/*++ Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: vwdll.c Abstract: ntVdm netWare (Vw) IPX/SPX Functions Vw: The peoples' network VDD functions for DOS/WOW IPX/SPX support Contents: VwDllEntryPoint VwInitialize VWinInitialize VwDispatcher VwInvalidFunction Author: Richard L Firth (rfirth) 30-Sep-1993 Environment: User-mode Win32 Revision History: 30-Sep-1993 rfirth Created --*/ #include "vw.h" #pragma hdrstop // // private prototypes // PRIVATE VOID VwInvalidFunction( VOID ); // // private data // PRIVATE VOID (*VwDispatchTable[])(VOID) = { VwIPXOpenSocket, // 0x00 VwIPXCloseSocket, // 0x01 VwIPXGetLocalTarget, // 0x02 VwIPXSendPacket, // 0x03 VwIPXListenForPacket, // 0x04 VwIPXScheduleIPXEvent, // 0x05 VwIPXCancelEvent, // 0x06 VwIPXScheduleAESEvent, // 0x07 VwIPXGetIntervalMarker, // 0x08 VwIPXGetInternetworkAddress, // 0x09 VwIPXRelinquishControl, // 0x0A VwIPXDisconnectFromTarget, // 0x0B VwInvalidFunction, // 0x0C VwInvalidFunction, // 0x0D old-style GetMaxPacketSize VwInvalidFunction, // 0x0E VwInvalidFunction, // 0x0F internal send packet function VwSPXInitialize, // 0x10 VwSPXEstablishConnection, // 0x11 VwSPXListenForConnection, // 0x12 VwSPXTerminateConnection, // 0x13 VwSPXAbortConnection, // 0x14 VwSPXGetConnectionStatus, // 0x15 VwSPXSendSequencedPacket, // 0x16 VwSPXListenForSequencedPacket, // 0x17 VwInvalidFunction, // 0x18 VwInvalidFunction, // 0x19 VwIPXGetMaxPacketSize, // 0x1A VwInvalidFunction, // 0x1B VwInvalidFunction, // 0x1C VwInvalidFunction, // 0x1D VwInvalidFunction, // 0x1E VwIPXGetInformation, // 0x1F VwIPXSendWithChecksum, // 0x20 VwIPXGenerateChecksum, // 0x21 VwIPXVerifyChecksum // 0x22 }; #define MAX_IPXSPX_FUNCTION LAST_ELEMENT(VwDispatchTable) WSADATA WsaData = {0}; HANDLE hAesThread = NULL; // // global data // SOCKADDR_IPX MyInternetAddress; WORD MyMaxPacketSize; int Ica; BYTE IcaLine; // // not-really-global data // extern CRITICAL_SECTION SerializationCritSec; extern CRITICAL_SECTION AsyncCritSec; // // functions // BOOL WINAPI VwDllEntryPoint( IN PVOID DllHandle, IN ULONG Reason, IN PCONTEXT Context OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Called when the process attaches (LoadLibrary/init) and detaches (FreeLibrary/ process termination) from this DLL Attach: initialize Winsock DLL get internet address for this station get maximum packet size supported by transport (IPX) create AES thread Detach: terminate Winsock DLL Arguments: DllHandle - unused Reason - checked for process attach/detach Context - unused Return Value: BOOLEAN --*/ { DWORD aesThreadId; // unused outside of this function static BOOL CriticalSectionsAreInitialized = FALSE; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(DllHandle); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); IPXDBGSTART(); IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VwDllEntryPoint: %s\n", Reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ? "DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH" : Reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH ? "DLL_PROCESS_DETACH" : Reason == DLL_THREAD_ATTACH ? "DLL_THREAD_ATTACH" : Reason == DLL_THREAD_DETACH ? "DLL_THREAD_DETACH" : "?" )); if (Reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { int err; // // BUGBUG: get ICA values from new VDD service. Right now we grab // line 4 on the slave (base = 0x70, modifier = 0x03) // Ica = ICA_SLAVE; IcaLine = 3; err = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &WsaData); if (err) { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_FATAL, "VwDllEntryPoint: WSAStartup() returns %d\n", err )); return FALSE; } else { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VwDllEntryPoint: WsaData:\n" "\twVersion : 0x%04x\n" "\twHighVersion : 0x%04x\n" "\tszDescription : \"%s\"\n" "\tszSystemStatus : \"%s\"\n" "\tiMaxSockets : %d\n" "\tiMaxUdpDg : %d\n" "\tlpVendorInfo : 0x%08x\n", WsaData.wVersion, WsaData.wHighVersion, WsaData.szDescription, WsaData.szSystemStatus, WsaData.iMaxSockets, WsaData.iMaxUdpDg, WsaData.lpVendorInfo )); } // // retrieve the internet address for this station. Used in // IPXGetInternetworkAddress() and IPXSendPacket() // err = GetInternetAddress(&MyInternetAddress); if (err) { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_FATAL, "VwDllEntryPoint: GetInternetAddress() returns %d\n", WSAGetLastError() )); goto attach_error_exit; } else { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VwDllEntryPoint: MyInternetAddress:\n" "\tNet : %02.2x-%02.2x-%02.2x-%02.2x\n" "\tNode : %02.2x-%02.2x-%02.2x-%02.2x-%02.2x-%02.2x\n", MyInternetAddress.sa_netnum[0] & 0xff, MyInternetAddress.sa_netnum[1] & 0xff, MyInternetAddress.sa_netnum[2] & 0xff, MyInternetAddress.sa_netnum[3] & 0xff, MyInternetAddress.sa_nodenum[0] & 0xff, MyInternetAddress.sa_nodenum[1] & 0xff, MyInternetAddress.sa_nodenum[2] & 0xff, MyInternetAddress.sa_nodenum[3] & 0xff, MyInternetAddress.sa_nodenum[4] & 0xff, MyInternetAddress.sa_nodenum[5] & 0xff )); } // // get the maximum packet size supported by IPX. Used in // IPXGetMaxPacketSize() // err = GetMaxPacketSize(&MyMaxPacketSize); if (err) { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_FATAL, "VwDllEntryPoint: GetMaxPacketSize() returns %d\n", WSAGetLastError() )); goto attach_error_exit; } else { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VwDllEntryPoint: GetMaxPacketSize: %04x (%d)\n", MyMaxPacketSize, MyMaxPacketSize )); } hAesThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)VwAesThread, NULL, 0, &aesThreadId ); if (hAesThread == NULL) { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_FATAL, "VwDllEntryPoint: CreateThread() returns %d\n", GetLastError() )); goto attach_error_exit; } // // finally initialize any critical sections // InitializeCriticalSection(&SerializationCritSec); InitializeCriticalSection(&AsyncCritSec); CriticalSectionsAreInitialized = TRUE; } else if (Reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { if (hAesThread != NULL) { WaitForSingleObject(hAesThread, ONE_TICK * 2); CloseHandle(hAesThread); } WSACleanup(); if (CriticalSectionsAreInitialized) { DeleteCriticalSection(&SerializationCritSec); DeleteCriticalSection(&AsyncCritSec); } IPXDBGEND(); } return TRUE; attach_error_exit: // // here if any fatal errors on process attach after successfully performing // WSAStartup // WSACleanup(); return FALSE; } BYTE VWinInitialize( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Called by interface when nwipxspx.dll is loaded. We return the IRQ value. Arguments: None. Return Value: The IRQ value. --*/ { return 0x73; } VOID VwInitialize( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Called by VDD interface when DLL loaded via call to RegisterModule. We get the IRQ value and return it as an interrupt vector in BX Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VwInitialize\n" )); // // only lines on slave PIC are available. Currently, lines 3, 4 and 7 are // not used. We'll grab line 3 here, but in the future we expect a function // to return the available IRQ line // setBX( VWinInitialize() ); } VOID VwDispatcher( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Branches to relevant IPX/SPX handler for DOS calls, based on contents of VDM BX register. Control transfered here from 16-bit entry point, either as result of call to far address returned from INT 2Fh/AH=7A or INT 7Ah Special: we use BX = 0xFFFF to indicate that the app is terminating. The TSR hooks INT 0x2F/AX=0x1122 (IFSResetEnvironment) Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD dispatchIndex; dispatchIndex = (DWORD)getBX() & 0x7fff; if (dispatchIndex <= MAX_IPXSPX_FUNCTION) { VwDispatchTable[dispatchIndex](); } else if (dispatchIndex == 0x7FFE) { EsrCallback(); } else if (dispatchIndex == 0x7FFF) { VwTerminateProgram(); } else { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ERROR: VwDispatcher: dispatchIndex = %x\n", dispatchIndex )); // // BUGBUG - what's the correct error code to return in this situation? // (will it ever arise?) // setAX(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); setCF(1); } } PRIVATE VOID VwInvalidFunction( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Just alerts us to the fact that an invalid function request was made. Useful if any app makes a bad call, or we miss out a required function during design/implementation Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VwInvalidFunction: BX=%04x\n", getBX() )); }