/*++ Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ntrtl386.h Abstract: i386 specific parts of ntrtlp.h Author: Bryan Willman 10 April 90 Environment: These routines are statically linked in the caller's executable and are callable in either kernel mode or user mode. Revision History: --*/ // // Exception handling procedure prototypes. // VOID RtlpCaptureContext ( OUT PCONTEXT ContextRecord ); VOID RtlpUnlinkHandler ( PEXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD UnlinkPointer ); PEXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD RtlpGetRegistrationHead ( VOID ); PVOID RtlpGetReturnAddress ( VOID ); // // Record dump procedures. // VOID RtlpContextDump( IN PVOID Object, IN ULONG Control OPTIONAL ); VOID RtlpExceptionReportDump( IN PVOID Object, IN ULONG Control OPTIONAL ); VOID RtlpExceptionRegistrationDump( IN PVOID Object, IN ULONG Control OPTIONAL );