/*++ Copyright (c) 1991-1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: queue.c Abstract: This module contains the support routines for the queue APIs that call into the NetWare redirector Author: Yi-Hsin Sung (yihsins) 24-Apr-1993 Revision History: --*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // Local Function Prototypes // // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// DWORD NwWriteJobInfoEntry( IN OUT LPBYTE *FixedPortion, IN OUT LPWSTR *EndOfVariableData, IN DWORD Level, IN WORD JobId, IN LPWSTR PrinterName, IN LPWSTR JobDescription, IN LPWSTR UserName, IN BYTE JobControlFlags, IN BYTE JobPosition, IN LPBYTE JobEntryTime, IN JOBTIME TargetExecutionTime, IN DWORD FileSize ); DWORD ConvertToSystemTime( IN JOBTIME JobTime, OUT LPSYSTEMTIME pSystemTime ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // Global variables // // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// #define NW_RDR_SERVER_PREFIX L"\\Device\\Nwrdr\\" #define QF_USER_HOLD 0x40 #define QF_OPERATOR_HOLD 0x80 // // Stores the current user's print control options // DWORD NwPrintOption = NW_PRINT_OPTION_DEFAULT; // Default Print Control Flags: Suppress form // feed, banner on, notify on DWORD NwGatewayPrintOption = NW_GATEWAY_PRINT_OPTION_DEFAULT; // Gateway default print control flags: // Suppress form feed, banner on, notify off DWORD NwAttachToNetwareServer( IN LPWSTR ServerName, OUT LPHANDLE phandleServer ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine opens a handle to the given server. Arguments: ServerName - The server name to attach to. phandleServer - Receives an opened handle to the preferred or nearest server. Return Value: NO_ERROR or reason for failure. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; LPWSTR FullName; UNICODE_STRING UServerName; FullName = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LMEM_ZEROINIT, (UINT) ( wcslen( NW_RDR_SERVER_PREFIX) + wcslen( ServerName ) - 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( FullName == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } wcscpy( FullName, NW_RDR_SERVER_PREFIX ); wcscat( FullName, ServerName + 2 ); // Skip past the prefix "\\" RtlInitUnicodeString( &UServerName, FullName ); InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &UServerName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL ); // // Open a handle to the preferred server. // ntstatus = NtOpenFile( phandleServer, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_WRITE, &ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, FILE_SHARE_VALID_FLAGS, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { ntstatus = IoStatusBlock.Status; } if (! NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { *phandleServer = NULL; } LocalFree( FullName ); return RtlNtStatusToDosError(ntstatus); } DWORD NwGetNextQueueEntry( IN HANDLE PreferredServer, IN OUT LPDWORD LastObjectId, OUT LPSTR QueueName ) /*++ Routine Description: This function uses an opened handle to the preferred server to scan it bindery for all print queue objects. Arguments: PreferredServer - Supplies the handle to the preferred server on which to scan the bindery. LastObjectId - On input, supplies the object ID to the last print queue object returned, which is the resume handle to get the next print queue object. On output, receives the object ID of the print queue object returned. QueueName - Receives the name of the returned print queue object. Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully gotten a print name. WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES - No other print queue object past the one specified by LastObjectId. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; WORD ObjectType; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(ENUM) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwGetNextQueueEntry LastObjectId %lu\n", *LastObjectId)); } #endif ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( PreferredServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 58, // Max request packet size 59, // Max response packet size "bdwp|dwc", // Format string 0x37, // Scan bindery object *LastObjectId, // Previous ID 0x3, // Print Queue object "*", // Wildcard to match all LastObjectId, // Current ID &ObjectType, // Ignore QueueName // Currently returned print queue ); // // Unmap Japanese special chars // UnmapSpecialJapaneseChars(QueueName,(WORD)lstrlenA(QueueName)); #if DBG if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { IF_DEBUG(ENUM) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwGetNextQueueEntry NewObjectId %08lx, QueueName %s\n", *LastObjectId, QueueName)); } } #endif return NwMapBinderyCompletionCode(ntstatus); } DWORD NwGetQueueId( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN LPWSTR QueueName, OUT LPDWORD QueueId ) /*++ Routine Description: This function opens a handle to the server and scan its bindery for the given queue object id. Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle of the server on which to scan the bindery. QueueName - Supplies the name of the print queue. QueueId - On output, supplies the object ID of the given queue. Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully gotten a file server name. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; UNICODE_STRING UQueueName; OEM_STRING OemQueueName; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwGetQueueId %ws\n", QueueName )); } #endif RtlInitUnicodeString( &UQueueName, QueueName); ntstatus = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemQueueName, &UQueueName, TRUE); // // Map Japanese special characters // MapSpecialJapaneseChars(OemQueueName.Buffer,OemQueueName.Length); if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( handleServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 58, // Max request packet size 59, // Max response packet size "bdwp|d", // Format string 0x37, // Scan bindery object 0xFFFFFFFF, // Previous ID 0x3, // Print Queue object OemQueueName.Buffer, // Queue Name QueueId // Queue ID ); } #if DBG if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwGetQueueId QueueId %08lx\n", *QueueId )); } } #endif RtlFreeOemString( &OemQueueName ); return NwMapBinderyCompletionCode(ntstatus); } DWORD NwCreateQueueJobAndFile( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId, IN LPWSTR DocumentName, IN LPWSTR UserName, IN DWORD fGateway, IN LPWSTR QueueName, OUT LPWORD JobId ) /*++ Routine Description: This function uses an opened handle to a server to enter a new job into the queue with the given QueueId. Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which add the job. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue in which to add the job. DocumentName - Supplies the name of the document to be printed UserName - Supplies the banner name to be printed fGateway - TRUE if gateway printing, FALSE otherwise QueueName - Supplies the header name to be printed JobId - Receives the job id of the newly added job. Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully added the job to the queue. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; UNICODE_STRING UDocumentName; OEM_STRING OemDocumentName; UNICODE_STRING UUserName; OEM_STRING OemUserName; UNICODE_STRING UQueueName; OEM_STRING OemQueueName; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwCreateQueueJobAndFile QueueId %08lx\n", QueueId )); } #endif if ( UserName ) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &UUserName, UserName); ntstatus = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemUserName, &UUserName, TRUE ); } if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus) && DocumentName ) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &UDocumentName, DocumentName); ntstatus = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemDocumentName, &UDocumentName, TRUE ); } if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus) && QueueName ) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &UQueueName, QueueName); ntstatus = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemQueueName, &UQueueName, TRUE ); } if ( NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus)) { LPSTR pszDocument, pszUser, pszQueue; pszDocument = DocumentName? OemDocumentName.Buffer : ""; pszUser = UserName? OemUserName.Buffer : ""; pszQueue = QueueName? OemQueueName.Buffer : ""; ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( handleServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 263, // Max request packet size 56, // Max response packet size "bd_ddw_b_Cbbwwww_C-C-_|_w", // Format string 0x68, // Create Queue Job and File object QueueId, // Queue ID 6, // Skip bytes 0xffffffff, // Target Server ID number 0xffffffff, 0xffff, // Target Execution time 11, // Skip bytes 0x00, // Job Control Flags 26, // Skip bytes pszDocument, // TextJobDescription 50, // Skip bytes 0, // Version number (clientarea) 8, // Tab Size 1, // Number of copies NwPrintOption, // Print Control Flags 0x3C, // Maximum lines 0x84, // Maximum characters 22, // Skip bytes pszUser, // Banner Name 12, // Max Length of pszUser pszQueue, // Header Name 12, // Max Length of pszQueue 14 + 80, // Skip remainder of client area 22, // Skip bytes JobId // Job ID ); } #if DBG if ( NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus)) { IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwCreateQueueJobAndFile JobId %d\n", *JobId )); } } #endif RtlFreeOemString( &OemDocumentName ); RtlFreeOemString( &OemUserName ); RtlFreeOemString( &OemQueueName ); return NwMapStatus(ntstatus); } DWORD NwCloseFileAndStartQueueJob( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId, IN WORD JobId ) /*++ Routine Description: This function uses an opened handle to a server to close a job file and mark the job file ready for service. Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which add the job. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue in which to add the job. JobId - Supplies the job id. Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully added the job to the queue. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwCloseFileAndStartQueueJob QueueId %08lx JobId %d\n", QueueId, JobId )); } #endif // Two versions of CloseFileAndStartQueueJobNCP ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( handleServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 9, // Max request packet size 2, // Max response packet size "bdw|", // Format string 0x69, // Close File And Start Queue Job QueueId, // Queue ID JobId ); // Job ID return NwMapStatus(ntstatus); } DWORD NwRemoveJobFromQueue( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId, IN WORD JobId ) /*++ Routine Description: This function removes a job from a queue and closes the associate file. Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which to remove the job. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue in which to remove the job. JobId - Supplies the job id to be removed. Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully removed the job from the queue. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwRemoveJobFromQueue QueueId %08lx JobId %d\n", QueueId, JobId )); } #endif ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( handleServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 9, // Max request packet size 2, // Max response packet size "bdw|", // Format string 0x6A, // Remove Job From Queue QueueId, // Queue ID JobId ); // Job ID return NwMapStatus(ntstatus); } DWORD NwRemoveAllJobsFromQueue( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId ) /*++ Routine Description: This function removes all jobs from a queue. Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which to remove all jobs. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue in which to remove all jobs. Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully removed all jobs from the queue. --*/ { DWORD err; WORD JobCount; WORD pwJobList[250]; WORD i; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwRemoveAllJobsFromQueue QueueId %08lx\n", QueueId )); } #endif err = NwGetQueueJobList( handleServer, QueueId, &JobCount, pwJobList ); for ( i = 0; !err && i < JobCount; i++ ) { err = NwRemoveJobFromQueue( handleServer, QueueId, pwJobList[i] ); } return err; } DWORD NwReadQueueCurrentStatus( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId, OUT LPBYTE QueueStatus, OUT LPBYTE NumberOfJobs ) /*++ Routine Description: This function uses an opened handle to a server to query the status of the queue with the given QueueId. Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which add the job. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue QueueStatus - Receives the status of the queue NumberOfJobs - Receives the number of jobs in the queue. Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully retrieved the status of the queue. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwReadQueueCurrentStatus QueueId %08lx\n", QueueId )); } #endif ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( handleServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 7, // Max request packet size 135, // Max response packet size "bd|==bb", // Format string 0x66, // ReadQueueCurrentStatus QueueId, // Queue ID QueueStatus, // Queue status NumberOfJobs // Number of jobs in the queue ); #if DBG if ( NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus)) { IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwReadQueueCurrentStatus QueueStatus %d Number of Jobs %d\n", *QueueStatus, *NumberOfJobs )); } } #endif return NwMapStatus(ntstatus); } DWORD NwSetQueueCurrentStatus( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId, IN BYTE QueueStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: This function uses an opened handle to a server to set the status (pause/ready...) of the queue with the given QueueId. Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which add the job. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue QueueStatus - Supplies the status of the queue Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully set the status of the queue. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwSetQueueCurrentStatus QueueId %08lx\n", QueueId )); } #endif ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( handleServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 8, // Max request packet size 2, // Max response packet size "bdb|", // Format string 0x67, // ReadQueueCurrentStatus QueueId, // Queue ID QueueStatus // Queue status ); return NwMapStatus(ntstatus); } DWORD NwGetQueueJobList( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId, OUT LPWORD NumberOfJobs, OUT LPWORD JobIdList ) /*++ Routine Description: This function uses an opened handle to a server to get the job list of the queue with the given QueueId. Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which add the job. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue NumberOfJobs - Receives the number of jobs in the queue. JobIdList - Receives the array of job ids in the queue Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully added the job to the queue. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; #if DBG WORD i; IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwGetQueueJobList QueueId %08lx\n", QueueId )); } #endif ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( handleServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 7, // Max request packet size 506, // Max response packet size "bd|W", // Format string 0x6B, // Get Queue Job List QueueId, // Queue ID NumberOfJobs, // Number of jobs in the queue JobIdList // Array of job ids ); #if DBG if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwGetQueueJobList Number of Jobs %d\nJob List = ", *NumberOfJobs )); for ( i = 0; i < *NumberOfJobs; i++ ) KdPrint(("%d ", JobIdList[i] )); KdPrint(("\n")); } } #endif return NwMapStatus(ntstatus); } DWORD NwReadQueueJobEntry( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId, IN WORD JobId, OUT JOBTIME TargetExecutionTime, OUT JOBTIME JobEntryTime, OUT LPBYTE JobPosition, OUT LPBYTE JobControlFlags, OUT LPSTR TextJobDescription, OUT LPSTR UserName ) /*++ Routine Description: This function uses an opened handle to a server to get the information about the job with the given JobId in the given QueueId. Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which add the job. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue JobId - Supplies the job we are interested in TargetExecutionTime - JobEntryTime - JobPosition - JobControlsFlags - TextJobDescription - Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully added the job to the queue. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwReadQueueJobEntry QueueId %08lx JobId %d\n", QueueId, JobId )); } #endif ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( handleServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 9, // Max request packet size 258, // Max response packet size "bdw|_rr==bb_C_c", // Format string 0x6C, // Read Queue Job Entry QueueId, // Queue ID JobId, // Job ID 10, // Skip bytes TargetExecutionTime, // Array storing execution time 6, // Size of TargetExecutionTime JobEntryTime, // Array storing job entry time 6, // Size of JobEntryTime JobPosition, // Job Position JobControlFlags, // Job Control Flag 26, // Skip bytes TextJobDescription, // Array storing the description 50, // Maximum size in the above array 32, // Skip bytes UserName // Banner Name ); #if DBG if ( NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus)) { IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwReadQueueJobEntry JobPosition %d Status %d Description %s\n", *JobPosition, *JobControlFlags, TextJobDescription )); } } #endif return NwMapStatus(ntstatus); } DWORD NwGetQueueJobsFileSize( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId, IN WORD JobId, OUT LPDWORD FileSize ) /*++ Routine Description: This function uses an opened handle to a server to get the file size of the given job. Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which add the job. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue JobId - Identifying the job we are interested in FileSize - Receives the file size of the given job Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully retrieved the file size. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwGetQueueJobsFileSize QueueId %08lx JobId %d\n", QueueId, JobId )); } #endif ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( handleServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 9, // Max request packet size 12, // Max response packet size "bdw|===d", // Format string 0x78, // Get Queue Job's File Size QueueId, // Queue ID JobId, // Job ID FileSize // File Size ); #if DBG if ( NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus)) { IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwGetQueueJobsFileSize File Size %d\n", *FileSize )); } } #endif return NwMapStatus(ntstatus); } DWORD NwChangeQueueJobPosition( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId, IN WORD JobId, IN BYTE NewPosition ) /*++ Routine Description: This function uses an opened handle to a server to get the change a job's position in a queue. Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which add the job. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue JobId - Identifying the job we are interested in NewPosition - Supplies the new position of the job Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully retrieved the file size. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwChangeQueueJobPosition QueueId %08lx JobId %d NewPosition %d\n", QueueId, JobId, NewPosition )); } #endif ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( handleServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 10, // Max request packet size 2, // Max response packet size "bdwb|", // Format string 0x6E, // Change Queue Job Position QueueId, // Queue ID JobId, // Job ID NewPosition // New position of the job ); return NwMapStatus(ntstatus); } DWORD NwChangeQueueJobEntry( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId, IN WORD JobId, IN DWORD dwCommand, IN PNW_JOB_INFO pNwJobInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This function uses an opened handle to a server to get the change a job's position in a queue. Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which add the job. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue JobId - Identifying the job we are interested in JobControlFlags - Supplies the new job control flags pNwJobInfo - Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully retrieved the file size. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; DWORD TargetServerId; JOBTIME TargetExecutionTime; WORD JobType; BYTE JobControlFlags; BYTE TextJobDescription[50]; BYTE ClientRecordArea[152]; UNICODE_STRING UDocumentName; OEM_STRING OemDocumentName; UNICODE_STRING UUserName; OEM_STRING OemUserName; LPSTR pszDocument, pszUser; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwChangeQueueJobEntry QueueId %08lx JobId %d dwCommand %d\n", QueueId, JobId, dwCommand )); } #endif if ( pNwJobInfo ) { if ( pNwJobInfo->pUserName ) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &UUserName, pNwJobInfo->pUserName); ntstatus = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemUserName, &UUserName, TRUE ); } if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus) && pNwJobInfo->pDocument ) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &UDocumentName, pNwJobInfo->pDocument); ntstatus = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemDocumentName, &UDocumentName, TRUE ); } if ( NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus)) { pszDocument = pNwJobInfo->pDocument? OemDocumentName.Buffer : ""; pszUser = pNwJobInfo->pUserName? OemUserName.Buffer: ""; } } if ( NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus)) { ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( handleServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 9, // Max request packet size 258, // Max response packet size "bdw|_dr_w-b_rr", // Format string 0x6C, // Read Queue Job Entry QueueId, // Queue ID JobId, // Job ID 6, // Skip bytes &TargetServerId, // Target Server ID Number TargetExecutionTime, // Target Execution Time 6, // sizeof TargetExecutionTime 8, // Skip bytes &JobType, // Job Type &JobControlFlags, // Job Control flags 26, // Skip bytes TextJobDescription, // TextJobDescription 50, // sizeof TextJobDescription ClientRecordArea, // Client record area 152 // sizeof ClientRecordArea ); } if ( NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus)) { switch ( dwCommand ) { case JOB_CONTROL_PAUSE: JobControlFlags |= QF_USER_HOLD; break; case JOB_CONTROL_RESUME: JobControlFlags &= ~( QF_USER_HOLD | QF_OPERATOR_HOLD ); break; default: break; } ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( handleServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 263, // Max request packet size 2, // Max response packet size "bd_dr_ww-b_CrCr|", // Format string 0x6D, // Change Queue Job Entry QueueId, // Queue ID 6, // Skip bytes TargetServerId, // Target Server ID Number TargetExecutionTime, // Target Execution Time 6, // sizeof TargetExecutionTime 6, // Skip bytes JobId, // Job ID JobType, // Job Type JobControlFlags, // Job Control Flags 26, // Skip bytes pNwJobInfo? pszDocument : TextJobDescription, // Description 50, // Skip bytes of Description ClientRecordArea, // Client Record Area 32, // First 32 bytes of the above pNwJobInfo? pszUser : (LPSTR) &ClientRecordArea[32], // Banner Name 13, // sizeof BannerName &ClientRecordArea[45], // Rest of the Client Area 107 // sizeof the above ); if ( pNwJobInfo ) { if ( pNwJobInfo->pDocument ) RtlFreeOemString( &OemDocumentName ); if ( pNwJobInfo->pUserName ) RtlFreeOemString( &OemUserName ); } } return NwMapStatus(ntstatus); } DWORD NwGetQueueJobs( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId, IN LPWSTR PrinterName, IN DWORD FirstJobRequested, IN DWORD EntriesRequested, IN DWORD Level, OUT LPBYTE Buffer, IN DWORD cbBuf, OUT LPDWORD BytesNeeded, OUT LPDWORD Entries ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which add the job. