/*++ Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: splutil.c Abstract: This module provides all the utility functions for the netware print provider. Author: Yi-Hsin Sung (yihsins) 15-Apr-1993 Revision History: --*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include DWORD PrinterInfo1Offsets[]={offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_1W, pDescription), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_1W, pName), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_1W, pComment), 0xFFFFFFFF}; DWORD PrinterInfo2Offsets[]={offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pServerName), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pPrinterName), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pShareName), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pPortName), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pDriverName), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pComment), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pLocation), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pDevMode), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pSepFile), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pPrintProcessor), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pDatatype), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pParameters), offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_2W, pSecurityDescriptor), 0xFFFFFFFF}; DWORD PrinterInfo3Offsets[]={offsetof(LPPRINTER_INFO_3, pSecurityDescriptor), 0xFFFFFFFF}; DWORD JobInfo1Offsets[]={offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_1W, pPrinterName), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_1W, pMachineName), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_1W, pUserName), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_1W, pDocument), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_1W, pDatatype), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_1W, pStatus), 0xFFFFFFFF}; DWORD JobInfo2Offsets[]={offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_2W, pPrinterName), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_2W, pMachineName), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_2W, pUserName), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_2W, pDocument), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_2W, pNotifyName), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_2W, pDatatype), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_2W, pPrintProcessor), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_2W, pParameters), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_2W, pDriverName), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_2W, pDevMode), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_2W, pStatus), offsetof(LPJOB_INFO_2W, pSecurityDescriptor), 0xFFFFFFFF}; DWORD AddJobInfo1Offsets[]={offsetof(LPADDJOB_INFO_1W, Path), 0xFFFFFFFF}; VOID MarshallUpStructure( LPBYTE lpStructure, LPDWORD lpOffsets, LPBYTE lpBufferStart ) { register DWORD i=0; while (lpOffsets[i] != -1) { if ((*(LPBYTE *)(lpStructure+lpOffsets[i]))) { (*(LPBYTE *)(lpStructure+lpOffsets[i]))+=(DWORD)lpBufferStart; } i++; } } VOID MarshallDownStructure( LPBYTE lpStructure, LPDWORD lpOffsets, LPBYTE lpBufferStart ) { register DWORD i=0; if (!lpStructure) return; while (lpOffsets[i] != -1) { if ((*(LPBYTE*)(lpStructure+lpOffsets[i]))) { (*(LPBYTE*)(lpStructure+lpOffsets[i]))-=(DWORD)lpBufferStart; } i++; } } LPVOID AllocNwSplMem( DWORD flags, DWORD cb ) /*++ Routine Description: This function will allocate local memory. It will possibly allocate extra memory and fill this with debugging information for the debugging version. Arguments: flags - Flags to be passed to LocalAlloc cb - The amount of memory to allocate in bytes Return Value: NON-NULL - A pointer to the allocated memory --*/ { LPDWORD pMem; DWORD cbNew; #if DBG cbNew = cb + 2*sizeof(DWORD); if (cbNew & 3) cbNew += sizeof(DWORD) - (cbNew & 3); #else cbNew = cb; #endif pMem = (LPDWORD) LocalAlloc( flags, cbNew ); if ( !pMem ) { KdPrint(("Memory Allocation in AllocNwSplMem failed for %d bytes\n", cbNew)); return NULL; } #if DBG *pMem = cb; *(LPDWORD)((LPBYTE)pMem+cbNew-sizeof(DWORD)) = 0xdeadbeef; return (LPVOID) (pMem + 1); #else return (LPVOID) pMem; #endif } VOID FreeNwSplMem( LPVOID pMem, DWORD cb ) /*++ Routine Description: This function will frees the local memory allocated by AllocSplMem. Extra checking will be performed in the debug version to ensure that the size to be freed is indeed the size we allocated through AllocSplMem. Arguments: pMem - A pointer to the allocated memory cb - The amount of memory to free Return Value: --*/ { DWORD cbNew; LPDWORD pNewMem; if ( !pMem ) return; pNewMem = pMem; #if DBG pNewMem--; cbNew = cb + 2*sizeof(DWORD); if ( cbNew & 3 ) cbNew += sizeof(DWORD) - (cbNew & 3); if ( ( *pNewMem != cb ) || (*(LPDWORD)((LPBYTE)pNewMem + cbNew - sizeof(DWORD)) != 0xdeadbeef) ) { KdPrint(("Corrupt Memory in FreeNwSplMem : %0lx\n", pNewMem )); return; } #else cbNew = cb; #endif LocalFree( (LPVOID) pNewMem ); } LPWSTR AllocNwSplStr( LPWSTR pStr ) /*++ Routine Description: This function will allocate enough local memory to store the specified string, and copy that string to the allocated memory Arguments: pStr - Pointer to the string that needs to be allocated and stored Return Value: NON-NULL - A pointer to the allocated memory containing the string --*/ { LPWSTR pMem; if ( !pStr ) return NULL; if ( pMem = AllocNwSplMem(0, (wcslen(pStr) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))) wcscpy(pMem, pStr); return pMem; } VOID FreeNwSplStr( LPWSTR pStr ) /*++ Routine Description: This function will frees the string allocated by AllocSplStr. Extra checking will be performed in the debug version to ensure that the size to be freed is indeed the size we allocated through AllocSplStr. Arguments: pStr - A pointer to the allocated string Return Value: --*/ { if ( pStr ) FreeNwSplMem(pStr, (wcslen(pStr) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } BOOL ValidateUNCName( LPWSTR pName ) /*++ Routine Description: This function will checks whether the given name is a valid UNC name ( in the form \\server\name) or not. Arguments: pName - The supplied name Return Value: TRUE - The name given is a valid UNC name FALSE - Otherwise --*/ { if ( pName && (*pName++ == L'\\') && (*pName++ == L'\\') && (wcschr(pName, L'\\')) ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #ifndef NOT_USED LPWSTR GetNextElement(LPWSTR *pPtr, WCHAR token) { LPWSTR pszRestOfString = *pPtr; LPWSTR pszRetval = NULL; LPWSTR pszStr = NULL; if ( *pszRestOfString == L'\0') return NULL; if ((pszStr = wcschr (pszRestOfString, token))== NULL ) { pszRetval = *pPtr; *pPtr += wcslen(*pPtr); return pszRetval; } else { *pszStr = L'\0'; pszRetval = *pPtr ; *pPtr = ++pszStr ; return pszRetval ; } } #endif