/*++ Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: vwinapi.c Abstract: ntVdm netWare (Vw) IPX/SPX Functions Contains handlers for WOW IPX/SPX calls (netware functions). The IPX/SPX APIs use WinSock to perform the actual operations Contents: VWinIPXCancelEvent VWinIPXCloseSocket VWinIPXDisconnectFromTarget VWinIPXGetInternetworkAddress VWinIPXGetIntervalMarker VWinIPXGetLocalTarget VWinIPXGetLocalTargetAsync VWinIPXGetMaxPacketSize VWinIPXInitialize VWinIPXListenForPacket VWinIPXOpenSocket VWinIPXRelinquishControl VWinIPXScheduleIPXEvent VWinIPXSendPacket VWinIPXSPXDeinit VWinSPXAbortConnection VWinSPXEstablishConnection VWinSPXGetConnectionStatus VWinSPXInitialize VWinSPXListenForConnection VWinSPXListenForSequencedPacket VWinSPXSendSequencedPacket VWinSPXTerminateConnection Author: Yi-Hsin Sung ( yihsins ) 28-Oct-1993 Environment: User-mode Win32 Revision History: 28-Oct-1993 yihsins Created --*/ #include "vw.h" #pragma hdrstop // // functions // WORD VWinIPXCancelEvent( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN LPECB pEcb ) /*++ Routine Description: Cancels event described by an ECB This call is Synchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID pECB Return Value: 00h Success F9h Can't cancel ECB FFh ECB not in use --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_IPXCancelEvent, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXCancelEvent\n" )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); return _VwIPXCancelEvent( pEcb ); } VOID VWinIPXCloseSocket( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN WORD socketNumber ) /*++ Routine Description: Closes a socket and cancels any outstanding events on the socket. Closing an unopened socket does not return an error ESRs in cancelled ECBs are not called This call is Synchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID socketNumber Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_IPXCloseSocket, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXCloseSocket(%#x)\n", B2LW(socketNumber) )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); _VwIPXCloseSocket( socketNumber ); } VOID VWinIPXDisconnectFromTarget( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN LPBYTE pNetworkAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Performs no action for NTVDM IPX This call is Synchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID pNetworkAddress Outputs Nothing Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_IPXDisconnectFromTarget, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXDisconnectFromTarget\n" )); } VOID VWinIPXGetInternetworkAddress( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, OUT LPINTERNET_ADDRESS pNetworkAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns a buffer containing the net number and node number for this station. This function cannot return an error (!) Assumes: 1. GetInternetAddress has been successfully called in the DLL initialization phase This call is Synchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID Outputs pNetworkAddress Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_IPXGetInternetworkAddress, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXGetInternetworkAddress\n" )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); _VwIPXGetInternetworkAddress( pNetworkAddress ); } WORD VWinIPXGetIntervalMarker( IN DWORD IPXTaskID ) /*++ Routine Description: Just returns the tick count maintained by Asynchronous Event Scheduler This call is Synchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID Outputs Return Value: The tick count. --*/ { WORD intervalMarker = _VwIPXGetIntervalMarker(); IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_IPXGetIntervalMarker, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXGetIntervalMarker: Returning %04x\n", intervalMarker )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); return intervalMarker; } WORD VWinIPXGetLocalTarget( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN LPBYTE pNetworkAddress, OUT LPBYTE pImmediateAddress, OUT ULPWORD pTransportTime ) /*++ Routine Description: Given a target address of the form (network address {4}, node address {6}), returns the node address of the target if on the same network, or the node address of the router which knows how to get to the next hop in reaching the eventual target This call is Synchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID pNetworkAddress Outputs pImmediateAddress pTransportTime Return Value: 00h Success F1h Ipx/Spx Not Initialized FAh No path to destination node found --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_IPXGetLocalTarget, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXGetLocalTarget\n" )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); return _VwIPXGetLocalTarget( pNetworkAddress, pImmediateAddress, pTransportTime ); } WORD VWinIPXGetLocalTargetAsync( IN LPBYTE pSendAGLT, OUT LPBYTE pListenAGLT, IN WORD windowsHandle ) /*++ Routine Description: description-of-function. This call is Asynchronous Arguments: pSendAGLT pListenAGLT windowsHandle Return Value: 00h Success F1h Ipx/Spx Not Initialized FAh No Local Target Identified --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXGetLocalTargetAsync\n" )); return IPX_SUCCESS; // return success for now } WORD VWinIPXGetMaxPacketSize( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the maximum packet size the underlying network can handle Assumes: 1. A successfull call to GetMaxPacketSize has been made during DLL initialization 2. Maximum packet size is constant This call is Synchronous Arguments: Inputs None. Return Value: The max packet size. --*/ { // // this is a WORD function in DOS and Windows: always return MaxPacketSize // in AX // WORD maxPacketSize = _VwIPXGetMaxPacketSize( NULL ); IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_IPXGetMaxPacketSize, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXGetMaxPacketSize: PacketSize=%d\n", maxPacketSize )); return maxPacketSize; } WORD VWinIPXInitialize( IN OUT ULPDWORD pIPXTaskID, IN WORD maxECBs, IN WORD maxPacketSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Get the entry address for the IPX Interface. Arguments: Inputs maxECBs maxPacketSize Output pIPXTaskID Return Value: 00h Success F0h Ipx NotInstalled F1h Ipx/Spx Not Initialized F2h No Dos Memory F3h No Free Ecb F4h Lock Failed F5h Over the maximum limit F6h Ipx/Spx Previously Initialized --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXInitialize (MaxECBs=%04x, MaxPacketSize=%04x)\n", maxECBs, maxPacketSize )); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( maxECBs ); // ignore for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( maxPacketSize ); // ignore for now // *pIPXTaskID = 0; // BUGBUG Can we ignore this? return IPX_SUCCESS; } VOID VWinIPXListenForPacket( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN LPECB pEcb, IN ECB_ADDRESS EcbAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Queue a listen request against a socket. All listen requests will be completed asynchronously, unless cancelled by app This call is Asynchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID pEcb EcbAddress Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_IPXListenForPacket, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXListenForPacket(%04x:%04x)\n", HIWORD(EcbAddress), LOWORD(EcbAddress) )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); (VOID) _VwIPXListenForPacket( pEcb, EcbAddress ); } WORD VWinIPXOpenSocket( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN OUT ULPWORD pSocketNumber, IN BYTE socketType ) /*++ Routine Description: Opens a socket for use by IPX or SPX.Puts the socket into non-blocking mode. The socket will be bound to IPX. This call is Synchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID *pSocketNumber socketType - Socket Longevity flag Outputs pSocketNumber - Assigned socket number Return Value: 00h Success F0h Ipx Not Installed F1h Ipx/Spx Not Initialized FEh Socket table full FFh Socket already open --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_IPXOpenSocket, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VwIPXOpenSocket(Life=%02x, Socket=%04x)\n", socketType, B2LW(*pSocketNumber) )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); return _VwIPXOpenSocket( pSocketNumber, socketType, 0 ); } VOID VWinIPXRelinquishControl( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Just sleep for a nominal amount. Netware seems to be dependent on the default setting of the PC clock, so one timer tick (1/18 second) would seem to be a good value This call is Synchronous Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_IPXRelinquishControl, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXRelinquishControl\n" )); _VwIPXRelinquishControl(); } VOID VWinIPXScheduleIPXEvent( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN WORD time, IN LPECB pEcb, IN ECB_ADDRESS EcbAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Schedules a an event to occur in some number of ticks. When the tick count reaches 0, the ECB InUse field is cleared and any ESR called This call is Asynchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID time pEcb EcbAddress Outputs Nothing Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_IPXScheduleIPXEvent, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXScheduleIPXEvent(%04x:%04x, Time:%04x)\n", HIWORD( EcbAddress ), LOWORD( EcbAddress ), time )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); _VwIPXScheduleIPXEvent( time, pEcb, EcbAddress ); } VOID VWinIPXSendPacket( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN LPECB pEcb, IN ECB_ADDRESS EcbAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Sends a packet to the target machine/router. This call can be made on a socket that is not open The app must have filled in the following IPX_ECB fields: EsrAddress Socket ImmediateAddress FragmentCount fragment descriptor fields and the following IPX_PACKET fields: PacketType Destination.Net Destination.Node Destination.Socket This call is Asynchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID pEcb EcbAddress Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_IPXSendPacket, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinIPXSendPacket(%04x:%04x)\n", HIWORD( EcbAddress ), LOWORD( EcbAddress ) )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); _VwIPXSendPacket( pEcb, EcbAddress, 0); } WORD VWinIPXSPXDeinit( IN DWORD IPXTaskID ) /*++ Routine Description: Release any resources allocated to an application by NWIPXSPX.DLL for use by other applications. This call is Synchronous Arguments: None. Return Value: 00h Successful F1h IPX/SPX Not Initialized --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_ANY, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VwIPXSPXDeinit\n" )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); return IPX_SUCCESS; } VOID VWinSPXAbortConnection( IN WORD SPXConnectionID ) /*++ Routine Description: Abort an SPX connection. This call is Synchronous Arguments: SPXConnectionID Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_SPXAbortConnection, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinSPXAbortConnection(%04x)\n", SPXConnectionID )); _VwSPXAbortConnection(SPXConnectionID); } WORD VWinSPXEstablishConnection( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN BYTE retryCount, IN BYTE watchDog, OUT ULPWORD pSPXConnectionID, IN LPECB pEcb, IN ECB_ADDRESS EcbAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Establish a connection with a listening socket. This call is Synchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID retryCount watchDog pEcb EcbAddress Outputs