#include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #include VOID DumpSpxDevice ( ULONG DeviceToDump, VERBOSITY Verbosity ); VOID DumpSpxAddress ( ULONG _objAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ); VOID DumpSpxAddressFile ( ULONG _objAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ); VOID DumpSpxConnFile ( ULONG _objAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ); PSPX_ADDR NextSpxAddr ( PSPX_ADDR pAddr ); ENUM_INFO EnumConnFileMain[] = { { SPX_CONNFILE_ACTIVE, "Active" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_CONNECTING, "Connecting" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_LISTENING, "Listening" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_DISCONN, "Disconn" }, { 0, NULL } }; ENUM_INFO EnumConnFileConnecting[] = { { SPX_CONNECT_SENTREQ, "SentReq" }, { SPX_CONNECT_NEG, "Neg" }, { SPX_CONNECT_W_SETUP, "W_Setup" }, { 0, NULL } }; ENUM_INFO EnumConnFileListening[] = { { SPX_LISTEN_RECDREQ, "RecdReq" }, { SPX_LISTEN_SENTACK, "SentAck" }, { SPX_LISTEN_NEGACK, "NegAck" }, { SPX_LISTEN_SETUP, "Setup" }, { 0, NULL } }; ENUM_INFO EnumConnFileSend[] = { { SPX_SEND_IDLE, "Idle" }, { SPX_SEND_PACKETIZE, "Packetize" }, { SPX_SEND_RETRY, "Retry" }, { SPX_SEND_RETRYWD, "RetryWd" }, { SPX_SEND_RENEG, "Reneg" }, { SPX_SEND_RETRY2, "Retry2" }, { SPX_SEND_RETRY3, "Retry3" }, { SPX_SEND_WD, "Wd" }, { SPX_SEND_NAK_RECD, "Nak_Recd" }, { 0, NULL } }; ENUM_INFO EnumConnFileReceive[] = { { SPX_RECV_IDLE, "Idle" }, { SPX_RECV_POSTED, "Posted" }, { SPX_RECV_PROCESS_PKTS, "Process_Pkts" }, { 0, NULL } }; ENUM_INFO EnumConnFileDisconnect[] = { { SPX_DISC_IDLE, "Idle" }, { SPX_DISC_ABORT, "Abort" }, { SPX_DISC_SENT_IDISC, "Sent_IDisc" }, { SPX_DISC_POST_ORDREL, "Post_OrdRel" }, { SPX_DISC_SENT_ORDREL, "Sent_OrdRel" }, { SPX_DISC_ORDREL_ACKED, "OrdRel_Acked" }, { SPX_DISC_POST_IDISC, "Post_IDisc" }, { SPX_DISC_INACTIVATED, "Inactivated" }, { 0, NULL } }; FLAG_INFO FlagsConnFile[] = { { SPX_CONNFILE_RECVQ, "RecvQ" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_RENEG_SIZE, "Reneg_Size" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_ACKQ, "AckQ" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_PKTQ, "PktQ" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_ASSOC, "Assoc" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_NEG, "Neg" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_SPX2, "SPX2" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_STREAM, "Stream" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_R_TIMER, "R_Timer" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_C_TIMER, "C_Timer" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_W_TIMER, "W_Timer" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_T_TIMER, "T_Timer" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_RENEG_PKT, "Reneg_Pkt" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_IND_IDISC, "Ind_IDisc" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_IND_ODISC, "Ind_ODisc" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_STOPPING, "Stopping" }, { SPX_CONNFILE_CLOSING, "Closing" }, { 0, NULL } }; FLAG_INFO Flags2ConnFile[] = { { SPX_CONNFILE2_PKT_NOIND, "Pkt_Noind" }, { SPX_CONNFILE2_RENEGRECD, "RenegRecd" }, { SPX_CONNFILE2_PKT, "Pkt" }, { SPX_CONNFILE2_FINDROUTE, "FindRoute" }, { SPX_CONNFILE2_NOACKWAIT, "NoAckWait" }, { SPX_CONNFILE2_IMMED_ACK, "Immed_Ack" }, { SPX_CONNFILE2_IPXHDR, "IpxHdr" }, { 0, NULL } }; MEMBER_TABLE SpxConnFileMembers[] = { /* { "scf_DiscLinkage", FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_CONN_FILE, scf_DiscLinkage ), xxxxxxx, FIELD_OFFSET( NDIS_PACKET, ProtocolReserved ) + FIELD_OFFSET( IPX_SEND_RESERVED, GlobalLinkage ) }, */ { NULL } }; ENUM_INFO