#include "windows.h" #ifndef WIN16 #ifndef WIN32 #define WIN32 1 // placed because RC can't pass in C_DEFINES #endif #include #endif #define CCHKEYMAX 32 // max characters in search string #define GET_EM_SETSEL_MPS(iStart, iEnd) (UINT)(iStart), (LONG)(iEnd) #define GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wp, lp) HIWORD(wp) #define GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wp, lp) (HWND)(lp) #define GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS(id, hwnd, cmd) (UINT)MAKELONG(id, cmd), (LONG)(hwnd) #define GET_EM_SETSEL_MPS(iStart, iEnd) (UINT)(iStart), (LONG)(iEnd) #define GET_WM_MDIACTIVATE_FACTIVATE(hwnd, wp, lp) (lp == (LONG)hwnd) #define WINDOWMENU 2 // position of window menu #define SHORTMENU 2 // position of short version window menu #define DEFFILESEARCH (LPSTR) "*.LOG" #ifdef RC_INVOKED #define ID(id) id #else #define ID(id) MAKEINTRESOURCE(id) #endif // edit control identifier #define ID_EDIT 0xCAC // resource ID's #define IDLOGVIEW ID(1) #define IDLOGVIEW2 ID(3) #define IDNOTE ID(2) // Window word values for child windows #define GWL_HWNDEDIT 0 #define GWW_CHANGED 4 #define GWL_WORDWRAP 6 #define GWW_UNTITLED 10 #define CBWNDEXTRA 12 // menu ID's #define IDM_FILENEW 1001 #define IDM_FILEOPEN 1002 #define ID_HELP_INDEX 1003 #define ID_HELP_USING 1004 #define ID_HELP_CONT 1005 #define IDM_FILEPRINT 1006 #define IDM_FILEEXIT 1007 #define IDM_FILEABOUT 1008 #define IDM_FILESETUP 1009 #define IDM_FILEMENU 1010 #define IDM_EDITUNDO 2001 #define IDM_EDITCUT 2002 #define IDM_EDITCOPY 2003 #define IDM_EDITPASTE 2004 #define IDM_EDITCLEAR 2005 #define IDM_EDITSELECT 2006 #define IDM_EDITTIME 2007 #define IDM_EDITWRAP 2008 #define IDM_EDITFONT 2009 #define IDM_EDITFIRST IDM_EDITUNDO #define IDM_EDITLAST IDM_EDITFONT #define IDM_SEARCHFIND 3001 #define IDM_SEARCHNEXT 3002 #define IDM_SEARCHPREV 3003 #define IDM_SEARCHFIRST IDM_SEARCHFIND #define IDM_SEARCHLAST IDM_SEARCHPREV #define IDM_WINDOWTILE 4001 #define IDM_WINDOWCASCADE 4002 #define IDM_WINDOWCLOSEALL 4003 #define IDM_WINDOWICONS 4004 #define IDM_WINDOWCHILD 4100 #define IDM_HELPHELP 5001 #define IDM_HELPABOUT 5002 #define IDM_HELPSPOT 5003 #define IDD_FILEOPEN ID(200) #define IDD_FILENAME 201 #define IDD_FILES 202 #define IDD_PATH 203 #define IDD_DIRS 204 // dialog ids #define IDD_ABOUT ID(300) #define IDD_FIND ID(400) #define IDD_SEARCH 401 #define IDD_PREV 402 #define IDD_NEXT IDOK #define IDD_CASE 403 #define IDD_SAVEAS ID(500) #define IDD_SAVEFROM 501 #define IDD_SAVETO 502 #define IDD_PRINT ID(600) #define IDD_PRINTDEVICE 601 #define IDD_PRINTPORT 602 #define IDD_PRINTTITLE 603 #define IDD_FONT ID(700) #define IDD_FACES 701 #define IDD_SIZES 702 #define IDD_BOLD 703 #define IDD_ITALIC 704 #define IDD_FONTTITLE 705 // +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // About Box // +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define IDC_AVAIL_MEM 101 #define IDC_PHYSICAL_MEM 101 #define IDC_LICENSEE_COMPANY 104 #define IDC_LICENSEE_NAME 105 #define IDD_SPLASH 105 #define IDC_MATH_COPR 106 #define IDC_DISK_SPACE 107 #define IDC_BIGICON 1001 // strings #define IDS_CANTOPEN 1 #define IDS_CANTREAD 2 #define IDS_CANTCREATE 3 #define IDS_CANTWRITE 4 #define IDS_ILLFNM 5 #define IDS_ADDEXT 6 #define IDS_CLOSESAVE 7 #define IDS_CANTFIND 8 #define IDS_HELPNOTAVAIL 9 #define IDS_CANTFINDSTR 10 #define IDS_CLIENTTITLE 16 #define IDS_UNTITLED 17 #define IDS_APPNAME 18 #define IDS_PRINTJOB 24 #define IDS_PRINTERROR 25 #define IDS_DISK_SPACE_UNAVAIL 26 #define IDS_DISK_SPACE 27 #define IDS_MATH_COPR_NOTPRESENT 28 #define IDS_MATH_COPR_PRESENT 29 #define IDS_AVAIL_MEM 30 #define IDS_PHYSICAL_MEM 31 #define IDS_OPENTEXT 32 #define IDS_OPENFILTER 33 #define IDS_DEFEXT 34 #define IDC_STATIC -1 // attribute flags for DlgDirList #define ATTR_DIRS 0xC010 // find drives and directories #define ATTR_FILES 0x0000 // find ordinary files #define PROP_FILENAME szPropertyName // name of property for dialog // External variable declarations extern HANDLE hInst; // application instance handle extern HANDLE hAccel; // resource handle of accelerators extern HWND hwndFrame; // main window handle extern HWND hwndMDIClient; // handle of MDI Client window extern HWND hwndActive; // handle of current active MDI child extern HWND hwndActiveEdit; // handle of edit control in active child extern LONG styleDefault; // default child creation state extern CHAR szChild[]; // class of child extern CHAR szSearch[]; // search string extern CHAR *szDriver; // name of printer driver extern CHAR szPropertyName[]; // filename property for dialog box extern INT iPrinter; // level of printing capability extern BOOL fCase; // searches case sensitive extern WORD cFonts; // number of fonts enumerated extern FINDREPLACE FR; extern UINT wHlpMsg; extern UINT wFRMsg; extern BOOL fReverse; extern HANDLE hStdCursor, hWaitCursor; // externally declared functions extern BOOL APIENTRY InitializeApplication(VOID); extern BOOL APIENTRY InitializeInstance(LPSTR,INT); extern BOOL APIENTRY AboutDlgProc(HWND,UINT,UINT,LONG); extern HWND APIENTRY AddFile(CHAR *); extern VOID APIENTRY MyReadFile(HWND); extern INT APIENTRY LoadFile(HWND, CHAR *); extern VOID APIENTRY PrintFile(HWND); extern BOOL APIENTRY GetInitializationData(HWND); extern SHORT MPError(HWND,WORD,WORD, char *); extern VOID APIENTRY Find(VOID); extern VOID APIENTRY FindNext(VOID); extern VOID APIENTRY FindPrev(VOID); extern LONG APIENTRY MPFrameWndProc(HWND,UINT,UINT,LONG); extern LONG APIENTRY MPMDIChildWndProc(HWND,UINT,UINT,LONG); extern HDC APIENTRY GetPrinterDC(BOOL); extern VOID NEAR PASCAL SetSaveFrom (HWND, PSTR); extern BOOL NEAR PASCAL RealSlowCompare (PSTR, PSTR); extern VOID APIENTRY FindPrev (VOID); extern VOID APIENTRY FindNext (VOID); extern BOOL NEAR PASCAL IsWild (PSTR); extern VOID NEAR PASCAL SelectFile (HWND); extern VOID NEAR PASCAL Local_FindText ( INT );