/*++ Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Tokenset.c Abstract: This module implements the SET function for the executive token object. Author: Jim Kelly (JimK) 15-June-1990 Revision History: --*/ #include "sep.h" #include "seopaque.h" #include "tokenp.h" #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtSetInformationToken) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepFreePrimaryGroup) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepFreeDefaultDacl) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepAppendPrimaryGroup) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SepAppendDefaultDacl) #endif NTSTATUS NtSetInformationToken ( IN HANDLE TokenHandle, IN TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass, IN PVOID TokenInformation, IN ULONG TokenInformationLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Modify information in a specified token. Arguments: TokenHandle - Provides a handle to the token to operate on. TokenInformationClass - The token information class being set. TokenInformation - The buffer containing the new values for the specified class of information. The buffer must be aligned on at least a longword boundary. The actual structures provided are dependent upon the information class specified, as defined in the TokenInformationClass parameter description. TokenInformation Format By Information Class: TokenUser => This value is not a valid value for this API. The User ID may not be replaced. TokenGroups => This value is not a valid value for this API. The Group IDs may not be replaced. However, groups may be enabled and disabled using NtAdjustGroupsToken(). TokenPrivileges => This value is not a valid value for this API. Privilege information may not be replaced. However, privileges may be explicitly enabled and disabled using the NtAdjustPrivilegesToken API. TokenOwner => TOKEN_OWNER data structure. TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT access is needed to replace this information in a token. The owner values that may be specified are restricted to the user and group IDs with an attribute indicating they may be assigned as the owner of objects. TokenPrimaryGroup => TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP data structure. TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT access is needed to replace this information in a token. The primary group values that may be specified are restricted to be one of the group IDs already in the token. TokenDefaultDacl => TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL data structure. TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT access is needed to replace this information in a token. The ACL provided as a new default discretionary ACL is not validated for structural correctness or consistency. TokenSource => This value is not a valid value for this API. The source name and context handle may not be replaced. TokenStatistics => This value is not a valid value for this API. The statistics of a token are read-only. TokenInformationLength - Indicates the length, in bytes, of the TokenInformation buffer. This is only the length of the primary buffer. All extensions of the primary buffer are self describing. Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS - The operation was successful. STATUS_INVALID_OWNER - The ID specified to be an owner (or default owner) is not one the caller may assign as the owner of an object. STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS - The specified information class is not one that may be specified in this API. STATUS_ALLOTTED_SPACE_EXCEEDED - The space allotted for storage of the default discretionary access control and the primary group ID is not large enough to accept the new value of one of these fields. --*/ { KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode; NTSTATUS Status; PTOKEN Token; ULONG Index; BOOLEAN Found; BOOLEAN TokenModified = FALSE; ULONG NewLength; ULONG CurrentLength; PSID CapturedOwner; PSID CapturedPrimaryGroup; PACL CapturedDefaultDacl; PAGED_CODE(); // // Get previous processor mode and probe input buffer if necessary. // PreviousMode = KeGetPreviousMode(); if (PreviousMode != KernelMode) { try { // // This just probes the main part of the information buffer. // Any information class-specific data hung off the primary // buffer are self describing and must be probed separately // below. // ProbeForRead( TokenInformation, TokenInformationLength, sizeof(ULONG) ); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return GetExceptionCode(); } } // // Return error if not legal class // if ( (TokenInformationClass != TokenOwner) && (TokenInformationClass != TokenPrimaryGroup) && (TokenInformationClass != TokenDefaultDacl) ) { return STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; } // // Check access rights and reference token // Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( TokenHandle, // Handle TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT, // DesiredAccess SepTokenObjectType, // ObjectType PreviousMode, // AccessMode (PVOID *)&Token, // Object NULL // GrantedAccess ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { return Status; } // // Case on information class. // switch ( TokenInformationClass ) { case TokenOwner: // // Make sure the buffer is large enough to hold the // necessary information class data structure. // if (TokenInformationLength < (ULONG)sizeof(TOKEN_OWNER)) { ObDereferenceObject( Token ); return STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } // // Capture and copy try { // // Capture Owner SID // CapturedOwner = ((PTOKEN_OWNER)TokenInformation)->Owner; Status = SeCaptureSid( CapturedOwner, PreviousMode, NULL, 0, PagedPool, TRUE, &CapturedOwner ); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ObDereferenceObject( Token ); return GetExceptionCode(); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ObDereferenceObject( Token ); return Status; } // // Gain write access to the token. // SepAcquireTokenWriteLock( Token ); // // Walk through the list of user and group IDs looking // for a match to the specified SID. If one is found, // make sure it may be assigned as an owner. If it can, // then set the index in the token's OwnerIndex field. // Otherwise, return invalid owner error. // Index = 0; while (Index < Token->UserAndGroupCount) { try { Found = RtlEqualSid( CapturedOwner, Token->UserAndGroups[Index].Sid ); if ( Found ) { if ( SepIdAssignableAsOwner(Token,Index) ){ Token->DefaultOwnerIndex = Index; TokenModified = TRUE; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = STATUS_INVALID_OWNER; } //endif assignable SepReleaseTokenWriteLock( Token, TokenModified ); ObDereferenceObject( Token ); SeReleaseSid( CapturedOwner, PreviousMode, TRUE); return Status; } //endif Found } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SepReleaseTokenWriteLock( Token, TokenModified ); ObDereferenceObject( Token ); SeReleaseSid( CapturedOwner, PreviousMode, TRUE); return GetExceptionCode(); } //endtry Index += 1; } //endwhile SepReleaseTokenWriteLock( Token, TokenModified ); ObDereferenceObject( Token ); SeReleaseSid( CapturedOwner, PreviousMode, TRUE); return STATUS_INVALID_OWNER; case TokenPrimaryGroup: // // Assuming everything works out, the strategy is to move everything // in the Dynamic part of the token (exept the primary group) to // the beginning of the dynamic part, freeing up the entire end of // the dynamic part for the new primary group. // // // Make sure the buffer is large enough to hold the // necessary information class data structure. // if (TokenInformationLength < (ULONG)sizeof(TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP)) { ObDereferenceObject( Token ); return STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } // // Capture And Validate TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP and corresponding SID. // try { CapturedPrimaryGroup = ((PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP)TokenInformation)->PrimaryGroup; Status = SeCaptureSid( CapturedPrimaryGroup, PreviousMode, NULL, 0, PagedPool, TRUE, &CapturedPrimaryGroup ); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ObDereferenceObject( Token ); return GetExceptionCode(); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ObDereferenceObject( Token ); return Status; } // // Gain write access to the token. // SepAcquireTokenWriteLock( Token ); // // See if there is enough room in the dynamic part of the token // to replace the current Primary Group with the one specified. // NewLength = SeLengthSid( CapturedPrimaryGroup ); CurrentLength = SeLengthSid( Token->PrimaryGroup ); if (NewLength > (CurrentLength + Token->DynamicAvailable) ) { SepReleaseTokenWriteLock( Token, TokenModified ); ObDereferenceObject( Token ); SeReleaseSid( CapturedPrimaryGroup, PreviousMode, TRUE); return STATUS_ALLOTTED_SPACE_EXCEEDED; } // // Free up the existing primary group // SepFreePrimaryGroup( Token ); // // And put the new SID in its place // SepAppendPrimaryGroup( Token, CapturedPrimaryGroup ); TokenModified = TRUE; // // All done. // SepReleaseTokenWriteLock( Token, TokenModified ); ObDereferenceObject( Token ); SeReleaseSid( CapturedPrimaryGroup, PreviousMode, TRUE); return STATUS_SUCCESS; case TokenDefaultDacl: // // Assuming everything works out, the strategy is to move everything // in the Dynamic part of the token (exept the default Dacl) to // the beginning of the dynamic part, freeing up the entire end of // the dynamic part for the new default Dacl. // // // Make sure the buffer is large enough to hold the // necessary information class data structure. // if (TokenInformationLength < (ULONG)sizeof(TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL)) { ObDereferenceObject( Token ); return STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } // // Capture And Validate TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL and corresponding ACL. // try { CapturedDefaultDacl = ((PTOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL)TokenInformation)->DefaultDacl; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(CapturedDefaultDacl)) { Status = SeCaptureAcl( CapturedDefaultDacl, PreviousMode, NULL, 0, PagedPool, TRUE, &CapturedDefaultDacl, &NewLength ); } else { NewLength = 0; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ObDereferenceObject( Token ); return GetExceptionCode(); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ObDereferenceObject( Token ); return Status; } // // Gain write access to the token. // SepAcquireTokenWriteLock( Token ); // // See if there is enough room in the dynamic part of the token // to replace the current Default Dacl with the one specified. // if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Token->DefaultDacl)) { CurrentLength = Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize; } else { CurrentLength = 0; } if (NewLength > (CurrentLength + Token->DynamicAvailable) ) { SepReleaseTokenWriteLock( Token, TokenModified ); ObDereferenceObject( Token ); if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(CapturedDefaultDacl)) { SeReleaseAcl( CapturedDefaultDacl, PreviousMode, TRUE); } return STATUS_ALLOTTED_SPACE_EXCEEDED; } // // Free up the existing Default Dacl // SepFreeDefaultDacl( Token ); // // And put the new ACL in its place // if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(CapturedDefaultDacl)) { SepAppendDefaultDacl( Token, CapturedDefaultDacl ); } TokenModified = TRUE; // // All done. // SepReleaseTokenWriteLock( Token, TokenModified ); ObDereferenceObject( Token ); if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(CapturedDefaultDacl)) { SeReleaseAcl( CapturedDefaultDacl, PreviousMode, TRUE); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } //endswitch ASSERT( TRUE == FALSE ); // Should never reach here. } VOID SepFreePrimaryGroup( IN PTOKEN Token ) /*++ Routine Description: Free up the space in the dynamic part of the token take up by the primary group. The token is assumed to be locked for write access before calling this routine. Arguments: Token - Pointer to the token. Return Value: None. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); // // Add the size of the primary group to the DynamicAvailable field. // Token->DynamicAvailable += SeLengthSid( Token->PrimaryGroup ); // // If there is a default discretionary ACL, and it is not already at the // beginning of the dynamic part, move it there (remember to update the // pointer to it). // if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Token->DefaultDacl)) { if (Token->DynamicPart != (PULONG)(Token->DefaultDacl)) { RtlMoveMemory( (PVOID)(Token->DynamicPart), (PVOID)(Token->DefaultDacl), Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize ); Token->DefaultDacl = (PACL)(Token->DynamicPart); } } return; } VOID SepFreeDefaultDacl( IN PTOKEN Token ) /*++ Routine Description: Free up the space in the dynamic part of the token take up by the default discretionary access control list. The token is assumed to be locked for write access before calling this routine. Arguments: Token - Pointer to the token. Return Value: None. --*/ { ULONG PrimaryGroupSize; PAGED_CODE(); // // Add the size of the Default Dacl (if there is one) to the // DynamicAvailable field. // if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Token->DefaultDacl)) { Token->DynamicAvailable += Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize; Token->DefaultDacl = NULL; } // // If it is not already at the beginning of the dynamic part, move // the primary group there (remember to update the pointer to it). // if (Token->DynamicPart != (PULONG)(Token->PrimaryGroup)) { PrimaryGroupSize = SeLengthSid( Token->PrimaryGroup ); RtlMoveMemory( (PVOID)(Token->DynamicPart), (PVOID)(Token->PrimaryGroup), PrimaryGroupSize ); Token->PrimaryGroup = (PSID)(Token->DynamicPart); } return; } VOID SepAppendPrimaryGroup( IN PTOKEN Token, IN PSID PSid ) /*++ Routine Description: Add a primary group SID to the available space at the end of the dynamic part of the token. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the primary group SID fits within the available space of the dynamic part of the token. The token is assumed to be locked for write access before calling this routine. Arguments: Token - Pointer to the token. PSid - Pointer to the SID to add. Return Value: None. --*/ { ULONG NextFree; ULONG SidSize; PAGED_CODE(); // // Add the size of the Default Dacl (if there is one) to the // address of the Dynamic Part of the token to establish // where the primary group should be placed. // if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Token->DefaultDacl)) { // ASSERT( (ULONG)(Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize) == // LongAlign(Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize) ); NextFree = (ULONG)(Token->DynamicPart) + Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize; } else { NextFree = (ULONG)(Token->DynamicPart); } // // Now copy the primary group SID. // SidSize = SeLengthSid( PSid ); RtlMoveMemory( (PVOID)NextFree, (PVOID)PSid, SidSize ); Token->PrimaryGroup = (PSID)NextFree; // // And decrement the amount of the dynamic part that is available. // ASSERT( SidSize <= (Token->DynamicAvailable) ); Token->DynamicAvailable -= SidSize; return; } VOID SepAppendDefaultDacl( IN PTOKEN Token, IN PACL PAcl ) /*++ Routine Description: Add a default discretionary ACL to the available space at the end of the dynamic part of the token. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the default Dacl fits within the available space of the dynamic part of the token. The token is assumed to be locked for write access before calling this routine. Arguments: Token - Pointer to the token. PAcl - Pointer to the ACL to add. Return Value: None. --*/ { ULONG NextFree; ULONG AclSize; PAGED_CODE(); // // Add the size of the primary group to the // address of the Dynamic Part of the token to establish // where the primary group should be placed. // ASSERT(ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Token->PrimaryGroup)); NextFree = (ULONG)(Token->DynamicPart) + SeLengthSid(Token->PrimaryGroup); // // Now copy the default Dacl // AclSize = (ULONG)(PAcl->AclSize); // ASSERT(AclSize == LongAlign(AclSize)); RtlMoveMemory( (PVOID)NextFree, (PVOID)PAcl, AclSize ); Token->DefaultDacl = (PACL)NextFree; // // And decrement the amount of the dynamic part that is available. // ASSERT( AclSize <= (Token->DynamicAvailable) ); Token->DynamicAvailable -= AclSize; return; }