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue Return Value: --*/ { DWORD err = NO_ERROR; DWORD i; WORD JobCount; WORD pwJobList[250]; DWORD EntrySize = 0; LPBYTE FixedPortion = Buffer; LPWSTR EndOfVariableData = ( LPWSTR ) ((DWORD) Buffer + cbBuf ); #if DBG IF_DEBUG(QUEUE) KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwGetQueueJobs QueueId %08lx\n", QueueId)); #endif *BytesNeeded = 0; *Entries = 0; err = NwGetQueueJobList( handleServer, QueueId, &JobCount, pwJobList ); if ( err ) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwGetQueueJobList Error %d\n", err )); return err; } for ( i = 0; (i < EntriesRequested) && ( i+FirstJobRequested+1 <= JobCount); i++ ) { err = NwGetQueueJobInfo( handleServer, QueueId, pwJobList[i+FirstJobRequested], PrinterName, Level, &FixedPortion, &EndOfVariableData, &EntrySize ); if ( err != NO_ERROR && err != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) break; *BytesNeeded += EntrySize; } if ( err == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { *Entries = 0; } else if ( err == NO_ERROR ) { *Entries = i; } return err; } DWORD NwGetQueueJobInfo( IN HANDLE handleServer, IN DWORD QueueId, IN WORD JobId, IN LPWSTR PrinterName, IN DWORD Level, IN OUT LPBYTE *FixedPortion, IN OUT LPWSTR *EndOfVariableData, OUT LPDWORD EntrySize ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: handleServer - Supplies the handle to the server on which add the job. QueueId - Supplies the id of the queue Return Value: --*/ { DWORD err; LPWSTR UTextJobDescription = NULL; LPWSTR UUserName = NULL; JOBTIME TargetExecutionTime; JOBTIME JobEntryTime; BYTE JobPosition; BYTE JobControlFlags; CHAR UserName[14]; CHAR TextJobDescription[50]; DWORD FileSize = 0; err = NwReadQueueJobEntry( handleServer, QueueId, JobId, TargetExecutionTime, JobEntryTime, &JobPosition, &JobControlFlags, TextJobDescription, UserName ); if ( err ) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwReadQueueJobEntry JobId %d Error %d\n", JobId, err )); return err; } if (!NwConvertToUnicode( &UTextJobDescription, TextJobDescription )) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; goto ErrorExit ; } if (!NwConvertToUnicode( &UUserName, UserName )) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; goto ErrorExit ; } *EntrySize = ( Level == 1? sizeof( JOB_INFO_1W ) : sizeof( JOB_INFO_2W )) + ( wcslen( UTextJobDescription ) + wcslen( UUserName) + wcslen( PrinterName ) + 3 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ); // // See if the buffer is large enough to fit the entry // if ( ((DWORD) *FixedPortion + *EntrySize ) > (DWORD) *EndOfVariableData ) { err = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto ErrorExit ; } if ( Level == 2 ) { err = NwGetQueueJobsFileSize( handleServer, QueueId, JobId, &FileSize ); if ( err ) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwGetQueueJobsFileSize JobId %d Error %d\n", JobId, err )); goto ErrorExit ; } } err = NwWriteJobInfoEntry( FixedPortion, EndOfVariableData, Level, JobId, PrinterName, UTextJobDescription, UUserName, JobControlFlags, JobPosition, JobEntryTime, TargetExecutionTime, FileSize ); ErrorExit: if (UTextJobDescription) (void) LocalFree((HLOCAL) UTextJobDescription) ; if (UUserName) (void) LocalFree((HLOCAL) UUserName) ; return err; } DWORD NwWriteJobInfoEntry( IN OUT LPBYTE *FixedPortion, IN OUT LPWSTR *EndOfVariableData, IN DWORD Level, IN WORD JobId, IN LPWSTR PrinterName, IN LPWSTR JobDescription, IN LPWSTR UserName, IN BYTE JobControlFlags, IN BYTE JobPosition, IN JOBTIME JobEntryTime, IN JOBTIME TargetExecutionTime, IN DWORD FileSize ) /*++ Routine Description: This function packages a JOB_INFO_1 or JOB_INFO_2 entry into the user output buffer. Arguments: FixedPortion - Supplies a pointer to the output buffer where the next entry of the fixed portion of the use information will be written. This pointer is updated to point to the next fixed portion entry after a PRINT_INFO_1 entry is written. EndOfVariableData - Supplies a pointer just off the last available byte in the output buffer. This is because the variable portion of the user information is written into the output buffer starting from the end. This pointer is updated after any variable length information is written to the output buffer. Return Value: NO_ERROR - Successfully wrote entry into user buffer. ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER - Buffer was too small to fit entry. --*/ { DWORD err = NO_ERROR; BOOL FitInBuffer = TRUE; DWORD JobStatus = 0; JOB_INFO_1W *pJobInfo1 = (JOB_INFO_1W *) *FixedPortion; JOB_INFO_2W *pJobInfo2 = (JOB_INFO_2W *) *FixedPortion; if ( ( JobControlFlags & QF_USER_HOLD ) || ( JobControlFlags & QF_OPERATOR_HOLD ) ) { JobStatus = JOB_STATUS_PAUSED; } // // See if buffer is large enough to fit the entry. // if ( Level == 1 ) { pJobInfo1->JobId = JobId; pJobInfo1->Position = JobPosition; pJobInfo1->Status = JobStatus; if ( err = ConvertToSystemTime( JobEntryTime, &pJobInfo1->Submitted )) return err; pJobInfo1->pMachineName = NULL; pJobInfo1->pDatatype = NULL; pJobInfo1->pStatus = NULL; pJobInfo1->Priority = 0; pJobInfo1->TotalPages = 0; pJobInfo1->PagesPrinted = 0; // // Update fixed entry pointer to next entry. // (DWORD) (*FixedPortion) += sizeof(JOB_INFO_1W); // // PrinterName // FitInBuffer = NwlibCopyStringToBuffer( PrinterName, wcslen(PrinterName), (LPCWSTR) *FixedPortion, EndOfVariableData, &pJobInfo1->pPrinterName ); ASSERT(FitInBuffer); // // UserName // FitInBuffer = NwlibCopyStringToBuffer( UserName, wcslen(UserName), (LPCWSTR) *FixedPortion, EndOfVariableData, &pJobInfo1->pUserName ); ASSERT(FitInBuffer); // // Description // FitInBuffer = NwlibCopyStringToBuffer( JobDescription, wcslen(JobDescription), (LPCWSTR) *FixedPortion, EndOfVariableData, &pJobInfo1->pDocument ); ASSERT(FitInBuffer); } else // Level == 2 { pJobInfo2->JobId = JobId; pJobInfo2->Position = JobPosition; pJobInfo2->Status = JobStatus; if ( err = ConvertToSystemTime( JobEntryTime, &pJobInfo2->Submitted )) return err; pJobInfo2->StartTime = 0; pJobInfo2->Size = FileSize; pJobInfo2->pMachineName = NULL; pJobInfo2->pNotifyName = NULL; pJobInfo2->pDatatype = NULL; pJobInfo2->pPrintProcessor = NULL; pJobInfo2->pParameters = NULL; pJobInfo2->pDriverName = NULL; pJobInfo2->pDevMode = NULL; pJobInfo2->pStatus = NULL; pJobInfo2->pSecurityDescriptor = NULL; pJobInfo2->Priority = 0; pJobInfo2->TotalPages = 0; pJobInfo2->UntilTime = 0; pJobInfo2->Time = 0; pJobInfo2->PagesPrinted = 0; // // Update fixed entry pointer to next entry. // (DWORD) (*FixedPortion) += sizeof(JOB_INFO_2W); // // PrinterName // FitInBuffer = NwlibCopyStringToBuffer( PrinterName, wcslen(PrinterName), (LPCWSTR) *FixedPortion, EndOfVariableData, &pJobInfo2->pPrinterName ); ASSERT(FitInBuffer); // // UserName // FitInBuffer = NwlibCopyStringToBuffer( UserName, wcslen(UserName), (LPCWSTR) *FixedPortion, EndOfVariableData, &pJobInfo2->pUserName ); ASSERT(FitInBuffer); // // Description // FitInBuffer = NwlibCopyStringToBuffer( JobDescription, wcslen(JobDescription), (LPCWSTR) *FixedPortion, EndOfVariableData, &pJobInfo2->pDocument ); ASSERT(FitInBuffer); } if (!FitInBuffer) return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; return NO_ERROR; } DWORD ConvertToSystemTime( IN JOBTIME JobTime, OUT LPSYSTEMTIME pSystemTime ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: JobTime - pSystemTime - Return Value: --*/ { FILETIME fileTimeLocal, fileTimeUTC; pSystemTime->wYear = JobTime[0] + 1900; pSystemTime->wMonth = JobTime[1]; pSystemTime->wDay = JobTime[2]; pSystemTime->wDayOfWeek = 0; pSystemTime->wHour = JobTime[3]; pSystemTime->wMinute = JobTime[4]; pSystemTime->wSecond = JobTime[5]; pSystemTime->wMilliseconds = 0; if ( ( !SystemTimeToFileTime( pSystemTime, &fileTimeLocal ) ) || ( !LocalFileTimeToFileTime( &fileTimeLocal, &fileTimeUTC ) ) || ( !FileTimeToSystemTime( &fileTimeUTC, pSystemTime ) ) ) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: Time Conversion Error = %d\n",GetLastError())); return GetLastError(); } return NO_ERROR; } #ifndef NOT_USED DWORD NwCreateQueue ( IN HANDLE hServer, IN LPWSTR pszQueue, OUT LPDWORD pQueueId ) /*+++ Routine Description: Uses the handle opened to a server to create a queue on the server. Return the Queue Id if successful. Arguments: hServer : Handle to the file Server pszQueue : Name of the queue that you are creating on the server pQueueId : Address of QueueId Return Value: An error condition as it arises. NO_ERROR: Successful in adding printer name ERROR : otherwise --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; WORD ObjectType; UNICODE_STRING UQueueName; OEM_STRING OemQueueName; *pQueueId = 0; #if DBG IF_DEBUG(PRINT) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwCreateQueue : %ws\n", pszQueue)); } #endif RtlInitUnicodeString( &UQueueName, pszQueue); ntstatus = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemQueueName, &UQueueName, TRUE); if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( hServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, 174, 6, "bwpbp|d", 0x64, //Create