EnumSpxSendReqType[] = { EnumString( SPX_REQ_DATA ), EnumString( SPX_REQ_ORDREL ), EnumString( SPX_REQ_DISC ), { 0, NULL } }; VOID dprint_addr_list( ULONG FirstAddress, ULONG OffsetToNextPtr ) { ULONG Address; ULONG result; int index; Address = FirstAddress; if ( Address == (ULONG)NULL ) { dprintf( "%08X (Empty)\n", Address ); return; } dprintf( "{ " ); for ( index = 0; Address != (ULONG)NULL; index ++ ) { if ( index != 0 ) { dprintf( ", "); } dprintf( "%08X", Address ); if ( !ReadMemory( Address + OffsetToNextPtr, &Address, sizeof( Address ), &result )) { dprintf( "ReadMemory() failed." ); Address = (ULONG)NULL; } } dprintf( " }\n" ); } DECLARE_API( spxdev ) /*++ Routine Description: Dumps the most important fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT object Arguments: args - Address Return Value: None --*/ { ULONG deviceToDump = 0; ULONG pDevice = 0; ULONG result; char VarName[ MAX_LIST_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH + 1 ]; MEMBER_VARIABLE_INFO MemberInfo; BOOL bFocusOnMemberVariable = FALSE; if ( *args ) { bFocusOnMemberVariable = ReadArgsForTraverse( args, VarName ); } if ( *args && *args!='-' ) { sscanf(args, "%lx", &deviceToDump); } if ( deviceToDump == 0 ) { pDevice = GetExpression( "nwlnkspx!SpxDevice" ); if ( !pDevice ) { dprintf("Could not get nwlnkspx!SpxDevice, Try !reload\n"); return; } else { if ( !ReadMemory( pDevice, &deviceToDump, sizeof(deviceToDump), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read device address\n", pDevice); return; } } } if ( bFocusOnMemberVariable ) { // if ( !LocateMemberVariable( "IpxDevice", VarName, ( PVOID )deviceToDump, &MemberInfo )) { return; } WriteMemberInfo( &MemberInfo ); next( hCurrentProcess, hCurrentThread, dwCurrentPc, dwProcessor, "" ); return; } DumpSpxDevice( deviceToDump, VERBOSITY_NORMAL ); return; } #ifdef _obj # undef _obj # undef _objAddr # undef _objType # undef _objTypeName #endif #define _obj Device #define _objAddr DeviceToDump #define _objType DEVICE #define _objTypeName "DEVICE" VOID DumpSpxDevice ( ULONG DeviceToDump, VERBOSITY Verbosity ) /*++ Routine Description: Dumps the fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT structure Arguments: DeviceToDump - The device context object to display Full - Display a partial listing if 0, full listing otherwise. Return Value: None --*/ { _objType _obj; ULONG result; unsigned int index; WCHAR Buffer[ 1000 ]; PWCHAR pDeviceName = NULL; PSPX_ADDR pAddr; if ( !ReadMemory( _objAddr, &_obj, sizeof( _obj ), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", _objAddr, _objTypeName ); return; } if (Device.dev_Type != SPX_DEVICE_SIGNATURE) { dprintf( "Signature does not match, probably not a device object %lx\n", DeviceToDump); dprintf( "Device.Type == %04X, and I think it should be %04X\n", Device.dev_Type, SPX_DEVICE_SIGNATURE ); dprintf( "DeviceToDump = %08X\n", DeviceToDump ); dprintf( "Offset to Device.Type = %d\n", FIELD_OFFSET( DEVICE, dev_Type ) ); return; } if ( !ReadMemory( ( ULONG )_obj.dev_DeviceName, Buffer, sizeof( WCHAR ) * _obj.dev_DeviceNameLen, &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read device name buffer\n", _obj.dev_DeviceName ); } else { pDeviceName = Buffer; } if ( Verbosity == VERBOSITY_ONE_LINER ) { dprintf( "\"%S\"", pDeviceName ); return; } PrintStartStruct(); PrintPtr( dev_DevObj ); #if DBG # if DREF_TOTAL != 5 # error DREF_TOTAL is assumed to equal 5 # endif PrintULong( dev_RefTypes[ DREF_CREATE ] ); PrintULong( dev_RefTypes[ DREF_LOADED ] ); PrintULong( dev_RefTypes[ DREF_ADAPTER ] ); PrintULong( dev_RefTypes[ DREF_ADDRESS ] ); PrintULong( dev_RefTypes[ DREF_ORPHAN ] ); #endif PrintUShort( dev_Type ); PrintUShort( dev_Size ); #if DBG