#include #include #include #include #include "hierdraw.h" VOID HierDraw_DrawTerm(LPHEIRDRAWSTRUCT lpHierDrawStruct) { if (lpHierDrawStruct->hbmIcons) { if (lpHierDrawStruct->hbmMem) SelectObject(lpHierDrawStruct->hdcMem,lpHierDrawStruct->hbmMem); lpHierDrawStruct->hbmMem = NULL; DeleteObject(lpHierDrawStruct->hbmIcons); lpHierDrawStruct->hbmIcons = NULL; } if ( lpHierDrawStruct->hdcMem ) { DeleteDC(lpHierDrawStruct->hdcMem); lpHierDrawStruct->hdcMem = NULL; } } // HierDraw_DrawTerm VOID HierDraw_DrawCloseAll(LPHEIRDRAWSTRUCT lpHierDrawStruct ) { lpHierDrawStruct->NumOpened= 0; if ( lpHierDrawStruct->Opened ) { _ffree(lpHierDrawStruct->Opened); } lpHierDrawStruct->Opened = NULL; } // HierDraw_DrawCloseAll VOID HierDraw_OnMeasureItem(HWND hwnd, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT FAR* lpMeasureItem, LPHEIRDRAWSTRUCT lpHierDrawStruct) { lpMeasureItem->itemHeight = max(lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapHeight, lpHierDrawStruct->nTextHeight); } // HierDraw_OnMeasureItem VOID HierDraw_DrawSetTextHeight (HWND hwndList, HFONT hFont, LPHEIRDRAWSTRUCT lpHierDrawStruct ) { TEXTMETRIC TextMetrics; HANDLE hOldFont=NULL; HDC hdc; // // This sure looks like a lot of work to find the character height // hdc = GetDC(hwndList); hOldFont = SelectObject(hdc, hFont); GetTextMetrics(hdc, &TextMetrics); SelectObject(hdc, hOldFont); ReleaseDC(hwndList, hdc); lpHierDrawStruct->nTextHeight = TextMetrics.tmHeight; lpHierDrawStruct->nLineHeight = max(lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapHeight, lpHierDrawStruct->nTextHeight); if ( hwndList != NULL ) SendMessage(hwndList, LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, 0, MAKELPARAM(lpHierDrawStruct->nLineHeight, 0)); } // HierDraw_DrawSetTextHeight static DWORD near RGB2BGR(DWORD rgb) { return RGB(GetBValue(rgb),GetGValue(rgb),GetRValue(rgb)); } // RGB2BGR /* * Creates the objects used while drawing the tree. This may be called * repeatedly in the event of a WM_SYSCOLORCHANGED message. * * WARNING: the Tree icons bitmap is assumed to be a 16 color DIB! */ BOOL HierDraw_DrawInit(HINSTANCE hInstance, int nBitmap, int nRows, int nColumns, BOOL bLines, LPHEIRDRAWSTRUCT lpHierDrawStruct, BOOL bInit) { HANDLE hRes; HANDLE hResMem; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiReadOnly; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiReadWrite; DWORD *lpColorTable; LPSTR lpBits; int biSize; int bc; HDC hDC; if ( bInit ) { lpHierDrawStruct->NumOpened = 0; lpHierDrawStruct->Opened = NULL; lpHierDrawStruct->bLines = bLines; } // // If the Memory DC is not created yet do that first. // if (!lpHierDrawStruct->hdcMem) { // // get a screen DC // hDC = GetDC(NULL); // // Create a memory DC compatible with the screen // lpHierDrawStruct->hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); // // Release the Screen DC ReleaseDC(NULL,hDC); if (!lpHierDrawStruct->hdcMem) return FALSE; lpHierDrawStruct->hbmMem = NULL; } // // (Re)Load the Bitmap ( original from disk ) // // Use the FindResource,LoadResource,LockResource since it makes // it easy to get the pointer to the BITMAPINFOHEADER we need. // // hRes = FindResource(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nBitmap), RT_BITMAP); if (!hRes) return FALSE; hResMem = LoadResource(hInstance, hRes); if (!hResMem) return FALSE; // Now figure out the bitmaps background color. // This code assumes the lower left corner is a // bit in the background color. lpbiReadOnly = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)LockResource(hResMem); if (!lpbiReadOnly) return FALSE; // Determine size of bitmap information header plus color table entries biSize = lpbiReadOnly->biSize + ((1 << (lpbiReadOnly->biBitCount)) * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); // Allocate copy of the bitmap information to munge on lpbiReadWrite = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, biSize); if (!lpbiReadWrite) return FALSE; memcpy(lpbiReadWrite, lpbiReadOnly, biSize); // Color table immediately follows bitmap information header lpColorTable = (DWORD FAR *)((LPBYTE)lpbiReadWrite + lpbiReadWrite->biSize); // No need to munge bits so use original lpBits = (LPBYTE)lpbiReadOnly + biSize; bc = (lpBits[0] & 0xF0) >> 4; // ASSUMES LOWER LEFT CORNER IS BG!! lpColorTable[bc] = RGB2BGR(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); hDC = GetDC(NULL); lpHierDrawStruct->hbmIcons = CreateDIBitmap( hDC, lpbiReadWrite, CBM_INIT, lpBits, (LPBITMAPINFO)lpbiReadWrite, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); ReleaseDC(NULL,hDC); lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapHeight = (WORD)lpbiReadWrite->biHeight / nRows; lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapWidth = (WORD)lpbiReadWrite->biWidth / nColumns; lpHierDrawStruct->nLineHeight = max(lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapHeight, lpHierDrawStruct->nTextHeight); GlobalFree(lpbiReadWrite); UnlockResource(hResMem); FreeResource(hResMem); if (!lpHierDrawStruct->hbmIcons) return FALSE; lpHierDrawStruct->hbmMem = SelectObject(lpHierDrawStruct->hdcMem,lpHierDrawStruct->hbmIcons); if (!lpHierDrawStruct->hbmMem) return FALSE; return TRUE; } // HierDraw_DrawInit VOID HierDraw_OnDrawItem(HWND hwnd, const DRAWITEMSTRUCT FAR* lpDrawItem, int nLevel, DWORD dwConnectLevel, TCHAR *szText, int nRow, int nColumn, LPHEIRDRAWSTRUCT lpHierDrawStruct) { HDC hDC; WORD wIndent, wTopBitmap, wTopText; RECT rcTemp; if ( lpDrawItem->itemID == (UINT)-1 ) return ; hDC = lpDrawItem->hDC; CopyRect(&rcTemp, &lpDrawItem->rcItem); wIndent = rcTemp.left + ((int)(nLevel) * lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapWidth) + XBMPOFFSET; rcTemp.left = wIndent + lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapWidth; wTopText = rcTemp.top + ((rcTemp.bottom - rcTemp.top) / 2) - (lpHierDrawStruct->nTextHeight / 2); wTopBitmap = rcTemp.top + ((rcTemp.bottom - rcTemp.top) / 2) - (lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapHeight / 2); if (lpDrawItem->itemAction == ODA_FOCUS) goto DealWithFocus; else if (lpDrawItem->itemAction == ODA_SELECT) goto DealWithSelection; // // Draw some lions, if we like lions // if (lpHierDrawStruct->bLines && nLevel) { DWORD dwMask = 1; int nTempLevel; int x,y; // draw lines in text color SetBkColor(hDC,GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); // // Draw a series of | lines for outer levels // x = lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapWidth/2 + XBMPOFFSET; for ( nTempLevel = 0; nTempLevel < nLevel ; nTempLevel++) { if ( dwConnectLevel & dwMask ) FastRect(hDC,x,rcTemp.top,1,rcTemp.bottom - rcTemp.top); x += lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapWidth; dwMask *= 2; } // // Draw the short vert line up towards the parent // nTempLevel = nLevel-1; dwMask *= 2; x = nTempLevel * lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapWidth + lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapWidth / 2 + XBMPOFFSET; if ( dwConnectLevel & dwMask ) y = rcTemp.bottom; else y = rcTemp.bottom - lpHierDrawStruct->nLineHeight / 2; FastRect(hDC,x,rcTemp.top,1,y-rcTemp.top); // // Draw short horiz bar to right // FastRect(hDC,x,rcTemp.bottom-lpHierDrawStruct->nLineHeight/2,lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapWidth/2,1); } // // Draw the selected bitmap // BitBlt(hDC, wIndent,wTopBitmap, lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapWidth,lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapHeight, lpHierDrawStruct->hdcMem, nColumn*lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapWidth, nRow*lpHierDrawStruct->nBitmapHeight, SRCCOPY); DealWithSelection: if (lpDrawItem->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) { SetBkColor(hDC,GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); SetTextColor(hDC,GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); } else { SetBkColor(hDC,GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); SetTextColor(hDC,GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); } ExtTextOut(hDC, rcTemp.left + 1, wTopText, ETO_CLIPPED|ETO_OPAQUE, &rcTemp,szText,lstrlen(szText), NULL); if (lpDrawItem->itemState & ODS_FOCUS && lpDrawItem->itemAction != ODA_SELECT) { DealWithFocus: DrawFocusRect(hDC, &rcTemp); } } // HierDraw_OnDrawItem // // draw a solid color rectangle quickly // static VOID near FastRect(HDC hDC, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { RECT rc; rc.left = x; rc.right = x+cx; rc.top = y; rc.bottom = y+cy; ExtTextOut(hDC,x,y,ETO_OPAQUE,&rc,NULL,0,NULL); } // FastRect BOOL HierDraw_IsOpened(LPHEIRDRAWSTRUCT lpHierDrawStruct, DWORD dwData) { // For Now just a dumb search // int Count; for ( Count = 0; Count < lpHierDrawStruct->NumOpened; Count++ ) { if ( lpHierDrawStruct->Opened[Count] == dwData ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // HierDraw_IsOpened VOID HierDraw_OpenItem(LPHEIRDRAWSTRUCT lpHierDrawStruct, DWORD dwData) { lpHierDrawStruct->NumOpened++; if (lpHierDrawStruct->Opened == NULL ) lpHierDrawStruct->Opened = (DWORD FAR *)_fmalloc(sizeof(DWORD)*lpHierDrawStruct->NumOpened); else lpHierDrawStruct->Opened = (DWORD FAR *)_frealloc(lpHierDrawStruct->Opened, sizeof(DWORD)*lpHierDrawStruct->NumOpened); lpHierDrawStruct->Opened[lpHierDrawStruct->NumOpened-1] = dwData; } // HierDraw_OpenItem VOID HierDraw_CloseItem(LPHEIRDRAWSTRUCT lpHierDrawStruct, DWORD dwData) { // For Now just a dumb search // int Count; for ( Count = 0; Count < lpHierDrawStruct->NumOpened; Count++ ) { if ( lpHierDrawStruct->Opened[Count] == dwData ) { if (--lpHierDrawStruct->NumOpened == 0 ) { _ffree(lpHierDrawStruct->Opened); lpHierDrawStruct->Opened = NULL; } else { if ( Count < lpHierDrawStruct->NumOpened ) { _fmemmove(&(lpHierDrawStruct->Opened[Count]), &(lpHierDrawStruct->Opened[Count+1]), sizeof(DWORD)*(lpHierDrawStruct->NumOpened-Count)); } lpHierDrawStruct->Opened = (DWORD FAR *)_frealloc(lpHierDrawStruct->Opened, sizeof(DWORD)*lpHierDrawStruct->NumOpened); } } } } // HierDraw_CloseItem VOID HierDraw_ShowKids(LPHEIRDRAWSTRUCT lpHierDrawStruct, HWND hwndList, WORD wCurrentSelection, WORD wKids) { WORD wBottomIndex; WORD wTopIndex; WORD wNewTopIndex; WORD wExpandInView; RECT rc; wTopIndex = (WORD)SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0L); GetClientRect(hwndList, &rc); wBottomIndex = wTopIndex + (rc.bottom+1) / lpHierDrawStruct->nLineHeight; wExpandInView = (wBottomIndex - wCurrentSelection); if (wKids >= wExpandInView) { wNewTopIndex = min(wCurrentSelection, wTopIndex + wKids - wExpandInView + 1); SendMessage(hwndList, LB_SETTOPINDEX, (WORD)wNewTopIndex, 0L); } } // HierDraw_ShowKids