pSPXConnectionID pEcb Return Value: 00h Success EFh Connection Table Full F1h IPX/SPX Not Initialized FDh Malformed Packet FFh Socket Not Opened --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_SPXEstablishConnection, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinSPXEstablishConnection(%02x, %02x, %04x:%04x)\n", retryCount, watchDog, HIWORD(EcbAddress), LOWORD(EcbAddress) )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); return _VwSPXEstablishConnection( retryCount, watchDog, pSPXConnectionID, pEcb, EcbAddress ); } WORD VWinSPXGetConnectionStatus( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN WORD SPXConnectionID, IN LPSPX_CONNECTION_STATS pConnectionStats ) /*++ Routine Description: Return the status of an SPX connection. This call is Synchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID SPXConnectionID Outputs pConnectionStats Return Value: 00h Success EEh Invalid Connection F1h IPX/SPX Not Initialized --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_SPXGetConnectionStatus, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinSPXGetConnectionStatus\n" )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); return _VwSPXGetConnectionStatus( SPXConnectionID, pConnectionStats ); } WORD VWinSPXInitialize( IN OUT ULPDWORD pIPXTaskID, IN WORD maxECBs, IN WORD maxPacketSize, OUT LPBYTE pMajorRevisionNumber, OUT LPBYTE pMinorRevisionNumber, OUT ULPWORD pMaxConnections, OUT ULPWORD pAvailableConnections ) /*++ Routine Description: Informs the app that SPX is present on this station This call is Synchronous Arguments: pIPXTaskID - on input, specifies how resources will be allocated: 0x00000000 - directly to calling application 0xFFFFFFFE - directly to calling application, but multiple initializations are allowed 0xFFFFFFFF - resources allocated in a pool for multiple applications maxECBs - maximum number of outstanding ECBs maxPacketSize - maximum packet size to be sent by the app pMajorRevisionNumber - returned SPX major version # pMinorRevisionNumber - returned SPX minor version # pMaxConnections - maximum connections supported by this SPX version pAvailableConnections - number of connections available to this app Return Value: WORD 0x0000 SPX not installed 0x00F1 IPX/SPX not installed 0x00F2 no DOS memory 0x00F3 no free ECBs 0x00F4 lock failed 0x00F5 exceeded maximum limit 0x00F6 IPX/SPX already initialized 0x00FF SPX installed --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_SPXInitialize, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinSPXInitialize\n" )); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( maxECBs ); // ignore for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( maxPacketSize ); // ignore for now // // do the same thing as 16-bit windows and return the task ID unchanged // // *pIPXTaskID = 0; return _VwSPXInitialize( pMajorRevisionNumber, pMinorRevisionNumber, pMaxConnections, pAvailableConnections ); } VOID VWinSPXListenForConnection( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN BYTE retryCount, IN BYTE watchDog, IN LPECB pEcb, IN ECB_ADDRESS EcbAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Listens for an incoming connection request This call is Asynchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID retryCount watchDogFlag pEcb EcbAddress Outputs Nothing Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_SPXListenForConnection, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinSPXListenForConnection(%02x, %02x, %04x:%04x)\n", retryCount, watchDog, HIWORD(EcbAddress), LOWORD(EcbAddress) )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); _VwSPXListenForConnection( retryCount, watchDog, pEcb, EcbAddress ); } VOID VWinSPXListenForSequencedPacket( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN LPECB pEcb, IN ECB_ADDRESS EcbAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Attempts to receive an SPX packet. This call is Asynchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID pEcb EcbAddress Outputs Nothing Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_SPXListenForSequencedPacket, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinSPXListenForSequencedPacket(%04x:%04x)\n", HIWORD(EcbAddress), LOWORD(EcbAddress) )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); _VwSPXListenForSequencedPacket( pEcb, EcbAddress ); } VOID VWinSPXSendSequencedPacket( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN WORD SPXConnectionID, IN LPECB pEcb, IN ECB_ADDRESS EcbAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Sends a packet on an SPX connection This call is Asynchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID SPXConnectionID pEcb EcbAddress Outputs Nothing Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_SPXSendSequencedPacket, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinSPXSendSequencedPacket(%04x, %04x:%04x)\n", SPXConnectionID, HIWORD(EcbAddress), LOWORD(EcbAddress) )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); _VwSPXSendSequencedPacket( SPXConnectionID, pEcb, EcbAddress ); } VOID VWinSPXTerminateConnection( IN DWORD IPXTaskID, IN WORD SPXConnectionID, IN LPECB pEcb, IN ECB_ADDRESS EcbAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Terminate an SPX connection by passing a connection ID and an ECB address to SPX. Then return control to the calling application. This call is Asynchronous Arguments: Inputs IPXTaskID SPXConnectionID pEcb EcbAddress Outputs Nothing Return Value: None. --*/ { IPXDBGPRINT((__FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_SPXTerminateConnection, IPXDBG_LEVEL_INFO, "VWinSPXTerminateConnection(%04x, %04x:%04x)\n", SPXConnectionID, HIWORD(EcbAddress), LOWORD(EcbAddress) )); // ignore IPXTaskID for now UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( IPXTaskID ); _VwSPXTerminateConnection(SPXConnectionID, pEcb, EcbAddress); }