!IF 0 Copyright (c) 1991 & 1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: makefile Abstract: makefile for Vdm NetWare Redir program Author: Richard L Firth (rfirth) 13-Sep-1991 Revision History: 13-Sep-1991 rfirth Created !ENDIF .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .asm .h OBJPATH = obj ASM = masm !IFDEF NTVDM_BASED_BUILD LINK = link16 !ELSE LINK = link !ENDIF # # set the country info # !IFNDEF COUNTRY COUNTRY=usa !ENDIF # # convert NTDEBUG into DEBUG flag. NTDEBUG can be not present or retail, either # of which mean no debugging; or ntsd, cvp or sym, which means debugging support # required # !IFDEF NTDEBUG !IF "$(NTDEBUG)" == "retail" DEBUGGING=0 !ELSE DEBUGGING=1 !ENDIF !ELSE DEBUGGING=0 !ENDIF # # assembler and linker debugging options # !IF $(DEBUGGING) ASMDEBUG = /DDEBUG=1 /Zi LINKDEBUG = /CO !ELSE ASMDEBUG = /DDEBUG=0 LINKDEBUG = !ENDIF ASMINC = /I. /I..\..\inc /I..\..\..\mvdm\dos\v86\inc /I\nt\public\sdk\inc ASMFLAGS = /Mx LINKFLAGS = /MAP /CP:1 # # any other non-debug related options (for assembler) go in USERDEFS # USERDEFS = /DCALL_DOS # # Inference rules - asm to obj, h to inc # .asm{$(OBJPATH)\}.obj: $(ASM) $(ASMINC) $(ASMDEBUG) $(USERDEFS) $<,$@; .h.inc: h2inc $< -o $*.inc .asm.lst: $(ASM) $(ASMINC) $(ASMDEBUG) $(USERDEFS) /d /L $<; # # what it is we're building # TARGET = $(OBJPATH)\vwipxspx.exe MAPFILE = $(TARGET:.exe=.map) DEFFILE = ; OBJS = $(OBJPATH)\vwipxspx.obj LIBS = # # how to build it # all: makedir $(TARGET) $(TARGET): $(OBJS) $(LINK) @<< $(OBJS) $(TARGET) $(LINKFLAGS) $(LINKDEBUG) $(MAPFILE) $(LIBS) $(DEFFILE) << # # where to put it # binplace $(TARGET) # # clean build - delete all objs # #clean: makedir clean2 clean: clean2 clean2: if exist $(OBJPATH)\*.obj del $(OBJPATH)\*.obj $(MAKE) # # makedir - ensure the subdirectory for the object files exists # makedir: @-if not exist $(OBJPATH) md $(OBJPATH) # # file dependencies # $(OBJPATH)\vwipxspx.obj:\ vwipxspx.asm \ debugmac.inc \ asmmacro.inc \ segorder.inc \ messages.inc messages.inc: ..\..\inc\$(COUNTRY)\messages.inc copy ..\..\inc\$(COUNTRY)\messages.inc .