUENCE_MAX_PARAMETER]; PHAL_RESET_DISPLAY_PARAMETERS HalpResetDisplayParameters; // // Declare externally defined data. // // none. BOOLEAN HalpInitializeDisplay ( IN PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK LoaderBlock ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine initializes and clears the display. This is called during phase 0 of the Hal initialization. Arguments: LoaderBlock - Supplies a pointer to the loader parameter block. Return Value: If the initialization is successfully completed, than a value of TRUE is returned. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. --*/ { // // Initialize static data. // HalpColumn = 0; HalpRow = 0; // // Initialize the display controller. // if (InitializeDisplay() == TRUE) { // // Mark the display as successfully initialized. // HalpDisplayInitialized = TRUE; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOLEAN InitializeDisplay ( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine initializes and clears the display. It is initialized to: alphanumeric mode, 16 colors fore & background, 8x16 pixel fonts, 80x25 characters, 640 x 400 display. This is not ARC compliant (no underline, no monochrome support) but its good enough for now and can be enhanced later. (For booting, the ARC spec is overkill anyway.) Arguments: None. Return Value: If the video was initialized, TRUE is returned, otherwise FALSE --*/ { ULONG UnusedParameter; PARC_DISPLAY_STATUS DisplayStatus; char String[16]; // // Initialize static data. // HalpForegroundColor = FW_COLOR_HI_WHITE; HalpBackgroundColor = FW_COLOR_BLUE; DisplayStatus = ArcGetDisplayStatus(ARC_CONSOLE_OUTPUT); DisplayWidth = DisplayStatus->CursorMaxXPosition; DisplayHeight = DisplayStatus->CursorMaxYPosition; MaxRow = DisplayHeight -1; MaxColumn = DisplayWidth -1; // // [ecr] Call the video driver to intialize the video display, // if it has supplied a reset routine. // if (HalpResetDisplayParameters) { HalpDisplayOwnedByHal = HalpResetDisplayParameters(MaxColumn+1, MaxRow+1); } // // [jrm] Call the firmware to initialize the video display. // VenVideoDisplayInitialize(&UnusedParameter); // // Initialize the current display column, row, and ownership values. // HalpDisplayOwnedByHal = TRUE; // // Set the video memory to blue. // sprintf(String, "%c%dm%c%2J", ASCII_CSI, HalpBackgroundColor+40, ASCII_CSI); VenPrint(String); return TRUE; } VOID HalAcquireDisplayOwnership ( IN PHAL_RESET_DISPLAY_PARAMETERS ResetDisplayParameters ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine switches ownership of the display away from the HAL to the system display driver. It is called when the system has reached a point during bootstrap where it is self supporting and can output its own messages. Once ownership has passed to the system display driver any attempts to output messages using HalDisplayString must result in ownership of the display reverting to the HAL and the display hardware reinitialized for use by the HAL. Arguments: ResetDisplayParameters - if non-NULL the address of a function the hal can call to reset the video card. The function returns TRUE if the display was reset. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Set HAL ownership of the display to false. // HalpDisplayOwnedByHal = FALSE; HalpResetDisplayParameters=ResetDisplayParameters; // // Reset the display to begin in the upper left corner. // HalpColumn = 0; HalpRow = 0; return; } VOID HalpVideoReboot( VOID ) { if (HalpResetDisplayParameters && !HalpDisplayOwnedByHal) { // // Video work-around. The video driver has a reset function, // call it before resetting the system in case the bios doesn't // know how to reset the display's video mode. // #if HALDBG DbgPrint("HalpVideoReboot: calling HalpResetDisplayParameters (%x,%x)\n", MaxColumn+1, MaxRow+1); #endif HalpResetDisplayParameters(MaxColumn+1, MaxRow+1); } } VOID HalDisplayString ( PUCHAR String ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine displays a character string on the display screen. Arguments: String - Supplies a pointer to the characters that are to be displayed. Return Value: None. --*/ { KIRQL OldIrql; // // Note that the MIPS version of this routine goes through mapping // the device into the users space; since we have reserved the top // PDE in system space, we dont have to do this - its always mapped. // // // Check if the display has already been successfully initialized. // If it has not then we cannot print on the display. // if( HalpDisplayInitialized != TRUE ){ #if (DBG) || (HALDBG) DbgPrint( "HDS: %s\n", String ); #endif //DBG || HALDBG return; } // // Raise the IRQL to dispatch level and acquire the display adapter lock. // KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); KiAcquireSpinLock(&HalpDisplayAdapterLock); // // If ownership of the display has been switched to the system display // driver, then reinitialize the display controller and revert ownership // to the HAL. // if (HalpDisplayOwnedByHal == FALSE) { InitializeDisplay(); } while (*String) { switch (*String) { case '\n': if (HalpRow == MaxRow-1-1) { HalpScrollDisplay(); } else { ++HalpRow; } HalpColumn = 0; break; case '\b': if(HalpColumn != 0) { --HalpColumn; } break; case '\r': HalpColumn = 0; break; default: if (HalpColumn > MaxColumn) { if (HalpRow == MaxRow-1-1) { HalpScrollDisplay(); } else { ++HalpRow; } HalpColumn = 0; } HalpDisplayCharacter(*String); HalpColumn++; } ++String; } // // Release the display adapter lock and restore the IRQL. // KiReleaseSpinLock(&HalpDisplayAdapterLock); KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); return; } VOID HalQueryDisplayParameters ( OUT PULONG WidthInCharacters, OUT PULONG HeightInLines, OUT PULONG CursorColumn, OUT PULONG CursorRow ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine return information about the display area and current cursor position. Arguments: WidthInCharacter - Supplies a pointer to a varible that receives the width of the display area in characters. HeightInLines - Supplies a pointer to a variable that receives the height of the display area in lines. CursorColumn - Supplies a pointer to a variable that receives the current display column position. CursorRow - Supplies a pointer to a variable that receives the current display row position. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Set the display parameter values and return. // *WidthInCharacters = DisplayWidth; *HeightInLines = DisplayHeight; *CursorColumn = HalpColumn; *CursorRow = HalpRow; return; } VOID HalSetDisplayParameters ( IN ULONG CursorColumn, IN ULONG CursorRow ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine set the current cursor position on the display area. Arguments: CursorColumn - Supplies the new display column position. CursorRow - Supplies a the new display row position. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Set the display parameter values and return. // if (CursorColumn > DisplayWidth) { CursorColumn = DisplayWidth; } if (CursorRow > DisplayHeight) { CursorRow = DisplayHeight; } HalpColumn = CursorColumn; HalpRow = CursorRow; return; } VOID HalpDisplayCharacter ( IN UCHAR Character ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine displays a character at the current x and y positions in the frame buffer. Arguments: Character - Supplies a character to be displayed. Return Value: None. --*/ { char String[16]; sprintf(String, "%c%d;%dH%c%d;%dm%c", ASCII_CSI, HalpRow+1, HalpColumn+1, ASCII_CSI, HalpForegroundColor+30, HalpBackgroundColor+40, Character); VenPrint(String); } VOID HalpScrollDisplay ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine scrolls the display up one line. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { char String[16]; // // Force a FwScrollDisplay by positioning FwRow off the // bottom of the screen and then doing a line feed. // sprintf(String, "%c%dB%c", ASCII_CSI, 255, ASCII_LF); VenPrint(String); }