/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: olimapin.c Abstract: This module implements the HAL HalGetInterruptVector routine for an x86 system Author: John Vert (jvert) 17-Jul-1991 Environment: Kernel mode Revision History: Bruno Sartirana (o-obruno) 4-Aug-1992 Added static interrupts assignement to the CPUs for LSX5030. --*/ #include "halp.h" extern ULONG HalpInitializedProcessors; BOOLEAN HalpPciLockSettings; // make it build BOOLEAN HalpTranslateSystemBusAddress( IN PBUS_HANDLER BusHandler, IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BusAddress, IN OUT PULONG AddressSpace, OUT PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS TranslatedAddress ); ULONG HalpGetSystemInterruptVector( IN PBUS_HANDLER BusHandler, IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler, IN ULONG BusInterruptLevel, IN ULONG BusInterruptVector, OUT PKIRQL Irql, OUT PKAFFINITY Affinity ); #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,HalpGetSystemInterruptVector) #endif BOOLEAN HalpTranslateSystemBusAddress( IN PBUS_HANDLER BusHandler, IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BusAddress, IN OUT PULONG AddressSpace, OUT PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS TranslatedAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: This function translates a bus-relative address space and address into a system physical address. Arguments: BusAddress - Supplies the bus-relative address AddressSpace - Supplies the address space number. Returns the host address space number. AddressSpace == 0 => memory space AddressSpace == 1 => I/O space TranslatedAddress - Supplies a pointer to return the translated address Return Value: A return value of TRUE indicates that a system physical address corresponding to the supplied bus relative address and bus address number has been returned in TranslatedAddress. A return value of FALSE occurs if the translation for the address was not possible --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( BusHandler ); if (BusAddress.HighPart != 0 || *AddressSpace > 1) { return (FALSE); } TranslatedAddress->LowPart = BusAddress.LowPart; TranslatedAddress->HighPart = 0; return(TRUE); } ULONG HalpGetSystemInterruptVector( IN PBUS_HANDLER BusHandler, IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler, IN ULONG BusInterruptLevel, IN ULONG BusInterruptVector, OUT PKIRQL Irql, OUT PKAFFINITY Affinity ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: BusInterruptLevel - Supplies the bus specific interrupt level. BusInterruptVector - Supplies the bus specific interrupt vector. Irql - Returns the system request priority. Affinity - Returns the system wide irq affinity. Return Value: Returns the system interrupt vector corresponding to the specified device. --*/ { ULONG SystemVector; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( BusHandler ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( BusInterruptVector ); SystemVector = BusInterruptLevel + PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE; if (SystemVector < PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE || SystemVector > PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE + HIGHEST_LEVEL_FOR_8259 || HalpIDTUsage[SystemVector].Flags & IDTOwned ) { // // This is an illegal BusInterruptVector and cannot be connected. // return(0); } *Irql = (KIRQL)(HIGHEST_LEVEL_FOR_8259 + PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE - SystemVector); // // On LSX5030 any CPU can handle any interrupt. // *Affinity = 1 << BusInterruptLevel % HalpInitializedProcessors; return SystemVector; }