Queue 0x0003, // Queue Type = Print Queue OemQueueName.Buffer, //Queue Name 0x00, // Directory Handle "SYS:SYSTEM", //queue created in SYS:SYSTEM directory pQueueId ); } else { goto Exit; } if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { #if DBG IF_DEBUG(ENUM) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: NwCreateQueue successful\n" )); } #endif } else goto FreeExit; // Change Property Security on Q_OPERATORS ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp ( hServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, 70, 2, "bwpbp|", 0x3B, 0x0003, OemQueueName.Buffer, 0x1, //New Property security "Q_OPERATORS" ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { #if DBG IF_DEBUG(PRINT) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: Change Property Security successful\n" )); } #endif } else //unable to add new property security, so destroy queue and go to end { (void) NwDestroyQueue( hServer, *pQueueId ); goto FreeExit; } // Add Bindery Object of Type Queue to Set ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp ( hServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 122, 2, "bwppwp|", 0x41, 0x0003, OemQueueName.Buffer, "Q_OPERATORS", 0x0001, "SUPERVISOR" ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { #if DBG IF_DEBUG(PRINT) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: Add Bindery Object:Q_OPERATORS\n" )); } #endif } else { (void)NwDestroyQueue(hServer,*pQueueId); goto FreeExit; } // Add Bindery Object to Set of Q_USERS ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp ( hServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 122, 2, "bwppwp|", 0x41, 0x0003, OemQueueName.Buffer, "Q_USERS", 0x0002, "EVERYONE" ); // bunch of parameters to Add Bindery Object to Set Q_USERS if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { #if DBG IF_DEBUG(PRINT) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: AddBinderyObjecttoSet Q_USERS\n" )); } #endif } FreeExit: RtlFreeOemString( &OemQueueName); Exit: return NwMapBinderyCompletionCode(ntstatus); } DWORD NwAssocPServers ( IN HANDLE hServer, IN LPWSTR pszQueue, IN LPWSTR pszPServer ) /*+++ Routine Description: Associates a list of Q Servers with a queue id. This list is supplied to this routine as pszPServer with entries separated by semicolons Arguments: hServer : Handle to the file Server pszQueue : Name of the queue to which to associate the Q servers pszPServer : List of Q Servers. Return Value: An error condition as it arises. 0x0 is returned if there is no error BUGBUG: Current implementation does not return an error condition in any case --*/ { LPWSTR pszPServerlist = NULL; LPWSTR pszNextPServer = NULL; DWORD err = 0x00000000 ; NTSTATUS ntstatus ; UNICODE_STRING UQueueName, UNextPServer; OEM_STRING OemQueueName,OemNextPServer; if (pszPServer == NULL) return NO_ERROR; if((pszPServerlist = AllocNwSplStr(pszPServer)) == NULL) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; return err; } RtlInitUnicodeString( &UQueueName, pszQueue); ntstatus = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemQueueName, &UQueueName, TRUE); if (! NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { goto Exit; } while( (pszNextPServer = GetNextElement(&pszPServerlist, L';')) != NULL ) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &UNextPServer, pszNextPServer); ntstatus = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemNextPServer, &UNextPServer, TRUE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { RtlFreeOemString(&OemNextPServer); goto Exit; } //NwlibMakeNcp should associate a print server with a printer // Add Bindery Object to Set ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp ( hServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function 122, 2, "bwppwp|", 0x41, 0x0003, OemQueueName.Buffer, "Q_SERVERS", 0x0007, // Object of type Print Server OemNextPServer.Buffer ); RtlFreeOemString(&OemNextPServer); if (!( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus))) { RtlFreeOemString(&OemNextPServer); goto Exit; } } RtlFreeOemString(&OemQueueName); Exit: return NwMapBinderyCompletionCode(ntstatus); } DWORD NwDestroyQueue (HANDLE hServer, DWORD dwQueueId) /*+++ Routine Description: Makes the Ncp call to destroy the queue given by dwQueueId Arguments: dwQueueId : Id of the queue you are creating. Return Value: An error condition as it arises. 0x0 is returned if there is no error ---*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( hServer, FSCTL_NWR_NCP_E3H, 7, 2, "bd|", 0x65, dwQueueId ); #if DBG if ( NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { IF_DEBUG(PRINT) { KdPrint(("NWWORKSTATION: Queue successfully destroyed\n")); } } #endif return NwMapBinderyCompletionCode(ntstatus); } #endif // #ifndef NOT_USED