PrintNChar( dev_Signature1, sizeof( _obj.dev_Signature1 )); #endif PrintULong( dev_RefCount ); PrintUChar( dev_State ); PrintUShort( dev_Adapters ); PrintLock( dev_Interlock ); PrintLock( dev_Lock ); for ( index = 0; index < NUM_SPXADDR_HASH_BUCKETS; index ++ ) { PrintIndent(); dprintf( "dev_AddrHashTable[ %d ] = ", index ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.dev_AddrHashTable[ index ], FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_ADDR, sa_Next )); } for ( index = 0; index < NUM_SPXCONN_HASH_BUCKETS; index ++ ) { PrintIndent(); dprintf( "dev_GlobalActiveConnList[ %d ] = ", index ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.dev_GlobalActiveConnList[ index ], FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_CONN_FILE, scf_Next )); } PrintUShort( dev_NextConnId ); PrintUShort( dev_CurrentSocket ); PrintFieldName( "dev_Network" ); dprintf("0x%-8hx%s", *(( ULONG *)_obj.dev_Network ), EOL); PrintFieldName( "dev_Node" ); dprint_hardware_address( _obj.dev_Node ); dprintf( "%s", EOL ); PrintPtr( dev_ConfigInfo ); PrintULong( dev_CcId ); PrintJoin(); PrintPtr( dev_DeviceName ); dprintf( "\"%S\"\n", pDeviceName ); PrintULong( dev_DeviceNameLen ); #if DBG PrintNChar( dev_Signature2, sizeof( _obj.dev_Signature2 )); #endif PrintAddr( dev_NdisBufferPoolHandle ); PrintAddr( dev_StatInterlock ); PrintAddr( dev_StatSpinLock ); PrintAddr( dev_Stat ); PrintAddr( dev_AddrResource ); PrintAddr( dev_ProviderInfo ); PrintEndStruct(); } DECLARE_API( spxaddr ) /*++ Routine Description: Dumps the most important fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT object Arguments: args - Address Return Value: None --*/ { ULONG addressToDump = 0; ULONG result; char VarName[ MAX_LIST_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH + 1 ]; MEMBER_VARIABLE_INFO MemberInfo; BOOL bFocusOnMemberVariable = FALSE; if ( *args ) { bFocusOnMemberVariable = ReadArgsForTraverse( args, VarName ); } if ( *args && *args!='-' ) { sscanf(args, "%lx", &addressToDump); } if ( bFocusOnMemberVariable ) { // if ( !LocateMemberVariable( "IpxDevice", VarName, ( PVOID )deviceToDump, &MemberInfo )) { return; } WriteMemberInfo( &MemberInfo ); next( hCurrentProcess, hCurrentThread, dwCurrentPc, dwProcessor, "" ); return; } DumpSpxAddress( addressToDump, VERBOSITY_NORMAL ); return; } #ifdef _obj # undef _obj # undef _objAddr # undef _objType # undef _objTypeName #endif #define _obj Address #define _objAddr AddressToDump #define _objType SPX_ADDR #define _objTypeName "SPX_ADDR" VOID DumpSpxAddress ( ULONG _objAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ) /*++ Routine Description: Dumps the fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT structure Arguments: DeviceToDump - The device context object to display Full - Display a partial listing if 0, full listing otherwise. Return Value: None --*/ { _objType _obj; ULONG result; unsigned int index; if ( !ReadMemory( _objAddr, &_obj, sizeof( _obj ), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", _objAddr, _objTypeName ); return; } CHECK_SIGNATURE( sa_Type, SPX_ADDRESS_SIGNATURE ); if ( Verbosity == VERBOSITY_ONE_LINER ) { dprintf( "Socket = %d", _obj.sa_Socket ); if ( _obj.sa_Flags & SPX_ADDR_CLOSING ) { dprintf(" (CLOSING)"); } return; } PrintStartStruct(); #if DBG # if AREF_TOTAL !=4 # error AREF_TOTAL is assumed to equal 4 # endif PrintULong( sa_RefTypes[ AREF_ADDR_FILE ] ); PrintULong( sa_RefTypes[ AREF_LOOKUP ] ); PrintULong( sa_RefTypes[ AREF_RECEIVE ] ); PrintULong( sa_RefTypes[ 3 ] ); #endif PrintUShort( sa_Size ); PrintXEnum( sa_Type, EnumStructureType ); PrintULong( sa_RefCount ); PrintPtr( sa_Next ); PrintXULong( sa_Flags ); PrintFieldName( "sa_AddrFileList" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.sa_AddrFileList, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_ADDR_FILE, saf_Next )); PrintFieldName( "sa_InactiveConnList" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.sa_InactiveConnList, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_CONN_FILE, scf_Next )); PrintFieldName( "sa_ActiveConnList" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.sa_ActiveConnList, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_CONN_FILE, scf_Next )); PrintFieldName( "sa_ListenConnList" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.sa_ListenConnList, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_CONN_FILE, scf_Next )); PrintLock( sa_Lock ); PrintUShort( sa_Socket ); PrintPtr( sa_Device ); PrintPtr( sa_DeviceLock ); PrintStartNamedStruct( "union" ); PrintAddr( u.sa_ShareAccess ); PrintAddr( u.sa_DestroyAddrQueueItem ); PrintEndStruct(); PrintPtr( sa_SecurityDescriptor ); PrintEndStruct(); } DECLARE_API( spxaddrfile ) { ULONG addressToDump = 0; ULONG result; char VarName[ MAX_LIST_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH + 1 ]; MEMBER_VARIABLE_INFO MemberInfo; BOOL bFocusOnMemberVariable = FALSE; if ( *args ) { bFocusOnMemberVariable = ReadArgsForTraverse( args, VarName ); } if ( *args && *args!='-' ) { sscanf(args, "%lx", &addressToDump); } if ( bFocusOnMemberVariable ) { // if ( !LocateMemberVariable( "IpxDevice", VarName, ( PVOID )deviceToDump, &MemberInfo )) { return; } WriteMemberInfo( &MemberInfo ); next( hCurrentProcess, hCurrentThread, dwCurrentPc, dwProcessor, "" ); return; } DumpSpxAddressFile( addressToDump, VERBOSITY_NORMAL ); return; } #ifdef _obj # undef _obj # undef _objAddr # undef _objType # undef _objTypeName #endif #define _obj AddressFile #define _objAddr AddressFileToDump #define _objType SPX_ADDR_FILE #define _objTypeName "SPX_ADDR_FILE" VOID DumpSpxAddressFile ( ULONG _objAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ) /*++ Routine Description: Dumps the fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT structure Arguments: DeviceToDump - The device context object to display Full - Display a partial listing if 0, full listing otherwise. Return Value: None --*/ { _objType _obj; ULONG result; unsigned int index; if ( !ReadMemory( _objAddr, &_obj, sizeof( _obj ), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", _objAddr, _objTypeName ); return; } CHECK_SIGNATURE( saf_Type, SPX_ADDRESSFILE_SIGNATURE ); if ( Verbosity == VERBOSITY_ONE_LINER ) { switch ( _obj.saf_Flags & 0x03 ) { case SPX_ADDRFILE_OPENING: dprintf( "OPENING " ); break; case SPX_ADDRFILE_OPEN: dprintf( "OPEN " ); break; case SPX_ADDRFILE_CLOSING: dprintf( "CLOSING " ); break; } DumpSpxAddress( ( ULONG )_obj.saf_Addr, VERBOSITY_ONE_LINER ); return; } PrintStartStruct(); #if DBG # if AFREF_TOTAL !=4 # error AFREF_TOTAL is assumed equal to 4. # endif PrintULong( saf_RefTypes[ AFREF_CREATE ] ); PrintULong( saf_RefTypes[ AFREF_VERIFY ] ); PrintULong( saf_RefTypes[ AFREF_INDICATION ] ); PrintULong( saf_RefTypes[ AFREF_CONN_ASSOC ] ); #endif PrintXEnum( saf_Type, EnumStructureType ); PrintUShort( saf_Size ); PrintULong( saf_RefCount ); PrintFieldName( "saf_Next" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.saf_Next, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_ADDR_FILE, saf_Next )); PrintFieldName( "saf_GlobalNext" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.saf_GlobalNext, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_ADDR_FILE, saf_GlobalNext)); PrintFieldName( "saf_AssocConnList" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.saf_AssocConnList, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_CONN_FILE, scf_AssocNext )); PrintXUShort( saf_Flags ); PrintPtr( saf_Addr ); PrintPtr( saf_AddrLock ); PrintPtr( saf_FileObject ); PrintPtr( saf_Device ); PrintPtr( saf_CloseReq ); PrintSymbolPtr( saf_ConnHandler ); PrintXULong( saf_ConnHandlerCtx ); PrintSymbolPtr( saf_DiscHandler ); PrintXULong( saf_DiscHandlerCtx ); PrintSymbolPtr( saf_RecvHandler ); PrintXULong( saf_RecvHandlerCtx ); PrintSymbolPtr( saf_SendPossibleHandler ); PrintXULong( saf_SendPossibleHandlerCtx ); PrintSymbolPtr( saf_ErrHandler ); PrintXULong( saf_ErrHandlerCtx ); PrintPtr( saf_ErrHandlerOwner ); PrintEndStruct(); } DECLARE_API( spxconnfile ) { ULONG addressToDump = 0; ULONG result; char VarName[ MAX_LIST_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH + 1 ]; MEMBER_VARIABLE_INFO MemberInfo; BOOL bFocusOnMemberVariable = FALSE; if ( *args ) { bFocusOnMemberVariable = ReadArgsForTraverse( args, VarName ); } if ( *args && *args!='-' ) { sscanf(args, "%lx", &addressToDump); } if ( bFocusOnMemberVariable ) { if ( !LocateMemberVariable( "SpxConnFile", VarName, ( PVOID )addressToDump, &MemberInfo )) { return; } WriteMemberInfo( &MemberInfo ); next( hCurrentProcess, hCurrentThread, dwCurrentPc, dwProcessor, "" ); return; } DumpSpxConnFile( addressToDump, VERBOSITY_NORMAL ); return; } #ifdef _obj # undef _obj # undef _objAddr # undef _objType # undef _objTypeName #endif #define _obj ConnFile #define _objAddr ConnFileToDump #define _objType SPX_CONN_FILE #define _objTypeName "SPX_CONN_FILE" VOID DumpSpxConnFile ( ULONG _objAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ) /*++ Routine Description: Dumps the fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT structure Arguments: DeviceToDump - The device context object to display Full - Display a partial listing if 0, full listing otherwise. Return Value: None --*/ { _objType _obj; ULONG result; unsigned int index; BOOL bActive; if ( !ReadMemory( _objAddr, &_obj, sizeof( _obj ), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", _objAddr, _objTypeName ); return; } CHECK_SIGNATURE( scf_Type, SPX_CONNFILE_SIGNATURE ); if ( Verbosity = VERBOSITY_ONE_LINER ) { dprintf( "NOT IMPLEMENTED" ); return; } PrintStartStruct(); #if DBG # if CFREF_TOTAL != 14 # error CFREF_TOTAL is assumed equal to 13. # endif PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_CREATE ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_VERIFY ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_INDICATION ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_BYCTX ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_BYID ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_ADDR ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_REQ ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_TIMER ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_PKTIZE ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_RECV ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_ABORTPKT ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_ERRORSTATE ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_FINDROUTE ] ); PrintULong( scf_RefTypes[ CFREF_DISCWAITSPX ] ); #endif PrintXEnum( scf_Type, EnumStructureType ); PrintUShort( scf_Size ); PrintULong( scf_RefCount ); PrintFieldName( "scf_Next" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.scf_Next, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_CONN_FILE, scf_Next )); PrintFieldName( "scf_AssocNext" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.scf_AssocNext, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_CONN_FILE, scf_AssocNext )); PrintFieldName( "scf_GlobalActiveNext" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.scf_GlobalActiveNext, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_CONN_FILE, scf_GlobalActiveNext )); PrintFieldName( "scf_GlobalNext" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.scf_GlobalNext, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_CONN_FILE, scf_GlobalNext )); PrintFieldName( "scf_PktNext" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.scf_PktNext, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_CONN_FILE, scf_PktNext )); PrintFieldName( "scf_ProcessRcvNext" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG )_obj.scf_ProcessRecvNext, FIELD_OFFSET( SPX_CONN_FILE, scf_ProcessRecvNext )); bActive = ( _obj.scf_Flags & SPX_CONNFILE_MAINMASK ) == SPX_CONNFILE_ACTIVE; PrintXULong( scf_Flags ); PrintXEnumMask( scf_Flags, EnumConnFileMain, SPX_CONNFILE_MAINMASK ); if (( _obj.scf_Flags & SPX_CONNFILE_MAINMASK ) == SPX_CONNFILE_LISTENING ) { PrintXEnumMask( scf_Flags, EnumConnFileListening, SPX_LISTEN_MASK ); } if (( _obj.scf_Flags & SPX_CONNFILE_MAINMASK ) == SPX_CONNFILE_CONNECTING ) { PrintXEnumMask( scf_Flags, EnumConnFileConnecting, SPX_CONNECT_MASK ); } if ( bActive ) { PrintXEnumMask( scf_Flags, EnumConnFileSend, SPX_SEND_MASK ); PrintXEnumMask( scf_Flags, EnumConnFileReceive, SPX_RECV_MASK ); } if ( (( _obj.scf_Flags & SPX_CONNFILE_MAINMASK ) == SPX_CONNFILE_LISTENING ) || bActive ) { PrintXEnumMask( scf_Flags, EnumConnFileDisconnect, SPX_DISC_MASK ); } PrintFlagsMask( scf_Flags, FlagsConnFile, 0xFFFF0000 ); PrintFlags( scf_Flags2, Flags2ConnFile ); #if DBG PrintXULong( scf_GhostFlags ); PrintXULong( scf_GhostFlags2 ); PrintULong( scf_GhostRefCount ); PrintPtr( scf_GhostDiscReq ); #endif if ( bActive ) { PrintULong( scf_WRetryCount ); } else { PrintULong( scf_CRetryCount ); } PrintULong( scf_RRetryCount ); PrintXUShort( scf_RRetrySeqNum ); if ( bActive ) { PrintULong( scf_RTimerId ); } else { PrintULong( scf_CTimerId ); } PrintULong( scf_WTimerId ); PrintULong( scf_TTimerId ); PrintULong( scf_ATimerId ); PrintULong( scf_BaseT1 ); PrintULong( scf_AveT1 ); PrintULong( scf_DevT1 ); PrintUShort( scf_LocalConnId ); PrintUShort( scf_SendSeqNum ); PrintUShort( scf_SentAllocNum ); PrintUShort( scf_RecvSeqNum ); PrintUShort( scf_RecdAckNum ); PrintUShort( scf_RecdAllocNum ); PrintUShort( scf_RetrySeqNum ); PrintUShort( scf_RenegAckAckNum ); PrintNChar( scf_RemAddr, sizeof( _obj.scf_RemAddr )); PrintNChar( scf_RemAckAddr, sizeof( _obj.scf_RemAckAddr )); PrintUShort( scf_RemConnId ); PrintUShort( scf_RenegMaxPktSize ); PrintIpxLocalTarget( scf_AckLocalTarget ); PrintUShort( scf_MaxPktSize ); PrintUChar( scf_DataType ); PrintIpxLocalTarget( scf_LocalTarget ); PrintLock( scf_Lock ); PrintJoin(); PrintPtr( scf_AddrFile ); dprintf( "(" ); DumpSpxAddressFile( ( ULONG )_obj.scf_AddrFile, VERBOSITY_ONE_LINER ); dprintf( ")\n" ); PrintPtr( scf_ConnCtx ); PrintPtr( scf_FileObject ); PrintLL( scf_DiscLinkage ); PrintLL( scf_ReqLinkage ); PrintLL( scf_ReqDoneLinkage ); PrintLL( scf_RecvDoneLinkage ); PrintLL( scf_RecvLinkage ); PrintPtr( scf_CurRecvReq ); PrintULong( scf_CurRecvOffset ); PrintULong( scf_CurRecvSize ); PrintPtr( scf_ReqPkt ); PrintULong( scf_ReqPktOffset ); PrintULong( scf_ReqPktSize ); PrintULong( scf_ReqPktFlags ); PrintEnum( scf_ReqPktType, EnumSpxSendReqType ); PrintPtr( scf_SendSeqListHead ); PrintPtr( scf_SendSeqListTail ); PrintPtr( scf_SendListHead ); PrintPtr( scf_SendListTail ); PrintPtr( scf_RecvListHead ); PrintPtr( scf_RecvListTail ); PrintPtr( scf_ConnectReq ); PrintPtr( scf_CleanupReq ); PrintPtr( scf_CloseReq ); #if DBG PrintUShort( scf_PktSeqNum ); PrintXULong( scf_PktFlags ); PrintXULong( scf_PktFlags2 ); PrintULong( scf_IndBytes ); PrintULong( scf_IndLine ); #endif #if DBG_WDW_CLOSE PrintULong( scf_WdwCloseAve ); PrintAddr( scf_WdwCloseTime ); #endif PrintPtr( scf_Device ); PrintEndStruct(); }